Viable suspect: Damien Echols

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IMO Damien is very much playing a victim to the extreme. I don't think the 3 are guilty (at least today I don't) but I do think that Damien exaggerates a lot.

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Lies about the origin of Exhibit 500

ECHOLS: When you have to fight against the other lawyers as hard or harder as you do against the state. Jason [Baldwin]’s lawyers. Their entire agenda was to make me look as guilty as possible, thinking somehow it was going to help him. The number one thing that people quote is Exhibit 500, a mental health report, that comes from the fact that, one day, Jason’s attorneys contacted me and said they had this idea that would be really helpful and great. I was naive. It was years ago. OK, sure, let’s do it. This woman comes and writes up this report that diagnoses me with every single mental illness known to mankind. She can’t even file it herself because she’s already perjured herself and so she takes it to another doctor to file. The number one piece of evidence that people use to try and hurt me wasn’t even filed by the state. It was filed by Jason Baldwin’s attorneys.

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When Damien's case was approaching trial his lawyers had to consider the possibility of a guilty verdict, and prepare for the penalty phase where his psychiatric issues may be put forward as mitigating factors, it was compiled by Inquisitor Inc., a private investigation company owned by Ron Lax who was working pro bono for both Jason and Damien's lawyers. Documents were aquired from Echol's three 1992 court ordered institutionalisations, his counselling sessions and his SSD application. This file was then given to psychologist James Moneypenny who examined it before testifying.

The notion that the file was 'written up' by anyone is another one of Damien's easily disprovable lies ..
The one thing that's always bothered me about Echols is that he conveniently has an answer for everything:

"I didn't drink blood. It was just a lick."

"I never read Aleister Crawley. I just knew who he was."

He really does have an answer for everything; and I believe he downplays many of the odd attributes he took pride in before the murders.
The one thing that's always bothered me about Echols is that he conveniently has an answer for everything:

"I didn't drink blood. It was just a lick."

"I never read Aleister Crawley. I just knew who he was."

He really does have an answer for everything; and I believe he downplays many of the odd attributes he took pride in before the murders.

Being an ******* doesn't mean he's a killer. I honestly feel that he probably would have been sent to jail for some other crime if the boys hadn't been killed. However there is enough evidence to imply that he didn't kill those boys.
Being an ******* doesn't mean he's a killer. I honestly feel that he probably would have been sent to jail for some other crime if the boys hadn't been killed. However there is enough evidence to imply that he didn't kill those boys.

I never said he was a killer in the slightest.

I said he has the tendency to downplay many things, but so do a lot of people in this case. TH (and JMB) downplayed the abuse of their children, amongst a plethora of other things. I can't necessarily blame them -- what else are they to do when being accused of murder -- just making an observation.
I am not making excuses here- but I am sure Echols is truly a patholological liar. Ie, it's hardwired. I will bet you a twenty he's been doing that since he was small. I see it a lot in people who were physically abused and/or socially awkward/bullied/isolated as kids. It's not always a malevolent thing. Nor do the lies always particularly have a purpose or agenda behind them, hence the lies sometimes being just downright obvious and dumb - it's a means of stress relief. It can be quite at odds with how smart a person actually is.

That said, of course these people can lie to cover their asses or gain sympathy as well.
The one thing that's always bothered me about Echols is that he conveniently has an answer for everything:

"I didn't drink blood. It was just a lick."

"I never read Aleister Crawley. I just knew who he was."

He really does have an answer for everything; and I believe he downplays many of the odd attributes he took pride in before the murders.
I cannot believe people are still citing this ridiculous non-point. how can people with greater than a sixth grade education not know who Aleister Crowley was??? That's like saying because I know who L. Ron Hubbard is, I MUST practice Scientology. Really people, this is reaching beyond sensibility. Ooh, I've also read H.P. Lovecraft, I must be Amducious. :notgood:
Can we just re-title this thread, "Things I Personally Don't Understand"?
Served death sentence for almost 19 years, 10 of which were spent in solitary confinement. Where have you been, darlin'? I think there are several people who need to work on their truths.

How about workin' on your manners?
I cannot believe people are still citing this ridiculous non-point. how can people with greater than a sixth grade education not know who Aleister Crowley was??? That's like saying because I know who L. Ron Hubbard is, I MUST practice Scientology. Really people, this is reaching beyond sensibility. Ooh, I've also read H.P. Lovecraft, I must be Amducious. :notgood:

Calm down. It was just an observation.

And for the record, everyone I've ever asked in regards to Aleister Crawley has never heard of him (at least in America). He was an English occultist who died in 1947 -- to assume a great amount of people "with greater than a sixth grade education" (cute, by the way) do know him is equally misguided, if not more -- particularly when you consider the fact that these kids grew up in the south. If you think the majority outside of Damien's group of friends knew who Aleister Crawley was, at that time (let alone now, in present day), in West Memphis, you'd either be naive or in utter denial.

People in this country can't even name the Secretary of State these days, let alone an obscure English occulist.
I think it would be very interesting to hear an interview with Damiens wife (or ex wife? Not sure what their current status is) about what its like living with him and what he's like on a day to day basis. Would be very interesting IMO
I think you mean Domini Teer, with whom he fathered a child. From his own admission, he has no contact with either of them anymore and hasn't for a very long time.

Unless you're alluding to there being trouble in paradise with Lori, of which I was unaware.
Calm down. It was just an observation.

And for the record, everyone I've ever asked in regards to Aleister Crawley has never heard of him (at least in America). He was an English occultist who died in 1947 -- to assume a great amount of people "with greater than a sixth grade education" (cute, by the way) do know him is equally misguided, if not more -- particularly when you consider the fact that these kids grew up in the south. If you think the majority outside of Damien's group of friends knew who Aleister Crawley was, at that time (let alone now, in present day), in West Memphis, you'd either be naive or in utter denial.

People in this country can't even name the Secretary of State these days, let alone an obscure English occulist.
that may well be true in your circle, it isn't in mine. i do consider the fact that the WM3 grew up in the south as did i. native tennessean, born and raised. i discovered who aleister crowley was in elementary school. his likeness was plastered for the world to see on the cover of the beatles album, sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band. by the way, while we are on the subject of aleister crowley, it might interest you all to know he was NOT a satanist. and folks should really understand the definition of occultist before throwing it around with such damning repercussion. occultism is a belief in the paranormal and magic. i believe in the paranormal. it does not make me a satanist. crowley never mentioned satan in his books, never worshipped satan. he believed that love was law and he believed in horus. i know these facts will not convince some people, but it gets old and extremely tiresome to continue to see people still beating that dead horse after 20+ years. it's just so easy to do a little research, folks.
that may well be true in your circle, it isn't in mine. i do consider the fact that the WM3 grew up in the south as did i. native tennessean, born and raised. i discovered who aleister crowley was in elementary school. his likeness was plastered for the world to see on the cover of the beatles album, sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band. by the way, while we are on the subject of aleister crowley, it might interest you all to know he was NOT a satanist. and folks should really understand the definition of occultist before throwing it around with such damning repercussion. occultism is a belief in the paranormal and magic. i believe in the paranormal. it does not make me a satanist. crowley never mentioned satan in his books, never worshipped satan. he believed that love was law and he believed in horus. i know these facts will not convince some people, but it gets old and extremely tiresome to continue to see people still beating that dead horse after 20+ years. it's just so easy to do a little research, folks.

I never alluded to him being a satanist one way or the other, at all, in this thread. Wow -- you really do make a ton of assumptions....for someone who proclaims that others shouldn't make assumptions.

And again, if you polled the majority of people in the US, they'd have no idea who Aleister Crawley is.
I never alluded to him being a satanist one way or the other, at all, in this thread. Wow -- you really do make a ton of assumptions....for someone who proclaims that others shouldn't make assumptions.

And again, if you polled the majority of people in the US, they'd have no idea who Aleister Crawley is.
Userid, if you will notice my sentence regarding satanist claims was to "you all" not "you". It was meant for everyone, supporters and non-supporters alike. No where in that statement were there any assumptions. I would personally appreciate it if you would stop attempting to make this personal or about you in some way. It isn't. Thanks in advance.
Fine -- friendly word of advice, though -- if you don't want it to turn personal next time, perhaps you shouldn't instigate such situations with comments like "people with greater than a sixth grade education." Just a thought.
Calm down. It was just an observation.

And for the record, everyone I've ever asked in regards to Aleister Crawley has never heard of him (at least in America). He was an English occultist who died in 1947 -- to assume a great amount of people "with greater than a sixth grade education" (cute, by the way) do know him is equally misguided, if not more -- particularly when you consider the fact that these kids grew up in the south. If you think the majority outside of Damien's group of friends knew who Aleister Crawley was, at that time (let alone now, in present day), in West Memphis, you'd either be naive or in utter denial.

People in this country can't even name the Secretary of State these days, let alone an obscure English occulist.

Everyone who listens to Ozzy know's who Crowley is because he has a song about him. And on top of that, one of the worlds most popular guitarist, Jimmy Page bought and lives in Crowley's castle. For those of you who don't know who he was. He was just a jackass in my opinion. Italy kicked him out because of his stupid crap.

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