Video of a 5 year old Casey at a birthday party released today

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Open your eyes to the millions of lies that they t
Nov 1, 2009
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[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony at a birthday party as a child‬‏[/ame]
Makes me want to cry! She was such a precious little girl. RIP Caylee Marie!
How can you be this cute innocent looking girl and become so evil later on in life!
Who released this video?
That was then, this is now. I really dont feel anything:(
Caylee didnt get to go to birthday parties....she didnt even seem to have any little playmates just playing by herself in the backyard playhouse, playingwith her toys by herself. SAD
ive always wondered why they didnt ever seem to try and let her play with other kids. There are lots of pics of her but none with little friends.
Thank you for posting this....

It makes me kind of sad, because Caylee will never get to be five years old, or know the excitement going to a friend's birthday party.

There is just so much that Caylee will miss out on.
Like an entire lifetime.
Wonder if that's the party CA is reputed to have gone to and raised cain because they weren't paying enough attention to ICA...?
Originally posted by feddup...
Who released this video?
That was then, this is now. I really dont feel anything
Caylee didnt get to go to birthday parties....she didnt even seem to have any little playmates just playing by herself in the backyard playhouse, playingwith her toys by herself. SAD
ive always wondered why they didnt ever seem to try and let her play with other kids. There are lots of pics of her but none with little friends.

Casey sure wanted to have HER friends but, didn't care if she found Caylee any friends.
Who released this video?
That was then, this is now. I really dont feel anything:(
Caylee didnt get to go to birthday parties....she didnt even seem to have any little playmates just playing by herself in the backyard playhouse, playingwith her toys by herself. SAD
ive always wondered why they didnt ever seem to try and let her play with other kids. There are lots of pics of her but none with little friends.
:waitasec: First of all, how do ya know she didn't have playdates? The news story is about CAYLEE. So it's reasonabble to assume the photos released and published in the media would be of her.

Secondly, I think it's a tragic mistake to think two years should be routinely and daily socialized by other two year olds.
Originally posted by feddup...

Casey sure wanted to have HER friends but, didn't care if she found Caylee any friends.
Caylee had friends!

Remember? Jeffrey Hopkins' little boy, Zachary? And, don't forget about little Annabelle!

Oh, wait, your talking about REAL people, aren't you?

Wow. Just think about how confusing ICA's lies about imaginary friends must have been for Caylee.
Who released this video?
That was then, this is now. I really dont feel anything:(
Caylee didnt get to go to birthday parties....she didnt even seem to have any little playmates just playing by herself in the backyard playhouse, playingwith her toys by herself. SAD
ive always wondered why they didnt ever seem to try and let her play with other kids. There are lots of pics of her but none with little friends.

Not to get off topic, but when I was 2 or 3, I didn't have any playmates, and neither did my children, except each other. That's rather a young age in my opinion.
:waitasec: First of all, how do ya know she didn't have playdates? The news story is about CAYLEE. So it's reasonabble to assume the photos released and published in the media would be of her.

Secondly, I think it's a tragic mistake to think two years should be routinely and daily socialized by other two year olds.

Caylee was almost 3. Why is it so harful to them to have little friends to play with at that age?
the ones who dont, theyare the ones on first day of school are the ones screaming and freaking out.
Im not saying on a daily basis but.....she didnt seem to ever be around other children. NONE of Caseys friends had children.
Caylee was almost 3. Why is it so harful to them to have little friends to play with at that age?
the ones who dont, theyare the ones on first day of school are the ones screaming and freaking out.
Im not saying on a daily basis but.....she didnt seem to ever be around other children. NONE of Caseys friends had children.

I agree. When I had my first child I was very young, so she didn't have many playmates because I had no friends with children. She went to the park and played there with other kids and she started Pre-K at 4 years old and then she met friends at that age. Now she is 13 and has plenty of friends.
:waitasec: First of all, how do ya know she didn't have playdates? The news story is about CAYLEE. So it's reasonabble to assume the photos released and published in the media would be of her.

Secondly, I think it's a tragic mistake to think two years should be routinely and daily socialized by other two year olds.

ITA I don't think there's anything wrong with having some playtime with age mates, but I'd venture to guess that MOST children younger than three (who aren't in a daycare) don't have daily playtime with age mates. My son, who is ten now, only played with age mates briefly once a week, until he started preschool at three. We went to Gymboree, and the moms we met there, started getting together weekly for playdates…(but we were all in our thirties with professional husbands when our kids were Caylee's age. Not sure how Casey & Caylee would fit in with the Gymboree set. ). Still, our playdates were weekly for maybe an hour. Not much interaction between the kids, and truthfully, it was primarily a support network for ME! ha!
How much were the A's paid for this video? Same old same old.
Cute kid. Thanks for posting it so that I could have a look.

Meh. :)
I agree. When I had my first child I was very young, so she didn't have many playmates because I had no friends with children. She went to the park and played there with other kids and she started Pre-K at 4 years old and then she met friends at that age. Now she is 13 and has plenty of friends.

My son had a little best friend at that age. When they would see each other they would scream and yell their names and run to each other LOL
Kids like to play with other kids.
Casey seems awfully shy in that video....Im wondering if she was kept at home as like Caylee and never around other kids until she started school.
If ICE had no friends with kids, there are programs she couldve gotten Caylee into. Mine was in one and loved it. It was 2 hrs twice a week. You also get to know other Mothers and compare notes. I dont think ICA was very interested in this, too wrapped up in her own life.
How much were the A's paid for this video? Same old same old.

Oh, Im sure we will see more lOL
Ca Ching Ca ching $$$$$$$
just for a dumb vid of a shy kid at some birthday party.
At first, I thought it was a vid of HER party, now it seems to be another girls. Maybe the girls Mother sold it?
I feel sorry that because Caylee died, people will make money off of her, its very sad.
Maybe I am just hard core biased against ica... But even in this video, something seems a bit off about she has 'dead eyes' or something. JMO.
I didn't even know what play dates were until a couple of years ago. Never heard of it and surely didn't have any playdates when I was Caylee's age. We got together with our cousins on an occassion (birthdays, etc...), but Caylee was an only child/only grandchild. I don't think there is anything wrong with her have so little friends her age?? It happens that way, especially when there are no other little ones in the family.

I also want to know how much the Anthony's sold this one for and how many more they have in their back pocket?

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