Video Shows Woman Ignored While Dying in New York Hospital

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Interesting to me that the entire time, Ms. Tan dress is doing absolutely nothing and only starts to raise a fit after fourty five minutes. Someone dies while I'm sitting in a waiting room, and I'm going to making some noise right away.
But it was a psychiatric ward ER. The patients that saw that, probably see terrible stuff everyday. I'm not sure they would have thought to do anything. The guards on the other hand...that is a different matter. How could they not ask for help?
Complete apathy is something I just cannot understand. This is reminescent of the woman who died on the airplane after being refused oxygen or the woman who died in the ER waiting room after patients repeated told staffers she was in serious trouble. The security guards should be serve more punishment than just being fired. They stood by while a woman was dying and offered no help.
Geeeezzzzz, that must have been a really bad hospital. Everybody is eventually running around and bringing the crash cart, but nobody even started CPR right away like they should have done. Starting CPR is a very basic thing and it just boggles my mind that nobody even thought of starting it promptly.
This is just horrible. What did she die of? A friend of mine works in Gatesville womens prison in Texas and she told me about a week ago about an inmate who was dying and they just let her die they didn't even try to help her and she was begging them to please help her. She apparently killed her two children by swinging them by their feet bashing their heads in a cement wall. That is the reason my friend gave for them not helping her when she was dying. She said nope they have no sympathy for people like her.
This is just horrible. What did she die of? A friend of mine works in Gatesville womens prison in Texas and she told me about a week ago about an inmate who was dying and they just let her die they didn't even try to help her and she was begging them to please help her. She apparently killed her two children by swinging them by their feet bashing their heads in a cement wall. That is the reason my friend gave for them not helping her when she was dying. She said nope they have no sympathy for people like her.

She deserved to die a horrible slow death. Glad they did not help the evil cow.
I thought the same thing too but then I thought about God and what does he think of that? I am not the judge, jury, know what I mean? I am just glad i'm not in that kind of situation I guess. believe me though I thought the SAME thing as eye for an eye!

She deserved to die a horrible slow death. Glad they did not help the evil cow.
Esmin Green, 49, had been waiting in the emergency room for nearly 24 hours when she toppled from her seat at 5:32 a.m. on June 19, falling face down on the floor.

The psychiatric unit at Kings County Hospital had already been a subject of complaints by advocates for the mentally ill.

The office of the city's medical examiner said it was still trying to determine why Green died. She had been brought to the hospital suffering from agitation and psychosis, city officials said.


I'm not faulting the other people in the waiting room who were seeking treatment as they are probably mentally ill..

And, Jesus Christ who does this--

Finally a nurse came to her aid, kicked her and when she did not respond, help finally came, but by then it was too late.

Kicked her?
Complete apathy is something I just cannot understand. This is reminescent of the woman who died on the airplane after being refused oxygen or the woman who died in the ER waiting room after patients repeated told staffers she was in serious trouble. The security guards should be serve more punishment than just being fired. They stood by while a woman was dying and offered no help.

I thought the airline defended the actions of their staff .. and that after an investigation ... the airline and the staff did all they could to help a diabetic passenger in distress. IIRC .... the airline was not at fault in the case you mentioned.

I thought the same thing too but then I thought about God and what does he think of that? I am not the judge, jury, know what I mean? I am just glad i'm not in that kind of situation I guess. believe me though I thought the SAME thing as eye for an eye!

You are just nicer than I am! And I am OK with that! :)

I have no pity for anyone who kills a child. NONE.
I would never lift a finger to help someone who fact, I probably would have spit on her and laughed.

Some people do not deserve pity. EVER. And a mother who kills their children, is one of those. IMO.
:furious:Such a sad commentary on the hospital workers as well as the people sitting in the waiting room.:furious:
I cant believe these people just sat there, in our hospital it would have been complete chaos, what kind of place is this?
Interesting to me that the entire time, Ms. Tan dress is doing absolutely nothing and only starts to raise a fit after fourty five minutes. Someone dies while I'm sitting in a waiting room, and I'm going to making some noise right away.

Yeah I noticed that too and I agree with you. Then after somebosy else finally does something about it it looks like she was talking **** and wouldn't stay out of the way of the nurses so they could do their job. Even though everyone involved was fired i predict there will be lawsuits a-flyin' and that hospital will be closed down.
Covering this on NG now. There were records that were falsified saying that she was checked on and sitting quietly, blood pressure was normal and that she had even used the bathroom. They lied about this in their records while she was dieing! :( Disgusting
I just watched this on Nancy Grace.

I'm torn between saying the hospital staff has probably seen people in the psych ward fall out before and thought "No biggie" ...
But I also agree that if she was RICH and Educated, this would not have happened.


It so sad.
When I was in nursing school a lady fell in her hospital room and couldn't get any help so she called 911. The nurses seemed to work hard and do their job, but they just had so many patients IMO.

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