WA - Jet pilot, Weldon "Marc" Gilbert has right to view child *advertiser censored* he created in jail

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Good Lord. I just read the earlier thread. Gilbert's arrest occurred when I was really ill and thus I must have missed it. I like to think I keep up on pedophile arrests in the Northwest. Gilbert's a monster, plain and simple. He tortured and terrorized young boys and now he's getting to watch those films over and over and over? That's literally sickening.

Being that Gilbert is said to have lived at one point in McMinnville, OR (suburb of Portland), I really have to wonder if he had some connection to the architect, Paul Pavlock, who was arrested and pleaded guilty last year to child *advertiser censored*. Pavlock was also quite well off and very bright. We have a thread on him:

Respected OR architect/professor faced with "far-reaching" child *advertiser censored* charges - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Another man who comes to mind is Tarquin Thomas, a British man living in San Francisco. He raped young boys and even adopted a little boy from Oregon for that purpose. I've since learned that Thomas had a remote vacation home in John Day, OR (way out in Eastern OR) where boys were seen to come and go. We have a thread on him too. Life in prison. I wonder if they're connected?

British man living in CA goes on trial for molesting OR foster son - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

There's another extremely wealthy person in the NW who was caught with child *advertiser censored* in the last few years and immediately pleaded guilty. I can't come up with a name. I'll post when I find it.
Child rape suspect allowed to watch *advertiser censored* in jail


TACOMA, Wash. — A man accused of child sex crimes is being allowed to watch child *advertiser censored* inside the Pierce County Jail in Tacoma, Wash.

Marc Gilbert, 50, is accused of sexually assaulting young boys and videotaping the abuse. Because he's chosen to act as his own attorney, he has unlimited access to that pornographic footage, which is considered evidence in the case.

Gilbert, who appears in several of the videos, was charged with child rape, child molestation and sexual exploitation of a minor in 2007, after the brother of two alleged victims called police, ABC News reported.
Ugh...no real words fit this. I hope they can move his trial date up. Surely if he is convicted this will stop.....oh I suppose he will appeal.
The fact that they can't stop him is sick.

It's "evidence" for his case.
Truely disgusting! What is wrong with our judicial system? There is no way this should be allowed PERIOD!
He won't have that access in prison where he will be going for a long time.
This disgusts me and probably everyone else around him including the prosecutors and corrections staff. Ugh.

What is up with the private investigator he has? He'd better not be tailing the victims looking for "dirt" to try and damage their credibility...that would take the disgust factor to a whole new level!
the victims ought to sue the state of washington for allowing their abuser to continue with their exploitation even while in jail. they might not win the case but it could very well help in getting the law changed so this cannot happen again. how horrible for the victims to know that the man who hurt them is still getting off on the tapes he made of their torture!
Crime victims' advocacy groups are always looking for cases such as this to highlight just which laws need to be changed. My guess is that a change is already in the works. It takes a debacle such as this to shake some sense into legislators and the general public. We all know that if there's a loophole, a pedophile will find it.
Can someone please explain to me why this man is even entitled to a trial? Isn't a trial to decide guilt or innocence? They have hundreds of videos made by this man showing him tortuing & abusing these boys, there is no question he is guilty! Then he's allowed to defend himself, so he can view the movies he made because they're evidence and cross examine these poor victims???? Haven't the victims been through enough???? To say the laws are written for the criminals is an understatement!

I may have to give up my true crime hobby, I don't know how much more I can take. Perhaps we need to take another look at our constitution and the rights it gives to the people. It was written at a time when people had common sense and decency, that seems to no longer exist. It's truly sad when they have to put a law on the books that make it a felony to not report your child missing within 24 hours. And, because of this case, they will be writing more new laws so in the future freaks like this guy will not be able to view *advertiser censored* in jail. Sure, these new laws will be great, until a new loophole is discovered, but they do nothing for Caylee or the poor victims in this case.

The world just gets crazier & crazier everyday. I've always been facinated with true crime & found great joy in seeing these monsters pay for their crimes. But it seems more & more they go unpunished or they're let out because of over-crowding, only to repeat their crimes on more innocent people.

This case is simply appauling.
An excellent commentary about why the people of Washington state need to demand that their legislators change this inane law NOW!!! I believe the addition of a single sentence of exception would do it.

http://www.theolympian.com/2011/07/27/1739057/law-must-be-changed-to-keep-*advertiser censored*.html

Law must be changed to keep *advertiser censored* from suspects
July 27, 2011

"State lawmakers must change a law that allows a suspected sex offender to view child *advertiser censored* while incarcerated. This is one of those issues that defies common sense and enrages the public. Common sense says the state should not allow a man suspected of raping 20 young boys to view videos of the abuse while he’s in jail. The public’s outrage is perfectly understandable.

Weldon Marc Gilbert, 50, of Lake Tapps, is a former UPS pilot and millionaire businessman. He is charged in Pierce County Superior Court with 14 felonies, including multiple counts of child rape and child molestation and one count of possessing depictions of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct...."


"...Attorney John Henry Browne, who is on standby to assist Gilbert in the latest charges, says the *advertiser censored* viewing issue is a constitutional matter. The state Supreme Court ruled in a 2007 case that any defendant acting as his own attorney is allowed to see all the state’s evidence against him. The tapes of a man having sex with the young boys is evidence in this case, so Gilbert has a constitutional right to view those tapes, Browne said. “People can have whatever opinions they want. The law says he’s allowed to do what he’s doing. And unless they want to change the Constitution, that’s not going to change..."

more at link

ETA: Has it ever been determined just how this man became a millionaire? I seriously doubt that all UPS pilots are millionaires and question why he would fly for them if he inherited family money. Was he transporting child *advertiser censored* or possibly even children for high end "clients"?
What happens if a pedophile's lawyer is a creepy pervert? Is he allowed to go on possessing the child *advertiser censored* evidence in his files after the trial is over?
You know, I've wondered the same thing. It floored me when I learned who all had copies of the transcripts of the interviews, the videos and full medical reports on my eight children who were raped. I know that we sure didn't get copies. Shockingly, because our children's rapist was a minor, the transcripts are not available to us...ever. I'll never forget being told by an attorney for the young man that I needed to be "mindful of his constitutional rights". This was after he was found guilty on 12 counts of Rape 1, Sodomy 1, and Child Sex Abuse 1. So, yes, I wonder who reads my children's private details and watches the videos of their disclosures and the medical exams all the time.

That's why we have advocacy groups for crime victims.
What happens if a pedophile's lawyer is a creepy pervert? Is he allowed to go on possessing the child *advertiser censored* evidence in his files after the trial is over?

No, not really. I've encountered a little bit of this with my job - it may vary by state. Any child *advertiser censored* videos, we don't get copies of those here in the office. We have to go to the PD or prosecutor's office to review (with the client), for evidentiary identification purposes. Generally, you just view clips to prove it's the client in the tape, or to get an idea of the content. The attorneys don't watch the whole thing. The same goes for photos - we don't get those.

Transcrips of chats are a bit different. We get full transcripts when there's a cop on the other side of the screen, just to prove there's no entrapment. I've not worked on a case involving a real minor child online chatting yet, so I'm not sure if we get redacted transcripts or not. I'm guessing it's probably tightly regulated since it involves a child victim, rather than someone posing online.

Defendants DO get copies of all evidence that the state has against them, other than stuff marked "counsel only," which only may be reviewed by the defendant in the presence of his attorney. This varies by prosecutor - here in Ohio, there's no hard and fast rules about what is/isn't "counsel only" material. Generally, in *advertiser censored*/enticement/importuning/etc. cases that I've seen, the explicit stuff has been noted "counsel only."

It's a difficult issue from a defense standpoint, because the attorney and client does need to see the evidence against the defendant before trial, so that they can challenege (if necessary) certain evidence. That said, examination of evidence generally ISN'T watching the whole thing. It would be difficult to craft a law which would prevent this without infringing upon defendants' evidentiary rights. It makes me feel sick to my stomach, what he's doing, but I'm having a hard time thinking of a good statutory construction. Ugh. Some people are just sick.
You know, I've wondered the same thing. It floored me when I learned who all had copies of the transcripts of the interviews, the videos and full medical reports on my eight children who were raped. I know that we sure didn't get copies. Shockingly, because our children's rapist was a minor, the transcripts are not available to us...ever. I'll never forget being told by an attorney for the young man that I needed to be "mindful of his constitutional rights". This was after he was found guilty on 12 counts of Rape 1, Sodomy 1, and Child Sex Abuse 1. So, yes, I wonder who reads my children's private details and watches the videos of their disclosures and the medical exams all the time.

That's why we have advocacy groups for crime victims.

Missizzy, I understand completely your concerns about watching those videos and reading over the medical exams. From my perspective, almost everyone who deals in theses cases, from the attorneys on both sides, to law enforcement, to the judicial clerks - everyone reviews the materials for the case at hand, and then tries to put it out of your mind as quickly as you can. Cases like this really take a lot of compartmentalizing and depersonalizing for everyone involved. Everyone I have encountered so far is always disgusted by these types of cases. Files are also destroyed after ten years. I know there is always a risk, but from my experience, the people handling these cases try to put them out of their mind as quickly as possible. :twocents:

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