WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #4

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hi all,

the day before mc's body was found, a reliable source was speaking with a family member of hers (mc) and was very put off by the aloofness of said family member. the family member was chalking up her disappearance to girls being girls and meeting someone on the internet and running away with them and didn't sound too concerned.

Very interesting.

(I'm really getting off line now...:seeya:)
Wow, that took a long time to catch back up. Good posting folks.

So, I think my alt.theory has changed, (yet again), this time trying to find the easiest explanation for what has happened. Try this out:

MC was having relationship with someone older, (something she's done in past). Therefore, this time around she keeps it totally secret, (hence no one knows where she was going or who she was meeting when she drove away from school - might also mean she wasn't always at Gold's Gym when she said she was).

After meeting up with him she uses her connections to real estate, (or possibly his, depending on who he is), to drive to vacant semi-out-of-the-way house to do the relationship-ing, (if you know what I mean). Also, getting in with him prior to traveling the dirt roads the rest of the way to first location. This isn't their first time doing this so maybe they have produced something from the relationship-ing, (although at this point it doesn't really matter what the motive was), just that argument happens and gets out of hand. She is strangled.

After killing her and probably breaking down a few times, he comes to the conclusion that there is too much evidence to tie him to the scene up this valley so he takes her to the Crescent Bar vacant house, (this tells me he might be the one in the business of knowing vacant homes???). As he's driving there he gets the idea of trying to destroy evidence of who she is, throw off investigation, or make smaller pieces less likely to be found. He always travels with some tools of his trade so he figures he'll see how well they will work. He doesn't have the stomach for it and it turns out it is harder than it sounds, (he's probably not a deer hunter then either or he might have known).

He's not a real monster, (the murder happening in-the-moment with the real damage done after the fact and meant to cover his tracks, especially if they weren't careful in their relationship-ing... ugh to think...). He leaves CB without completely finishing what he had planned, (he isn't soul-less).

Benefits to this theory:
* explains car up Pitcher Canyon
* explains why no one knows where MC was headed after class
* explains why no one has rolled-over on him, (one-man job)
* explains why police weren't sure at first if CB was murder scene, (it wasn't)
* still plausible even if time-line of when he moved the body out to CB is adjusted a few nights
* explains actual murder scene not being found - that we know of - because evidence at first location is minimal

I reserve the right to change this theory around, but it does seem to keep things as simple as I can figure them to be at this time.

What say you?
Then help me understand. You posted a picture that you thought was where the body was placed. No water was in the picture. How does her feet being in the water come into play.

In that photo, the stream that runs from the pond to the river is just out of the photo at my feet.

When I made attempted to make that point, some people were assuming that MC's feet were in the river because LE said her feet were in the "water." I was attempting to clarify a detail.
This is a theory I've kicked around a bit myself. Now I'm leaning toward mom not being actively involved though. I feel she may know or suspect some things but wasn't an active participant. However, filicide does happen though it is rare in a child Mac's age. Your scenario would be one of the few reasons I could think of for this kind of crime on a child Mac's age committed by a parent. Filicide is also much more commonly performed by mothers, and filicide of girls (as opposed to boy children) even more so statistically performed by the mother.

I do have some additional info that I cannot divulge the source of for fear of getting someone in trouble. It has to do with the probability that a knife set and something that looks like kitchen/butcher shears may have been used at some point. LE went to an area business with photos asking if any sets of this type had been sold there. Sorry, can't really say more than that. LE did NOT mention this case in any way, shape, or form. However, if you know Wenatchee, you'll know that violent crime here is a rarity, and crime with implements of that sort even rarer. I also haven't heard of any stabbings lately. And no- to anyone that is curious, they hadn't sold them to anyone they could recall lately. The business owner was flummoxed at the shears (they wouldn't sell them) and he said they hadn't sold that particular set of knives for a few years IIRC.

Ummm, Re the possibility of dismemberment, it's interesting that you would post that. Very early on I heard a *rumor* that one arm was partially or totally dismembered. Rumor only, mind you. I had thought that the supposedly brutalized condition of her body may have resulted from an unfinished attempt at disfigurement or dismemberment to make disposal easier.

I'll re-state: Spillman copy-cat.
Yeah, its funny you all say that. My mom was talking to my aunt, who is a realtor, about this case and my aunt thought immediately it was a realtor because of the kind of access they have. She knew nothing about the case or even Wenatchee & Crescent Bar for that matter. She just heard her body was found by a vacant house and thought that immediately.

Let's not forget we are talking about *rental* houses. Anyone could have had duplicate keys made...
something interesting...10C01507 01:36:12 02/20/10 Harass/Threat 4305 W EAGLEROCK DR, WENAT 4 ACT ..... what time was MC's body found?
i think they had a fight at WC house about what happened to MC. i find it strange the police got called to her house for a harass threat. what day was MC'S body found???

Perhaps some townsfolk incorrectly assume the mother is involved and were harassing her and / or the family?

Why would they assume that? Because LE, by default, always investigates family members and a BF or GF of family members ... townsfolk see that or hear that and *assume* guilt, simply because they were investigated.

I would think all one would have to do to winterize a boat would be to put a fuel stabilizer in the fuel. Then when they wanted to take the boat out ... no problemo. But you're making it sound more complicated than that.

So does anyone know how do you go about de-winterizing a boat?

Remove it's overcoat?
I know I'm a new member, but I've read everything up to this point, and I've got to speak my mind on a few things, hopefully not offending anyone in the process.

The poetry. Kids these days write poetry. It may not be what some of us think of as artful, but it's a way for them to express their thoughts, even when those thoughts are dark and uncomfortable. There's no law against writing dark poetry. And I think it's kinda sad that some adults look at this boy's poetry and insult him and his abilities. He's just a kid finding his way through the world. A KID. Besides, poetry is an art akin to script writing, and how many of us have sat through horror or suspense movies with the same kind of dark tones. Art is not reality. He may be no Edgar Allan Poe, but at least the kid is channeling his creativity toward something. My wish for him is that he goes to college, takes some creative writing courses, and makes something out of himself.

Next thing I want to mention is the family. After reading and reading, I think that WC had nothing to do with her daughter's demise and is deserving of sympathy instead of scorn. As far as the reward fund, it is a huge possibility that WC is cash poor. Her daughter hasn't even been dead a month, and it often takes more than a month... sometimes a year or more... to divest one's self of real estate and other assets. Then there's the problem of what would go to creditors and what would be pure profit. So hopefully WC has a financial adviser with a clear head helping her make sound decisions. Everyone needs that kind of adviser when going through something traumatic. How many of us have divorced before, and would gladly have walked away from all assets just to be rid of the situation, but thankfully we had someone with a clear head to advise us, for the good of ourselves and our children? Just a thought.

Again, hope I didn't offend anyone with my opinions on those two topics. I realize I may eat my words on the latter, and will gladly do so if someone provides me some Saltines and Tabasco sauce.

I am in awe of the huge amount of research that is done here. I am glad to be a part of the site and hope that I don't immediately make enemies from stating my opinion. My wish is for beautiful Mackenzie's murderer to be found and prosecuted to the hilt. I know that's what everyone wants. So, thanks for reading my opinion... please don't hold it against me.
I know we have several new members here, wanted to post a reminder on what is allowed, and Welcome to all of our new members. :)

This is a good place to click on for clarification on our rules here if you have a question about it.

Thanks to JBean

Thanks to JBean


Regarding facebook,twitter, and myspace you can link but do not cut and paste. But the goal is to really only link to those that are directly linked to a case.

IOW, we don't want to post to someone's mother, brother, employer, milkman , or postal carrier just because they know the main player. It just gets too invasive and half the time we are not even sure it is the right person. When a post starts out, I found 5 people with this name do you you think any of these are [insert person here]? that is not a good thing.
It will often be up to mod discretion as to who can and cannot be linked, but the general rule of thumb is if they are named in the media specifically as having some role or are being questioned or have information then you are probably safe to link. No screen caps and no cutting and pasting. If a social media is set to private and you get in the back way and post what you see, that is not a good thing!Private means private.
Just imagine it is you if you cannot decide and you shoulod be able to figure out if it is ok.
You are free to discuss what you may come upon,but if it is just a lot of gossip and rumor it won't fly. People open facebook accounts and post whatever they want and to carry that as some sort of inside info is careless. but, sometimes there is really valuable information that may even come into evidence as in the Caylee Anthony case.So, if you know for a fact it is the right person and they are named outright in the msm as someone linked to the case it should be fine. IF IT IS A MINOR DON"T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!Stay on topic as much as possible, it is against our TOS to post off topic.

I'm going to post a sticky thread as well so it can be referred back to or if you have questions you can post them as well. Thanks!
I have been reading since the first page. First post i am local. i do not know any of the family or mc. or how to spell or type so please b kind. It seems that the theory on this board is the bf and mother. i certainly hope that le is not doing this. If they were they probablly woulndnt have all the agencys involved. As for the media attention everyone thinks the mother should be seeking please remember this is not san diego or La or Ny. we cannott call up the local media and have ourselves plastered on the tv. As for the reward maybe they dont have the money. just because you own a home and make a good living doesnt mean bills go away. and maybe they already have a suspect. Nobody seems to care that the father isnt in the media or on tv or selling everything he owns. My son ran away from home when he was 15 after we had a heated argument. the next three days of my life is a blur I cried i called police several times i couldnt carry a conversation with anybody. All i could think about was what if he doesnt come home my last memories of my son would have been an argument. Thankfully we found him we hugged like never before. Now if mc and her mother werent getting along at the time she went missing what do you think is going through her mind. And now the worst fear she could have had has happened. And everyone thinks shes ODD for having a gf at her house early in the morning. come on.
She maybe a bit out of her mind after this kind of trauma. And please someone check the 911 logs on the mansontribune c if this is even true.
What i Do know is the day mc was found my son who is a senior at whs told me how bad he felt. They had a class together and he remebered a couple days earlier her making a comment about wanting to be a MODEL and he and some of the other boys in class laughed. He felt terrible when they got the news of her death. i assured him that kids arent always the kindest people.
News about them searching a house that the mother had listed. this would be a great place for teens to hangout without adults watching over them. Could be the reason their SEARCHING it. One of my sons friends moms is a realestate agent hes went with him to clean a few houses tidy up the places before a showing.
As for the bf maybe thats why mc and her mother werent geting along. And just maybe it was because a teen and step parent didnt see eye 2 eye on things. Teens and stepparents are not aleways involved in SEX. no matter how many movies or tv shows you watch. Most of the time it isnt the problem. As for good reason for him to not be around. Perhaps the mother blames this relationship with him on why her and her daughter will never see each other again. This is pure Tragedy
I hope the family will someday get through this and smile again. R.I.P

P.S i told you i wasnt very good at typing spelling so forgive my errors.
melissa.....i find it strange it's the same house her mom has built

Looking at the back deck/patio area on that house, with a minikitchen built in, it makes me wonder if possibly MC and friends might have gone there on occasion to hang out. You could pull vehicles around back and not be seen by anyone on the road, right? When I was MC's age, we did stuff like that--went to places where we probably shouldn't be, but knew that we wouldn't get in any huge trouble for being there. Maybe MC knew about it and took friends there in the past. She probably knew that if she got in trouble, all she'd have to say is "My mom is a realtor and she built this house."

Dunno.... just a thought.
why hasn't the mom come forward and request to do an interview and beg the killer to turn himself in. like on t.v. if it was my daughter i would. has anyone skipped town since this happened???

1) Still in shock.

2) Police have told her more than they've told us.

3) Claims to be a very private person on her FB page.

4) Why hasn't the DAD come forward to do the same thing?
Puff (If I may call you that)

Very well said
Yeah, good point. There goes that theory. Any other bad theories?

Not necessarily, the lot is a big one or she could have parked on a side road, in the Nickle lot, Most people are going about their business not checking out vehicles that might be of interest later on.
10C01170 RUNAWAY 23:07:01 02/08/10 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx





911 call the day before MC went missing ...
Go to MySpace, select 'MySpace' in the drop-down next to the Search box then search on:

wenatchee photography

I noticed that most of the photos that we see of Mackenzie are professional photos. I love the shot of her with the scarf, kneeling... it's her FB profile photo. Also, the shot of her walking through tall grass in a red dress that's on her FB mourning page.

I don't know who made those photos, but they are very beautiful, and the photographer is to be commended.
puf very nice read im glad i am not the only one thinking mother is innocent
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