Was BR involved? #2

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Please enlighten me - what is the significance of the pineapple in this?
pineapple was found in her stomach. It gives away the time of death. Plus both PR and BR had contact with the bowl of pineapple, which until now, all 3 have said she went straight to bed and they didn't feed her pineapple. (There was also a glass of tea with a tea bag in it beside the pineapple).
So who gave her the pineapple? Who ever did was awake when she died.
pineapple was found in her stomach. It gives away the time of death. Plus both PR and BR had contact with the bowl of pineapple, which until now, all 3 have said she went straight to bed and they didn't feed her pineapple. (There was also a glass of tea with a tea bag in it beside the pineapple).
So who gave her the pineapple? Who ever did was awake when she died.

She could have easily awaken hungry and fed herself the pineapple.
Just finished the first instalment of the Dr. Phil interview. Seems like just another "we'll do the interview so long as it reflects our side of the story" piece. Why bro these specials only ever feature Ramsey friendly players? Where is Kolar? Thomas? Fleet?

a picture of the pineapple and the glass of tea. Patsy said in an interview that she wouldn't make tea like that also. She said she would use a cup. Just something for people to consider. By the evidence of her stomach contents, the medical examiner can determine time of death. Whoever gave her the pineapple was there within the time of death.
BUT you know the house was sooooo spread out and all that a party could have occurred and anyone upstairs wouldn't have known. The layout of the house is so weird! Someone described it as like a rabbit warren. That you can truly get lost in it. Looking at BR and JBR bedroom layout and parents on the third floor..... who lets their kids sleep like that????
I personally, am a very protective parent. That would concern me sleeping on the third floor. With the house layout like this why didn't they ever see the possible dangers in this sleeping arrangement?


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Could JB not have eaten the pineapple at the Christmas party right before they came home?
I did not get to see the Dr Phil interview but did watch ID. I am not sure i learned much. I would like to know if Burke recalls them keeping a flashlight handy for some reason. Every household has its habits. I also think it very strange that Patsy would put on the clothing she wore the night before. It's not like she just threw on some sweats or jeans. Who would do that? Rich or poor? Was Patsy of a habit of checking JB in bed with a flashlight to see if she wet herself again? I am not getting how the pineapple plays into this. PR wants to leave the impression a stranger fed JB pineapple but what is her and BR's prints doing on the bowl? I am not sure BR is expected to recall those details from 9 years old 20 years later. The police theory was that PR struck her upstairs when discovering her wet bed. So why was the pineapple even left out? Who does that? It appears the attention was turned away from the pineapple and nobody remembered to put it in the fridge. There also seemed to be quite a bit left in the bowl. BR might know what the pineapple is doing there, but JR knows and PR knew exactly what it was doing there. I still think if JR had been in on it from the first the body would have been taken from the house before the police were called and the note would have been short and sweet. Whether PR is trying to coverup her own crime or the crime of BR is the question. I think JR realized something was wrong when he got a look at the note after the police were called.

just for our discussion we can refer to photos. Does anyone else think this is not a safe idea to let the kids sleep like this?
Am I the only person that wants to make sure that I and my husband would be in between an intruder and my kids. You gotta go through me first! If this was the only way that I could set my house up, I'd definitely have a super security system and have baby monitors in their room. SOME WAY to watch over my kids.
I still think it was an inside job. I haven't seen any real evidence that points to an intruder that doesn't seem suspicious and fake or set up.


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So Dr.Phil is explaining Burke's awkward behavior away because he was haunted by the media, but I think by all means considering the feces, the interrogation tapes ,the way he acted the day of the murder.....he has always been socially awkward. That does not mean he is involved but let's just play devil's advocate and imagine you have a child like Burke and believe your daughter is missing. How could any parent leave this child alone in his room????? I just don't get it, that alone coupled with the enhanced 911 call "we're not talking to you" shows to me awful parenting. I whole heartedly believe Burke was scared to death of his own mother, who was acting "psycho" (his own words !!) and I'm sure he was familiar with her acting that way. That is the only explanation to me for him to stay in his room and not trying to find out what was going on.

Well if I found such a note or my daughter dead with a garrote, I too would be acting "psycho". The way Burke describes his mother (if she wasn't the evil witch of the west) makes me think he still doesn't get the gravity of the situation. And I think he's lying.
I did not get to see the Dr Phil interview but did watch ID. I am not sure i learned much. I would like to know if Burke recalls them keeping a flashlight handy for some reason. Every household has its habits. I also think it very strange that Patsy would put on the clothing she wore the night before. It's not like she just threw on some sweats or jeans. Who would do that? Rich or poor? Was Patsy of a habit of checking JB in bed with a flashlight to see if she wet herself again? I am not getting how the pineapple plays into this. PR wants to leave the impression a stranger fed JB pineapple but what is her and BR's prints doing on the bowl? I am not sure BR is expected to recall those details from 9 years old 20 years later. The police theory was that PR struck her upstairs when discovering her wet bed. So why was the pineapple even left out? Who does that? It appears the attention was turned away from the pineapple and nobody remembered to put it in the fridge. There also seemed to be quite a bit left in the bowl. BR might know what the pineapple is doing there, but JR knows and PR knew exactly what it was doing there. I still think if JR had been in on it from the first the body would have been taken from the house before the police were called and the note would have been short and sweet. Whether PR is trying to coverup her own crime or the crime of BR is the question. I think JR realized something was wrong when he got a look at the note after the police were called.
You made an excellent point. If JR had been in on the initial cover up JBR body wouldn't have been found inside the house and the ransom note would have been short and sweet. "I got your kid. give me a million dollars and don't call the cops of I will kill her. I will call when I'm ready to make the drop."
The end.
Everything in the initial coverup had PR all over it.
The pineapple would have been more digested if she had ate it at the party. Plus a bowl of pineapple was found in the kitchen that no one could explain.
Could JB not have eaten the pineapple at the Christmas party right before they came home?

There was no pineapple served at the White's party.

Regarding the bowl of pineapple found on the table in the Ramsey dining room, when shown a photograph of it, Patsy declared that someone else must have put it there. That she'd never seen it before, and wouldn't have put a spoon that size into a bowl that small. The only fingerprints found on that bowl belonged to Burke and Patsy.
IMHO JR was mad as hell at PR for how she set up the initial crime scene. I don't think he had a role in the death or the coverup in the beginning. He may have been abusive to JBR but I don't think he killed her. It was too late once PR called the cops to clean up her disaster of a crime scene PR left behind. He was freaking out inside trying to figure out where JBR body was and which one of them did it. He knew when he saw the note she was dead. Nothing he could do to save her. He circled his wagons and protected what family he had left.
I did not get to see the Dr Phil interview but did watch ID. I am not sure i learned much. I would like to know if Burke recalls them keeping a flashlight handy for some reason. Every household has its habits. I also think it very strange that Patsy would put on the clothing she wore the night before. It's not like she just threw on some sweats or jeans. Who would do that? Rich or poor? Was Patsy of a habit of checking JB in bed with a flashlight to see if she wet herself again? I am not getting how the pineapple plays into this. PR wants to leave the impression a stranger fed JB pineapple but what is her and BR's prints doing on the bowl? I am not sure BR is expected to recall those details from 9 years old 20 years later. The police theory was that PR struck her upstairs when discovering her wet bed. So why was the pineapple even left out? Who does that? It appears the attention was turned away from the pineapple and nobody remembered to put it in the fridge. There also seemed to be quite a bit left in the bowl. BR might know what the pineapple is doing there, but JR knows and PR knew exactly what it was doing there. I still think if JR had been in on it from the first the body would have been taken from the house before the police were called and the note would have been short and sweet. Whether PR is trying to coverup her own crime or the crime of BR is the question. I think JR realized something was wrong when he got a look at the note after the police were called.

Respectfully bbm

Just to clarify, are you saying that you believe JR knew about the pineapple being there from the get go, or that he learned about it after the murder?
hahahahahaha at the last statement!!! :laughing:
I needed a good laugh Kat!
I agree I think it was more irritating. I seriously think they misjudge people though. Most people have an idea what the case is about. The basic premise. Yet they spent SO much time going over things most people knew or have heard from JR's own mouth in interviews. I didn't even want to SEE JR. I knew when he started interviewing JR that we aren't going to learn a damn thing. I was hoping BR would step out from behind daddy and actually TRY to do what he said he wanted to do in the interview. A no holds barred interview. No lawyers. DP could ask anything.

This however is BS. JR wasn't ever mentioned as being part of the damn interview. It was supposed to be BR's time to talk.
Shut up JR! Let your son speak! Damn if they are going to throw him to the wolves then throw him. Don't dangle him over the edge.
The interview should have been like a two hour segment of BR speaking with DP only. Then maybe another hour the next day explaining why he smiled etc etc. with experts. I would have rather seen that and I damn well would have tuned in to see WHY he acted that way.
Unlike most cases, this particular case is world news. Everyone knows the basics of it. It was kind of similar to the media show on OJ.
We all know what JR and PR have said. We all know the basic story. Don't waste our time! Actually interview BR only like you hyped the show!
It just angers me how the media does. All hype no real truths.
I shouldn't be surprised that JR had to get a piece of the money train. :doh::notgood:
Even if BR ADMITS the truth.... what is the legal reality of it? Will he go to jail? Will his dad go to jail? I highly doubt it.
They should just fess up at this point. I'd have maybe some sympathy for BR ...maybe.
That smile though.:freakedout::fear: only emoticons get my feelings across at this point.

BR won't go to jail no matter what he says. He was too young to be held criminally responsible.
Watching Jonbenet An American murder mystery on ID that I recorded last night. In the first few minutes they play a snippet from an interview and PR crying says "Keep your babies close to you".
Well. She sure as hell didn't with Burke that morning when her other child was missing! She didn't run into his room and yank him up and hold him like most parents would do and keep him "close" to her thankful he was still alive and safe. Nope. They let him lay upstairs by himself while they were all downstairs. Just doesn't add up to me. He knows the real truth.
He was upstairs sleeping off a night of exhaustion after his mama covered up the crime scene all night. Either he did it or she did it. But he witnessed it all.
Shoot she might have medicated him to make him sleep that morning. Wouldn't surprise me. JMOO!
BR won't go to jail no matter what he says. He was too young to be held criminally responsible.
exactly. No one will pay for this crime.
The ONLY way someone will pay is if JR fessed up to the murder himself. Otherwise all the other charges would be dropped. PR is dead. BR was too young.
....LE entered his room without one of his parents present!!!
That really got to me. A nine year old laying in bed, probably terrified. And both parents allow LE to enter his room with flashlights AND speak to him.

My twenty year old would be terrified! I can't imagine what a nine year old was feeling.
Burke's eyes darting back and forth show that he is not comfortable looking DP in the eyes, a common tell that someone is lying.

And Burke has seen pictures of the ransom note but never read it? John is the only one in the family that read it? If you listen closely to what they say, they contradict what they have steadfastly said in the past. John says Patsy screamed and when he came out. "she had this ransom note". Patsy maintained that she never touched the note. Burke says Patsy cam in his room looking for JB, but Patsy had always said that her and John had checked on Burke.

Then the editing... Lin Wood says "Arndt told John and Fleet to search the house", yet he conveniently forgot to mention thatch all told him not to touch anything. John calls Arndt "incompetent", yet he gives no reason why, only that she had the gall to suspect him.

These specials are making me ill and are doing nothing to further the investigation in to who killed JBR.
Respectfully bbm

Just to clarify, are you saying that you believe JR knew about the pineapple being there from the get go, or that he learned about it after the murder?

I think JR and PR knew if their children were in the habit of getting up in the night and getting fruit snacks on their own. I think both would know what is the likely scenario when fruit is in a bowl sitting on the kitchen table in the morning even if they did not have first hand knowledge. The fact that it was left out uneaten to be found in the morning tells me attention was turned elsewhere soon after someone began eating it, or a child left it out.
exactly. No one will pay for this crime.
The ONLY way someone will pay is if JR fessed up to the murder himself. Otherwise all the other charges would be dropped. PR is dead. BR was too young.

But it's one thing to have people suspect you of killing your sister - you're just one of many suspects, and another for everyone to know that you killed your sister. I'm not expecting any confessions - no no.
Burke is not right, they knew it then, we see it now and they should have protected JonBenet and protected him from himself. You don't let a 2yo squish a baby chick to death, and if he is dealing with autism plus the disturbances suspected give the artefacts in the house, he was no more culpable than a 2yo playing roughly with a defenceless animal.

I have felt at peace with the aftermath of her death when the puzzle pieces fit as BDI because the adults actions made more sense, including officials who made solving this publicly a non starter ... But seeing Burke like that has me so upset at the failures in that family, at those useless parents ... Look at that house plan, you literally can't know what goes on elsewhere and they knew they had a disturbed kid ... They likely knew he was abusing her. Lazy selfish self centred horrors.
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