Was BR involved? #2

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Well that's what I was thinking. I haven't taken any time to research 'Touch DNA', but wow at this rate any of us could get charged with murder! My purse get's tossed around like a sandbag when I'm in a hurry.

No, not anyone could be charged with murder. Not even with touch DNA. It all has to be looked at in context.
They were putting together the train with tracks that could leave those strange marks on JonBenet?

I've been wondering about the train set also. My boys had an electric train set back in the 90's. IIRC, the electric connecters (at the ends of each track where they fit together) would get hot after the train had been running for awhile.

Wondering if these connectors on the track could've become so hot that they would cause a burn to the skin?
I'll take a crack at answering your questions:

The 20th anniversary is coming up so the networks saw an opportunity to make some $$$ before the election.

Dr. Phil said that Burke wanted to control the narrative. I'm thinking Burke wanted some of the $$$$.

The DNA did not clear anyone - no no.

Well it depends on what favor Burke was looking for. He can now say that he did talk publicly. And he can buy some new toys.

WOW is the correct response.

Thank you so much for your response. I apologize for coming on and being so lazy not to look this all up myself but I know from experience that the people on the thread are usually knee deep in the details and it's often just easier to ask. Thank you again.

Anyone on here that has 'known' me for a time knows how big I am on watching body language and facial expressions. Again all I can say is when BR answers why he didn't draw JBR in that family picture it sent an absolute chill down my spine. This is not the reaction I would be looking for then or now from someone who's little sister was just found murdered in their own home.

I see children of my own friends and those kids are writing letters and drawing pictures of sunshine and happy times written to grandparents who have passed, I just can't quite grasp the affect this young man has. It's scary to me for sure.
This is why these interviews are so pointless as its just a ratings spinner. Why not pull him on the lies - oh wait unless the producers toed the like they would not of got the interview.
That's all any interviews like that are. Could be anyone (not just the Ramsey's). Most of the time is spent on commercials and that's not by accident.
I've been wondering about the train set also. My boys had an electric train set back in the 90's. IIRC, the electric connecters at the ends of the track (where the tracks fit together) would get hot after the train had been running for awhile. Would these connectors at the end of the track become so hot that they could cause a burn on the skin?

I think its the sharpness of the connectors dug into flesh.
One last question and then I promise I'll spend my time with my good friend Mr. Google.

The large red mark on her anterior neck. Was that ever explained? Any theories on what would cause the shape of that?
If the train was turned on and the track pulled apart would electricity still be going through it? Enough to make the two marks to look like a stun gun marks?

@ approx 45 mins

DP: your dad had said he used the flashlight
to put you to bed and then you snuck

BR: ??????
play with toys / basement ?
There's no confirmation those marks are a result of any kind of burning.

More likely the train tracks left their mark because of being sharp, not because of being so hot they produced a burn.
typical patterning for ' ligature' strangulation
made when red turtleneck was twisted during

@ approx 45 mins

DP: your dad had said he used the flashlight
to put you to bed and then you snuck

BR: ??????
play with toys / basement ?

One theory I wondered about while listening to BR with DP. I am sure others have mentioned before.

Could BR and JBR snuck down and looked or opened the new presents that were supposed to be for the next day?
Could PR have caught them and maybe lost her temper?

They may have been under strict orders to not open or look at the presents for the following day and like most kids maybe curiousity got the best of them and they disobeyed PR.

I have to wonder if something simple like that caused PR to lose it. Especially if wine had been drunk over at the friends house , she was tired and cranky just wanted to get some sleep, She spent hours wrapping the gifts, etc. etc.
Ok to answer some questions. Yes I am VERY familiar with kids on the spectrum. I am a private duty pediatric nurse. I worked 12 hour shifts in homes with the kids with issues like this plus kids on vents, gtubes etc etc. So very familiar with it.
I am retired now. As of 2 yrs ago when my daughter had a difficult pregnancy and a very sick baby who is still sick. I stay home to keep her. She also has a gtube. She also has issues. So again very familiar with it. Not at all upset you asked it either. It was a very good question! :)

Him having issues should have made PR and JR even more concerned for his well being. Even more important that he feels safe too. Because he couldn't handle stressful situations I'm sure. Even if he did it. Hence (I love using that word now! haha) the reason that she possibly covered his crime. She knew BR was sick and he would be probably locked away in a psych facility for a long time.
If anything this is why I question him even more. He had issues obviously and maybe was very devious. Not all kids with spectrum issues are sweet and quiet. Some are very destructive and hard to handle. Believe me I've seen it.

ETA: Also wanted to add that I have family and friends with kids on the spectrum. Even my patients that were sick..... if my patient didn't have the spectrum issue their siblings did. A lot of times it runs in the family. I have a friend with 5 kids that all have spectrum issues. So in my job I ended up dealing with my patient plus their siblings. Families would see us as automatic babysitters when that is so far from the case.
I've witnessed a ton of craziness in my line of work as a nurse period. See too much in fact. I learned early as a nurse to look at all the small pieces because it is what creates the big picture. I like to know why and how something happened. I don't get grossed out either. So if something turns my head, I pay close attention. Your instinct should always be followed. There is a reason things make your radar go off. Things that make you pause even for a second. In this case particularly, there have always been tons of the little things. Tons of questions that haven't been properly asked or answered.

I was also taught to note everything. Use all of your senses. CYA- cover your own a&&. So I am particularly fond of details and why they happen haha

I guess I'm just a little surprised you have a lot of experience with kids on the autism spectrum. Because I don't have tons of experience...but even I have known some who just aren't necessarily very curious about what other people are doing or feeling. So to me, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for a child on the spectrum to not investigate the goings on that morning. And it wouldn't necessarily be sinister either. It's just the way their brains work.

I am wondering if Burke does hold the key to this mystery - if he overheard anything - but maybe he suppressed it. I am thinking this because he doesn't
seem like he was even curious about what happened to his little sister.

To not question anything - to not even read or feel a desire to read a ransom note that was involved somehow in his sister's murder? He basically mentions
his mother going into his room, an officer going into his room, his sister's funeral and that's it - end of chapter of his sister's life for him.

This really is beyond "atypical". Especially if a person has an analytical nature - interest in computers, etc. Usually when one has an analytical nature it
extends to all parts of one's life - not just work-based analysis.

Many times denial serves as a way to keep fear at bay.

In the first episode of Dr. Phil he did make a comment along the lines of "maybe I just felt safer" in my room....something like that. I took that as not really wanting to know what was happening. Ignorance is bliss, so to speak.

I do wonder if he heard something earlier - his parents talking? Yelling? Figuring out what to do with JB? And has just suppressed it as a "survival" method or something.

I hope I can ask this ?!

Has it ever been said that Burke has learning difficulties or was slow for his age as I know no 9 year old that would stay in bed when everybody is frantically Running around or screaming for a kidnapped member of the family. Children more than adults are more curious and naturally want to know what's going on.

So how could he just stay in bed and not wonder what the hell was going on?!

Maybe children in the UK are more socially aware as his behavior is not normal imo

I feel like such a broken record here....but no two children are the same. And IF a child has developmental delays or is on the autism spectrum...it can be vastly different than a neurotypical child. (We don't know if this is the case with Burke, obviously. But it's certainly possible.) We really can't say that ALL children would react the same. Definitely not all children with other issues.

And I don't think being from the U.S. or the U.K. is going to make much of a difference.
Watching Burke on Dr.Phil.I see someone detached from the death of his sister.Just Wow!
I'm sitting here watching Dr. Phil.

Is it just me, or is BR and his perpetual smile really creepy?
Just finished the first instalment of the Dr. Phil interview. Seems like just another "we'll do the interview so long as it reflects our side of the story" piece. Why bro these specials only ever feature Ramsey friendly players? Where is Kolar? Thomas? Fleet?

Part of the settlement agreement between Steve Thomas and the Ramseys was that Thomas couldn't speak about the case publicly again (or words to that effect).
This is why these interviews are so pointless as its just a ratings spinner. Why not pull him on the lies - oh wait unless the producers toed the like they would not of got the interview.
It could be Patsy lied in her book on this point. If she did kill JBR she might have let dad tell him. And of course both could be true. JR told him and then PR told him. I tend to think JR told BR to do this interview. BR seems childlike and has never properly separated from parental control. Its just my impression. BR could make a fortune writing a book telling how his mother did it if its about money. He should have never done this interview. It certainly doesn't help him.
This second DP
episode has some new info:

BR encorporates a hammer
in with his theory,
('theorized what had happened')
on how JBR was
killed (psych footage)

[BR: I thought eveyone knew...
So it's like why are you asking me this again]
DP: Did you go to JonBenet's funeral?
BR: ya/yep
BR: I think one of her eyes
was a bit droopy
That was wierd
BR's reddish, glazed eyes and that weird smile make me think he's under the influence of something.

Or he's just freakin weird. JMO

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Here's a link to the full episode of the Dateline Special, "Who Killed JonBenet?" which aired last weekend.


The special has exclusive interviews with the Boulder Police Department's Jane Harmer (in her first-ever televised appearance) and Denver Police Department's Tom Haney, two former detectives who were closely involved with the case. Interviews with Pam Barday, a friend of the Ramsey family; Kimberly Archuleta, the 911 dispatcher who took Patsy Ramsey’s call; and Bob Whitson, a retired detective sergeant at Boulder PD who was at the Ramsey house on the first day of the murder investigation.
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