Was/is Shawn abusive toward Billie?

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This comment is "a little bit" odd IMO.

13 year old Hailey Dunn has been missing for nearly 3 months, making it hard for both her parents to stay positive.

Billie says it is getting harder, "I'm not as hopeful as I had been, really does get harder I didn't think it could but it does."

She didn't think it would get harder when a child has been missing for months?

I suppose she could have meant that it was initially so hard that she didn't think it could get any worse but that's not what she's saying, she says she's been hopeful. Maybe she meant she didn't think it could get harder because Hailey would be back by then? But does she really believe that Hailey would be back since she refers to her return as an unlikely miracle?

Maybe it's just that it's harder to be in the public eye because of the child *advertiser censored* and all and it's getting harder and harder to be with Shawn.
what is it disturbing messages on SA Cell phone? or they were just on memo pad.:waitasec:

so now SA has notes to his self to threaten Billie...

Color me confused:banghead:

Oh Billie need to shut up she just keep digging and digging herself deeper.

I think it works like this. He thinks of something frightening to say to her and he jots it down into his phone notepad:

1. Tell Billie to shut up
2. Punch Billie in the face
3. Billie, I'm going to ____ your brains out (fill in the blank :wink:)
4. Billie, you dirty rat
5. BJ, if you're reading my phone, you're done for
6. I'm coming after you!
7. Gort is watching your every move.

How does one threaten someone on a phone's message pad without sending it? :waitasec: Seems kind of like a one-way conversation, doesn't it? :crazy:
I think it works like this. He thinks of something frightening to say to her and he jots it down into his phone notepad:

1. Tell Billie to shut up
2. Punch Billie in the face
3. Billie, I'm going to ____ your brains out (fill in the blank :wink:)
4. Billie, you dirty rat
5. BJ, if you're reading my phone, you're done for
6. I'm coming after you!
7. Gort is watching your every move.

How does one threaten someone on a phone's message pad without sending it? :waitasec: Seems kind of like a one-way conversation, doesn't it? :crazy:

Really, it's just bizarre. I don't even see how it's considered threatening if it's to oneself and not sent. It's just a note to self, right? I don't believe her and think this is another of her pathetic attempts to throw someone - anyone - even SA - under the bus (not that he doesn't deserve being thrown under said bus). IMO, everything that comes out of that woman's mouth is a complete fabrication of the truth. MOO.
"They're suspicious Shawn keeps trying so desperately to get back with me because they think I know something, I'm hiding something for him," she said.


That whole sentence does not make any sense at all. Zip, zilch, nadda.

She'll prolly being staying at her mom's in Synder now. Whoops, no.....SA will redecorate the storm cellar....new masks, poster of MM, and a secret dug out place in the wall for all the "toys" and memory sticks.
Just because someone won't give a straight answer is not a sign of high intellect IMO. An acquaintance of mine (I'll call her "C") has held an entitled attitude that was fostered by her parents her entire life. She scoffs at any notion that she is being ridiculous in her unrealistic grandiose thinking because to her, it's status quo. C is also a substance abuser and an accomplished liar. I would be absolutely shocked if C's IQ was much over 100. The interesting coincidence is that C, similar to BJD, has also dabbled in careers that require her to be around compromised adults. I don't know about BJD, but C has definitely taken advantage of her situation.

I don't know that it's so much street smarts and savvy than an survival attitude about where the next fix is coming from and a commitment to do whatever it takes to get it. You can catch these kinds of addicts with a crack pipe in their mouth and they'll deny they've inhaled.

Maybe Ms C should run for pres.....Mr C denied he ever inhaled too...:floorlaugh:
I can't believe it, the times we've heard this from the mouths of mizbehaving parents of missing children. Didn't ANYBODY get the memo I sent out saying "if you don't want people looking at your bad behavior, please avoid bad behavior"?

This has become code for "I've got lots of things to hide, you need to look at me more closely".

Does she really think people are likely just to ignore child *advertiser censored*, drug arrests and lying to LE because she asks them to?

D, you slay me. :seeya: I had no idea you were sending memos. It must cost you a fortune these days. Shall we chip in? I'm afraid the only way BJD will see those memos is if you stick them inside her toothache medicine bottles. But how would you know which are hers? She keeps ripping the names off the labels. :waitasec:

Come to think of it, if I had a toothache which lasted nearly three months, I'd be ripping things, too. :crazy:

Didn't Mr. Cummings complain about toothaches when he was in jail, also? Bad teeth must be an epidemic with parents of the missing who end up behind bars for --- drugs! Imagine. :loser:
I think it works like this. He thinks of something frightening to say to her and he jots it down into his phone notepad:

1. Tell Billie to shut up
2. Punch Billie in the face
3. Billie, I'm going to ____ your brains out (fill in the blank :wink:)
4. Billie, you dirty rat
5. BJ, if you're reading my phone, you're done for
6. I'm coming after you!
7. Gort is watching your every move.

How does one threaten someone on a phone's message pad without sending it? :waitasec: Seems kind of like a one-way conversation, doesn't it? :crazy:


Maybe he's got trouble with spontaneity and he needs to practice beforehand for the unlikely event that he ever feels like threatening anybody. :waitasec:
Does anyone know exactly why is it that they will not release to the public the actual affidavits/search warrants?..They are clearly visible for several seconds 4 different times in the video at this link{one paragraph actually shown from the actual affidavit document}..So why will these media outlets not post and make public that which has already been released by a judge for it to now be public knowledge?

I do not get it?? TIA..

Video is in far right corner near the top of the page at this link{posted above as well}

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! I have been wanting to see those since the news agency came out and said they had them. What gives....really?
BD reminds me of the story of the little boy that cried wolf too many times, then when it was the truth no one believed him. BD went through all this protecting of SA for all this time. Is it really over in her mind? Really? No more talking to him "alittle bit"?

What the media...or better yet B&R from BTH should do now is refuse to talk about SA at all and start asking BD about HD again. That would drive her nuts...to have someone actually say to her "Let's not talk about Shawn, Billie."
Dunn explained to CBS 7 that Adkins was at her home when Sheriff’s Deputies arrived and asked where he was. Deputies, working with the Texas Rangers had a search warrant relating to Shawn Adkins.

Dunn admits she lied and said she didn’t know where Shawn was at the time. She says moments later she invited investigators inside, at which time they quickly found Adkins.


How could he be in her house, yet Billie not know where he was?! This is beyond ridiculous.

And she wonders why no one believes a word that comes out of her mouth.

I think that this should read more like "Billie admits she lied WHEN SHE SAID she didn't know where Adkins was..." She acknowledges that she DID know he was there, and lied to LE about it. I don't believe she is trying to say she REALLY didn't know he was there. She knew she was caught in a lie when she let the officers in (or had more faith in Shawn to HIDE!) but I doubt she thought she would be arrested. With the "No Trespass" order, she (theoretically) won't be put in a position of having to decide whether to hide him again. I am sure that if/when LE told her about the notes in his phone they pointed out that, not only was her daughter missing and her son living with another family member, but she was now sitting in JAIL, apparently detoxing, because she was protecting him. Want to get an addict's attention? Deprive them of that which they are addicted to and offer the only option that will allow them to get back to it.
After Billie Dunn was arrested and interrogated, she is now doubting Adkins innocence.
Billie told KTXS "There's so much that's happened, so much that I found out about him..I think about 'did he have time to hurt my daughter?' and 'why would he hurt he?.'"

DID HE HAVE TIME?????? What is that about?

I think she was convinced a while back that he was CAPABLE of it, but that he had not had an OPPORTUNITY. After her latest pow-wow with LE, she's been running over the timeline trying to see if he MIGHT have.
I think it works like this. He thinks of something frightening to say to her and he jots it down into his phone notepad:

1. Tell Billie to shut up
2. Punch Billie in the face
3. Billie, I'm going to ____ your brains out (fill in the blank :wink:)
4. Billie, you dirty rat
5. BJ, if you're reading my phone, you're done for
6. I'm coming after you!
7. Gort is watching your every move.

How does one threaten someone on a phone's message pad without sending it? :waitasec: Seems kind of like a one-way conversation, doesn't it? :crazy:

How about:
1. Have knives sharpened.
2. Get new chainsaw blade to put on "after".
3. Purchase chloroform
4. Get trash bags, duct tape and rags from grandma's house
5. Charge camera battery
6. Call Billie to arrange a meeting
7. Take out phone battery
8. Don't forget to change the chainsaw blade!!!!
Someone please help me make sense of this. They went there looking for Shawn, they had a warrant to search his body. Billie lied and said she didn't know where he was. When she invited them inside, Shawn was there. So why wasn't he taken into custody right then?
Doesn't make sense to me for them to go to her house looking for Shawn, he's sitting right there, they end up cuffing Billie and taking her off to jail, and leave Shawn sitting on the porch and then come out and say she was arrested for hindering an investigation. Really? They found him there, but they didn't take him into custody and it's her fault?
Can anyone explain this to me so that I can understand? Because it sounds to me like LE is playing games and not serious at all.
Someone please help me make sense of this. They went there looking for Shawn, they had a warrant to search his body. Billie lied and said she didn't know where he was. When she invited them inside, Shawn was there. So why wasn't he taken into custody right then?
Doesn't make sense to me for them to go to her house looking for Shawn, he's sitting right there, they end up cuffing Billie and taking her off to jail, and leave Shawn sitting on the porch and then come out and say she was arrested for hindering an investigation. Really? They found him there, but they didn't take him into custody and it's her fault?
Can anyone explain this to me so that I can understand? Because it sounds to me like LE is playing games and not serious at all.

They didnt go there to arrest him. If Billie hadnt lied she wouldnt have gone to jail. They just wanted to serve a search warrant. She hindered the investigation.Thats why he got to sit on the porch and wave bye bye to her as they drove her away in cuffs.
After Billie Dunn was arrested and interrogated, she is now doubting Adkins innocence.

Billie told KTXS "There's so much that's happened, so much that I found out about him..I think about 'did he have time to hurt my daughter?' and 'why would he hurt he?.'"

Since released from jail, Billie Dunn says she has filed a no-trespassing order against former boyfriend Shawn Adkins.

Billie told us "I tried to stand by him at first because I really felt like I knew him. I know he wouldn't hurt Hailey and why would he but after I talked to investigators it puts doubt in my mind."

what is it disturbing messages on SA Cell phone? or they were just on memo pad.:waitasec:

so now SA has notes to his self to threaten Billie...

Color me confused:banghead:

Oh Billie need to shut up she just keep digging and digging herself deeper.

BBM, just catching up on this thread so please forgive me if this has been mentioned already but the "memo pad" is a function on a cell phone, from what I remember he has or had a blackberry, that is basically a small computer, there are many different applications and "memo pad" is one of them, just a place to jott things down and save it, rather then using a piece of paper. A blackberry and Iphone are very similar and have many of the same capabilities, again basically small computers.
Someone please help me make sense of this. They went there looking for Shawn, they had a warrant to search his body. Billie lied and said she didn't know where he was. When she invited them inside, Shawn was there. So why wasn't he taken into custody right then?
Doesn't make sense to me for them to go to her house looking for Shawn, he's sitting right there, they end up cuffing Billie and taking her off to jail, and leave Shawn sitting on the porch and then come out and say she was arrested for hindering an investigation. Really? They found him there, but they didn't take him into custody and it's her fault?
Can anyone explain this to me so that I can understand? Because it sounds to me like LE is playing games and not serious at all.

I have had wavering confidence in LE and the way they have performed their duties in this case/investigation thus far but I can only surmise that LE sent a very clear and concise message to BD that they (LE) have had enough of HER games and they were not playing. BD lied to LE officers while they were trying to perform their duties and they were having no part of it and finally BD was able to reap the consequences of a lie.
Apparantly, LE was not there to take SA into custody but to serve a search warrant to search SA's person for an item or thing he might have had on his person or just a body search. It has not been stated anywhere that there was an arrest warrant for SA.
I think LE is serious at this point.
so it goes from a PPO to a NTO?


and the spin goes on...

Someone please help me make sense of this. They went there looking for Shawn, they had a warrant to search his body. Billie lied and said she didn't know where he was. When she invited them inside, Shawn was there. So why wasn't he taken into custody right then?
Doesn't make sense to me for them to go to her house looking for Shawn, he's sitting right there, they end up cuffing Billie and taking her off to jail, and leave Shawn sitting on the porch and then come out and say she was arrested for hindering an investigation. Really? They found him there, but they didn't take him into custody and it's her fault?
Can anyone explain this to me so that I can understand? Because it sounds to me like LE is playing games and not serious at all.

This was a case of LE not playing games,imo. They had a search warrant for Shawn's person (not an arrest warrant). Had Billie simply told the truth and sent Shawn to the door when asked, she would not have subjected herself to being arrested on the very valid charges of lying to LE, hindering apprehension, and possession of dangerous drugs. Instead, she brazenly lied and even invited LE in to the house to see for themselves that Shawn wasn't there (of course, they found him). Billie admits to all of this. This was a consequence of Billie's game playing, not LE's. I think the games are over for Billie and Shawn and it's about time. Hailey is missing and Billie is still lying and obstructing the investigation. JMO..
After Billie Dunn was arrested and interrogated, she is now doubting Adkins innocence.

Billie told KTXS "There's so much that's happened, so much that I found out about him..I think about 'did he have time to hurt my daughter?' and 'why would he hurt he?.'"

Since released from jail, Billie Dunn says she has filed a no-trespassing order against former boyfriend Shawn Adkins.

Billie told us "I tried to stand by him at first because I really felt like I knew him. I know he wouldn't hurt Hailey and why would he but after I talked to investigators it puts doubt in my mind."


SA: Meet the bus BD just hurled you under.

What are you going to do about it? Man up and meet her under the bus. That's all you can do now. Either that or allow her to play innocent, grieving mother/victim of a missing child, whom you know she is anything but. Additionally, I believe it's only a matter of time before BD begins her "Ima domestic violence victim" tour and SA made her lie, do drugs, appear in *advertiser censored* vids, etc, etc. Watch and see.

ETA: Please note that I am not making light of DV - I just don't believe BD is/was a victim of it. MOO.

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