Was/is Shawn abusive toward Billie?

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Last I heard she refused a lawyer at arraignment... I will be surprised if she lawyers up. She seems intent on maintaining the "innocent" appearance by NOT having one.


She was arraigned Friday about 9:45 a.m. in the Mitchell County Courthouse.

Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs said that Billie Dunn refused to accept a court-appointed attorney.

I'm sorry... but I feel the need to point this out... I will stick with just a few though. :innocent:

Billie Dunn has a press conference so that her statement isn't edited and taken out of context...

Casey Anthony said - "The media completely misconstrued everything that I said."

Billie Dunn cries when no one is around... but holds it together otherwise...

Casey Anthony said - "Because I'm not sitting here ****ing crying every two seconds. Because I have to stay composed to... talk to detectives, to... make other phone calls, to do other things. I can't sit here and be crying every two seconds like I want to. I can't."

Billie Dunn said LE is just trying to pin this on somebody...

Casey Anthony said - "They've already said they're going to pin this on me if they don't find Caylee.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68030"]Casey's first phone call home from jail - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Of course the attitude is very similar... you almost expect to hear Casey quotes come out of Billie when someone makes her mad.

And of course... the visual similarities. Has there been another parent arrested while wearing their missing child's shirt?

It really makes me wonder, what else might be similar?

Just want to BUMP this to the next page. The similarities are scary. Thanks, Ms. Facetious, for your well-researched post.
honestly, I don't think she'd get in trouble. It might void the order, but I'm not even sure about that. Actually, I think she could lure him under some pretense & then call the cops & he would still get in trouble. Once he's served, he's to stay away. period. I know someone who was served with a similar order & she had to be very careful to not fall for the guy's or his families' tricks. MOO.

I've said this a dozen times, but will say it again. A cop told me once that a RO is worth about as much as the paper it's written on. If someone is determined to come after you and do you harm, they will find a way, believe it. They might work if that person doesn't intend to hurt you, it might scare them off, but if they're determined to cause you pain or to kill you, a piece of paper is not going to matter.

I believe it would void the RO if she allowed him inside the house, but she could always say she forgot to lock the door or he broke in.

Maybe the reason she called the reporter was so they would report it?? And that way Shawn would know it was in effect, before they can serve the papers, which sometimes takes a while. IDK, I'm being objective about this. I still can't believe she would hurt Hailey, or cover for Shawn if she thought he did. She's just blinded by Love Or Something Like It (a-la Kenny Rogers.)

(ducking now)
She got a lawyer today me thinks. This is her lawyer's way of defending her against the charges of obstruction of the police. She will claim in much stronger terms that he threatened her not to tell on him. She is already claiming she called his mother.

Sumtin tells me she lawyered up sometime today.


Interesting point you make... by this point, they know how easily LE can get phone records, so she'd be dumber than I think she is to have claimed to have made this call if she did not. LE has a record of what time they arrived at her home with the warrant, so the call to Shawn's mom is the "key" here. If the call was made, she may not be lying about everything. If the call was not made to RN prior to LE pulling up outside, she has a problem.

She could have an ex parte order, and either:
- is unclear on the fact that it will be extended as an Order of Protection for a period of a year only AFTER a hearing in a few weeks;
- understands the intricacies of the process, but assumes she will be granted the order, and currently has the ex parte so she's "shading the truth";
- is totally aware that the conversion will not occur until a hearing is held in about 2 weeks. If they lie low until then then, she knows she can simply withdraw her request; or
- expects him to be in jail by the time the hearing rolls around.

I don't think she has a lawyer. She refused a court-appointed attorney, and can't afford a private one. Her mom was able to bail her out, but I don't think she is in a position to fund a private attorney for Billie when she has her own legal problems.

Then again, it is POSSIBLE that, after her release, her mother convinced her to secure a public defender. If so, I'd assume the protective order was at his/her suggestion, and occurred after her statement to the media (s/he'd HAVE to have told Billie to zip it).
In the very first interviews, where BD was told Shawn had failed his poly ( and before she failed her own), LE suggested BD get a PO, and she agreed. Maybe this is the PO she is talking about????

Not that it has stopped her from seeing him, but it may explain how LE 'told BD to stay away from SA'. I questioned LE's authority to do this, but if a PO is in effect, then they certainly would remind her of the consequences to SA if he should ignore that PO.

Hence all the denials of being with SA, followed by lieing to LE about his being at her home, and rounded out by a swift kick under a bus wheel (He came around here).
I think that THIS changed when she failed her test. Once she failed, she was no longer as sure as she had been that he was involved (based on HIS failure) and did not follow through with an official PO, although she DID request he move out of her home. That might have seemed like a compromise.
Something tells me when BD is angry the whole world is going to pay for it. And she is angry that she has no kids now and her dream life is not there. It is Friday night and she is alone. She is isolated. She is angry because How dare they put my in jail. How dare anyone talk mean about me. My kid is missing.

We only know what LE told reporters. We don't know what really went down in that house last night. Only what we have been told. But I bet BD is really angry and wanted the world to know she is still in control.

If I had just been released from jail I certainly wouldn't be showing my face doing a press conference. And then to call back several hours later? To add this little tidbit? She is stewing in her own self made pressure cooker And LE just turned up the flame beneath it a little last night.

I believe she was goaded into getting the order by LE. She hasn't done it willingly so now they helped her out... hint hint to keep Shawn away from her. Divide and Conquer.

I think we have more to come very soon.

It was said they were in the mist of an argument when LE arrived and I could see BD in the middle of a hissy fit being indignant with LE and saying SA wasn't there. Sorta....How dare you come here and interrupt what I'm trying to do right now.....which was prolly reaming SA a good one for all the new found *advertiser censored*...and she wanted to know who it was.

Yep, nothing gets in the way of BD when she's on a roll. IMO
She said she has no plans to see him again and will not rekindle a relationship with him in the future.

Hasn't BD said something like this before on the BTH show? She sounds like a stupid drama queen teenager (Not all teenagers are stupid and/or drama queens) when she said he showed up to talk to her about something, but she won't specify. WTH? ...snip...

I just had a thought that may not be as crazy as it sounds. Shawn did not record his "personal bedroom life" with Billie on a flash drive. I don't know of any device that records video directly to a flash drive. The video was shot and probably stored on an SD card or recordable CD. From there, it had to be transferred by way of a computer (or other device capable of accommodating both devices). The flash drive probably contained only a portion of the video shot, and Shawn may have the rest. He could have stopped by to threaten to release additional "deviant" video of Billie to LE, or worse yet, to put it on the internet. With the Hell her life must be lately, this was probably more than she could deal with. When LE knocked on the door with the matter between them unresolved (haven't figured out what he was trying to get from her in exchange for his discretion... not to tell what she may know about his interest in CP? or his involvement in HDs disappearance? drugs? sex?) she might have been concerned that "turning him in" would prompt him to betray her.

Side note: OBVIOUSLY, since they both have phones, they were fully aware of the searches being conducted at the homes of Shawn's mom and grandma when LE arrived at Billie's.
I think that THIS changed when she failed her test. Once she failed, she was no longer as sure as she had been that he was involved (based on HIS failure) and did not follow through with an official PO, although she DID request he move out of her home. That might have seemed like a compromise.

lol she requested he move out of the house? Really? Im not so sure he ever moved out of the house.

Copied from my OP:

"Respondent is ordered to immediately turn over all weapons and ammunition to local sheriff" [one of the options on the OP that the judge can have enforced. Also, for the term of the order the respondent can't carry or possess a gun/weapon or ammo]


I have always wondered what constitutes a "weapon"? Is an axe a weapon? A chainsaw? A decorative samurai sword? A baseball bat? Rope? A box cutter? A crossbow? Where is the line drawn?

I don't expect that you know, and assume the general interpretation is "firearms," but... :waitasec:
I just had a thought that may not be as crazy as it sounds. Shawn did not record his "personal bedroom life" with Billie on a flash drive. I don't know of any device that records video directly to a flash drive. The video was shot and probably stored on an SD card or recordable CD. From there, it had to be transferred by way of a computer (or other device capable of accommodating both devices). The flash drive probably contained only a portion of the video shot, and Shawn may have the rest. He could have stopped by to threaten to release additional "deviant" video of Billie to LE, or worse yet, to put it on the internet. With the Hell her life must be lately, this was probably more than she could deal with. When LE knocked on the door with the matter between them unresolved (haven't figured out what he was trying to get from her in exchange for his discretion... not to tell what she may know about his interest in CP? or his involvement in HDs disappearance? drugs? sex?) she might have been concerned that "turning him in" would prompt him to betray her.

Side note: OBVIOUSLY, since they both have phones, they were fully aware of the searches being conducted at the homes of Shawn's mom and grandma when LE arrived at Billie's.

I am sorry but..IF and i say IF that was true then telling the police that YES he was home ( which is funny she said he wasnt home when he wasnt meant to be living there even..)and that he was threatening to blackmail her would have been the more sane option and would have stopped her being arrested and taken to the police station and being charged. Personally i dont believe they was arguing anyhow when the pollice got there..hes too " awesome" to argue after all!
The thing with the PO right now is we only have Billie's WORD that she has gotten one. Obviously, she waited until after the courthouse closed to make this announcement so there is absolutely no way to verify this information. He would have to be served this PO which would have went from the sheriff's dept in Mitchell County to whichever county (Scurry or Howard) he is in. Neither sheriff's department has spoken on this subject so right now, as far as I am concerned, this is just another one of Billie Dunn's famous lies. When Monday rolls around and I'm sure the media will be checking, I'm going to bet there was never a PO filed.

Love this post. Yes, gram... I think LE knows exactly WHOSE tailfeathers to ruffle. And it's BD's. I don't think Shawn is a strong man either... He preys on (potentially... maybe.. IMO) children and animals.

I have this theory about men with very large, LARGE trucks. I think the same applies to a man who loves LOVES that much gore, enough to buy paraphernalia. Think..... Napoleon complex. lol

*LOL* When you first mentioned "trucks" all I could think of was my own observation that the smallest guys always drive the hugest trucks. Obviously it isn't just me. What's up with THAT? :)
I wonder if he was there to sanitize his computer or carry off other items that might have been of interest?

Just speculating here (The movie GoodFellas springs to mind so bear with me...): LE shows up, BD claims SA is not there and he is in bathroom busily flushing flash drives.
I've said this a dozen times, but will say it again. A cop told me once that a RO is worth about as much as the paper it's written on. If someone is determined to come after you and do you harm, they will find a way, believe it. They might work if that person doesn't intend to hurt you, it might scare them off, but if they're determined to cause you pain or to kill you, a piece of paper is not going to matter.

I believe it would void the RO if she allowed him inside the house, but she could always say she forgot to lock the door or he broke in.

Maybe the reason she called the reporter was so they would report it?? And that way Shawn would know it was in effect, before they can serve the papers, which sometimes takes a while. IDK, I'm being objective about this. I still can't believe she would hurt Hailey, or cover for Shawn if she thought he did. She's just blinded by Love Or Something Like It (a-la Kenny Rogers.)

(ducking now)

I'm right there with you.
I think she has used horrible judgement and is in huge denial, but I still don't think she was involved with whatever happened to Hailey beyond being a lackadaisical parent and basically inviting something horrible into their lives.
Or maybe LE suggested she get a PO....then when BJD gets released, she doesn't have any drugs, and is having withdraws, her one focus now is her fix. She is thinking, how can I get any if I'm being watched, as long as the Media and people think SA might be here I cannot come and go. So she starts thinking in her head the next lie to get the trail off of her.....then the lightbulb goes off in her head "Oh yeah, LE mentioned the PO, that's it, people will leave me alone then, and I'll be able to get my drugs"

I think she's addicted to the drugs too. I truly am sorry BD's childhood was so damaged, but she HAD the opportunity to turn her life around. Good job and "healthy" people to be around. She could have absorbed that, met someone decent through that job and hopefully, would have lived a decent life.....but she didn't.

Rather it was the hard drugs that started first or SA, but either was the beginning of her downfall. The combined mixture lead to the situation we now have......a little girl that was prolly neglected, abused and now missing. What mixed signals HD was sent....momma wanting her to get good grades, excel in sports, be the pretty cheerleader, etc, yet the person expecting the good of Hailey was portraying everything opposite. Poor Hailey. The only reason she held HD dear was the stronghold she provided for BD over CD. imo
I'm right there with you.
I think she has used horrible judgement and is in huge denial, but I still don't think she was involved with whatever happened to Hailey beyond being a lackadaisical parent and basically inviting something horrible into their lives.

And choosing to protect the person she invited into their lives. Oh right, she went to get an order of protection against him. :waitasec:

Let's say your child went missing. And you had no idea what happened, you were clueless, just like Billie claims to be. She admits she has no idea what happened.

If the FBI, the investigators, and the Texas RAngers ALL told you that they had one main suspect---your live-in boyfriend---would you ignore their warnings?

Even if I wanted to believe in my boyfriend, I would put my child first, and wait and see what happened. She never did that. She thought a 'little bit' and decided he was innocent. Even up until last night, he was living with her.

Doesn't that make you a bit suspicious? After she learned about the child *advertiser censored* and bestiality even?

Yeah I guess so but part of me wonders if she was just blinded by love. I honestly don't know what to think. I mean she lied for him when police came to her house the other night and that speaks a lot of volumes. I hope she didn't do anything to Hailey.
And choosing to protect the person she invited into their lives. Oh right, she went to get an order of protection against him. :waitasec:

That part just blows my mind.
I've been divorced for 10 years now and all it took was for one of my kids to not like the man I was dating and he'd be gone. Nothing is worth the thought that one of my kids might think they don't matter as much as the man in my life.
You are so smart, Evan's Mom-that is why we are not reading about your choices here on this board I think.
From MSM: ""He (Adkins) had come over here on his own and I had called his mother to come get him," Dunn said."

Did you now? You are aware that LE will more than likely check your phone records to confirm that you did in fact make that call. If you are lying that will be another charge against you.

As for the protective order...

IMO BD was being questioned and she knew she could attempt to justify her lying about SA whereabouts by claiming... He threatened me, I feared for my life! Had I told LE I had seen him then he would have done this and that to me! I had no choice but to lie!

Now in order to substantiate these "threats", while talking to LE about it, one of the guys probably said if you're that scared of him, why not file an order of protection? Knowing if she refused, LE would not take her statement serious, she proceeded.

A more clear cut response would have been-"he came over and I called LE immediately to remove him as he was violating my order of protection."

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