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Support and Well Wishes from Oregon all.

Is there a way that we could help as a group from afar? What does everyone think about picking a day, and joining together to provide food for the searchers? We could choose a restaurant that is close by, and each phone in orders and pay for them, then have someone from the command center go pick them up. Or, we could use an online ordering system, delivery system like http://www.doorstepdelivery.net/corporate.html

Anyone interested? I would certainly be willing to donate to the cause, and it would be a way for those of us that can't be "boots on the ground" to support those that are searching.

Count me in.

A huge heartfelt thank you to all the WS'ers out there trying to find Caylee. God bless all of you!

Can those who have participated in the search (THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!) tell us if any of Casey's family or close friends were present?
It is said angels walk among us.....
It is truly those of you who give their time for this baby girl.
God bless each and everyone of you out there searching.

Is there a way that we could help as a group from afar? What does everyone think about picking a day, and joining together to provide food for the searchers? We could choose a restaurant that is close by, and each phone in orders and pay for them, then have someone from the command center go pick them up. Or, we could use an online ordering system, delivery system like http://www.doorstepdelivery.net/corporate.html

Anyone interested? I would certainly be willing to donate to the cause, and it would be a way for those of us that can't be "boots on the ground" to support those that are searching.

I'm in, I'd donate......I think if we knew exactly where they were, we could get a diner or conv. store to go in 50/50....it's just someone setting it up....someone has to organize and figure out how we can help.....find local places that will work with us, get us the teles, we can call and contribute?
Thank You and God Bless to all those who have helped in the search for Caylee.

I can't help in the search, but I am with you all in my heart :blowkiss:

You are all hero's in my eyes........thank you again.
Is there a way that we could help as a group from afar? What does everyone think about picking a day, and joining together to provide food for the searchers? We could choose a restaurant that is close by, and each phone in orders and pay for them, then have someone from the command center go pick them up. Or, we could use an online ordering system, delivery system like http://www.doorstepdelivery.net/corporate.html

Anyone interested? I would certainly be willing to donate to the cause, and it would be a way for those of us that can't be "boots on the ground" to support those that are searching.

I'm in. Just let me know where and when to order.
I'm in, I'd donate......I think if we knew exactly where they were, we could get a diner or conv. store to go in 50/50....it's just someone setting it up....someone has to organize and figure out how we can help.....find local places that will work with us, get us the teles, we can call and contribute?

Ok, I posted this in PM to someone else asking how to do this correctly, but since a Mod replied here on the thread, I'm jumping in with both feet!!!

I'd also be happy to contribute direct 'out of pocket' gas and supply costs to the WS searchers specifically.

I live in Canada, so it isn't always easy to buy on line gift cards for the US; sometimes I can and sometimes I can't. But, I am more than willing to try to get what I can on line for WS searchers to help with their own direct expenses.

I've already contributed to TES, but would like to help you guys out also, if I can. Searchers can PM me.
WS will not directly get involved...however, we have no problem if you all organize and give our posters info on how to assist, we will post then it is up to posters to jump in.

As I said, personally, if someone was to organize and get us legit places set up to assist w/donations of meals, gas, etc, I have no problem w/posting. WS just cannot organize/facilitate. But, we can support and will inform or posters what is going on and give them op to support...make sense?
Ok, I posted this in PM to someone else asking how to do this correctly, but since a Mod replied here on the thread, I'm jumping in with both feet!!!

I'd also be happy to contribute direct 'out of pocket' gas and supply costs to the WS searchers specifically.

I live in Canada, so it isn't always easy to buy on line gift cards for the US; sometimes I can and sometimes I can't. But, I am more than willing to try to get what I can on line for WS searchers to help with their own direct expenses.

I've already contributed to TES, but would like to help you guys out also, if I can. Searchers can PM me.

PH- sorry I did not get back to you fast enough..Brilliant idea on all your behalf's, and great way to acknowledge our colleagues, I am in as well.
Just want to say thank you to all of you searching! If I lived in FL I would be right along side with you! :) God Bless and Let's Bring Caylee Home!
PH- sorry I did not get back to you fast enough..Brilliant idea on all your behalf's, and great way to acknowledge our colleagues, I am in as well.

I researched Chevron gas gift cards. I can order them from Canada via cc, but they won't ship outside US, so I can go ahead and order some up, if a searcher wants to PM me, I can have them shipped overnight (Tuesday, being that Monday is a holiday,) within the US.

I've never encountered an on line community that has the heart that WS does. Thank you again.
Thank You to all who are searching ... Bless you and hope your search takes you where you want to go. To find this little sweet baby girl Caylee and bring her to her place of peace and rest. God Bless you all.. take care out there..
I hope it is ok to mention this here, SM is also planning to send donations to TES tomorrow and they have a phone number up plus several sites to call and looks as though they know of a way to use PayPal. It is just a thought that we might be able to use the same places they are using. I will also be glad to help the people on the ground and thank them all for the effort and all the hard work they are putting into the ground search. As always,..........JMO
To all of you who are participating in the search, or plan to participate in the next several days,

Thank you, thank you, thank you !!! :clap::clap::clap:

I admire your dedication, and so wish I was there with you. I am there with you in heart and spirit though !!

Ditto from me! Thank you so much for working towards bringing Caylee home. I'm sending prayers of strength, stamina, bug repellant and hope your way. When you get tired, just think about all of us sitting on your shoulders, cheering you on! You all ROCK!

Okay, I have a call scheduled with Tim Miller in the morning. I will ask him who on his end we should coordinate this with. we'll then decide on a date, and we'll go from there for lunch, how does that sound with everyone?
WS will not directly get involved...however, we have no problem if you all organize and give our posters info on how to assist, we will post then it is up to posters to jump in.

As I said, personally, if someone was to organize and get us legit places set up to assist w/donations of meals, gas, etc, I have no problem w/posting. WS just cannot organize/facilitate. But, we can support and will inform or posters what is going on and give them op to support...make sense?

Absolutely - Thanks so much Christine and WS !!!
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