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I searched today. I'm extremely tired and just zoning out on this board! They told us not to say anything about anything so I don't know what is allowed to be posted (so I am going to err on the side of caution). We were told not to say the locations specifically. I can tell you I saw about 100 volunteers (media says 200). I can tell you I saw George come and drop off some t-shirts. It did not rain before I left. There were tons of mosquitoes.

I was really sad that more people in the community did not show up. I think Orlando is just so angered at the family/Casey in general. I have never seen such a poor community turn out! I am guessing people just did not *know* about it. There are so many churches around here--and it was a Sunday. I don't know why some churches did not offer the parishioners to come by. Who knows. Maybe people are more concerned about Gustav and Hannah.

Who was your group leader ? My hubby and I were in Homer's group.
Thank you all so much!

I read every post on this thread and I'll be wiping tears all night.

My emotions are running high tonight after reading your posts and meeting some truly wonderful people over the last two days.

To the ones I spent the day with today, I am in awe of your spirit and strength! You all came from different places, different walks of life to walk with us today through the brush and swamp only to be covered with ticks and mosquitoes.
You are amazing! And I'm so proud to call you my friend!

To everyone here at websleuths,
I'm forever changed by the goodness in your hearts.
Thank you from the bottom of mine...

I also posted this on the other TES thread, but for anybody who is looking to volunteer, just thought this may be some helpful info =)

My hubby and I joined the search today. We showed up around noon and they were sending out the second shift teams. So if you can't get there at 8am(which by the way people said they waited TWO hours to get put on a team) you can come later and they will still put you on team because they are coming and going all day. It was a bit unorganized and the maps they gave us were outdated and confusing. Our group kinda felt the location we were sent to seemed kinda strange and an unlikely place Casey would have gone, but we still looked. But, it was still nice to go and be involved. I just wish we would have had more clear direction. I did see other groups out in other places that seem to be in more strategic locations and had four wheelers and stuff. Maybe we just had a bit of bad luck with that outing being less organized. Everyone was very nice though and we all shared the same desire to bring closure for little Caylee.

•If you do GO, you MUST MUST take a long sleeve shirt! The mosquitos were TERRIBLE even at 1pm!

•It's VERY HOT and VERY humid, 90 degrees plus heat index.... esp in long pants and long sleeves...so bring lots of water and maybe a rag or bandana you can wet down.

•wear a tank top or short sleeve shirt you can wear under the long sleeves so that when you are not in the woods you can shed the outer layer.

•bring a raincoat or poncho

•wear something other than tennis shoes if possible....preferrably hiking boots or something that can get wet and muddy.

•wear light colors


•Be patient because some things are not well organized

•Bring gloves

•Walking stick to push away brush (it's VERY THICK!)

•Protein bars

•hat or visor


If the search is still going on next weekend, I will be there on Saturday too. Unfortunately I have to work the rest of the week. =(

I told them I could put up fliers to recruit other searchers and asked for more info about things that would need to be on the flyer, but they didn't seem interested, which I found odd. They said the media was doing it and getting the word out...but personally I don't think the media is enough. I'm going to do it anyway though and just put the info I gave you guys on it.

I asked around but never met any other fellow WS'ers. But, to those of you in that photo, I did see a couple of you! We just weren't in the same group =)

You guys are amazing...for being far away you are definitely getting the word out!
We showed up around noon and they were sending out the second shift teams. So if you can't get there at 8am(which by the way people said they waited TWO hours to get put on a team) you can come later and they will still put you on team because they are coming and going all day.

YES YES YES - Erin from TES mentioned this today, go whenever you can!
Thanks to all the wonderful WS's that are there taking part in the search. I heard Tim say tonight on Nancy Grace that they would be there for as long as it took.

I am in Atlanta but if I had to money to buy gas to go down there and back then I would go and stay just as long as TES was there, and I would be there every single day searching with them! I have two sisters in Orlando that I could stay with but the gas is a big obstacle for me.

I have been sending them emails about the need for volunteers and asked both of them to post signs about volunteering at work, the library, grocery store and anywhere else that people might read it. One of them told me today was the first day that they had seen a notice in the paper requesting volunteers. Sad that they heard it from me before they saw anything in public about it. Anyway I wish I was there with them searching. My thoughts and prayers are with the searchers every day. I just want Caylee found.
YOU ALL ROCK! Pm me if you need donation! I will give my tele to call.

TY Tricia for coming to check things out!

Thank you searchers and all donating! THIS IS WHAT WE ARE ABOUT!

Just keep swimming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo:

Will you please update the forum-wide Annonuncement to change the date to Tuesday, Sept. 2 so that people know searchers are also needed tomorrow?

Will you please update the forum-wide Annonuncement to change the date to Tuesday, Sept. 2 so that people know searchers are also needed tomorrow?

pm me text of what you need said, I'll copy and paste and put up as forum wide announce, ty:blowkiss:
I also posted this on the other TES thread, but for anybody who is looking to volunteer, just thought this may be some helpful info =)

My hubby and I joined the search today. We showed up around noon and they were sending out the second shift teams. So if you can't get there at 8am(which by the way people said they waited TWO hours to get put on a team) you can come later and they will still put you on team because they are coming and going all day. It was a bit unorganized and the maps they gave us were outdated and confusing. Our group kinda felt the location we were sent to seemed kinda strange and an unlikely place Casey would have gone, but we still looked. But, it was still nice to go and be involved. I just wish we would have had more clear direction. I did see other groups out in other places that seem to be in more strategic locations and had four wheelers and stuff. Maybe we just had a bit of bad luck with that outing being less organized. Everyone was very nice though and we all shared the same desire to bring closure for little Caylee.

•If you do GO, you MUST MUST take a long sleeve shirt! The mosquitos were TERRIBLE even at 1pm!

•It's VERY HOT and VERY humid, 90 degrees plus heat index.... esp in long pants and long sleeves...so bring lots of water and maybe a rag or bandana you can wet down.

•wear a tank top or short sleeve shirt you can wear under the long sleeves so that when you are not in the woods you can shed the outer layer.

•bring a raincoat or poncho

•wear something other than tennis shoes if possible....preferrably hiking boots or something that can get wet and muddy.

•wear light colors


•Be patient because some things are not well organized

•Bring gloves

•Walking stick to push away brush (it's VERY THICK!)

•Protein bars

•hat or visor


If the search is still going on next weekend, I will be there on Saturday too. Unfortunately I have to work the rest of the week. =(

I told them I could put up fliers to recruit other searchers and asked for more info about things that would need to be on the flyer, but they didn't seem interested, which I found odd. They said the media was doing it and getting the word out...but personally I don't think the media is enough. I'm going to do it anyway though and just put the info I gave you guys on it.

I asked around but never met any other fellow WS'ers. But, to those of you in that photo, I did see a couple of you! We just weren't in the same group =)

You guys are amazing...for being far away you are definitely getting the word out!

FBD- WOW We MISSED YOU!!! I knew I should've brought a "R U on WS?" sign to hold up! Beth was our leader and yes, the disorganization was frustrating.

Excellent list - all those items are very important.

I probably wont be able to search this week since hubby babysat for me today and he goes back to work tomorrow but I will go back out if they are still out on the w/e-(I of course hope Caylee is found before then) or maybe I can wrangle a sitter. hmmmm

I will bring a sign next time so all fellow sleuthers can brainstorm REALTIME!!! :grouphug: :highfive:

Night all - I'm beat :seeya:
yupperz, i responded probably as you were asking on here :blowkiss:

But.... why can't I find it??? :confused:

Did you send it to my personal email addy
or to my private messages here?

Hopefully, I'll find it soon. :)
Hi Gang! I've been a member here for years, but haven't been around awhile, but in lurking mode at times. I have a huge respect for you all and also I have currently been posting at Scared Monkeys, but appreciate the two forums joining together for one goal. CAYLEE! I just had to come and say THANK YOU!

I need to say what a WONDERFUL job and a huge KUDOS to those out searching! I heard how bad the bugs were. We bought a case of bug spray and sent it, so I hope it helped! I wish so bad I was able to make it to FL. from Ohio, but life is preventing that from happening. However, I spent the entire day with other from Scared Monkeys on the phone, getting $ donations to a respected poster through her pay pal acccount, where she provided the donations in two ways. I'm sure she would be willing to offer suggestions too.

First she took the money and along with many other Monkeys called to find out who would donate and who we had to just flat out purchase from, we called restaurants and other stores to pay over the phone and had someone onsite go pick it up and bring it to the command center. We helped send food by calling a Quizno's and put in a large order of subs, paid over the phone by our paypal person and they delivered. If you all need help and suggestion, plus all contact numbers, who we had the most success with, company wise, please go to Scared Monkeys TES donations website. I hope this may help to make your day easier than ours was today, trying to find all the companie's we could find to help. We also found some who provided some discounts and still working on some of the logistics for the rest of the week on those.

But most important, is the volunteers were fed, watered, bug sprayed and were provided anything to make it just a little easier for them, for there hard work!

I will provide you the link, please feel free to scour through it for anything you may need.
http://.net/index.php?topic=3324.0 There is a ton of supplies needed, company phone #, those who helped, those who wouldn't. This will save you a ton of time!

We had one person who started at 5:00am just to gather a list of phone #'s and several of us worked throught the day. So beg, steal and borrow anything you need from SM. Or feel free to post with any questions, somebody will keep an eye out to answer.

It was a tough job and very time consuming, but for those who can't be there, it was very rewarding. I hope our research helps make it easier for you.

I am proud of so many people and two forums can come together for one goal! It's amazing! FIND CAYLEE!

Thank you all and God Bless!

p.s. If you donate to TES through website, they won't get the money immediately to purchase supplies. Unless you have somebody onsite to give them donations directly. ;)
I think just changing the date would work. :)

Thanks for all the WS searchers on the ground today! You people rock!! I admire you and wish I could be there to help. I am with you in spirit and am cheering for you here in in IL.

Caylee has a bunch of angels looking to bring her home.

You know what really upsets me and makes me want to scream?

I just visited the official site that the grandparents set up http://helpfindcaylee.com and the call for volunteers being needed for the TES searches is nowhere to be found. There is nothing on there regarding TES. No call for volunteers, no mention of the searches, no asking for donations of food and water for the search teams. NOTHING.

They ask for donations for a "trust fund" to be sent to their house. They ask for people to send them grocery cards/Target Gift Cards/gas cards etc...again to their house.

Between the way the family is acting towards the media and the public and their lack of involvement in the search, it makes it easier to understand the low turn out for searches. It makes it easier to understand why the companies we have contacted are unwilling to donate food and supplies.

They don't want their grandaughter found, am I wrong in my thoughts?
Hello all, thank you so much for this thread, your prayers, donation efforts and just for being YOU! I was so excited to bump into Gigi2009, baznme, samijean and Drumstick, I heard the word "thread" in conversation and said "hey, are you guys WSers?" and of course there were immediate welcoming smiles and introductions and we instantly declared ourselves "a group".
The turnout was not so great maybe 150-200- if I'm generous- Oh and speaking of generous- can you say THANKYOU GIGI and DH for not just a cooler but a FREEZER TRUCK full of ice!!! Driven from two hours away no less.
we were put in a team of about 12 and sent out with our map, bugspray, waters and walking sticks. It was hot and sticky, thorny, buggy, swampy and vast. We came accross some interesting finds ( I dont know if I'm allowd to mention them - I dont know why not since they were deemed inconclusive- but I too will err on the side of caution untill further notice). At certain points we would stop and Drumstick would say ok "Now, lets think like Casey..." and we would decide if "Miss Priss" would tromp through the extra thorn-bushy areas heaving a lifeless Caylee- not likely we thought. It was difficult to imagine and physically reenact her going through the motions of discarding her child.

We lasted for about a 9 hour day and then went back to the command center. Subway sent sandwiches which were extra yummy (THANK YOU PREGODEGO!!!!)

It was good to meet Tim of TES. He was very insightful and such a hero. Oh! and we did swing by Anthony Central on the way back to CC - We told Fox news to put more announcements out that TES NEEDS HELP!!!! Unfortunately they dont report half as much about the searching as the drama :mad:

So thats my report Im sure the rest of the kids will fill in what I left out - My hubby wants me to join the family now so I must go. Thanks again for the support- I really enjoyed you gals today- God Bless you all . we took a pic with my cell hopefully this works when I post it... maybe it will just be a link...

This was awesome to see/read! I SO wish that I could be there with you all - thank you so much for all that you're doing to bring Little Miss Caylee home! :blowkiss:
Hi Gang! I've been a member here for years, but haven't been around awhile, but in lurking mode at times. I have a huge respect for you all and also I have currently been posting at Scared Monkeys, but appreciate the two forums joining together for one goal. CAYLEE! I just had to come and say THANK YOU!

I need to say what a WONDERFUL job and a huge KUDOS to those out searching! I heard how bad the bugs were. We bought a case of bug spray and sent it, so I hope it helped! I wish so bad I was able to make it to FL. from Ohio, but life is preventing that from happening. However, I spent the entire day with other from Scared Monkeys on the phone, getting $ donations to a respected poster through her pay pal acccount, where she provided the donations in two ways. I'm sure she would be willing to offer suggestions too.

First she took the money and along with many other Monkeys called to find out who would donate and who we had to just flat out purchase from, we called restaurants and other stores to pay over the phone and had someone onsite go pick it up and bring it to the command center. We helped send food by calling a Quizno's and put in a large order of subs, paid over the phone by our paypal person and they delivered. If you all need help and suggestion, plus all contact numbers, who we had the most success with, company wise, please go to Scared Monkeys TES donations website. I hope this may help to make your day easier than ours was today, trying to find all the companie's we could find to help. We also found some who provided some discounts and still working on some of the logistics for the rest of the week on those.

But most important, is the volunteers were fed, watered, bug sprayed and were provided anything to make it just a little easier for them, for there hard work!

I will provide you the link, please feel free to scour through it for anything you may need.
http://.net/index.php?topic=3324.0 There is a ton of supplies needed, company phone #, those who helped, those who wouldn't. This will save you a ton of time!

We had one person who started at 5:00am just to gather a list of phone #'s and several of us worked throught the day. So beg, steal and borrow anything you need from SM. Or feel free to post with any questions, somebody will keep an eye out to answer.

It was a tough job and very time consuming, but for those who can't be there, it was very rewarding. I hope our research helps make it easier for you.

I am proud of so many people and two forums can come together for one goal! It's amazing! FIND CAYLEE!

Thank you all and God Bless!

p.s. If you donate to TES through website, they won't get the money immediately to purchase supplies. Unless you have somebody onsite to give them donations directly. ;)

Unfortunately my hands have been kind of tied because i cannot mention who to pay for paypal, i can't talk on the boards about money exchanging hands...and with 3 kids, i cant keep up the PMs by myself. I also have been scammed by moms on other boards who we all thought were trustworthy and i am definitely careful now, especially when im dealing with such a large amount of people and their large amounts of money.

I spent allllllll day calling restaurants and stores. A lot of my efforts were stumped because of labor day. Since we haven't had the paypal thing able to get going yet, i am only able to ask for donations at this time.

I also worried about too many 'bloggers' calling businesses. I don't want them to get annoyed with the search for caylee because every 2 seconds their phones are ringing with callers trying to get something from them.

Yes, it's Labor Day weekend so many people might be out of town, but I think there are 3 things that might be dampering volunteers...

1. The only reason I knew TES was going to be there searching is due to the Tony Padilla thread and a WS person here getting Cindy in contact with Tim Miller... that's a REALLY small circle in the grand scheme of Orlando (the people who read WS and would have ran across this thread).

2. Tonight Tim Miller did talk on Nancy Grace, but there wasn't some big bulleted graphic saying they need volunteers and where to show up... the media is DEFINATELY NOT doing enough to get the word out. While there have been vague messages that TES is involved, the media hasn't made a call for volunters giving them the information needed (nor has the family as adressed below).

3. The Anthony family is in lock down protect mode... their main focus has been to have vigils and ask the public to help find Caylee, alive... they think she is still alive so aren't organizing searches on the ground... why would they... Caylee isn't in a marsh or buried based on what they believe. THEREFORE, the family hasn't been able/wanting to put effort into getting volunteer searchers for TES' ground search.

I think the idea for food and supplies is a really great and needed idea, but right now I think the best thing we can do from afar is to try to help get more volunteers out searching. I'm sure many volunteers aren't believing the Anthoney's story and arn't moved to help the "FAMILY" at thier vigils. BUT, I think they would be glad to help find Caylee if they knew another NON ASSOCIATED group was involved helping in the search.

How do we do that?

A. Put pressure on the media outlets to get the information out about going to volunteer for the search for Caylee... EMAIL sites like Fox news, CNN, MSNBC, local affiliates with the request they ask for volunteers.

As an aside, I'm not sure if they should stress TES isn't taking sides in this matter, they are just trying to find Caylee with the resources they have... this is a little different thing for TES... on the one side you have the Anthony family thinking she's alive and on the other side you have LE providing possible search sites... not sure how to communicate that?

B. Post at any message board we think might get volunteers out to help ... the motorcycle groups was a GREAT suggestion, so is any hiking/climbing/adventure groups in Orlando, or volunter fire departments, or churches, or any other LOCAL community group you can think of that might be willing to go out and help search.

A general (message board) statement like (edit as you see fit)-

Texas EquuSearch (TES) is now involved in the search for Caylee Marie Anthony. This is an amazing non-profit group made possible by volunteers like YOU. As you will recall, this is the group that worked tirelessly and spent $10,000s of dollars searching for Natalie Holloway. They have searched for countless other missing people, many of whom have been found by this amazing group. For more information about this organization and the searches they have been involved in, please visit http://www.texasequusearch.org/

If you would like to volunteer to search for Caylee Marie Anthony, please follow these instructions...

Any volunteers for the search on Caylee Anthony can meet at the command center located at: 5750 TG Lee Blvd., Orlando, FL. The rear parking lot behind the Holiday Inn. Time to show is 8:00am (or a second round of volunteers may be sent out at 12:00pm). All volunteers must bring a photo ID and fill out a volunteer form.

Please note, you MAY be searching in non-favorable conditions (marsh land, tall grass, or hot and humid conditions). Having bug spray, a water bottle, snack bars, and long sleeve pants/shirt/boots available is advisable. Also, they are requesting that you keep any information you may be informed of confidential.

Thank you for your help and support!
~ Concerned people on the web

(This message is NOT being posted by the Texas Equusearch group, but has been compiled based on information obtained on TES website and concerned volunteers.)
LOL!! Just trying to bring some humor to what must have been a stressful day. Although I can't physically search because I'm in WI, I have been searching on Google Earth.

I heard on Nancy Grace that Tim said that everyone was searching by the airport, according to the cell phone pings.

I looked very carefully around, and found one area that you could actually drive your car up to Mud Lake. (I think). If you get off 417, take a right onto Boggy Creek Rd. and then take the first right you come to. It looks like it might be a dirt road. Anyhow, this loops around past an electrical sub station and eventually comes to an area where the neck of Mud Lake is very close to the road on the left. There is a dirt path that goes down to the lake on the left hand side. It is very secluded in this area, and it could be an area where Casey would not have to carry Caylee very far to hide her in the water. I hope someone checks this area. You would probably need wading boots to go in the water. I would think that if Casey put Caylee in water, that she used something like a brick or "PAVER" in a suitcase to weigh her down. I feel very strongly about this location. It is one of the few places that Casey could drive her car, and be unnoticed for as long as it took to drag her body down to the lake. I really can't imagine her carrying Caylee for any long distance, but another thought I had along the suitcase line, was that if she had a suitcase with rollers or wheels, it would make it much easier to move!!! Of course, this is just my speculation. I will continue to look for other places that might work.

WHEW!!! I don't know how long I can do this without taking a trip to help search! My eyes hurt but I'm sure not as much as the searchers legs do!!! WOW!!! 9 hours!!! You all are amazing!!!:blowkiss:
Yes, it's Labor Day weekend so many people might be out of town, but I think there are 3 things that might be dampering volunteers...

1. The only reason I knew TES was going to be there searching is due to the Tony Padilla thread and a WS person here getting Cindy in contact with Tim Miller... that's a REALLY small circle in the grand scheme of Orlando (the people who read WS and would have ran across this thread).

........... ......... .............

A general (message board) statement like (edit as you see fit)-

Texas EquuSearch (TES) is now involved in the search for Caylee Marie Anthony. This is an amazing non-profit group made possible by volunteers like YOU. As you will recall, this is the group that worked tirelessly and spent $10,000s of dollars searching for Natalie Holloway. They have searched for countless other missing people, many of whom have been found by this amazing group. For more information about this organization and the searches they have been involved in, please visit http://www.texasequusearch.org/

If you would like to volunteer to search for Caylee Marie Anthony, please follow these instructions...

Any volunteers for the search on Caylee Anthony can meet at the command center located at: 5750 TG Lee Blvd., Orlando, FL. The rear parking lot behind the Holiday Inn. Time to show is 8:00am (or a second round of volunteers may be sent out at 12:00pm). All volunteers must bring a photo ID and fill out a volunteer form.

Please note, you MAY be searching in non-favorable conditions (marsh land, tall grass, or hot and humid conditions). Having bug spray, a water bottle, snack bars, and long sleeve pants/shirt/boots available is advisable. Also, they are requesting that you keep any information you may be informed of confidential.

Thank you for your help and support!
~ Concerned people on the web

(This message is NOT being posted by the Texas Equusearch group, but has been compiled based on information obtained on TES website and concerned volunteers.)

#1 - this is exactly what my goal was for tonight. today was phone calls, tonight was dedicated to putting together easy accessible links and phone numbers for people to the news stations. Thanks for making me feel not so alone. :blowkiss:

#2 - thanks for the letter. if you don't mind, im going to copy and paste it all over where i can.
Yes, it's Labor Day weekend so many people might be out of town, but I think there are 3 things that might be dampering volunteers...

1. The only reason I knew TES was going to be there searching is due to the Tony Padilla thread and a WS person here getting Cindy in contact with Tim Miller... that's a REALLY small circle in the grand scheme of Orlando (the people who read WS and would have ran across this thread).

2. Tonight Tim Miller did talk on Nancy Grace, but there wasn't some big bulleted graphic saying they need volunteers and where to show up... the media is DEFINATELY NOT doing enough to get the word out. While there have been vague messages that TES is involved, the media hasn't made a call for volunters giving them the information needed (nor has the family as adressed below).

3. The Anthony family is in lock down protect mode... their main focus has been to have vigils and ask the public to help find Caylee, alive... they think she is still alive so aren't organizing searches on the ground... why would they... Caylee isn't in a marsh or buried based on what they believe. THEREFORE, the family hasn't been able/wanting to put effort into getting volunteer searchers for TES' ground search.

I think the idea for food and supplies is a really great and needed idea, but right now I think the best thing we can do from afar is to try to help get more volunteers out searching. I'm sure many volunteers aren't believing the Anthoney's story and arn't moved to help the "FAMILY" at thier vigils. BUT, I think they would be glad to help find Caylee if they knew another NON ASSOCIATED group was involved helping in the search.

How do we do that?

A. Put pressure on the media outlets to get the information out about going to volunteer for the search for Caylee... EMAIL sites like Fox news, CNN, MSNBC, local affiliates with the request they ask for volunteers.

As an aside, I'm not sure if they should stress TES isn't taking sides in this matter, they are just trying to find Caylee with the resources they have... this is a little different thing for TES... on the one side you have the Anthony family thinking she's alive and on the other side you have LE providing possible search sites... not sure how to communicate that?

B. Post at any message board we think might get volunteers out to help ... the motorcycle groups was a GREAT suggestion, so is any hiking/climbing/adventure groups in Orlando, or volunter fire departments, or churches, or any other LOCAL community group you can think of that might be willing to go out and help search.

A general (message board) statement like (edit as you see fit)-

Texas EquuSearch (TES) is now involved in the search for Caylee Marie Anthony. This is an amazing non-profit group made possible by volunteers like YOU. As you will recall, this is the group that worked tirelessly and spent $10,000s of dollars searching for Natalie Holloway. They have searched for countless other missing people, many of whom have been found by this amazing group. For more information about this organization and the searches they have been involved in, please visit http://www.texasequusearch.org/

If you would like to volunteer to search for Caylee Marie Anthony, please follow these instructions...

Any volunteers for the search on Caylee Anthony can meet at the command center located at: 5750 TG Lee Blvd., Orlando, FL. The rear parking lot behind the Holiday Inn. Time to show is 8:00am (or a second round of volunteers may be sent out at 12:00pm). All volunteers must bring a photo ID and fill out a volunteer form.

Please note, you MAY be searching in non-favorable conditions (marsh land, tall grass, or hot and humid conditions). Having bug spray, a water bottle, snack bars, and long sleeve pants/shirt/boots available is advisable. Also, they are requesting that you keep any information you may be informed of confidential.

Thank you for your help and support!
~ Concerned people on the web

(This message is NOT being posted by the Texas Equusearch group, but has been compiled based on information obtained on TES website and concerned volunteers.)

Great efforts have been ongoing along these lines. Please see this thread for an idea of whose been contacted and how: 'Help Find Searchers Thread' http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=69923

Live2, would please also post your letter to the thread shown below? It's very good.
#1 - this is exactly what my goal was for tonight. today was phone calls, tonight was dedicated to putting together easy accessible links and phone numbers for people to the news stations. Thanks for making me feel not so alone. :blowkiss:

#2 - thanks for the letter. if you don't mind, im going to copy and paste it all over where i can.

#1 I didn't add in phone numbers, but I did put the TES link in there... I couldn't sit here and NOT do something to help, when I thought there was something we ALL COULD DO to get the word out for volunteers! ESPECIALLY since that is what they say they have needed the most (aka, they had 100-200 volunteers, but they and police said they could use 1,000 volunteers... I just hope TES is ready for it if people start coming in droves... anyone know Tim and could get this message to him and make sure it is ok for us to start "getting the word out?" in message boards and to the media... the power of the net... hehe)

#2 PLEASE COPY AND PASTE IT WHERE EVER YOU WANT! (Just make sure to stop if they find Caylee or TES stops asking for volunteers). That is why I posted a GENERAL STATEMENT and took time to word it as I did... I wanted to post something us WS could just copy and paste WHERE you thought would help (message boards, media, flyers,...). I hope the caveat at the end about NOT being with TES, but we are just concerned volunteers on the net is enough/okay. For whoever might use this statement, just DO NOT say you are posting this on behalf of Webslueths (or TES)!!!!
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