weekend break: discuss the latest here #124

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And, what? You disagree with her? How?

You think it's easy to get a woman out of a DV relationship?

You think it can be done quickly and easily by the right professional, someone like you?

You think that men are not the batterers in the majority of DV relationships? How many men are killed each year by their female domestic partner versus women?

What ratio of abused men to abused women do you see in your practice? How does that compare to the norm?

I help piece the victims bodies back together if it's even possible. Many of them I know by name they're such frequent flyers. I call the CAS to have their children removed to safety and the police to have the abusers caught and dealt with. I put the toe tags on their corpses and call for the attendants to take them to the morgue. Then I call their next of kin. If it's not too late, I help find them emergency shelter and an advocate to help them save their own lives. It's not a chuckle fest lets pretend we're Dopey or Snow White to me. Her approach is unprofessional IMHO and I expected more.
In my line of work if the heart isn't beating and there's no brain activity then all the mental health chit chat over the span of months and years is for naught.

We're traumatized by default and there are scores of us. <modsnip>
Besides Jodi's word, there is not one single piece of evidence that shows Travis physically hurt her. ALV was relying solely on her word for that. You couldn't look at the emails/texts and deduce he ever hit her. She based it on Jodi's word when we know it should be doubted. ALV expressed no doubts about it, the same as RS. That makes them blatantly non-objective and non-scientific.

This is where JM is going with the snow white thing. She claims snow white is a battered woman and that's a fairytale,much like jodis stories:)

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So what fairytale character do you identify with?

I had to think about it, and I picked Aladin, only for the magic lamp and the three wishes.

In the ALV video I watched, she asked people about who they wanted to be when they were 4 5 or 6. I can remember wanting to be Annie Oakley. Even asked Santa for cowgirl boots and a cap gun.

This comin' from a Connecticut Yankee!

So it looks like juror 5 may have been dismissed for a fairly neutral joke, "for $300 an hour, you'd think they could get us chairs worth sitting in." If that is true, I think the DT just used that joke as a disingenuous pretext to get someone they deemed against them removed and/or just another desperate mistrial hail mary.

She is still annoying though with her "give me privacy/goes to court/does interviews" shenanigans. Just give a full interview now while anybody still cares. Nobody's going to need you after the trial, when there will be the final jurors available.
ALV really seemed to take TA to task for flirting/sexually texting other women. Apparently it is infidelity, even if you're just friends with benefits with someone.

I know TA had been called a flirt by his friends. This is hardly a crime. My question is this. As far as some of the more sexual texts to other women, had this escalated post-JA? Or was he 'sexting' with numerous women before Jodi?

There seems to be an under-lying notion that he was corrupted by Jodi, and as a result wanted to talk to his Bishop and get things in order. If the sexting with other women increased after he met Jodi, it would seem to give credence to that notion.


I'm not ready to agree that TA was sexting with other women since I have not seen these texts.

All I know is this. On the stand, JA said that TA was exchanging inappropriate texts with a married woman Shannon Crabtree Peterson. The same day,that women got on HLN and totally denied it.
I 100% believe that "Mr. Martinez, are you angry at me?" question was planned. I knew something was coming when she leaned forward with her chin in her hand and a smug grin, waiting for an opening. Similar to Jodi's comment about him yelling at her, to make him look like a bully.

News flash, defense team. You may want to treat this like a light-hearted gathering with your laughter and improper chit chat etc., However this is a death penalty trial. JM knows this woman butchered TA and that you are trying to save her worthless self. He is not going to ask you how your evening was, or if you've seen any good movies lately while sharing a laugh. He is going to shine light on your deception. It is not his concern if you feel uncomfortable.
Seems like I recall photos of the dryer and the bedlinen was found there. The items in the washing machine were the towels and his clothing. I wonder who and when washed the bed linens. Was it Travis? He may have thought she had already left, stripped the bed, threw them in the washing machine and then went to take a shower. Perhaps it was Jodi who threw them in the dryer when she threw the towels and his clothes in the washing machine.

I never start a wash load when I am about to get in the shower or bath. It uses up the hot water.

Also, the laundry machines were in the garage. So if jodi stuffed them in there with the camera, the washer would have to fill up with water. About 3-5 minutes. Jodi would never had hear a camera clanking around in there. She would be back upstairs before the water had even filled the basin.
Seriously, why are they even talking about that in court?? So what if he did belittle her interests? What does that have to do with her being charged with his murder?

You can't get out of murder by saying "he was mean to me".

The entire defense case has been about dissecting minutia under an electron microscope, trying to find scintillas of things to piece together to make a scenario. Thus, we have, or should I say the jury has, been subjected to extended analysis of thousands of "atoms" or tiny particles, which the defense is desperately attempting to place into a pattern which looks like "self defense."

To which I say, come on! If it's that difficult to see, it just doesn't exist.

I agree and when the jury gets to deliberation I think they'll disregard all of the testimony of both "experts" and get back to the actual killing. All of this other crap is just a smokescreen. I also don't care which came first the gunshot or stabbings, not do I care about anything JA said. Actions speak louder than words and all of her actions = 1st degree murder.
IIRC mods rules are that we respond to posts, not to posters. Probably wise so that things don't get personal. Just my opinion.

Oh, sorry. She was offering her personal expertise in her post, so I was hoping she would elucidate rather than just saying she was an expert who disagreed, that's all.
I help piece the victims bodies back together if it's even possible. Many of them I know by name they're such frequent flyers. I call the CAS to have their children removed to safety and the police to have the abusers caught and dealt with. I put the toe tags on their corpses and call for the attendants to take them to the morgue. Then I call their next of kin. If it's not too late, I help find them emergency shelter and an advocate to help them save their own lives. It's not a chuckle fest lets pretend we're Dopey or Snow White to me. Her approach is unprofessional IMHO and I expected more.
In my line of work if the heart isn't beating and there's no brain activity then all the mental health chit chat over the span of months and years is for naught.

We're traumatized by default and there are scores of us. <modsnip>

Thank you. Just....thank you. I don't do the same work as you but I am in the field as well....and for at least myself only you said this better than I could have.

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I help piece the victims bodies back together if it's even possible. Many of them I know by name they're such frequent flyers. I call the CAS to have their children removed to safety and the police to have the abusers caught and dealt with. I put the toe tags on their corpses and call for the attendants to take them to the morgue. Then I call their next of kin. If it's not too late, I help find them emergency shelter and an advocate to help them save their own lives. It's not a chuckle fest lets pretend we're Dopey or Snow White to me. Her approach is unprofessional IMHO and I expected more.
In my line of work if the heart isn't beating and there's no brain activity then all the mental health chit chat over the span of months and years is for naught.

We're traumatized by default and there are scores of us. <modsnip>

I just want to say Thanks so much for all you do for DV victims and their kids.
To believe someone is to perceive them as credible in expression, speech, manner & all the many ways we convey ourselves to others. To note, as well, that other grounds support the person or at least do not belie what the person is presenting. To affirmatively choose to believe someone, an act of volition, makes only the lightest of demands. Try not to laugh when you're lying through your teeth, make a genuine effort to conceal facts & people that contradict what you're telling me, and do not change your story.

I think ALaV adjusted her blinkers and chose to believe her client when even the Magic 8 Ball read "all signs point to NO". She did this way in front of the action and she is heavily invested in convincing the jurors and the whole courtroom that they too can and should make this choice despite everything else that may be placed before them. She is summoning all of her years of experience and her trusted Continuum and Cycles to prove her position & opinion vis a vis Arias is reliable and correct.

She is finding that ignoring and discounting the obvious is as risky as pressing Debit Card when your account is empty. No matter how many graphs and diagrams and models you refer to in your demonstrations of domestic violence, if the nexus to your client does not exist because your client's real name is Falsity, the machinations grind and clunk and hiss to a halt. You see, ALaV, we did not make that affirmative choice. We did not take that act of volition. We are consulting the evidence and listening to the witnesses and aiming at a just verdict.
JA's interests:
Travis, makeup, photography, Travis, myspace, Travis's myspace, Travis, mirrors, stalking, photos of her, movies, Travis's girl friends - past present and future, eligible men, stalking, driving, make up, music, Travis, Travis, LDS, Travis, doggy doors, make up, Travis, Travis, stalking, Travis.

Although Jodi has aged in the past five years, I think the real reason people think she looks so different is that there are so many cosmetic and photoshopped pics of her. The 48 Hours video is a prime example, except in that case, the network people applied her disguise. This is common for interviews. The light, the cosmetics, the camera angle, etc. render a person who doesn't even look like Jodi. The nonsmiling mugshot is probably a fairly good representation of what she actually looked like at the time, and even in that pic, there's residual makeup.

What people are seeing now is the real Jodi. She wears a little bit of makeup in the court room, but it's minimal; it's not a mask.
She gives that talk to professionals in the field, not to lay people. And, she has a message to them--do not get frustrated when what you are doing with your client takes ten times longer than you expected because she is conditioned by society to perform within the parameters of a certain gender role from childhood and now you are asking her to change quickly. It can't be done quickly.

And, the same is true for men. She works directly with men, helping them to get in touch with feelings that are too difficult for them to handle easily, in an effort to increase their empathy for their partner, and to help them not turn every feeling of fear and powerlessness into anger. Because men are also taught by society--do not be weak, and these emotions are signs of weakness.
It's a way of putting the group in the shoes of the batterer and the battered, and showing the group what it looks like through their eyes.

DV is still dangerous to women 85 percent of the time.


I've read several of your posts, and I probably missed the one that supported your feelings as a survivor. For that I apologize, and have such compassion for you and your personal hell you are going thru, or have gone thru.

I'd like to say that, albeit an excellent practice by ALV to benevolently sit down with these "men who need to get in touch with their feelings" and who are trained by the societal "norm" of not revealing their weaknesses, it becomes total and utter BULL CACA and worthless in THIS situation!!
Of course, always IMO.

ALV is self serving in thinking she can sit down and TRY to "evaluate" this particular man. Again, just in JA's case...ALV learned things from the PROVEN liar AND murderers perspective.
Unfortunately, ALV is unable to "sit down" with Travis and REALLY have a PROPER session with HIM, as she says she does with the other men...BUT, he's unavailable to speak for himself - oh, and he can't REPLY to ANY questions, either....because he was slaughtered. So, just as she skillfully dodges those nagging questions by JM that can't be answered with a "yes" or "no", she's taking a PROVEN liar's version and a journal. Kinda like there's no "yes" and "no" responses for Travis, he's not here to answer "those"
type of questions. So, ALV has taken it upon HERSELF to answer for HIM!!!

Her credentials are basically what she "believes" are the actual training and experience of a LICENSED practicing professional in this field.
A recent tweet by someone reads "some people are so sadly wrong when they project their beliefs to be right".

ALV spent a sum total of approx 40 some hours with JA. By READING a man's journal and listening to the tales of a PROVEN liar, ALV made her conclusion that JA was a "battered" woman, and Travis was a "predator".

This infuriates me!! The whole notion of JA and her response to murdering Travis in "self defense". This ALV is trying to bolster the claims of a PROVEN liar so as to prove what JA did was, in fact, "self defense".

I spent the greater part of 10 years in a living hell. I can't even begin to explain all the different ways I was beaten, degraded and defiled.
To this day, I am STILL in agressive therapy, by a LICENSED EXPERT PSYCHIATRIST in the field of woman who were/are in my position.

You see, most of this occured in the bedroom. My ex kept a loaded gun in the top drawer in the night stand on "his" side of the bed....closest to the door...as many can guess why "his" side was closest to the ONLY exit.
Not less than 5 feet away. Each and EVERY time I was about to undergo an "event", I didn't have to go into a closet, stand on a shelf and reach for a gun - which, BTW, how did JA know that Travis didn't put it somewhere else between the time she found it and when she ran into the closet because she KNEW it was there???

Well, at any rate. That gun of my ex's was right in that top drawer each and every time.
Now....REMEMBERING where that gun is???
I couldn't even remember how to run sometimes, much less remember where the gun is.
JA got a "body slam" on a tile floor??? I prayed I could even EVER get up off a CARPETED floor and not end up in a wheelchair for life.

How can ALV even THINK to introduce JA as a "battered" woman??? After 40some hours with a PROVEN liar and JUDGE and ACCUSE a man who was slaughtered, who can't sit with her and talk for even 10 MINUTES???

Forgive me for ranting, BUT, when ALV is sitting on that stand, talking about JA's hootchie pictures, a tee shirt, a pair of "spidies", no candy for Valentines Day, or we've heard about pop rocks and tootsie pops and Toblerone bars and how Travis called her a "*advertiser censored*" or a "three holed wonder" or he was a flirt and was cheating.....ah, hell, I'd give a MILLION dollars for even one of those so called "abusive" behaviors.

ETA: I am neither looking for sympathy or trying to be snarky with you, Molly333. It is just such, excuse the term, a slap in the face to REAL survivors and women/men who have endured FAR worse and have NEVER slaughtered their abusers.
I'm not ready to agree that TA was sexting with other women since I have not seen these texts.

All I know is this. On the stand, JA said that TA was exchanging inappropriate texts with a married woman Shannon Crabtree Peterson. The same that women got on HLN and totally denied it.

This is why, IMO, that it is going to be impossible for the jury to consider ANYTHING Jodi says (and any testimony of witnesses who simply are repeating what Jodi said) to be a fact: she is an admitted liar. She is a prodigious liar. There is no way for the jury to know when the lie ends and the truth begins and that, my friends, is the very essence of reasonable doubt. No one can make any assumptions about the validity of anything she says.
Sorry if I get off topic, but one question I had was if Jodie said it was Travis's gun, where is the (other ammo) for the gun? Did she take that also? or did the gun have only the 1 clip for it. Where was his gun cleaning kit, etc. etc..
I'm not ready to agree that TA was sexting with other women since I have not seen these texts.

All I know is this. On the stand, JA said that TA was exchanging inappropriate texts with a married woman Shannon Crabtree Peterson. The same that women got on HLN and totally denied it.

I don't think its hard to guess who id believe.

What I want to know is,how did saint jodi of arias know ALL of these names without having to be a snooping snoop?

So she either snooped and told the truth or lied,neither are good for her

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Well she might want to revise her approach because I am a professional working in the field.

I work in the field as well. I believe ALV's testimony has done a disservice to the men who suffer at the hands of women like JA. I see a number of cases like this one, although most, but not all, of them come to me prior to murder. I believe the high rate of women victims stems from it being "publicly acceptable" for women to be victims of DV, but not for men. I screened an arrest warrant a few weeks ago where the male victim has suffered for decades from his ex-wife's stalking and terrorism. He was very ashamed to be a "victim," hence his decades-long suffering in silence. IMO, it is a tragedy that Travis never got the police involved.
Here is a link to a story of a man who was stalked just like Travis .
This is a good read for anyone as it shows just how nuts a women can be and things she did to this man while in a realationship with him for several months.
I think if you read this you will see that this is Jodi in a nutshell.
This man compares what happend to Travis and to his own stalker.


If you have time read the comments as well.

I was interested in reading, but I received an error message: Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist. :(
I was interested in reading, but I received an error message: Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist. :(

Just click the name of the blog at the top of the page

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