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My son has had addiction issues. Heartbreaking. We have sent him to rehab 3 times. He is currently in a sober living house far from here. And sober. Trying to get him 30 days of treatment paid for by our health insurance was impossible even though our plan would cover it. I pleaded, begged, sobbed and cajoled with BCBS for more time and all we got was 11 days. The inpatient rehab was $600/day out of pocket. He got the help and has been drug free for 132 days.

The killer that murdered my brother did so to rob him to pay back a drug debt to his dealer. Therein lies the rub. I have no patience with illegal drugs, yet my son became an addict. I did and would do anything to save him from himself. I stopped at nothing to get him the help he needed/needs.

This is the part I don't understand. How could any mother let their 16 year old daughter leave their home knowing there were issues that had not been dealt with? Fatigue, fed up, didn't care what? As a mother, we don't get days off. We don't get to be selective. Being a parent is hard and trying and frustrating at times. I hold Sandy Arias accountable to a degree, regardless of education, wealth, sophistication or intelligence. If she had taken steps to get her daughter help, and not stopped with her refusal, maybe Travis would be alive.

Respectfully, JMV

Zuri, we are sisters in the same, sad sorority. My son will have 2 years in July. Hugs to you!

Jodi was more than Mom and Dad could handle. A lot has been said about those two parents not getting help for their obviously mentally ill daughter, but just like with a drug addict, if they are over 18 you cannot force them into help. She has mental issues that are almost impossible for the average medical professional to perceive, because she is so good at mimicking normal behavior. I'm sure Jodi's friends told her she needed to get help, she blew them all off. So the only thing I can hold against the mother is her courtroom demeanor which I find to be disrespectful and without dignity. IMO
sneaking back to my notebook...
Mister Juanderful will be pulling out the dictionary again it seems...

JA didn't fear TA because he used the word "wrath"

What was the exact sentence he used? Anyone have a link?
Was it "You will feel my wrath?"
It has been a long time since I had to diagram a sentence.
34 years I think! It used to make me so mad. I'd ask myself "when will I EVER need to do this.
~apparently TODAY! lol (do they even teach this anymore?)
Any teachers out there wanna give it a whirl?
You will feel my wrath.
"You"- the subject
will "feel"- is a verb
my "wrath"- is the noun?


intense anger (usually on an epic scale)
Type of:
fury, madness, rage
adj: feeling of intense anger
noun: belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins)
anger, ira, ire
Type of:
deadly sin, mortal sin
an unpardonable sin entailing a total loss of grace.



1: strong vengeful anger or indignation
2: retributory punishment for an offense or a crime : divine chastisement
<waited until my initial wrath had eased before voicing my complaint>

: anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean

Wrath: Urban Dictionary

Something very close to you has been killed/hurt, maybe your girlfriend or your child.

I shall attempt to explain the direness of wrath.
If anger had a scale from 1 to 10, wrath would score 30.
When one goes into "wrath mode" one loses are logical or rational thinking and wants only annihilate whatever the cause of the wrath in the most painful and excruciating way possible.

If I HAD to guess she must have told TA that she was going to his Bishop and telling him TA was a pedophile, becuase someone told her he was...
wouldn't that make sense with the "spill it" who told you that stuff?
What man wouldn't go ape ch!t if wrongly accused of that?????
I would bet she did the same thing to DB as well!

IMO he didn't even lose rational thinking. He called her exactly what she is! He never threatened her physically!
He didn't say "I'm coming to get you."
He didn't say "Watch your back"
He said do not contact me again. Right?

Sounds to me like he gave her a piece of his mind and he was over it...
EGADS! she even said she never got his emails! (what a liar she is!!)

"I was angry with my friend: I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe: I told it not, my wrath did grow." - William Blake

:seeya: all JMO!!!

I think it was feel the wrath.
sneaking back to my notebook...
Mister Juanderful will be pulling out the dictionary again it seems...

JA didn't fear TA because he used the word "wrath"

What was the exact sentence he used? Anyone have a link?
Was it "You will feel my wrath?"
It has been a long time since I had to diagram a sentence.
34 years I think! It used to make me so mad. I'd ask myself "when will I EVER need to do this.
~apparently TODAY! lol (do they even teach this anymore?)
Any teachers out there wanna give it a whirl?
You will feel my wrath.
"You"- the subject
will "feel"- is a verb
my "wrath"- is the noun?


intense anger (usually on an epic scale)
Type of:
fury, madness, rage
adj: feeling of intense anger
noun: belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins)
anger, ira, ire
Type of:
deadly sin, mortal sin
an unpardonable sin entailing a total loss of grace.



1: strong vengeful anger or indignation
2: retributory punishment for an offense or a crime : divine chastisement
<waited until my initial wrath had eased before voicing my complaint>

: anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean

Wrath: Urban Dictionary

Something very close to you has been killed/hurt, maybe your girlfriend or your child.

I shall attempt to explain the direness of wrath.
If anger had a scale from 1 to 10, wrath would score 30.
When one goes into "wrath mode" one loses are logical or rational thinking and wants only annihilate whatever the cause of the wrath in the most painful and excruciating way possible.

If I HAD to guess she must have told TA that she was going to his Bishop and telling him TA was a pedophile, becuase someone told her he was...
wouldn't that make sense with the "spill it" who told you that stuff?
What man wouldn't go ape ch!t if wrongly accused of that?????
I would bet she did the same thing to DB as well!

IMO he didn't even lose rational thinking. He called her exactly what she is! He never threatened her physically!
He didn't say "I'm coming to get you."
He didn't say "Watch your back"
He said do not contact me again. Right?

Sounds to me like he gave her a piece of his mind and he was over it...
EGADS! she even said she never got his emails! (what a liar she is!!)

"I was angry with my friend: I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe: I told it not, my wrath did grow." - William Blake

:seeya: all JMO!!!

I would be a lot more willing to read a genuine threat into that statement if they were even living in the same city at the time.
Making the case that Jodi was a abused woman isn't the same as actually believing she is.

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I remember someone here mentioned that they had read (where I don't know, wish I could find it) a snippet from ALV, maybe a website entry or her web CV, that she 'created the defense' for JA.... anyone else remember that?
I thought the word 'create' was a red flag but didn't have an opportunity at the time to research it. OP please help :)
Yes, She did to me too.

But even if she hadn't....I refuse to waste one drop of anger or blame on her parents.

Jodi, and Jodi alone, gets every last drop of my blame and rage for what she did to Travis.

The first time I heard the quote in your signature was in the movie 'Mommie Dearest":
(warning! Rated R language!!!!)
I am in total agreement with the previous poster who said this is all going to come down to science.
Testimony from RS, ALV is a huge foggy waste of time ......
From rewatching Dr. Horn I can say with NO hesitation, Jodi Arias has no right to breathe.
None. I have never been so much for a verdict of death before in my life. I could easily load the syringes without missing a minute of sleep.

Two things about me: I am a scientist and I am 100% against the death penalty. I agree totally the science itself is more than enough to convince me and much to my surprise, I would not have any angst over a death sentence as I would for any other case.
I don't really emote in front of people so I probably would show even less emotion than Sandy did.

She seemed genuinely upset to me.:twocents:

I would fold like an oragami swan under pressure (if I were guilty)....however-- if I were innocent I would fight like a.....no id prolly freak out too....:blushing:

But if it was my baby girl/boy on trial as the defendant ....I cant even begin to imagine my response....

If it was my baby girl/boy who had been needlessly saughtered? Well....the only trial would be mine. ...and I would plead guilty.

May the Alexander family find peace....:please:
I apologize I don't remember who said it, but they mentioned that JM had gotten ALV to loudly state that she couldn't comment on Snow White and the Prince because she didn't know about their adult relationship....

Exactly! just like she doesn't know about Travis and Jodi relationship, she was basing Travis behavior on her impression of him in childhood, and of course what the liar said.
I am in total agreement with the previous poster who said this is all going to come down to science.
Testimony from RS, ALV is a huge foggy waste of time ......
From rewatching Dr. Horn I can say with NO hesitation, Jodi Arias has no right to breathe.
None. I have never been so much for a verdict of death before in my life. I could easily load the syringes without missing a minute of sleep.

I just hope the jury can still remember the states other witnesses. Between JA being on the staand for 6 months and ALV almost as long, I've forgotten what even happened at the beginning!
I would be a lot more willing to read a genuine threat into that statement if they were even living in the same city at the time.

And he clearly had no interest whatsoever in going to Yreka, having cancelled that trip already a couple of times.
Everyone on HLN says she's very respected. It seems like she would be better suited to a different type of law practice, corporate or tax law, something that doesn't require speaking extemporaneously.

I suggested earlier that patent law might have been fitting for Nurmi's oratorical skills.
I just hope the jury can still remember the states other witnesses. Between JA being on the staand for 6 months and ALV almost as long, I've forgotten what even happened at the beginning!

They will. They are no different from us. They will sift through "the fog" and return to the facts of the case.
I just hope the jury can still remember the states other witnesses. Between JA being on the staand for 6 months and ALV almost as long, I've forgotten what even happened at the beginning!

Rebuttal and Closing.....Mr. Martinez will bring it all back to what this trial is TRULY about.
I just watched that video with J5. She is from Bosnia and somehow related the Bosnian war with the photos of Travis's dead body. She made it very clear it was not easy to look at the photos. She spoke pretty good English but I wonder if she really understands how our justice system works. My opinion only.

I don't believe most American born citizens understand how our justice system works especially if they have never been part of it in any way. In fact, lawyers and judges argue over how it works continually. Not a fair assessment of her at all. She actually comes off as VERY intelligent and a stable head on her shoulders. (IMO of course)

To me, she comes off as a very honorable person and has said nothing so far that leads me to believe she is sketchy or should be trashed. I give her props for showing up as a sign of "I did nothing wrong and I'm not hiding from anything". The judge gave her zero orders on her not being allowed to speak and she has chosen to keep shut until she feels like she wants to talk. Good for her!

If I were on a high profile jury, I will tell everyone right now, you better believe I would talk about my experience! And all of you would want to know what I had to say! People want to know. There were posts asking the owners of this site to contact her to come speak amongst us!!! WE, WS members WANT TO KNOW!!! As I read many posts, I see a double standard.....we all have questions and want to know whats going on w/ the jury (we have a thread talking about what they look like and their behaviors and want to know what is going on behind the scenes or when the mic is muted.....then I turn around and see posts (not directed at you) people are shaking their fingers at her for talking. :banghead: Her showing up in court did NOT distract from anything at all, IMO. The trial went on as it has been for weeks now...

[im catching up, so this is a little behind lol]

Anything posted above is subject to change.....since we have only been subjected to a little bit of her.
I just hope the jury can still remember the states other witnesses. Between JA being on the staand for 6 months and ALV almost as long, I've forgotten what even happened at the beginning!

Boy, is that ever right.

Given the defense team has an indefensible client, it wouldn't surprise me if that was part of their strategy.

Of course, the jury will have their notes and be allowed to review testimony, but still! The time the DT kept their witnesses on the stand....Lordy! :banghead:
I remember someone here mentioned that they had read (where I don't know, wish I could find it) a snippet from ALV, maybe a website entry or her web CV, that she 'created the defense' for JA.... anyone else remember that?
I thought the word 'create' was a red flag but didn't have an opportunity at the time to research it. OP please help :)

I haven't heard thing here, but ABC said they helped Jose Baez with drowning story.
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