weekend break: discuss the latest here #124

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Morning Farm.

Morning Schuby. I have threee Chi's, all rescues that no one wanted. They are the first small dogs I have ever had, always had big ones.
I love them. I hope ALV will be shaking just like them when they realize their fairy tale of lies is up....lol
Morning! I feel like I've been on for the last 24 hrs just catching up and learning all I can about this case. One thing, I do think Jodi was checking his VM. Duh..... I highly doubt she freestyled that message. She wrote it down, sounds like she is reading a script smh.
Okay, working backwards here; trying to catch-up (or throw-back?)...anyway, I wanted to add to HarvestMoon's excellent point.

Supposedly. the murder weapons were not brought to the house, by JA; however, she just so happens to choose the same items, for security (aka: 'self-defense')?

It's like she was able to test the weapons at his house and "HEY! They worked, I gotta get me a set of these"!

Oh! I get it! It's kind of like when my mother and aunt came to visit me for a week. While visiting, they both got to try out my brand new Dyson (I had a toddler at time, so the thing was always going! Well, they both bought Dysons within weeks of returning to their own homes (I should have asked Dyson for a referral fee).

Anywhoo, back to the knives and guns.

So, not only did she end up arming herself with the very weapons that (supposedly) 'did the job' the first time; but., she upgrades both of them. In other words, if the gun worked okay, then a bigger model should work even better? (re: the .25 caliber vs the 9mm, purchased within weeks of firing her very first gun, once).

If one big sturdy knife worked well, then TWO big sturdy knives should be even more efficient!

Back to my Dyson example:

My mother liked Dyson enough to go out and purchase one for herself, even those she was not currently in the market for a new vacuum cleaner. However, my mother went to a higher model, the purple Dyson, because she has two small dogs. She figured if my standard yellow model worked well, then the higher model should be even better!

My aunt like my Dyson so much, she bought the exact same yellow model; but, she added the Dyson hand-held to use on her carpeted stairs. She figured that since my Dyson worked so well, then the hand-held will be even more efficient.

See the pattern here? Although, here is where I'm a bit confused (not really, just being sarcastic)...if the set of tools worked so well when she really needed to defend herself, that she now sees the benefit to having them when traveling; then, wouldn't that suggest that she actually liked using them? I mean, it makes logical sense. Right?

er, but then she goes and hides them! Now, I'm even more confused (read: sarcasm); how in gawd's green earth are those weapons supposed to be for security if she can't readily get to them?

oh. another thing!!!! If she was in a fog and doesn't remember the heinous attach, then how can she be comfortable purchasing a gun that is even more powerful than the only gun she has ever shot? One bullet and she is now comfortable enough to purchase a larger and more powerful gun? How much was it? Wasn't she broke?

Too long and wordy?

She hid them because she was going to be going through a border checkpoint. (Canada/Mexico)
Having difficulty.
If anyone has handy the photo of JA dragging Travis with her leg in the photo please post the link or photo.
Thank you.
Having difficulty.
If anyone has handy the photo of JA dragging Travis with her leg in the photo please post the link or photo.
Thank you.

Shane there is a series of pictures that someone posted that you can clearly see it. I can not remember who. For the longest time I kept on saying that I was blind because I could not see it in the posted pic.
Well when this person posted that series there is a lighter pic that you can clearly see her leg and foot. I was amazed to say the least. But the pic that wasposted, the most common one I could not make out a thing. It is the lighter one that you can clearly see.
Okay, working backwards here; trying to catch-up (or throw-back?)...anyway, I wanted to add to HarvestMoon's excellent point.

Supposedly. the murder weapons were not brought to the house, by JA; however, she just so happens to choose the same items, for security (aka: 'self-defense')?

It's like she was able to test the weapons at his house and "HEY! They worked, I gotta get me a set of these"!

Oh! I get it! It's kind of like when my mother and aunt came to visit me for a week. While visiting, they both got to try out my brand new Dyson (I had a toddler at time, so the thing was always going! Well, they both bought Dysons within weeks of returning to their own homes (I should have asked Dyson for a referral fee).

Anywhoo, back to the knives and guns.

So, not only did she end up arming herself with the very weapons that (supposedly) 'did the job' the first time; but., she upgrades both of them. In other words, if the gun worked okay, then a bigger model should work even better? (re: the .25 caliber vs the 9mm, purchased within weeks of firing her very first gun, once).

If one big sturdy knife worked well, then TWO big sturdy knives should be even more efficient!

Back to my Dyson example:

My mother liked Dyson enough to go out and purchase one for herself, even those she was not currently in the market for a new vacuum cleaner. However, my mother went to a higher model, the purple Dyson, because she has two small dogs. She figured if my standard yellow model worked well, then the higher model should be even better!

My aunt like my Dyson so much, she bought the exact same yellow model; but, she added the Dyson hand-held to use on her carpeted stairs. She figured that since my Dyson worked so well, then the hand-held will be even more efficient.

See the pattern here? Although, here is where I'm a bit confused (not really, just being sarcastic)...if the set of tools worked so well when she really needed to defend herself, that she now sees the benefit to having them when traveling; then, wouldn't that suggest that she actually liked using them? I mean, it makes logical sense. Right?

er, but then she goes and hides them! Now, I'm even more confused (read: sarcasm); how in gawd's green earth are those weapons supposed to be for security if she can't readily get to them?

oh. another thing!!!! If she was in a fog and doesn't remember the heinous attach, then how can she be comfortable purchasing a gun that is even more powerful than the only gun she has ever shot? One bullet and she is now comfortable enough to purchase a larger and more powerful gun? How much was it? Wasn't she broke?

Too long and wordy?

Plain and simple answer?
They were not for her protection.
They were concealed to transport to another location.

Morning Schuby. I have threee Chi's, all rescues that no one wanted. They are the first small dogs I have ever had, always had big ones.
I love them. I hope ALV will be shaking just like them when they realize their fairy tale of lies is up....lol

Mine is my first too, she was actually his before she became ours. I hated her at first because everywhere we went with her he'd end up being mobbed by SKANKS, to use the word du jour, but she won me over.
I found a chihuahua a year ago. It was left behind after an eviction. The landlord threw him onto the street. My cats went nuts when they saw him. I took him to the vet. He was neutered and got his shots. My sister found a nice home for him.

Bless your heart! (And his)
Morning Schuby. I have threee Chi's, all rescues that no one wanted. They are the first small dogs I have ever had, always had big ones.
I love them. I hope ALV will be shaking just like them when they realize their fairy tale of lies is up....lol

:tantrum:I want a "Chi"!!!!:sigh:
I want THIS CHI!!!

I will name him/her Travis!!!

How does this prove dragging?
And if JA took it--one hand was on the camera, yes?

His arm is uplifted because she has him by the wrists and is walking backward as she drags him. The camera took the photo accidentally, while being jostled about on the floor.
Morning Schuby. I have threee Chi's, all rescues that no one wanted. They are the first small dogs I have ever had, always had big ones.
I love them. I hope ALV will be shaking just like them when they realize their fairy tale of lies is up....lol

Hi Farm! One of my mother's two dogs (reference a few posts back) is a chi. Funny. since it was the first small dog (blue healers were the smallest before "Ditto"). She had lost her beloved black lab a few months before and saw "ditto" and fell in love. That is the last breed I would expect to see at my mother's house. Her 'dog' philosophy was "if God wanted dogs to look like rats or cats, then He would have never made dogs". Oh boy has she changed her mind. Her Ditto is the biggest, baddest, Alpha male animal on her entire ranch/farm.
Mine is my first too, she was actually his before she became ours. I hated her at first because everywhere we went with her he'd end up being mobbed by SKANKS, to use the word du jour, but she won me over.

Oh she was a *advertiser censored* magnet? You should get her a friend.
His arm is uplifted because she has him by the wrists and is walking backward as she drags him. The camera took the photo accidentally, while being jostled about on the floor.

I presume that's Pros. statement.

Has DT said anything about it?
How does this prove dragging?
And if JA took it--one hand was on the camera, yes?

If you look at his right foot in the background that will help orient you to better see what you are looking at in that picture.
Hi Farm! One of my mother's two dogs (reference a few posts back) is a chi. Funny. since it was the first small dog (blue healers were the smallest before "Ditto"). She had lost her beloved black lab a few months before and saw "ditto" and fell in love. That is the last breed I would expect to see at my mother's house. Her 'dog' philosophy was "if God wanted dogs to look like rats or cats, then He would have never made dogs". Oh boy has she changed her mind. Her Ditto is the biggest, baddest, Alpha male animal on her entire ranch/farm.

OMG that is so funny. Me too! I never in a million years thought I would end up seeing myself with a Chihuahua never mind three of them. I never liked them and always looked at them at ankle biters. It is all about socialization with that breed.
They actually make good farm dogs because they think they are big....lol
I felt bad that I went through life thinking that because I love them and they even sleep with me every night!
Did Juan already have an computer expert testify that there were no viruses on Travis' computer?

Also, what is the significance of this virus? Huh...I really wonder what is coming in rebuttal.

JA said TA got mad when they were trying to look at her CDs of pictures and couldn't because of the virus. She said he threw a CD at the wall then bent her over the desk.
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