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Hi, Mykeru! :seeya:From what I have studied and read ('way back in my college days while reading by gas lamp and candles...), the role of men is a very recognizable one having to do with survival of the species, etc. The biggest, most colorful peacock is sought by the peahens & he gets first pick; the elephant with the biggest tusks and that can run the fastest is the one most sought; the strongest most fearless lion gets the pride, etc., etc. The males are by themselves -- hunting, hunting. The females are in a group for protection when the male is gone and to protect and surround the babies.

That is an instinct that we humans still have to a much smaller and very sophisticated degree that is still in degrees of change. In the baby's room, in the kitchen and in the office we see it, again to a very finely tuned and much refined degree. Women in the kitchen or workplace don't stick together in a pride, but it's usually the men who watch the other men for leadership positions, etc. And they are still the ones who make the laws and the big judicial decisions... And yes, that's certainly slo-o-o-owly changing because we women have raised he!! and worked our azzes off to get there, and certainly the Constitution helps, but we are still evolving, thank goodness.

And we all know there are many dinosaurs of both sexes still around -- they're not yet extinct, but their numbers, IMO and I hope, are dwindling.

In which group are some of the principals in this case??

ETA: (Whew, I got a bit carried away with this one, but I meant it...)

Not sure I understand what you are actually trying to say in regards to wishing a whole segment of the population would hurry up and go extinct? Is there a specific age you refer to as “dinosaur”?
Don't know how to qoute, but reading someone wondering why Disney movies have a parent dead or getting killed in each movie. I read somewhere Disney movies are successful because they follow a formula of Love, death or heartbreak and a happy ending. Simple as that, just a formula they go by I don't think there's to much reading into it.
In the tapes she tells Flores Travis cancelled the end of May trip and she was disappointed bcse he was supposed to come hear her sing the National Anthem at the races on May 24th...

I bet he would've gone to these two:
We did the ruins on a day trip from Cancun.

Chichen Itza - Yucatan - 125 miles archaeological
Maroma - Riveriera Maya - Mayan Riviera Resort 41.9 miles away

Her only remaining place she'll visit is Goodyear, AZ.
Originally Posted by gcharlie View Post
I'm confused! Help!

It's about the durned cell phones. I know JA says she lost one, but Gus helped her out with a new one. The old one didn't have recording capability, but with her new toy they were able to make the sex tape.

So here's where I get confused. The sex tape was on May 10th, right.

Her journal entry of May 22 has good news, and that is she got her new cell phone.

Am I missing something?

Which "lost" cell phone was found by the aunt eons later?

Zoey, the helio was the one found by the aunt and it was the one with the sex tape? It still does not make sense, because she writes she got the new phone after the sex tape was recorded. That's why I'm confused:facepalm:

she'd like that. she INTENDS for you to be confused.
It's icky that these professional witnesses act so indignant they are being cross examined. Not the first rodeo for either of them.
The camera could be explained that she did/did not know she put in the washer, and unless JA ever says, we won't know what she was thinking. My thoughts on it, it's a Sony, it's lightweight. We know TA's clothes were taken off for him to get in the shower. The camera was in the hallway, thus the pictures and TA was in no position, after the pictures, to do anything with the camera. I think she picked it up from the hallway, set it on his clothes, as she was compiling a stack of things to wash, and the camera got caught in the mix. But irrespective of whether she knew/didn't know the camera was in the washer, karma kept the memory card intact for TA.

With all the bedding being off the bed and in the washer, wouldn't that also point to a female being the perp? I mean without thee pictures, knowing he had been shot and stabbed wouldn't the investigators think the attack MIGHT have started in the bed?
The covers put in washer to clean some of the scene?
Jodi being the only women stalking him etc...

I don't know what she was thinking other than that she was smarter than everyone else and she put it in the wash to get her prints off of it, but left it thinking there was o way they could connect her to it...
an FU to the investigators???
IMO I just KNOW she copied those pics for herself as a "trophy"
and planned to have them as she continued her life because the
Grand Jury would never have "enough" to come after her.

Think about it.
The one palm print nailed her. Even without the photo proof. It was the one thing she missed!
I think she looked at it... and it was SO BIG she thought it was his!
(which is really funny!) She has big hands! ~even she didn't realize how big they are!
Besides Jodi's word, there is not one single piece of evidence that shows Travis physically hurt her. ALV was relying solely on her word for that. You couldn't look at the emails/texts and deduce he ever hit her. She based it on Jodi's word when we know it should be doubted. ALV expressed no doubts about it, the same as RS. That makes them blatantly non-objective and non-scientific.

If in fact there was any broken finger, where is a Doctor with an x-ray to explain it to us ??? none/nada !!!!
do we KNOW the sheets in the dryer are the same ones on the bed june 4? cuz i do this all the time----put sheets in the washer and forget about them. his bed's made in the pictures from that day----doesn't mean he didn't strip them later but once the bed's made, i consider the job done. otherwise, why make it?

The bed linens came off the bed. There are crime scene photos showing the bed and pillows stripped of all the linens. There were probably still linens on the bed during the naked photo taking, but after Travis was killed there are no linens on the bed, and they were in the dryer. It could have been either Jodi or Travis that stripped the bed of its linens and put them int he wash before the killing. I'm inclined to think it may have been Travis since there was such little time for everything Jodi did after the killing before the roommate came home, and I don't think there was enough time with everything she did in order for her to strip the bed and get the linens through a whole wash cycle before putting in the next wash load with the camera. From the time of the killing she had less than half an hour to drag Travis back to the shower and do everything she did before leaving.
OT: I received a lovely thank you note from Tanisha for my donation. She included a Justice for Travis rubber bracelet and navy blue pin that they wear in court.

Her note read: "Thank you so very much for your love, support and prayers. We are so grateful for your thoughtfulness. I hope your life is filled with great love, joy and happiness. May God Bless you and your family! Love, Tanisha Sorenson &Alexander Family. Justice 4 Travis".

This note was handwritten. The fact that she took the time to write it really meant a lot. I hope that if any of you can, you will consider helping this family by donating either through the Justice4Travis PayPal address or through KCL. I think they would be grateful for anything anyone can donate, including prayers.
Ok.. so watching Day 41 - Juan- ALV cross

Isn't it odd that Juror #5 and "Donovan" are both sitting behind Jodi?

To me, that can be perceived negative towards the juror... kinda like a "conflict of interest"?

Granted, I understand that anyone can be the gallery, but I just find it weird.

I believe it was Katie that said you can't choose where you sit. The baliff direct spectators where to sit.
I'm so sorry about your brother. Women have definitely become more physically aggressive, so I'm sure there are a lot more battered men than ever before, and battered men are far less likely to report, imo, than battered women.

And the abuse is not just physical, as we all know. I can count on both hands the number of men that I know who are verbally abused by their wives and gfs. I would NEVER in a million years talk to my husband the way these women talk to their men. He wouldn't take it, either.

I bond over Teen Mom2 :blushing: with my teenage sons. Their boyfriends are slapped, punched and pushed all the time and on camera mind you. One poor guy held his baby mamas hands at the wrists so she would stop hitting him and she pressed charges. 'How's that fair Ma?' I'm asked. I really don't know how to answer him except to say it isn't so if it happens to you, walk away sweety and call 911.
I'm starting to get a hang of the abbreviations too, but I still haven't figured out ETA. I got ITA, but ETA has me stumped!

Edit To Add (I think)
The loudest "guffaw" was from that Mit. Specialist. She's deplorable :furious:

She is. There was a distinct sense of 'trailer trash' in that court room on Thursday.

(I use that term as an explicit only, and do not mean any criticism of people living in mobile homes - except Gus :floorlaugh:)
Sorry if I get off topic, but one question I had was if Jodie said it was Travis's gun, where is the (other ammo) for the gun? Did she take that also? or did the gun have only the 1 clip for it. Where was his gun cleaning kit, etc. etc..

She never thought she would get caught. Never thought she would have to explain anything,
This may have been discussed already and I missed it.

On June 4th, was Napoleon was gated downstairs by skanky. I have read Napoleon always had run of the house. Was he ungated when she left? Wouldn't Napoleon have "sensed" or smelled something during the 6 days until Travis was found and scratched and barked continuosly at his door? Wouldn't the roommates found it strange Napoleon was gated downstairs if they thought Travis had left?Do I have the story krect?

I think one of the roommates pretty much stayed with his girlfriend. I am not sure if Napoleon was still gated....in the crime scene photos it shows the gate still up IIRC.
My brother and his roommates (at that age) never knew what the other person was doing or where they were
Stalkers always think if they can just "connect" personally (person-to-person or by phone) with their victims, then everything will be back under their control and they can get rid of that icky anxiety that keeps eating away at them.

Yes...in college, i was stalked by a complete stranger in the early 80s. Never heard of stalking then, so I was too dumb to be very scared.

It went like this:

1. Hang up calls for three weeks

2. Normal looking short guy, but total stranger, shows at my door one afternoon. I open the door thinking my car was blocking his or something and this guy says, "hi, Marla" and goes into a SPEECH about how great it would be if we went out and how Perfect we were for each other, yadda, yadda. I had to stop him to ask him his name. Then I told him I was flattered but I didn't go out with strangers, and hoped he understood. He left.

My roommate came out and said, "THAT's who's been calling and hanging up!"

Whoa...he knew my name, address, phone number....pre Internet! What was really creepy is we lived at the back of our complex facing trees. You couldn't see where we lived from the parking lot.

3. He leaves that day and hang up calls stop cold turkey.

4. Three weeks later I get home from class and roommate says we got another hang up call. Decide we will call the next day and change our number.

5. That night, I answer the phone and he actually speaks and goes into how good it would be if I just gave him a chance and went out at least once...that he had a "real good feeling about us."

6. I ream him. "Stop calling and hanging up and go away! I'm NEVER going out with you." I slam the phone down.

7. He actually did go permanently away. Hang up calls stop, etc.

8. Over a year later I'm at a concession stand at the movies and FEEL someone staring at me. I turn around and he is on the stairs looking down at me GLARING, like I was his ex wife and burned all his Clothes or something. That was the last time i saw him but his face is burned in my brain for life.

Suffice to say, I believe when Travis went off on Jodi the last week in May, it was cos he felt he had to PUSH HARD, to get her to GO AWAY.

I was very lucky. My heart goes out to Travis and his family.
Great post! I have believed she wrote her journals for alibi purposes ever since I saw her passage about being mildly amused that three or four admirers asked her out for the same weekend. (Yeah, right!)

1. She thinks it shows cops she doesn't need Travis since all these other men want her.

2. It serves her extreme narcissism.

Not to mention all that crap she wrote about "LOANING" travis allll that money. She was a waitress, and one time maid ~ sure she was lending Travis money!! In the journal entry dated February 1, 2008 Jodi said that Travis screamed at her and said "he just wanted to buy a gun, put it to his head and pull the trigger." Then while testifying in court she says something about she saw TA load the gun in "December" (DETAILS, always details), because she remembered all the sudden she had to say the gun MIGHT have been loaded. Not that this is even true, but this is just more proof that Travis didn't own a gun. Oh the lies in the web that we weave.
She just keeps on getting her stories/lies mixed up!
OT: I received a lovely thank you note from Tanisha for my donation. She included a Justice for Travis rubber bracelet and navy blue pin that they wear in court.

Her note read: "Thank you so very much for your love, support and prayers. We are so grateful for your thoughtfulness. I hope your life is filled with great love, joy and happiness. May God Bless you and your family! Love, Tanisha Sorenson &Alexander Family. Justice 4 Travis".

This note was handwritten. The fact that she took the time to write it really meant a lot. I hope that if any of you can, you will consider helping this family by donating either through the Justice4Travis PayPal address or through KCL. I think they would be grateful for anything anyone can donate, including prayers.

That is so nice of you. I did a couple days ago. That is so nice for them to thank everyone. I wish i could have sent more. I don't expect a thank you I would just be thrilled to know the small amount helped in some way. I feel so very bad for them. I know very well how shocking it is when life just takes a turn you don't expect and everything is upside down for a long time...
I'm no DV expert..... But don't the stats bare out that more often than not, when a killing occurs, it's the abuser that kills?

If I were Juan that's what I'd ask her.

Then is slam down every one of those gruesome pictures of Travis and ask her who the real victim is here.

If she was hypothetically speaking... The one who stalked, peeped, hacked, invaded privacy boundaries repeatedly and drove 1000 miles...did she consider the possibility she was wrong and Jodi was in fact the abuser.

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