weekend break: discuss the latest here #125

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I think she was going to flee the country. Canadian border? If she got caught with a gun or even only the ammo at the Mexican border she'd be in jail in less time than it takes dudes to spin her around. Sheriff Joes place would seem like the Four Seasons in comparison :jail:

I originally thought she was heading for Mexico (since she speaks Spanish and is so slick in her own mind) but not so sure now. I still think she thought in her wicked mind that she would get "away" from it all and be able to fool everyone. She bought that 9mm and had those knives with her because she felt empowered after what "she thought" she just got away with.

Edit: Maybe she thought if she put that gun in the engine compartment, she could "fool" the folks going into Mexico border.
I don't doubt it, but it would hard to believe he would be as esteemed a liar as she is - and JM would potentially tear him apart. Anyway, undoubtedly the prosecution has weighed up the pros and cons of subpoenaing MM. Not my place to double guess it.


Alright, now that's what I'm talking about right there. Here in the States we 'second guess'. But I digress.

But as far as the magazine coding episode goes, I was confused as to why that wasn't pursued more intently by JM. He kind of left it hanging there. As far as I can recall he went through the process of decoding the magazine, and all the while Jodi looked quite happy with herself taking part in the exercise. But there wasn't any real dissection of the messages intent. Am I misremembering here?

I am intrigued as to why the meaning behind the coded message was not pursued.

The main point seemed to be her attempt at witness tampering -- at least -- right up to and including subornation of perjury at worst.

Was it even verified that the coded message was intended for MM? Or was it only inferred?

Given the timing of his media interview and her attempted message -- which was intercepted by the jail staff who, in Jodi's mind were too stupid to catch her -- it couldn't have been meant for another.
I can't find it...I think it's secret...

Scenes planned, but never fully animated:

The queen holds the prince in the dungeon and uses her magic to make skeletons dance for his amusement.

Fantasy sequence accompanying "Some Day My Prince Will Come" in which Snow White imagines herself dancing with her prince in the clouds beneath a sea of stars

Dwarfs building Snow White a bed with help from woodland creatures.
The song "Music in Your Soup" where the dwarfs sing about the soup that Snow White had just made them.

A musical number, "You're Never Too Old to Be Young", featuring the dwarfs. It was pre-recorded, but never animated.
I agree... like where she would stab him first... makes me sick to think he stood there while she got her anatomical locations in her crosshairs...

oh... the humidity question wasn't mine. I have no freaking clue, I can't take hot showers... barely even warm. I have never steamed up the bathroom! lol My family does and they use that irritating fan... I know if i walk in there I "go blind" cause my glasses fog up!

Sorry. I don't know how I get the replies confused. I think your doggie's cute. just had to say!
ITA. May 2008 is the month that Jodi's rage spewed over and she made the decision that she was going to kill Travis.

All of her actions during May point to the obvious premeditation--making plans with Ryan (alibi), the sex tape (blackmail--maybe for one last attempt to make Travis stay in the relationship), stealing the gun, making plans with MM & DB, using DB's sister as the alibi for being in SoCal (close proximity to Mesa), etc.

Her journals don't read as journals. They read as an attempt at journal entries & it's obvious to me that Jodi used them as a running alibi. She makes sure to say that she's fine with the break-up & she's happy that Travis found a woman he wants to marry (NO JEALOUSY). She's bending over backwards to let us know that she was not jealous--and JW brought that up, too.

So that means she was so jealous it made her insane with rage.

Jodi Arias is like a flea. She jumps to the nearest warm body and is always alert to which male is standing close to her present host, you know, for when she jumps. She is a sociopath and they do not love. They do, however, like to own.

Here's a pattern:

*Bobby is broke and starving. He lives in a hovel. She supports him and helps out his family. She is always broke.

*Matt is broke and unfaithful. He lives in staff quarters or a tent. They are both broke and help each other find seasonal work. She is always broke.

*Daryl is faithful and broke after moving to Palm Desert, buying her a house and moving back to Monterrey. She supports the house she lives in by herself by working several jobs. She is always broke.

*Travis is unfaithful and broke after spending too much time/money traveling with Jodi and lending her money/cars, helping her move, etc. She ends up as a pariah in the ward, unsuccessful with PPL and without Travis cannot go to any of the glitzy functions at PPL. She tries to fix that by going after a new PPL guy who is higher up the food chain than Travis, because she is so broke that she calls her mother to come help her move back. She's run out of men.

Only this time something new has entered the picture. Instead of being able to keep him on her charm bracelet like the other ex's, she has to take some kind of action before its too late. Travis is going to tell everyone that she has stolen money from him--even though she's been paying it back-- he's going to tell them that she slashed his tires, that she's crazy and has been stalking him and hacking into his FB, his myspace, his email.

Worse yet, he has threatened to report everything she has done to the police. What if Ryan hears about this?

She starts planning to ruin him first, so his credibility will be gone before he starts trashing her...she'll blackmail him into silence and she has to do it quick--he's given her a deadline.

And you know the rest.
I think it was after the murder.....I just can't read the date. What was she doing?

Yeah, I found it (on day 29 video). Dates don't show, but it was apparently after she flew to AZ for Travis's funeral, since there are Sacto airport charges on there right before it. I have no idea what she was doing...
Can somebody please help me with another question? How did JA get from Yreka to Redding to rent the car? Thanks!
This is the last photo taken of him alive.
The next photo in the sequence is the photo of the ceiling.

This is the same photo taken at 5:30:30, just lightened.
Juan was removing the photo from the over heard.

You can see his legs are NOT crossed, his right foot is flat on the shower floor.

His arm is outstretched in front of him, the angle of the photo is not possible if he were taking it.

This is a picture immediately AFTER his face looking into the camera and just before the ceiling picture.

Take a look here:

Yeah, I found it (on day 29 video). Dates don't show, but it was apparently after she flew to AZ for Travis's funeral, since there are Sacto airport charges on there right before it. I have no idea what she was doing...

I saw a priceline entry on her bank statement after the trip and I, too, wondered what that was about. how does she get all this money to travel to be so broke?
What do you mean "charged this case correctly" ?

She slaughtered an innocent man with clear and obvious premeditation. What other charge is there?

Don't you remember the trial in Florida? We all thought Jeff Ashton charged that correctly, too- and look what happened. :twocents:
Correct. But do you think Jodi was smart enough to know that? :giggle: Maybe DB or MM did though. :what:

Canada (Canada maintains an extradition treaty with the caveat that any persons extradited will not be subject to the death penalty. The Conservative government under Stephen Harper reversed this position, but the Supreme Court of Canada has placed this reversal in a state of legal uncertainty.)

Goooooood Point. No extradition from Canada if she was facing DP.
Before I'm :eek:fftobed: Here's the latest video post;


No apology necessary, I tend to be ego-centric in my observations. I never mind being called out when I'm wrong. I love AZ myself. I hate the heat and stay out of it at all costs, but 2 hours to the mountains, can't beat it. I even love the look of the desert, I think it's beautiful.

I don't even turn on the hot water for a shower during the summer. That's how warm it is in my neighborhood.

Ah, but do you have a swamp cooler? I do (and live in NM). I love my swamp cooler! Give me some humidity in the dry heat and I'm just lovin' it! It's like a fine, cool mist on my skin. :seeya: And I love the climate here, though it gets pretty high-altitude cold during the winter.
I noticed that most of the 'contributors' at the FB page don't cite sources.

"Confirmed" without a source?

Not so much...

I like that site and the people who run it seem to be legitimate but I hate that they're posting witness lists as fact (without sources). Also, given that no one seems to have had access to a confirmed witness list for rebuttal; maybe there's a reason? Same kinda' reason the DA fought against releasing cost details?

Because I believe the remote she dropped off belonged to the stolen DVD player, and I believe he is her ally. He is lying for her. I don't think Matt is in her camp. He is just a bystander that got involved unknowingly and told LE what he knew. DB is still bonded with her emotionally....apparent on the stand, apparent in JA's loving, longing facial expressions that controlled him as he testified. DB also admitted he had met with the producers of the 48 hours show.

Ok thanks for that.

Yeah I heard that theory about the remote control, and well I just can't fathom her being that dumb, as to barter a stolen DVD player for gas cans which might implicate her. Gosh she may have, and well, that would be the ultimate in smoking guns if that lead was followed up and found to be the case.

So I know she went back to DB's to return a remote (on the 3rd I guess). But as to the 'why', well, unless they find that the DVD player DB has is the same one (or brand/model) that Jodi's grandparents owned, then I just can't see it.

From memory, the type of DVD player that was on the police report was one that I had never heard of. But I'm not from USA, so maybe it's a brand you guys know quite well. But I just seem to remember not recognising it by name. So that would further increase the likelihood that this DVD player would be show fairly directly that JA was involved in the theft.

That said, I listened to DB's tesimony as well, and at the point where he talks about the remote control, he sounds dodgy as all get up. So I agree that there seems to be something amiss with the whole, 'returning a remote control' story.

And why wasn't that pursued further by JM? He kind of let that hang as well. Is it something he's going to try and bring in later? I would have thought he would have attacked that story a little more aggressively.

I don't think I'm criticising JM, he seems brilliant - but I've just got my questions.
Matt was 'just not that into her'...obviously. He was a free spirited average young guy that moved on to fresher territory w/ Bianca. Why in the heck would he get involved or lie for her? She is old news, and he would not stick his neck out for her imo. He wouldn't give a rip. Nor would he help plot and carryout a murder. No reason to. Being her "buddy" was likely pretty shallow.
This is a picture immediately AFTER his face looking into the camera and just before the ceiling picture.

Take a look here:



It looks to me like:

5:27:18 is when he first sees the weapon.
5:27:28 she told him or he automatically spread his hands up on the shower wall.
5:28:54 she told him to sit down.
5:29:12 he's pissed and trying to figure out what to do while she's talking smack to him.
Correct. But do you think Jodi was smart enough to know that? :giggle: Maybe DB or MM did though. :what:

Canada (Canada maintains an extradition treaty with the caveat that any persons extradited will not be subject to the death penalty. The Conservative government under Stephen Harper reversed this position, but the Supreme Court of Canada has placed this reversal in a state of legal uncertainty.)

Oh, I think she's smart enough to have looked into that, all right.
My apologies if this has been discussed and i missed it. I was wondering if there has been any discussion about the accusations of Dr Phil setting jodis parents up in a hotel and other expenses? I read it on the news and he denied it but i was wondering if this has been discussed on here, i like to read everyone's views on this.
Thank You
I know one word in Australian. "Tomato sauce" (OK, 2 words). It means catsup! :what:

I learned that in line at a fast food place when a honeymooning couple in front of me asked for tomato sauce for their fries.

Also known as 'dead horse' :)
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