weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #141

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Yes, she wanted to get to NV as fast as she could to turn her phone on and call someone to get back on her alibi trip. Awhile ago I looked at phone and mileage and from when she turned her phone on 27 miles before NV to SLC, there was about 5 hrs of extra time. (cleanup, car, weapons, etc.)

If she took cash from Travis' house/wallet, I would imagine there are places she could stop for a few hours and remain unidentified. She would want to look good arriving at RB's house. Also I wouldn't think Travis would have very many bandages in his house she could use for her injured hand. She has to have stopped somewhere.

For all she knew, however, he was supposed to be home between 6-6:30pm. I can't imagine her lurking around the house indefinitely until he arrived, and believe it is entirely possible she stopped somewhere to clean up again which caused the delay getting to Utah.


Sadly, once she had slaughter-butchered Travis, he was silent.

As we've seen, that took her less than 70 seconds. :(

She was up there with that room locked, as she had been dozens of times with Travis before, seldom with interruption.

As long as she was stealthy when leaving, she could have remained indefinitely.

And as long as it took for that first cell tower ping, she could have been there quite awhile, deleting pictures, trying in vain to clean up, suggestively posing Travis's mutilated, nude body, etc. :tears:
Think she is going to claim witness intimidation via social media and then in addition throw JM into the mix...if this is the issue.

I do believe her behavior on the stand was horrible to JM. Her remark about puttin JM in time out is something the judge needs to fine her for....she is supposed to be a professional and this was most unprofessional. She said more offensive things to the prosecutor as well. And she lied under oath.

Can they hold her in contempt and fine her? ty
OMG great point. I have TMobile and always have. I used to log in to TMobile at work whenever I forgot my phone (can you imagine?!) and send my family a text from my computer saying "forgot phone, call work if you need me"....
I was wondering something similar. ALV said that the IMs with the Ms S. Lay stopped abruptly a few days before the murder. Supposedly because he was "threatening to kill himself." But, it got me thinking . . . has anyone checked to see if these women are even real? Couldn't Jodi have just set up bunch of profiles and started chatting with the unsuspecting Travis?

That would be something I'd expect from a stalker, and it might explain Travis' anger at the "betrayal" he felt in the 5/25 text.
Just a little sumpin sumpin in my "crawl" on the day of the murder. IIRC
didn't TA and friends watch a show WED night called UF or The UF. You would
think after watching this type of show he would know some defense moves beyond just putting your hands up. So "something" stopped him dead in his tracks. Even my grandsons practice wrestling moves. It was something major for JA not to be able to do so. Thanks for letting me expound on this little
jiggle in my "crawl".

A gun aimed at the testicles?
Even in the last few pics he is looking down... I won't link the one to which I am referring... but his back is to the shower spout and both arms are up on the opposite wall.
His mouth is also open as if he is about to say something
ITA. I don't get too excited about any kind of trend showing itself in the jury questions. For all we know, it could be one or two jurors doing 90% of the questions.

On a totally unrelated matter, it seems I have to re-log into WS every few minutes. Is that normal?
Log out... then log back in...
Click the "remember me" box (or something like that)

Agreed.....I asked before if we could do a poll here on WS, as I think the poll would reveal a very high percent that those do not look like TA fingers. It is ONLY JA word that it is TA.

So who can believe her....LOL

I sure don't! No way in heck the anatomy in those pics belongs to Travis.
Hey, sorry if this has already been posted...

Katiecoolady has posted over on the observers' thread that she's hoping to raise $5000 today via PayPal for the Alexander family. This idea is that 500 people give 10 bucks each. Easy peasy. If you PM her after your donation she'll put you in a drawing for a swell, one-of-a-kind prize.

Go to the PayPal website, log in (or create a login) and use the email address justice4travisalexander@gmail.com

I see 214 people on here as I type this!

I didn't see anywhere if it was mailed or not. Could be but I see her bringing it there as a reason to come by. IIRC end of May. (25?)

Thanks. I'd be very suspicious of someone driving that far out of their way to bring me a check. I, personally, would take the check and slam the door or not even open the door. But I'm different. I don't like unexpected guests. I might yell through the window, "Put it in the door crack," and expect them to keep on moving.

It seems like JA has taken bits and pieces of her history with men and applied them to a self-defense case. She made such a big deal about the pigtails and Spider-Man underwear. It's a shame the jury can't see this picture of her with another man dressed in Superman clothing and pigtails. It seems like JA had a penchant for this look way before she met TA and introduced it (along with the KY) into their relationship, but embellished her story to make TA look like a sexual deviant. As as juror, my jaw would drop if I saw that picture.

Hi gngr, it is safe to come out now, I think. :)

I must say, ol' Laviolette had me snowed on one point, she kept saying JA did this when she was a teenager, and wrote it off as a 'phase'.

I wonder if that was intentional misleading, or if she herself misunderstood. I hope Juan clarifies this. It ticked me off that I was misdirected about this, as I felt most of ALV I called BS on, and seems like the jurors did too.

I hope the jurors catch this. Kicking/hitting/abusing your mother when you are 28 years old, there's no excuse. Not that there is any excuse as a teenager either, but maybe more understandable.

BBM. Either Jodi lied to ALV and she never figured it out, or ALV lied on the stand, or ALV messed up on her notes -- any way you figure it, ALV comes out looking like . . . . a really lousy witness.
It seems like JA has taken bits and pieces of her history with men and applied them to a self-defense case. She made such a big deal about the pigtails and Spider-Man underwear. It's a shame the jury can't see this picture of her with another man dressed in Superman clothing and pigtails. It seems like JA had a penchant for this look way before she met TA and introduced it (along with the KY) into their relationship, but embellished her story to make TA look like a sexual deviant. As as juror, my jaw would drop if I saw that picture.

In fairness, he did say on the sex tape that he loved the pigtails.

Not that that is perverse in any way, just pointing it out.
If she took cash from Travis' house/wallet, I would imagine there are places she could stop for a few hours and remain unidentified. She would want to look good arriving at RB's house. Also I wouldn't think Travis would have very many bandages in his house she could use for her injured hand. She has to have stopped somewhere.


For sure, someone mentioned before there was showers at truckstops and whatever else she needs. As far as money, she has more on her than people think. She has ways of finding some - think of FCA.
Big O/T

I just wanted to say that this is one of the best sites I've ever joined. I've practically abandoned the others because the conversation is so much more stimulating here.

AND all of you are so receptive and friendly. Forums can be clique-y and newbies often feel left out and ignored.

All the newbies (including myself) are acknowledged and immediately included in discussions.

It's awesome, that's all.

Mods please remove this to another forum if this isn't appropriate.

No need to respond. Just wanted to say that. :heartluv:

Back to business.

I just made your "thanks" on that post an even 50 :seeya:.

ITA, no other forum like WS out there.

I would really like to see her get the death penalty, BUT, I would like her death to be like the one she gave Travis.

Since that is not going to happen, perhaps LWOP would be better. She would sit every day and not have anything to do or think about but what she has done?

I really don't know which I would rather see. I don't want to see her live, but would like to see her suffer.......
Still waiting for the release of Falsity's journal pages from June 1, 2008. I know you told us the entry was long, gCharlie but what were your impressions & is it possible to summarize what she wrote? It is thisclose to her odyssey, so it ought to reveal some attitude, some plan, her thoughts.

It has been noted here that Falsity copied films, books, sayings and accounts from others and was not original. So true. She even began to testify that Travis's gun was a present from his grandfather. Like the real .25 auto was a gift from yours, Falsity?

Where can I find all of her Journal pages? and Travis'?
A gun aimed at the testicles?
Even in the last few pics he is looking down... I won't link the one to which I am referring... but his back is to the shower spout and both arms are up on the opposite wall.
His mouth is also open as if he is about to say something

TA wasn't afraid per say of guns because he would go target shooting with
friends. But from the story he was telling of being robbed, he was when a gun was directly pointed at his head and his life "flashed "before his eyes
and guess who was there on that night and remembers ALL details.
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