weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #141

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Time to go night night. I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm sure court will NOT start on time...as usual so I'm not going to fall all over myself trying to get there on time.
Hmmm...JSS said "you would have made preparations". I thought she was referring to deciding Monday or Tuesday. Sounds like it may be a little bit more than that..??

Is it Tuesday yet?? I want to know what's going on with ALV. :banghead:

Exactly! Plus she begins with a Ssss sound like she was going to say something else (my guess would be "secured" legal representation since that's the term she used with Gus IIRC), then switched to "you will have made preparations" probably to not cause additionaly speculation in regard to ALV. MOO, of course
And the fact is he asking is close ended questions.

Who will represent the DT for Demarte? Nurmi :please:

Those pundits who are criticizing JM all the time for being too aggressive.....I'm sure he wouldn't be if the wits weren't always trying to lie, back pedal and argue with him about everything under the sun. Those pundits seem to conveniently forget that part.
I don't know, I go back and forth. I was thinking today, it's one thing if the lay community hate her, she'll write that off to a culture of patriarchal ideology. But as her own peers step away from her too, can she write them off as easily?

Oh, I really can't make sense of this,as you know. I don't understand what happened there with her at all. I don't know whether she'll be retrospective after the fact or not. I'm just confused. We'll have to wait and see, I guess.
She was. Travis sounded like he'd played that part a zillion times before with her.

Plus, didn't the tape start with the conversation already in progress, iirc the first 15 min. aren't heard?
While I agree with you 100%, what do you think Alyce will do when the trial is finished? She's going to go on HLN and any other TV show that will have her to try and redeem herself. She's going to say that she trusted the defense team and had a limited amount of data to work with. Then she'll say that if she had access to all the data, her opinion would have been different and she would have testified to that. Poor Alyce was a victim of the defense team - boo hoo. Of course it's a bunch of carp, but I believe we will be seeing this when the trial is over and some of the public will buy it (not me).

NO ONE's buyin' it..

If the enquirer told JA's mom to take a hike...

She's done.
I realize that some on this site has dibbs on Juan. but it's to late because I'm declaring him as my lawfully virtual husband. I really have this thing about a man trying to get justice served!
The pic of finger comparison of DB's being like Frankenstein :giggle: were the same fingers we saw in court, and not Travis'?

I dont deserve credit for that. Some other person put those pictures together, and I saw them somewhere. They were 100% correct, and I was floored looking at them.
While I agree with you 100%, what do you think Alyce will do when the trial is finished? She's going to go on HLN and any other TV show that will have her to try and redeem herself. She's going to say that she trusted the defense team and had a limited amount of data to work with. Then she'll say that if she had access to all the data, her opinion would have been different and she would have testified to that. Poor Alyce was a victim of the defense team - boo hoo. Of course it's a bunch of carp, but I believe we will be seeing this when the trial is over and some of the public will buy it (not me).

When she realized she was on the Titanic she immediately gave up the DT, saying they told her to rely on those documents and not to talk to anyone else.

waa waa waa I couldn’t do a proper investigation 'cos they wouldn’t let meeeeee. :rolleyes:

She'll throw all of her previous cases under suspicion since she allowed someone else to tell her what she could and couldn't investigate.

She will just make herself look [even more] foolish.
Oh, I really can't make sense of this,as you know. I don't understand what happened there with her at all. I don't know whether she'll be retrospective after the fact or not. I'm just confused. We'll have to wait and see, I guess.

It will be interesting to see it unfold that is for sure.
I'm with you on that one. I do the same thing (mute) but I wanted to hear katiecoolady on the radio show and Beth Karas of course, so I had to put up with her. Plus she is very critical of Juan's style and sings her own praises of how awesome she was as a prosecutor. Aggressive and a bull dog, but not mean and angry like JM ... Pfffft.

She just makes up facts, that part at the end where she said she follows the trial closely and all that made me :puke: I missed the first part, it sounded like a caller rang up and criticised her earlier, good.
Yes...he did say that... it just seemed as if Jodi was more in control of the situation than he was...

Here's the comment that AVL used to paint Travis as a "pedophile".

ALEXANDER: (INAUDIBLE) slowly. (INAUDIBLE) sounds like you`re a 12-year- old girl having her first orgasm. That`s so hot!

ARIAS: Sounds like what?

ALEXANDER: A 12-year-old girl having her first orgasm. (INAUDIBLE) hot little girl.

The last part. In context, he's referring to Jodi! Not that he wants to screw a real little girl. Shame on Alyce and her intellectual dishonesty.
She just makes up facts, that part at the end where she said she follows the trial closely and all that made me :puke: I missed the first part, it sounded like a caller rang up and criticised her earlier, good.

Said something about sometimes they tell her they need her to take the defense side...there wouldnt be much of a show if everyone was pro prosecution...something to that effect, I could not hear well as I was running around trying to get laundry finished and put away.
Especially when he was planning on going on vacation in a few days. I honestly could see him opening the door to her if she used that ruse to get into his house. Then she proceeds to tell him whatever he wants to hear in order to stay there several hours, seduces him into the sex, and the rest is history.


ITA, JA wasn't the smartest chick on the block in regards to the murder, but then again who is?

I do believe the first part of her plan was to arrive at Ta's with no one knowing she was coming. Otherwise all the prep of gas cans, hair color, rent a car, and license plates doesn't ring true. She didn't want any one knowing she was there. It is essential to her plan.
Yes, that might be just what happened, along with apologies for all the wrongs she did to him.

She needed to get inside that house.



Lol, the good ole closure line. Hours upon hours of comforting heartbroken girlfriends has taught me that "I just want closure"="I DO NOT WANT CLOSURE"
It will be interesting to see it unfold that is for sure.

I can't help but feel it's a tragedy all the way around. For her, for Travis' family, for DV victims, for her colleagues and the field generally. She played an important part in paving the way for the advances that have occurred in the national dialog regarding DV and women's issues more broadly. I can't discount that as irrelevant. But her position in this case seems so difficult to reconcile with any logical position that I just can't see it as anything other than a tragedy.
I am pretty sure the roommate said when he left that morning the clearner was not out, but when he came back it was out and put together and furniture moved.


Thank you. That is also what I had remembered, but wasn't positive without trying to verify it.

And with that I have to say good night...
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