weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #141

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Jodi is having someone update her FB page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.433326974455.233638.816339455&type=1 pic updated 16 hrs ago. Donovan obviously has the passwords now. Nice.

ETA: she's taking friend requests by the looks. I'm annoyed, but intrigued.

:eek: I must say that Mikey "Kung Pao" Daniels is right on this one --

"I wear disguise. Not want the Jodi Arias to be able to find me if she eveh get out of jail. Dat why I have hat and glasses."

I wouldn't take a chance that she would be able to track me to the nearest star system.

Yeah, I get why people have trouble with the idea he would have let her into his home/bed that day. But, as someone with mostly single friends, it's not strange at all to me. One day they're in love, the next they hate each other, they break up and get back together 10 times, each time swearing this is really it, etc, etc.

Oh, you darned kids and all your free love and what-not. ;)
And if he were really an abuser, there'd be no need to grasp at such inane straws trying to paint him into one. There's next to no controlling behaviors on Travis' part that I can find - in fact, contrary to what I'd expect in someone who commits IPV; like encouraging the 'victim' to date others; lending them a car; 'writing off' a BMW instead of going ballistic over it; not coercing them into co-habitating or marriage; not stalking (at least by proxy) when the victim leaves the geographical area, etc, just to name a few.

I've had a feeling for quite awhile at least one juror is intimately knowledgeable of intimate partner violence too - perhaps not first hand - but something about the way a few questions have been worded make me believe that.


Yes. ALV has a warped view on what constitutes abuse. Telling someone to empty their mail box is not abuse and one juror called her out on it. And basing her opinion largely on a series of text messages during the month of May is utterly pathetic and this sentiment was reflected in several juror questions. Also her absurd and false characterization of that private May 26th tirade as "character assassination". A juror called her out on that too. She was exposed as gender biased and mostly by her own words (especially when she insulted Juan's gender by comparing him to the men in her group with her rude and sexist "time out" insult). Despicable. Juan wasn't even needed really.

As for those texts, again they do not prove abuse in the sense of "battering" now matter what was said (unless we're talking about death threats).

1 It's just words on a screen that did not have to be read. From how AVL characterized it, it was comprised of mostly juvenile put-downs. Jodi would have laughed it off had she not been a sufferer of NPD and obsessed with how Travis thought of her.

2. They were separated and only had a phone sex relationship.

3. Battering generally includes physical abuse, threats of physical violence (all used to maintain control) and overt jealousy. This jealousy typically evolves into stalking behavior after break-ups, and we have Alyce's admission that Travis exhibited no such behaviors. The classic characteristics of the domestic batterer were absent in Travis Alexander. What you really had here was a rocky relationship filled with lots of good sex but also lots of arguments (with Travis probably being the ******* in many of these verbal spats). Compatible in the bedroom, but not outside of it. Many relationships are like that and they're not "abusive" in the sense that AVL wants to portray. The juror questions indicate that some are not buying it and they shouldn't. Furthermore, their mutually enjoyable sex life (based on text massages and Jodi's own admissions) is highly uncharacteristic of abusive relationships. Abused women are generally not going to feel sexual with a man that 1. rapes them as Jodi claimed 2. insults and berates them 3. beats them. The kind of abuse that Jodi alleged would have certainly affected their sex life in a very negative way. Instead, we have Jodi still fantasizing about screwing him after the break-up when the worst of the alleged physical abuse was behind her. Having ravishment fantasies involving Travis as the ravisher, the very man she accused of rape two times (she ADMITTED this on the stand when Nurmi asked her if she had rape fantasies). This are not consistent with the behavior of a "battered woman" who's been subjected to the most extreme form of non-fatal abuse -- sexual assault.
I can believe it. She seemed to think that she could explain her position if only she were allowed to talk long enough. It's why it took 9 forevers to get an answer from her. If it is her on twitter -notice the content of the tweet- she'll just try to surround herself with people who won't challenge her and who will tell her how brave and right she is. MOO

She was being purposely obtuse. When JM was asking if any other column said the work stalking and had to make her read each and every column was a little on the ridiculous side.

The DT was going to be able to recross, she could elaborate then. She chose to be hostile to JM and his questioning IMHO.

A JM spoof account

Juan Martinez ‏@AskJuanMartinez 29m

BREAKING--->> Maricopa County Courthouse toilet stolen: Defense Team has nothing to go on. #JodiArias
Vinnie Politan just said the trial coverage doesn't start until 4:30 :furious: Oh well, maybe I'll actually get some crap done today.
Coming soon to a court room near you..... Will not be ALV!


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Oh yeah! I was floored by that! As many people were. I'm a little surprised that JM didn't ask her about that during his follow-up.

Maybe he thought it was so ridiculous, there was no need. I'm sure the jurors got it. I would've like to have seen the look on their faces when she said that. I sat dumbfounded for a few minutes while my brain processed it.
We have seen what grandparent's house looked like, but have we seen what her prior home with DB looked like and her family home. IIRC the family home was also in disrepair.

So I agree, she was looking for the ideal life she had conjured up in her head, the relationship with TA was about material things not love for her.


Jodi must have known around the time she met Travis that the nice home with Darryl was going back to the bank soon, and that she only had a limited window of opportunity to use it to enhance her image to the next guy. She said that the relationship with DB "wasn't progressing" - Jodi-speak for "he's never gonna marry me". I think part of the hatred she came to feel toward Travis, as she stewed in that tiny, cluttered room in Yreka, was his causing her to waste the Desert Palms house disguise, which masked who she really was, on yet another guy who refused to legalize their arrangement as her youth/looks were fading away.
I understand completely - I was born in the 50's in Cali and moved to the South in my early twenties. I guess it depends on how many jurors are Conservative in Phoenix. I think Juror #11 being let go was a good thing.

I don't think politics is a factor. I'm as liberal as the day is long and would vote this sociopathic liar guilty in a heart-beat. ;)

I'm normally against the death penalty, for a variety of reasons I won't go into here, but in this case I am not. JA has confessed to the killing. There is no doubt at all about her guilt. She also gave us--and the jury--a good long look at her on the stand. She is unrepentant, manipulative, lies like a rug, thinks she is smarter than just about everyone, and would obviously kill again if she thought she could get away with it. That goes for in prison too.

My feelings for JA at this point are of the white blood-cell vs. pathogen variety.
Maybe he thought it was so ridiculous, there was no need. I'm sure the jurors got it. I would've like to have seen the look on their faces when she said that. I sat dumbfounded for a few minutes while my brain processed it.

I think JM knew that the answer spoke for the witness in more ways than one. He was trying to show she was biased...and she showed that. Without a doubt.

Yes. ALV has a warped view on what constitutes abuse. Telling someone to empty their mail box is not abuse and one juror called her out on it. And basing her opinion largely on a series of text messages during the month of May is utterly pathetic and this sentiment was reflected in several juror questions. Also her absurd and false characterization of that private May 26th tirade as "character assassination". A juror called her out on that too. She was exposed as gender biased and mostly by her own words (especially when she insulted Juan's gender by comparing him to the men in her group with her rude and sexist "time out" insult). Despicable. Juan wasn't even needed really.

As for those texts, again they do not prove abuse in the sense of "battering" now matter what was said (unless we're talking about death threats).

1 It's just words on a screen that did not have to be read. From how AVL characterized it, it was comprised of mostly juvenile put-downs. Jodi would have laughed it off had she not been a sufferer of NPD and obsessed with how Travis thought of her.

2. They were separated and only had a phone sex relationship.

3. Battering generally includes physical abuse, threats of physical violence (all used to maintain control) and overt jealousy. This jealousy typically evolves into stalking behavior after break-ups, and we have Alyce's admission that Travis exhibited no such behaviors. The classic characteristics of the domestic batterer were absent in Travis Alexander. What you really had here was a rocky relationship filled with lots of good sex but also lots of arguments (with Travis probably being the ******* in many of these verbal spats). Compatible in the bedroom, but not outside of it. Many relationships are like that and they're not "abusive" in the sense that AVL wants to portray. The juror questions indicate that some are not buying it and they shouldn't. Furthermore, their mutually enjoyable sex life (based on text massages and Jodi's own admissions) is highly uncharacteristic of abusive relationships. Abused women are generally not going to feel sexual with a man that 1. rapes them as Jodi claimed 2. insults and berates them 3. beats them. The kind of abuse that Jodi alleged would have certainly affected their sex life in a very negative way. Instead, we have Jodi still fantasizing about screwing him after the break-up when the worst of the alleged physical abuse was behind her. Having ravishment fantasies involving Travis as the ravisher, the very man she accused of rape two times (she ADMITTED this on the stand when Nurmi asked her if she had rape fantasies). This are not consistent with the behavior of a "battered woman" who's been subjected to the most extreme form of non-fatal abuse -- sexual assault.

:clap::clap::clap: Excellent post and point of view. I totally agree.
Something ALV said on the stand really struck me as odd. She said that Jodi was denying that any domestic violence had happened. If that is the case why was a so-called domestic violence expert brought in to see her? ALV has said herself that she is only there to speak about DV. Surely only JA herself knew about the alleged DV with TA, so what reason would the defence have to bring her in if it's before JA claitold them happened? It makes it seem even more that the defence are involved, not just JA in making up this DV defence
Jodi must have known around the time she met Travis that the nice home with Darryl was going back to the bank soon, and that she only had a limited window of opportunity to use it to enhance her image to the next guy. She said the the relationship with DB "wasn't progressing" - Jodi-speak for "he's never gonna marry me". I think part of the hatred she came to feel toward Travis, as she stewed in that tiny, cluttered room in Yreka, was his causing her to waste the Desert Palms house disguise, which masked who she really was, on yet another guy who refused to legalize their arrangement as her youth/looks were fading away.

My line of thought on the Desert Palms house was that it was nowhere as nice as TA I guess. We have JA supposedly working 3 jobs, and DB was not making a mint. Honestly, if you factor in the possibility that he was paying child support, I don't think he was making hardly any money at all.

I don't know. You look at the neatness and the house is very nicely decorated. Probably a far cry from what she is used to because imho JA wasn't a neat freak.

ETA: I do agree though that at some point JA realized that she wasn't changing DB mind about the marriage. I know a lot of men/women who get divorced and the next rodeo is about having someone to have sex and a nice dinner out with from time to time. Sex being the prevailing factor. IMHO.

Vinnie Politan just said the trial coverage doesn't start until 4:30 :furious: Oh well, maybe I'll actually get some crap done today.

MC Superior Court ‏@courtpio 12 Apr

Hearings in #JodiArias begin on Monday at 9:30 without jury. Jury told to come in at 1:30 pm.


They have a hearing in the morning with HLN producer. Re: prosecutor mis conduct.
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