weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #141

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I never understood the $300.00 amount, and always figured it was 3K? My monthly insulin is $300.00 for a vial. No way can you get a boob job for that price unless it's underground. And I haven't heard of underground boobie jobs.



I always thought Jodi lied because she took her "mortgage payment", and used it for *advertiser censored*...and lied to Darryl. :)
I truly am so sorry you went through all that. Sharing your story takes a lot of bravery. I like to grow sunflowers. sunflowers are prone to blight in our area. After the first time your sunflowers get blight you will NEVER forget the symptoms of it again. You can see it from a mile off. You then attempt to avoid it at all costs because it robs you of your hard work, robs you of the joy in seeing things grow and flourish and it robs you of a harvest of your labors. I hope this translates to your life as well as it has to mine. Hugs.

Thank you....my friends said something similar to that "Jan, if you see three guy's coming towards you and your really attracted to one of them..run from him and pick the one your least attracted to. Why? because I am a verified "psycho magnet" lol.
I support an animal rescue group in Houston, Corridor Rescue Inc, and that's where my dog came from. Houston is also know for huge numbers of stray and abandoned dogs. :( Penny (my dog) is about 4 and had never had a home until they picked her off the streets. She was in an area they call the Corridor of Cruelty, an area near York and something (I've never been there) where people dump dogs and others try to run them over with cars.

I beg you Houstonites to support your local animal rescues in any way you can. (Barrio Dogs, Forgotten Dogs of the Fifth Ward, Corridor Rescue Inc.)

Making this on-topic, Napoleon would want you to be involved!

Thank you for doing what you do! My mom also works in shelters part time and has 5, YES FIVE shelter pups. My husband and I have also rescued a shelter pup years back, Elvis (our pup) has since passed earlier this year.

We are going to adopt another shelter pup this summer for our kiddos. We don't believe in going to breeders, when there are so many on the street and in shelters that need homes.

Again, thank you for all you do for the four legged "people" in our city! Youre a hero!
I think the jury are going to be ticked off if Matt McCartney doesn't take the stand. Surely they will say: ''Wait a minute....he's the only witness that JA claims she told about the abuse!'' Also the DV expert based some of her judgement on testimony from him.
The jury are going to be know something weird is going on, if I was the jury I'd think it was because it's a lie

:seeya: I agree ... and I think not only will the jury be "ticked" -- but many of us who have followed this case :innocent: ... lol !

But I trust that IF Mr. Martinez does NOT call Matt McC to the stand, there must be a good reason ... Mr. M knows what his strategy is, and has looked at both the "pros and cons" of calling MM to testify ...

:waitasec: Mr. Martinez sure left us "wanting to know more" when he challenged Jodi when she was on the stand about whether or not MM would lie for her ...

I would really like to see MM testify ... can you just see Mr. Martinez in action questioning MM ?


Nothin' like court starting when I can legitimately be in my favorite PJs and slippers. (9:30pm for me!) I'm adding sleep deprivation to my civil suit against Nurmi, Arias, et al. ;)

It's amazing isnt it.

I usually have the kids settled in bed by the time we are back after lunch break.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
General comments to keep in mind while watching this trial:

1. Perjury -- Witnesses lie and exaggerate on the stand ALL THE TIME, literally in every single trial there is a witness who lies or exaggerates on the stand. Witnesses also make mistakes about the facts they testify about, and sometimes their memory is faulty and they may not remember something accurately. None of those things is perjury, and even if a witness is outright lying -- it is extremely rare for someone to be charged with perjury because most of the time the witness can explain a discrepancy in their testimony due to memory issues or misspeaking, etc.

Perjury is a crime only when the witness knowingly lies under oath and it can be proven by comparing it to a previous written or recorded statement. And usually it has to be a lie that is material to the case on an important issue. Think Mark Furman.

2. Courtroom behavior -- Each judge is responsible for the rules of decorum in their own court. Some judges do not allow any food or drink or gum, other judges allow it. If the judge allows it, it is not disrespectful to the court to eat, drink, or chew gum.

Some judges require that attorneys keep their knees and feet off counsel table, and other judges dont require it. If the judge doesn't require it, it's not disrespectful to have your knee resting on counsel table (although as a practical matter, it looks bad and unprofessional).

Some judges and courts require electronics to be surrendered before entering a court room. Some require that all electronics be turned off. Some only require that they be silenced and even allow internet and email use in the courtroom. Whatever the particular rules are, the attorneys are generally allowed to have their phones, ipads, laptops on.

Some judge allow people in the gallery to take notes, others don't.

This particular judge apparently has pretty lax rules about court room decorum. That does not mean she does not have control of her courtroom or that she is not respected. it simply means she doesn't care about those things and does not feel like the administration of justice is compromised by people eating, drinking, chewing gum, etc in the gallery.

3. Control of the witnesses/attorneys -- I've seen so many comments and questions about how a witness can be allowed to testify the way they are or how can an attorney be allowed to ask certain questions or ask to approach so many times or how can Jodi be allowed to smile at jurors or send notes to her mother, etc. The simple answer is that whether something is allowed or not there is no way to prevent it from happening in advance -- the only way to deal with it is if someone complains and gets a ruling after the fact.

The judge can only rule on things that are brought to her attention within the legal process and what she observes with her own eyes. She removed someone from the courtroom for sleeping the other day - that is something she saw herself and corrected it. If a witness is answering inappropriately, the opposing lawyer has the opportunity to make his objections and get a ruling or instruction from the judge. If that doesn't correct the problem, there's an opportunity for the lawyer to object again and get another ruling and instruction.

It would take something really egregious for a judge to hold a witness in contempt -- rudeness, interrupting, going beyond the scope of the question is not going to do it. Contempt is an extreme remedy that is reserved for behavior that cannot be cured by any other means. A judge is not going to hold a lawyer in contempt because he or she asks to approach every thirty seconds or even because he or she goes beyond the bounds of a pre-trial ruling because these things can all be solved in other ways. The last thing the judge would want to do is hold a lawyer in contempt in front of the jury or even admonish the lawyers too strongly in front of the jury because it could be prejudicial and cause a mistrial or be grounds for appeal.

I do not believe this judge has no control over her courtroom - in fact, the opposite. What many see as a circus atmosphere is due to the defense attorneys acting in a squirrelly or sneaky way, and Juan is just not a prosecutor who makes a lot of objections or makes a big deal out of everything that he possibly could. Most prosecutors do not object a lot -- and most defense lawyers do not act as squirrelly as the ones in this case.

The judge's primary job in this case is to make sure that Jodi Arias gets a fair trial. Anything and everything else is secondary.

This was posted in the attorney thread. It it's so good I'm bringing it here.
Who jumped in to interrupt ALV when she said something like, "After 28 yrs. my retirement".... Was it JW?

It was JM. IMO it flew right over JW and Nurmi appears to have checked out weeks ago.
I hope this does happen and if not by the justice system , I hope the jury decides to disregard her testImoney JMO
Based on juror questions (stimulated by JM's impeachment of her during cross examination), it seems like they've already disregarded Alyce's testimony.
Don't try to baffle us with logic, Ammontida. We know that Alyce is speaking through her wide-angled "Big Picture" lenses. ;)


:seeya: Hi sleuth5 !

:waitasec: Is that Charles Nelson Reilly ?

OMG ... he was one my favorites -- especially when he was on MatchGame !

My first posting! Anyone else think it's a bit odd that both Samuels and ALV stated Jodie told them she shot Travis in the closet? Are we to believe they BOTH misspoke on exactly the same important fact?

Welcome to WS Prettygirl!

Glad you joined us! Great first post by the way (btw).

Don't get lost as we move on over to the new thread . . . just click on the link that Nursebeeme provided.

Welcome all newbies and a shout out to you who are lurking . . . we would love to have you join us!
Good morning/Good afternoon:

As I say every morning in my greeting.......I've never supported death penalty until now. Jodi Arias deserves death. Travis and family deserve justice.

I'm back after a 24-hour TO for a disparaging post about ALV.
To mods: I am sorry and in good faith can say I won't do it again.

I'm pro DP but I feel better about her having to live a long hard prison life for the next 50 years... :twocents:
Interesting post over on the Legal Eagle's page this morning....

Why would ALV be coming back to take the stand Tues...?


"There is an interesting article on one of the fb pages that states several reasons for which an expert witness may be impeached or disqualified. Ones that stood out for me were: testimony conflicts with the evidence on two or more occasions, if personal gain is the means to the end $$ from books speaking engagements, or pay from th dt, or bias if through testimony witness Lies... If any if these are established i think the jury can disregard part or all of their testimony."

WOW!! Wouldn't that be something ?!?! :what::what:

Well she was definitely caught lying.
Good morning to all. Hope today is very productive for JM.
I always thought Jodi lied because she took her "mortgage payment", and used it for *advertiser censored*...and lied to Darryl. :)
If the *advertiser censored* were indeed a $300 job, they just might kill her before the state gets it shot.
Did you notice that her supervising psychologist's license was revoked? I did, and I looked up why. Interesting.

I thought I'd bookmarked that link to go back later and do just that but now I can't find it. Can you share the details of why the supervising psychologist's license was revoked?
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