weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #154

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In one of the early phone conversations she had with Detective Flores, he dropped the bomb that Travis's new camera was found in the washing machine. He asked her why she thought someone would do that. She went off on one of her long tangents (not directly answering the question) and mentioned (among other things)that Travis has consulted with her on the camera purchase. Of course she hadn't seen the camera in person because she hadn't been to Mesa since April. ;)

Wow, reading your post brought up a thought that maybe Jodi felt insulted somehow about not being more involved in the camera purchase. She mixed that up in her mind with being rejected wholeheartedly by Travis.

So, in an "I'll show you" move, JA used that camera to take pictures of him while she was forcing him to do things, and, then took pictures accidentally that proved she tortured and killed him. Because, for me, that picture of Travis staring into the camera reflects one thing very clearly - a person silenting screaming "HELP ME!"

I have thought about this ring since Dr. DeMarte brought it up. I did not follow this case until it came to trial so the ring thing made no sense to me. However, I recalled reading something about a ring. In Detective Flores' report there is a summary of an interview with Enrique (roomate to Travis) who mentioned that Travis' CTR ring and watch were located on a counter in the kitchen. He noticed those items because he indicated he never saw Travis go anywhere without them. This caught my attention because I felt as though that was a bizarre place for a fella to leave his ring and watch unless perhaps they were either cleaning or cooking. I do not know what a CTR ring is, and while HLN wants to say it was an engagement ring, they also show a picture of Travis with an arrow pointing to a ring on his right hand. That ring is certainly not an engagement ring. But I am still puzzling over this ring thing.

A CTR ring is LDS bling.

It stands for "Choose The Right".

Perhaps the jury will 'Choose [to do] The Right [Thing]' and convict JA of 1st degree murder and hand down the only appropriate terminal sentence.

For all you Marvel Comics fans out there, and you know who you are, you will remember the right Thing rings:


Those of us who are completely sick of the lying torture murderess are breathlessly awaiting the outcome of this trial.

When the closing arguments are complete, and the jury receives the case with their instructions, and they head back to the Jury Room for deliberations with those autopsy/crime scene photos on top of the evidence stack, perhaps then it will be "clobberin' time."

To those of us who are just sick of the lying torture murderess, we're breathlessly awaiting the outcome.
I'm always going to think she tossed it in by accident. I think she wanted the camera not because it may have held incriminating evidence but because it would have been another token for her. I think she was shocked it was in the washer.

But I respect all opposing opinions.

Oh, ITA that she tossed it in there by accident. I just also think that she believed she'd deleted everything so when she couldn't find it she didn't worry too much about it.
I would like to see a video of all JW's smirks, laughs and sound effects. That Hhhmmmppff was quite telling on Thursday

Would be a great mashup. Perhaps Steely Dan, Tiger Balm or another equally gifted videographic editor?
ITA with everything you wrote here.

If there is anyone there who doesn't believe this is murder one after the stalking, the gas cans, the cell phone turned off, the car rental from Redding, the hair dying, the upside down license plate, the theft of the gun w/ the caliber matching the bullet taken from TA's head, the 29 stab wounds, the near decapitation, the shot to the head, the change of weapons, the defendant's hand print in a mixture of her blood and the blood of TA, the hair stuck in blood, the efforts to clean the crime scene, the photos she deleted from the camera that was thrown in the washer, the removal of the weapons from the scene, hooking up with RB after the murder....

Sending a dead man an email, a text, a phone call, sending TA's grandmother 20 irises, lying to the police and a 1000 other things, if after ALL that, a juror doesn't get it? Nothing will help.

If there is actually someone in that group who could be that unintelligent, oblivious and COMPLETELY void of ANY measure of common sense, there is no recourse on earth to obtain justice for anyone. Ever.

This. All day, everyday. Just this. :rocker:
My Mother took 4 worthless tests about depression she was suffering before shooting herself in the heart with a 38 pistol.
After much trials and tribulation we found a compasionate well experienced Dr. at Jackson Hos that knew what she was doing. Her diagnosis was much different, in depth and 100% correct and She saved my Mother's life after numerous attempts of suicide. It takes the right person, allot of experience, allot of on the road knowledge and a little luck.

Thank you for sharing your story.

Looking into the encoded message that had parts in an edition of STAR magazine, I wanted to know when in 2011 the edition was.

The edition was dated July 25, 2011. Here's the cover, apparently an article was within about KC cashing in:

One assumes that you're referring to physical items collected and examined by LE, submitted by the prosecution for admission into evidence and then referenced by a witness during testimony.

Do I understand you correctly?

Define "lately".

This reminded me of when Jodi asked Juan what he meant by "recent", when he was questioning her on the stand about her memory problems. Was that your intent? If so, :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I am not sure what to believe. With the *advertiser censored* question, it almost feels like there is one juror who is making fun just to lighten the day or see what crazy thing someone is going to say next.

But honestly, IMHO, the bears/tigers question didn't seem to be a thumbs up for the DT. kwim?


Is it possible that a juror was simply publicly 'de-edifying' the defendant?
I remember hearing that as well from Beth Karas. It was suspected that she stole all of the cash Travis had available in the house. She makes mention during the interrogation that Travis kept his cash in his pants pocket when she was saying her money was stolen by the ninja's. I found that to odd for her to mention that specifically. She would also have to have plenty of money to continue on with her trip after Mesa. There was also the man interviewed that said he loaned her money for this trip and she did pay him back. For someone who barely worked, she sure had a lot of money on her all the time.
And to me, the whole money thing has always bothered me... where did she get the money to flit around all over (ya know the price of gas in the west), buy expensive cameras.. and pay the kind of phone/internet bill she MUST have had with the HUGE number of texts/IMs/looong calls???? I know she didn't appear to pay room & board (always wanted to hear from g'parents on this), would work awhile, take her "road trips", work awhile.. but still....
I have been going back the last couple days and going back through testimony of beginning of the trail. Its been hard to keep up and hard to keep the facts straight.

But oddly enough, I noticed that JA never looks at JM in the face. She will stare at his back but when he approaches the table to give them evidence to be admitted she turns away.

Things that make you go hmmm...


I really think if she could kill Juan, she would. That is how psycho she is. She has put all her anger of being locked up, all that anger and hatred, into Juan. She has taken it from Travis and put it onto Juan now. You can definately see it in her tense jaw, in her expressions, and in the way she sometimes looks over at him to see when he's writing something down.

Then, on the other hand, with her "protector" Wilmott she is exactly opposite - making sweet faces, looking lovingly at her, sharing jokes with her, being her "assistant lawyer." I really feel as though she feels like Wilmott is her mom. Psycho, that's all I can say.
I look at her this way. She is young in-experienced but smart. Her job is to do everything by the book, spend the allowed amount of time and get the heck out. Make no mistakes, keep everything squeeky clean, administer some worthless tests and let the prosecutor mop it up at trial. This Dr. was not out to do any deep well thought out analysis....just do her job.

You think it would take more than 12 hours to do an in depth analysis? Are you kidding? The tests are empirically validated and certainly not worthless, it doesn't make sense to say that. She's efficient and doesn't waste time and that's a good thing. Seems an odd expert to have a problem with given what we've seen from the impeached witness for the defense.
She had the rental car, right? Most people keep their car registration in their car, not their purse or wallet. Why did she have her own car registration if she had rented a car to go to Mesa?

That's easy, the ninjas wouldn't have let her live if they didn't know where her and her family lived.
Ninjas always think like that when they murder someone then let a witness go.
This was the best thing she could think of in the spur of the moment.
Just another truth according to Jodi no matter how crazy it sounds to normal non killing humans.
You are right though, nobody carries their car registration in their purse. They generally keep it in the glove box of their car that the registration is valid for.
Sorry if this has already been posted. So well made and just wanted to share. Very eerie and brilliant.

Jodi Arias Trial: Justice for Travis - YouTube




This is how I show my love
I made it my mind because
I blame it on my A.D.D. baby
this is how an angel dies
I blame it on my own supply
blame it on my A.D.D. baby


Maybe i should cry for help
maybe i should kill myself
blame it on my A.D.D. baby
maybe I'm a different breed
maybe I'm not listening
so blame it on my A.D.D. baby

I look at her this way. She is young in-experienced but smart. Her job is to do everything by the book, spend the allowed amount of time and get the heck out. Make no mistakes, keep everything squeeky clean, administer some worthless tests and let the prosecutor mop it up at trial. This Dr. was not out to do any deep well thought out analysis....just do her job.

I didn't see any evidence of the shallow and basically unprofessional conduct you're describing here. Perhaps if you were a bit more specific about the basis for your assumptions here I might be able to at least understand how you came to this conclusion.

"Her job is to do everything by the book?" How do you know that? What does that actually mean? What is "the book?" What is "her job?" These seem to be reasonable questions given your wholesale condemnation ofher testimony and, by extension, her character.

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