weekend discussion thread: 4/14-16/2012

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Weekend Discussion Thread:

reposting a few of the warnings:

Salem's warning from last week:
Okay everybody - LISTEN UP! We are not bashing, accusing or blaming Tori's family here. It won't be allowed.
Children walk home from school every day without incident. Parents are not perfect, it's just not possible. Tori's parents DID NOT do this to her. TLM and an accomplice DID. That is where the blame goes.
We had a lot of family bashing in the early parts of this investigation after Tori went missing and a lot of baseless accusations - NONE OF WHICH PROVED TO BE TRUE. Victim and family bashing will not be allowed during this trial.
Thank you,

and reposting SoSueMe's warning:
As some of you may have noticed, the members following this case are dropping in numbers. It's disheartening to us because we need and welcome discussion of both sides of every issue on Websleuths.
Zero tolerance means ZERO tolerance. Please discuss this case with respect to your fellow members. Subtle and veiled harassment and/or talking in code about other members will not be tolerated.
A word of caution on the Alerts in this forum. If you alert a post, make sure it is a clear violation of our Terms of Service. A difference of opinion is not a violation of TOS.
Please note that everything discussed in court and printed/tweeted is now within the realm of discussion. WS has never and does not now have a policy of "innocent until proven guilty." That is for the court room. Here, we discuss, speculate, theorize and judge according to the opinions we develop from following the case.
Keeping that in mind, abuse of our alert system is a good way to find yourself in timeout or worse. Abuse of the alert systems includes, but is not limited to:
Alerting repeatedly on the same poster;
Demanding a specific outcome;
Alerting on the same post more than once.
Once you have alerted a post, move on and don't question the decisions of our Administrators, Moderators or Owners.
Following this trial is very important to our members and we're going to see that they have their day in court. The "zero tolerance" policy in this forum will continue and it will be enforced.
Thank you and please carry on.
Sue aka SoSueMe
Websleuths Co-Owner


Please keep discussion focused on what has been presented in testimony and remember to link up as the partial publication ban is still in place
Deadly Women Sociopaths -Investigation Discovery Videos



"it doesn't have to be someone they know well, but generally that is what they do".

Chilling ... absolutely chilling ...

Remind you of anyone in particular??? JMO

I was watching these a few days ago. A certain quote from this one stood out to me... "today's the day"...
Copied from previous thread. Post by Crazilady: I just feel thats what happened. I dont know why something just isnt right.

Something happened in January when she got into that fight with the other inmate and then pleaded guilty to her murdering Tori.

I am not saying she didnt do the deed I just feel that there is something not right with what she is saying about her changed story.

Why all of the sudden 3 months before the start of this trial did she change her testimony?

Everything else is matching up except who said and did what at that moment of time.

I am curious as to who here believes TLM actually killed Tori or if there are other people who are on the fence and others who believe she didnt.

I am stuck in the middle

I don't think she did it. JMO
When Cindy described all the dead pets and how they were buried in the backyard throughout the years, I almost vomited. It was bad enough hearing that Casey was a part of the dead animals preparation process for burial and that she attended their burials as early as the impressionable age of four, I really wondered what went on in that household. Are the dead animals part of their family secrets?

Sociopaths begin their sociopathic lives early on. They usually torture and kill animals from a very young age, They get a thrill from this and like a vampire who needs blood to sustain their life, a sociopath has needs to kill and to keep killing, They get a sadistic thrill out of it.


TLM is a sociopath ... it starts with the animals ... work their way up to larger targets ... like a child ...

I wonder if we'll be hearing any more information about MR's childhood? Considering he was living with an aunt and uncle in Drayton I'd say something was up. JMO
I don't think she did it. JMO

I don't think she did either.:moo: The parade of ladies on the witness stand just shows even more how he manipulated and used women. She just got totally sucked in, she thought he was a good catch. And I also think he was gearing up for something else, it looks like he was really ramping up his POF dating, I wouldn't be surprised if had he not been caught one of the women from POF would have been next. MOO
Not all sociopaths are murderous. Some prefer to psychologically torment their victims, leaving them to live with the scars of that torment for the rest of their lives. They find that more satisfying than killing somebody and ending their torment. Either way, it is disturbing.

In my opinion, TLM is more than simply a sociopath. Yes, she probably is one of those, but she also clearly (in my opinion) has some serious psychological problems, possibly caused by her terrifying childhood (if you could call it that).
Some are saying that they don't believe she had flashbacks and 'snapped', killing Tori as a result, saying that isn't possible because it doesn't make sense. I, personally, think it does make sense, if I twist my mind a little bit and try to think like somebody who has suffered what TLM has suffered. She claimed all she could see was herself at that age when looking at Tori. In my opinion, if this is true, in her mind, she would have been killing herself. Perhaps she wishes that SHE was killed when she was young, and took that out on poor Tori. She is unwell, she is not a normal person, so a normal person's thought process would not apply to her. :moo:
I don't find TLM or her behaviour surprising or confusing. I am more confused by MR's behaviour. That baffles me. Unlike TLM, I think he is of sound mind and understands everything (and everybody) around him perfectly. TLM is damaged by her past, and her perceptions of life are vastly different. I could probably go on and on, but it will eventually sound like I am trying to psychoanalyse them. Owning some textbooks on psychology does not make me a psychologist, so I will refrain from doing so. Pretty sure my point/opinion is clear enough. (and it is just my opinion) :moo:
Originally posted by crazilady

I am curious as to who here believes TLM actually killed Tori or if there are other people who are on the fence and others who believe she didnt.

I am stuck in the middle.

In the beginning I believe both of them did it. But after hearing all the evidence, I think he raped Tori, and manipulated TLM into killing her. She had no flashbacks, I think that's a lie because she can't come to terms with what she did. I think that MTR goaded her and dared her just like she said. If TLM hadn't been there, perhaps MTR would have killed Tori himself, but hey how convenient he had a girl who was a drug addict and high on god knows what drugs and ready to do anything for a bit of love. I think he opened the trunk for her. Oh and he abviously wasn't as high as she was, because according to her when she asked for more percs he told her no that she was already too high.
Among them, that in a desperate diary entry written shortly after Tori's death while she was in custody on another matter, she wrote, "I'm f------ getting bloodthirsty again"; that during a recent visit this year from her godmother, she told her she only felt sad about the killing because "it was a little kid" and that otherwise, she would do it again, and that she also told her a dark secret she'd kept for years — that as a youngster, there were a couple of small dogs around her neighbourhood and that she "microwaved one of them until it screamed."

Read more: Lack of Empathy
A 2009 article in Molecular Psychology points to a lack of empathy and remorse as a common trait among sociopaths. While a psychopath knows the difference between right and wrong, it makes no difference to him. If a child frequently hurts or bullies others, but displays no noticeable emotion when their victims express pain, they may have a glitch in the brain network connecting the orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala. This neurological trait has been noted in sociopaths and psychopaths, and may explain their inability to care about the harm they cause or the consequences of their actions. A lack of conscience and compassion are classic traits of a sociopath.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/201884-signs-of-a-sociopath-in-children/#ixzz1s4VJVJ7d

TLM: Lack of Empathy? Yup, check that box lol!

...I find my self back here again tonight and a great need to post ...been with this case from the beginning ...April 2009 ...l just read the post about how this has affected so many here others deeply ...and some reason : ( my reasons.....
1. for most a parent
2. teacher of primary chidren and cried when I heard tori's teacher recount her last day at school ...man that affected me as I know how close we become to our class.

3. watch her family video saw the love that surrounded Tori and her family

4. ...and in a few short hours that was cut off ...a normal day turned into a PROVINCIAL NIGHMARE ....how can we ever Take away that PAIN....answer never....but Rodney tried to soar forward ....to TRY ... help this horrble tragedy from ever affecting another family ...with his marthon ...trully courgeous

5. But hearing the testimaony knaws at me ....& read posts of a sociopath...so much many bells rang IMO ...all that manupulation and lies

6. I trully pray that the jury comes to a logical verdict ....IMO ...this is scary that people wonder our streets & endanger our children ....I signed the Tori Law to help in the cause ....every spring it is very scary how many letters we used to hand out to children to WARN Parents of suscipious cars lurking around our schools ....Please join me in praying JUSTICE is seen as I never remember such a horrendous crime in Ontario .....I know a few people from Woodstock and how this tore at them all ....thanks for all the support here...kind of upset to say the least...robynhood
I don't think she did either.:moo: The parade of ladies on the witness stand just shows even more how he manipulated and used women. She just got totally sucked in, she thought he was a good catch. And I also think he was gearing up for something else, it looks like he was really ramping up his POF dating, I wouldn't be surprised if had he not been caught one of the women from POF would have been next. MOO

I fail to see how the parade of ladies on the witness stand today show us how MR manipulated and used women...they put themselves out there for the taking by joining the same dating site...none of the affairs lasted that long and if what has been posted today by some on this site, most dropped him like a hot cake for whatever reasons... it takes two to consent to sex after one date or two...most probably saw through him and decided he wasn't much of a catch...this does not convinced me that he manipulated his dates... I feel sorry for that one female with two teenage children having to relate that they slept together after such a short time...:moo::moo:
Read more: Lack of Empathy
A 2009 article in Molecular Psychology points to a lack of empathy and remorse as a common trait among sociopaths. While a psychopath knows the difference between right and wrong, it makes no difference to him. If a child frequently hurts or bullies others, but displays no noticeable emotion when their victims express pain, they may have a glitch in the brain network connecting the orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala. This neurological trait has been noted in sociopaths and psychopaths, and may explain their inability to care about the harm they cause or the consequences of their actions. A lack of conscience and compassion are classic traits of a sociopath.

Do sociopaths normally confess to their murders? Or help police look for the bodies? I don't think so?
The question of the evening is "Did TLM actually kill Tori"?


She says so herself. If people want to believe her claims about MR raping, why not believe her claims of killing?
Deadly Women Sociopaths -Investigation Discovery Videos



"it doesn't have to be someone they know well, but generally that is what they do".

Chilling ... absolutely chilling ...

Remind you of anyone in particular??? JMO

I don't believe anyone is portraying TLM as a innocent here, just the opposite. We just believe he was despicable too. JMO

DSM-IV Definition

Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of regard for the moral or legal standards in the local culture. There is a marked inability to get along with others or abide by societal rules. Individuals with this disorder are sometimes called psychopaths or sociopaths.

Diagnostic Criteria (DSM-IV)

1. Since the age of fifteen there has been a disregard for and violation of the right's of others, those right's considered normal by the local culture, as indicated by at least three of the following:
A. Repeated acts that could lead to arrest. (YUP!)
B. Conning for pleasure or profit, repeated lying, or the use of aliases. (HMMMMM)
C. Failure to plan ahead or being impulsive. (I think I need a hammer)
D. Repeated assaults on others. (YUP!)
E. Reckless when it comes to their or others safety. (YUP)
F. Poor work behavior or failure to honor financial obligations. (YUP!)
G. Rationalizing the pain they inflict on others. (YUP!)

2. At least eighteen years in age.

3. Evidence of a Conduct Disorder, with its onset before the age of fifteen.

4. Symptoms not due to another mental disorder.

Check, check, check ...

If it walks like duck, quacks like a duck .... then....

I fail to see how the parade of ladies on the witness stand today show us how MR manipulated and used women...they put themselves out there for the taking by joining the same dating site...none of the affairs lasted that long and if what has been posted today by some on this site, most dropped him like a hot cake for whatever reasons... it takes two to consent to sex after one date or two...most probably saw through him and decided he wasn't much of a catch...this does not convinced me that he manipulated his dates... I feel sorry for that one female with two teenage children having to relate that they slept together after such a short time...:moo::moo:

In a way you're right, I mean they did put themselves out there, but I don't think they deserved to be lied to with all those stories he was coming up with, even on his profile he lied to make himself look better, so those women believed what they read. Once they found out what a creep he was they dropped him. But it also shows the kind of characgter he has. Gosh even TLM didn't call him back the first time they met and he showed up at her door asking why he hadn't called her.
Do sociopaths normally confess to their murders? Or help police look for the bodies? I don't think so?

I believe they're also usually charming and very deceptive about who they really are. That's how they con people. People would never expect them to be violent or criminal in nature. I wouldn't say that about TLM at all. If she had a problem with you, you can bet she'd let you know about it. I don't think she had lots of friends because of her charming personality.

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