Weigh in on statements made early in the investigation. * Discussion*

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Yes, I believe TH and Kyron were at the school that morning. For one reason, because Kyron's friend and his mother were there and TH took a picture of the friend with his science fair project. (If it was just some people saying they saw him, without interaction, there could be a question of mistaken memory. But a photo-taking situation is pretty strong evidence.)

I do not give much credibility to TP's story at all. I am even slightly inclined to wonder if he may have been prompted by an adult to say some of what he said, to help cover up for the perp, and that was why they went to the media with the story. But that is completely my own speculation, and not based on any reports of such activity.

I am not aware of the latest credible reported sightings of either TH or Kyron, so I really have no idea how long they were there. If TH really did use the "doctor's appointment" story as a ruse, she could very easily have left the building hand-in-hand with Kyron at some point, just keeping an eye out to see if they were noticed.
Oh I get what you mean. I never understood T's grandmother's motivation in letting him do an interview. I wonder if she thought he was actually safer if he gave an interview ? If everyone saw him,and knew what he said, would he then become a too public target ? School goes back soon, and I wonder how the kids and parents are feeling ?


I was thinking about that today. Here in southern California, school starts in three weeks. If Kyron isn't found before school starts, the wall of hope will be a constant reminder that their friend and classmate is missing. I'm sure that's scary to some of the children. Not knowing what happened the imagination can run wild.
I hope it's okay to post this here.

Back at the very start of this case, there were some posts here on WS about a suspicious car at Skyline Elementary school. I believe it was early in the morning of 6/4,but it could have been 6/3.... I think the car was suspicious because it was either parked or idling for quite a while right by the school.

IIRC, there was some discussion as to a 911 call made from the school about this car. I am trying to find the posts, it could be partly on the scanner thread. I can't speak to the veracity of this, right now I'm just looking for what was posted.

I try very hard to always post items that are accurate, and I'm really curious about this story. LE even commented about it.They said " There was no disturbance at the school that morning ". (6/4).

So,if anyone remembers this,do you know when the posts were written ? TIA.

There is a MSM article and gosh I wouldn't even know where to start to look for the link, but it was the one where LE was requesting statements, pictures, etc. of Kyron after 8:45. I think it was about 3-4 weeks ago. Anyway, IIRC, they retracted the 9:00 sighting in that article.
Jun 6, 2010
"In a press conference Sunday afternoon, a Multnomah County Sheriff's Office spokesman now says Kyron Horman was last seen at "a late hour in the morning." This raises questions about the 8:45 a.m. time released by the Sheriff's Office in its press release about this case. We are looking for further clarification into this statement."


I'll go look for a video of the presser. BRB
"The briefing has become a daily affair in the search for the boy who disappeared sometime between
10 a.m. Friday, June 4, and 3:30 p.m., when he did not get off a school bus at his house."

A few days later the same article updates to this:

"Investigators on Monday did not release new details on the investigation, saying they didn’t want to jeopardize the integrity of the case.

However a few interesting facts have emerged:

• The last time Kyron was seen at school was 9 a.m., different from what was originally reported. Gates declined to name the last person to see him. Early reports said another student saw him near a school door."


The time line has Terri leaving the school at 8:45. Kyron last seen at 9:00-10:00 (according to the source) in the school.

Still looking for the press video. Would it be in the reference sticky?
"The briefing has become a daily affair in the search for the boy who disappeared sometime between
10 a.m. Friday, June 4, and 3:30 p.m., when he did not get off a school bus at his house."

A few days later the same article updates to this:

"Investigators on Monday did not release new details on the investigation, saying they didn’t want to jeopardize the integrity of the case.

However a few interesting facts have emerged:

• The last time Kyron was seen at school was 9 a.m., different from what was originally reported. Gates declined to name the last person to see him. Early reports said another student saw him near a school door."


The time line has Terri leaving the school at 8:45. Kyron last seen at 9:00-10:00 (according to the source) in the school.

Still looking for the press video. Would it be in the reference sticky?

Yes, it's a Reference Forum sticky:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=108469"]All LE Press Conferences Raw Videos, Audios, Transcripts: Updated Sunday July 4 1020 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
His stepmother took Horman to a science fair at the school Friday morning. They walked through a number of classrooms and his stepmother left at 8:45.

According to the sheriff’s office, the stepmother saw the boy walking toward his classroom as she left the building but officials with Portland Public Schools said Horman’s teacher never saw him in class which started at 10 a.m. The teacher marked him absent.

So, we have a gap from 8:45 to 10:00 where Kyron's whereabouts in the school is not monitored except by the teacher's helper who said he's probably in the bathroom.
And that's what gets me... Why would this teacher think that Kyron was in the bathroom? That leads me to believe that she saw him...knew he was there and had been there.

At 3:35 in the video, Sheriff Stanton states after interviewing the school personal and students, he confirms Kyron was last seen by another student, at the south entrance of the school at a late hour in the morning.

Thanks BeanE.

At 3:35 in the video, Sheriff Stanton states after interviewing the school personal and students, he confirms Kyron was last seen by another student, at the south entrance of the school at a late hour in the morning.

Thanks BeanE.

That's such weird wording. We know he was marked absent at 10:00. So, what constitutes a "late hour in the morning?" 9:00???? I'd think more 10 or 11.

At 3:35 in the video, Sheriff Stanton states after interviewing the school personal and students, he confirms Kyron was last seen by another student, at the south entrance of the school at a late hour in the morning.

Thanks BeanE.

That information has been altered at least twice by LE, and their last statement was that Terri was the last person to have seen Kyron. I assume they did more investigating after that early press conference.

Here are quotes from the pc on June 18.
Jason Gates:
"Terri is the last known person to have see Kyron before he disappeared."
"She's associated with the case because she was the last person to have seen Kyron."
That's such weird wording. We know he was marked absent at 10:00. So, what constitutes a "late hour in the morning?" 9:00???? I'd think more 10 or 11.

I can only go on what Sheriff Staton says, "late hour in the morning". I gather it's while the students are touring and just before the teacher takes roll at 10:00. Either way, it's after Terri's leaving at 8:30.
That information has been altered at least twice by LE, and their last statement was that Terri was the last person to have seen Kyron. I assume they did more investigating after this early press conference.

Perhaps you didn't watch the video? He says it's after interviewing the students and school personnel. I'll try to find a later one where he changes his statement.
Perhaps you didn't watch the video? He says it's after interviewing the students and school personnel. I'll try to find a later one where he changes his statement.

Actually, I've watched the video many, many times. I'm not sure I understand your post. Which video are you speaking about? The June 6 one or the June 18 one? I was posting the June 18 one.
Actually, I've watched the video many, many times. I'm not sure I understand your post. Which video are you speaking about? The June 6 one or the June 18 one? I was posting the June 18 one.

The June 6th one. It pertained to the thread topic of early statements.

You'll also notice in the June 18th video, while Gates says Terri was the last person seen with Kyron, he will not answer the question if Kyron was later seen by students after Terri leaves. Sheriff Staton already confimed Kyron was seen at a late hour in the morning in the June 6th video. Gates does not deny this.

OT, but I wonder why Gates is not the one who talks to media anymore (not that anyone does, really) but I wonder if he got a little too emotional?
The June 6th one. It pertained to the thread topic of early statements.

You'll also notice in the June 18th video, while Gates says Terri was the last person seen with Kyron, he will not answer the question if Kyron was later seen by students after Terri leaves. Sheriff Staton already confimed Kyron was seen at a late hour in the morning in the June 6th video. Gates does not deny this.


It's very frustrating, because when LE made that statement that Terri was the last known person to have seen Kyron before he disappeared, they neither retracted nor corrected the earlier conflicting statements.

It's unusual for LE to just leave the previous info there. But, if they can neither correct nor retract it, then, what else can they do? They had a reason for making the statement they did on the 18th, and we're not privy to that reason.

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