Welcome Tony Padilla

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Mr Padilla,

Welcome, and a word of warning, this website can be very addictive :)

Just wanted to add that I think it's great that you are here and I hope that what you and your uncle are doing will help bring answers to this case, in one way or another. Good Luck.
As to who contacted Leonard I cannot say. I do know that Leonard has had contact with the defense attorney Mr. Baez. Our original plans were to come out undisclosed. I was putting all the paperwork together for the bond and Leonard was putting everything in motion to get the bond posted. Then on Friday at some point in time it was leaked to the media our intentions. I was very adamant to Leonard that I did not want to be involved with all the media hype. Just to do what we had planned and go from there. I really wish the media had not picked it up. Leonard does love the cameras but he assured me that we would try to pursue this from behind the scenes which is the way I prefer. Notice that I have not been on TV whatsoever and I will try to keep it that way.

In other words, you don't know what Leonard's motives are, nor do you know what are the motives for whoever initially contacted him (if that's even true that someone contacted him to get involved).

Tricia, I intend to follow your instructions to be respectful towards Mr. Padilla, but I hope that we are allowed to ask the hard questions. At my rather advanced age, I don't take anything or anyone at face value anymore.
Tony and everyone,

I'm posting without having read the whole thread yet.

Please do not sell your soul to the devil, in this case the media. I like your aspect of shying away from it. This is a good thing.

Screen your calls and focus on Casey and the family and the task at hand.....finding Cayley. All the media trying to get their scoops and angles will never rest and will consume all of your time. Use all your energy to bring back this sweet girl from wherever she is.

Glad that you have made it here to Websleuths. It is mindboggling the love, caring and the investigative ideas and solutions that everyone has on these boards. You found a gold mine here.
Like I said earlier the suicide thing scares me the most. If she was to commit suicide then our efforts would be nothing and I would feel terrible that not only a life was gone but that we may have had something to do with it. Again we need her alive and cooperative!!!! And no I have not spoken to Casey, her parents, or the attorney.

I am going to be dead serious here, and no offense intended, but you'd be crazy to proceed without speaking to Baez or Casey directly. In fact, you should be asking Baez to have his client psychologically evaluated before you commit money and resources.

And frankly, I don't care what kind of background or track record Leonard has in dealing with criminals. This is an incredibly delicate case and there is absolutely no evidence that Casey is going to "crack" under the watchful eye of strangers.
Everybody has an opinion as to stay out of the case. The most beautiful thing about this country is that we are allowed to speak out on our opinions. But I will put this question to you; nothing has worked so far so why not try something else? If I feel that what we are doing will hinder anyhing about the case or locating Caylee then I am out and will NOT post the bond. I will be talking with law enforcement when I arrive Monday and will make a determination as to what is in the best interest for Caylee not Casey!

Welcome, Mr. Padilla. I absolutely agree with your interest in doing what is in the best interest of Caylee. I believe that is what all of us truly want.

Please listen to the jailhouse tape from Casey Anthony to her family. The conversations between Cindy, Lee and especially Christine Chester. It is truly an eye opener into the character of this defendant.

In my opinion, she is a psychopath.

I pray that you and your uncle Leonard have much success in locating Caylee.

Thank you very much for coming here and sharing some information on the bond with us.
Welcome Mr. Padilla, as a newbie myself here, I wish you all the luck in what your intending to do.

I'm all for anything that will resolve this case (I'm on the "hope she's brought home alive team")
Thanks Mods for keeping up on this thread!:blowkiss:
These questions are coming at a frantic rate and I am doing my best. The suicide thing is what scares me the most. I will not lose any money but our chance to get information out of Casey which is the reason why we are doing this will be lost. Casey alive and cooperating is of the utmost importance.

The more people, and I do think Bountyhunters are good at finding people, that work on finding Caylee the better.
But.....if and when she is out on bail, someone needs to stay with her
24/7 I really dont think you should take a chance of her finding a gun and ending it all, that would mean Caylee would never be brought home.
I hope someone has thought of this, that she really should not be left alone.
Mr. Padilla, welcome to WS and I am thrilled with what you are doing.

Thanks so much,

mama (In California)
Any thing that can help bring this to an end will be worth it,I don't know what the Padilla's have in mind but I hope it works. I sadly don't think that Caylee is alive but would Love to be wrong. Good luck Tony and Leonard.
I will be busy all day tomorrow and probably travelling tomorrow night. If by chance there is time I will be back sometime on Monday to give some insight if possible. I have been asked to do the Early Show on CBS Monday morning but I am really trying as hard as possible to stay away from the media hype. Goodnight everyone and Thanks for letting me vent a little!!!

Why are you going on the Early Show? How will it benefit Caylee?

Law Enforcemnet had a press conference a few days stating they get swamped with calls every time someone puts forth a theory based on no evidence. Will you be giving any of your own theories?
I want to thank you for being open minded about our situation. Please keep reminding yourself that this young girl is most important over anything else right now. I am hoping along with my uncle that the truth will come out and this girl will be found and hopefully alive. Please continue to think good thoughts even though it's tough and pray for this girl and her family that a great result can come forward. Prayer is a very powerful asset!!!

Tony, Prayers for your uncle in finding the truth, and finding little Caylee.
Thank you.
Very interesting thread.

I thank Mr Padilla for taking the time to come here and not only set the record straight but also answer some of our questions. Hope you will return to update us and answer the questions we may have.

God speed Mr Padilla.
In listening to Leonard I believe he wants to gain Casey Anthony's confidence. He is doing that by appearing to side with her and going with the company line of a kidnapper/nanny/misplaced child nonsense.

His intention is to "cajole" Casey into thinking he is her new best friend. I wish him all the luck in the world and hope and pray his method works so that this little angel can come home.

If I determine that Leonard Padilla is adding to the lies and misdirection in this case, my opinion will change. Till then he's got the benefit of the doubt from me.

I do not think Leonard Padilla is stupid, he knows how to read everything LE has on this female just as we can. IMO, he knows this is a body recovery operation.
I want to thank you for being open minded about our situation. Please keep reminding yourself that this young girl is most important over anything else right now. I am hoping along with my uncle that the truth will come out and this girl will be found and hopefully alive. Please continue to think good thoughts even though it's tough and pray for this girl and her family that a great result can come forward. Prayer is a very powerful asset!!!

Welcome Mr. Padilla;

I'm all for anyone being involved who is able to get to the truth and find this poor child. I wish you and your uncle Leonard every success possible. Thank you for responding to all the questions.
Hi Tony welcome to the forum:) I have a question:) Do you honestly think Mr. Baez is gonna let your uncle question Casey? Reason I ask is because IMO I honestly dont think Mr. Baez will let his client out on bail with you and your uncle if it means Casey will say something to incrimate herself or this case.Mr. Baez first priority is Casey not Caylee thats his job.While your intentions seem to be good I dont think Mr. Baez is gonna let anything hurt his client JMO:)
Welcome to Websleuths.

One question.

Will there be any filming of Casey?
Mr. Padilla,
I also appreciate your drive to find Caylee. Regardless of wether that is hanging out with Casey 24/7 or out searching 24/7 with your team of people, I give you cudos for flying across the US to help. Many of us here cannot afford to travel in such a way to help, and I am sure if we could there would be thousands upon thousands of sleuthers in Orlando Florida on foot right now. I am glad that you have the resources and are willing to make the effort to do this.
What I would like to see your team do, is announce a community search, and begin on foot. Take Casey, tie her to your side, and make her walk miles upon miles daily to help find her daughter.
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