Welcome Tony Padilla

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Think we could stay on topic here, WSers? I believe he is having a difficult enough time going back to read the serious posts and questions without all the rest of it. We have a great opportunity to find some answers and I, for one, take it quite seriously.

Thank you, Mr. Padilla, for your time and coming to WS to respond. Some of us really do appreciate it.

With you on this. One question at a time would be awesome. I am having a hard time keeping up. I can emagine him trying to read and respond.
SouthernMom could not be more accurate. My Uncle is a very caring sensitive guy on certain issues. I can't begin to tell you the amount of good deeds that go unnoticed. He has done more good then bad and I too wish that he would back out of the tv cameras every once in a while. I really think he does some of it stir the soup so to speak so that he can gather as much info. good or bad that he possibly can. Remember our goal is one thing and that is the little girl Caylee. We are definitely committed 100% to that result.
Good luck and god speed to you. I think you will need it.

The post you're referring to was not actually quoted as someone who spoke to you from this forum. THe poster copied and pasted that post from another forum they read it on. Did this make sense??

It's around here somewhere.
I have not seen the pictures. No this is not a publicity stunt. Again we (again I should say Leonard) were asked to get involved in this. We have been promised nothing and expect nothing. Not very many people have the ability to get Casey out of jail and try to get the most important details of this case direct from the mouth of the mother. Leonard has these abilities and trust me when I say he is a good person to possibly get this information out of her.

Wonder what Jose is going to say about Casey talking to any of you guys about anything having to do with this case. I highly doubt this woman is going to even speak to you people. She will be on one mission if you get her out. I personally think she will take her life. Then what?
Police said there are three things that need to happen before Casey Anthony can be released. First, the investigating agency has to be notified.

Officials will not reveal the second condition because of its nature. They did, however, say it is a procedure that can be cleared relatively quickly.

The third is the home confinement provision of her release. She will not wear a GPS monitor, but rather a monitor that requires a specific phone line in her home.

She would only be able to leave if her destination is cleared in advance, such as a job, doctor visits or to see her lawyer.


And what's to stop Casey from saying she is going somewhere like a job interview or a doctor visit and not really be going there? I'm sure if there is a will, Casey will find a way OUT.
Tony, since you are now a member, you are eligible to enter the group chat room program associated with the site. Which means that the Q&A can be more direct. Would you be interested?
Please see my post w/link ...the Padillas sent an email ANNOUNCING all of this to the media!


Yes, I read that article earlier this afternoon. I believe Tony stated that his uncle loves the cameras (and that hat is truly awesome and I'm sure the cameras love him), but that he himself does not. Hopefully Tony's uncle will be able to impress Casey enough to instill confidence in her, trust - as it may be.

Tony said he doesn't like the limelight. I will believe him until he proves me wrong. (He can't quite whack his uncle over the head, no?).....
Casey will be monitored every second of the day. I have not spoken with the parents or the attorney. She will be placed in an ankle monitor and we will have 2 other people with us that will be with Casey at all times. She is going nowhere alone.
Casey will be monitored every second of the day. I have not spoken with the parents or the attorney. She will be placed in an ankle monitor and we will have 2 other people with us that will be with Casey at all times. She is going nowhere alone.

have you spoke with casey?
Has Casey agreed to talk to Leonard or yourself?
Casey will be monitored every second of the day. I have not spoken with the parents or the attorney. She will be placed in an ankle monitor and we will have 2 other people with us that will be with Casey at all times. She is going nowhere alone.

When you say "with Casey," do you mean in the house with her, or outside the home, watching the home?

Because you may not be welcome in the Anthony home. I don't know how you can force anyone to let you stay in their home.
Casey will be monitored every second of the day. I have not spoken with the parents or the attorney. She will be placed in an ankle monitor and we will have 2 other people with us that will be with Casey at all times. She is going nowhere alone.

Is my buddy Rob going to be in Florida with you? :D
Please quit sending me private messages or messages stating that you want me to be your buddy or friend. I will only answer questions here. So please stop. My email is going insane.
Casey will be monitored every second of the day. I have not spoken with the parents or the attorney. She will be placed in an ankle monitor and we will have 2 other people with us that will be with Casey at all times. She is going nowhere alone.

Where will she be located?
The Anthony house?

Thanks for stopping by tonight. :)
Please quit sending me private messages or messages stating that you want me to be your buddy or friend. I will only answer questions here. So please stop. My email is going insane.
If you will go to the top of the page, you will see User CP. You can go into your private messaging and turn it off to prevent this. You can do the same with the public messaging/friend page.
It is under EDIT OPTIONS. You simply click to remove the green check mark. Go right below to remove the one for the public messaging.

Can we act like adults here, people?!
Like I said earlier the suicide thing scares me the most. If she was to commit suicide then our efforts would be nothing and I would feel terrible that not only a life was gone but that we may have had something to do with it. Again we need her alive and cooperative!!!! And no I have not spoken to Casey, her parents, or the attorney.
I am very concerned that Casey will try and take her own life. Will there be a female present who will follow her to bathroom etc?
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