Welcome Tony Padilla

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Remember we did not "inject ourselves" into the case. Leonard was sought out. As to why I cannot answer. Leonard deals with liars everyday. He has to sort out the garbage as to what comes out of their mouths all the time. He is very good at getting results and I will say this, if my daughter was missing I would rather have Leonard looking for her rather than anybody and I mean anybody. As for me joining I saw what BS was coming from this sight and I thought this would be a decent forum to state my opinions and the truth.
Everybody has an opinion as to stay out of the case. The most beautiful thing about this country is that we are allowed to speak out on our opinions. But I will put this question to you; nothing has worked so far so why not try something else? If I feel that what we are doing will hinder anyhing about the case or locating Caylee then I am out and will NOT post the bond. I will be talking with law enforcement when I arrive Monday and will make a determination as to what is in the best interest for Caylee not Casey!
I can respect that. As for finding Caylee, I would like to know why Texas EquuSearch hasn't been called in to conduct searches. If one of you do get any information on her whereabouts from Casey or another source, they are the people who stand the better chance of recovering her. Please make yourself familiar with their organization.
I agree with those who feel Mr. Padilla deserves our respect. He has volunteered himself graciously. This is a serious situation, not a jokey one, and I wish him and his uncle every success in this matter. Contrary to current perception, there are still good, compassionate people in this world.
ok everyone let's take a breather and slow down. Tony has been kind enough to join websleuths and to answer questions. There will be NO bashing of him, he will respect you all and your opinions and theories just as you all will respect his. I don't want to be the bad guy here but let's all respect one another and learn from one another.If I have to delete post because of someone being rude i will not post warnings your posting privileges will just be suspended.
Thank you all,
Remember we did not "inject ourselves" into the case. Leonard was sought out. As to why I cannot answer. Leonard deals with liars everyday. He has to sort out the garbage as to what comes out of their mouths all the time. He is very good at getting results and I will say this, if my daughter was missing I would rather have Leonard looking for her rather than anybody and I mean anybody. As for me joining I saw what was coming from this sight and I thought this would be a decent forum to state my opinions and the truth.

I asked what bond company are u working with to get her out???
Do you have a better way? One that is legal I should say. He is doing his job and hopefully we may get somewhere without the cameras recording her every conversation. As for suicide... she likes herself way too much for that.

I agree. If she's just hiding Caylee somewhere she has no reason to. If she has done the unthinkable apparently she feels that she will never be held accountable. So either way I don't think she would commit suicide.
Remember we did not "inject ourselves" into the case. Leonard was sought out. As to why I cannot answer. Leonard deals with liars everyday. He has to sort out the garbage as to what comes out of their mouths all the time. He is very good at getting results and I will say this, if my daughter was missing I would rather have Leonard looking for her rather than anybody and I mean anybody. As for me joining I saw what BS was coming from this sight and I thought this would be a decent forum to state my opinions and the truth.
If you are Tony Padilla my hat is off to you for coming to this forum.
If you aren't Tony Padilla, well I'll just put my hat back on.
Remember we did not "inject ourselves" into the case. Leonard was sought out. As to why I cannot answer. Leonard deals with liars everyday. He has to sort out the garbage as to what comes out of their mouths all the time. He is very good at getting results and I will say this, if my daughter was missing I would rather have Leonard looking for her rather than anybody and I mean anybody. As for me joining I saw what was coming from this sight and I thought this would be a decent forum to state my opinions and the truth.

Has Casey agreed to talk to you or Leonard? I don't mean have you talked to Casey. You said you had not. Is there some arrangement that if you bail her out she will talk to you, Leonard or your associates?
Everybody has an opinion as to stay out of the case. The most beautiful thing about this country is that we are allowed to speak out on our opinions. But I will put this question to you; nothing has worked so far so why not try something else? If I feel that what we are doing will hinder anyhing about the case or locating Caylee then I am out and will NOT post the bond. I will be talking with law enforcement when I arrive Monday and will make a determination as to what is in the best interest for Caylee not Casey!

The police have not even gotten the DNA back yet! Give it some time, buddy...if Casey can wait 30 days to report Caylee missing, surely we can give the police/scientists some time to do their work?...We live in a fast-food society, we want it NOW...life isn't like that, sometimes...
May I respectfully ask, who are you, Paladine?

I notice that you just joined two days ago, about the same time the story hit the news about Casey bonding out. Is this just a coincidence, or what?

Oh, and welcome to websleuths!


Please excuse me for quoting my own post, but I find it interesting that Paladine is so vocal about his or her criticizm of Tony Padilla, but won't respond to my question about his or her motives.

Remember we did not "inject ourselves" into the case. Leonard was sought out. As to why I cannot answer. Leonard deals with liars everyday. He has to sort out the garbage as to what comes out of their mouths all the time. He is very good at getting results and I will say this, if my daughter was missing I would rather have Leonard looking for her rather than anybody and I mean anybody. As for me joining I saw what BS was coming from this sight and I thought this would be a decent forum to state my opinions and the truth.

I think you're right. We're not going to always agree with you, but I think that this is a smart thing to do. BUT--remember how it looks to us. We can't see your thoughts, and we don't know what is being really discussed behind the scenes. We see a mother who did something terrible is and is not owning up to whatever it was, and a little baby has paid the price.

I hope that you do stick around. Just as you see this as a forum for stating your opinion, please do remember that others can state their own opinions. Different opinions are part of life, and are usually necessary to solve any problem.

One piece of advice--I think that if you were to take a little time and write out a statement that covers most of the questions, you may save yourself some hectic activity. Most of us would LOVE to really hear your opinion on this matter, and the history of your involvement--that is, any detail that you can give.

Bottom line is Casey isnt talking to anyone right now, I personally don't care who she talks to just as long as she talks. If its Leonard and his team great, if its a friend great, she just needs to talk. Who knows out of jail she may relax a bit and start talking some, giving away bits of information that can help in finding Caylee.
ok everyone let's take a breather and slow down. Tony has been kind enough to join websleuths and to answer questions. There will be NO bashing of him, he will respect you all and your opinions and theories just as you all will respect his. I don't want to be the bad guy here but let's all respect one another and learn from one another.If I have to delete post because of someone being rude i will not post warnings your posting privileges will just be suspended.
Thank you all,
:blowkiss: Thanks....breath everyone..........
Everybody has an opinion as to stay out of the case. The most beautiful thing about this country is that we are allowed to speak out on our opinions. But I will put this question to you; nothing has worked so far so why not try something else? If I feel that what we are doing will hinder anyhing about the case or locating Caylee then I am out and will NOT post the bond. I will be talking with law enforcement when I arrive Monday and will make a determination as to what is in the best interest for Caylee not Casey!

Well, I believe your attitude is in the right place. And it is true that Casey has gone through the local LE, FBI, and her family and nothing has changed. So something different is needed, I agree. My concern and the concern of many others here is that if Casey should commit suicide, then there will never be any info.

Have you consulted with any experts about suicidal behaviors and how to handle them? Have you planned where you will be keeping her, and made any special provisions for suicide proofing the area? BTW, suicidal people can think of ways to kill themselves, even in protected environments.
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