Were Caylee's Remains Moved?

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How did the Body Get placed in the Woods near the A's?

  • KC acted alone and put her body there?

    Votes: 230 92.0%
  • Someone in the A's moved the Body there?

    Votes: 18 7.2%
  • Jose had the Body Moved there?

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • Some other person outside the A's, Jose, private Investiagtors put the body there?

    Votes: 1 0.4%

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I never understood WHY she would want to bury the baby in her own backyard . That would 1,000,000 % tie her to Caylee's death.
I never understood WHY she would want to bury the baby in her own backyard . That would 1,000,000 % tie her to Caylee's death.

Right, but I bet she was thinking it would stay the family's problem only if she buried Caylee in the backyard. Surely mom and dad would just cover that grave with cement and not tell anyone. Caylee's death would stay an Anthony family secret.

Plus, it was also laziness. Just bury her in the backyard because it was the closest place to get rid of her.
Right, but I bet she was thinking it would stay the family's problem only if she buried Caylee in the backyard. Surely mom and dad would just cover that grave with cement and not tell anyone. Caylee's death would stay an Anthony family secret.

Plus, it was also laziness. Just bury her in the backyard because it was the closest place to get rid of her.

BBM- ITA, Aedrys, I still can't get it out of my head that iirc they just happened to pour a big ol concrete slab in their backyard while Caylee was missing. I don't know if they "knew" at that point, but I certainly think if they didn't that it was still a calculated cover-up move. IMO, of course.

Personally, I don't think anyone but KC disposed of the body, and she watched so many movies and stupid tv shows that she thought "I'll just dig a hole in the backyard", then when that turned out to be hard (and she's lazy, she probably moved a whole inch of soil if that) and take too long to guarantee her parents weren't going to come in on her, had to come up with another plan. Sigh, now I've gotta go look at the ping maps again. :crazy:
I believe Caylee was killed in the Anthony home on June 16th, 2008. I don't know if she killed Caylee in the early morning hours (because I am not sure that anyone saw Casey and Caylee that day) or after George left for work that day in the afternoon. All I can say for sure is that Caylee was deceased by the time Casey met up with Tony the evening of June 16, 2008.

I believe Caylee was doubled bagged in the trash bags and put into the trunk. I believe Caylee was removed from that trunk on June 18th, when she borrowed the shovel from her neighbor and backed her car into that garage. I believe Casey used the laundry bag simply to make it easier for her to get Caylee to the back yard. I believe Casey did try to bury Caylee in the Anthony's back yard. I believe it was proven to be too hard for her and back in Casey's trunk she went... inside the laundry bag now. I believe that Caylee was thrown out onto Suburban Drive somewhere on the 19th or the 20th of June. From the pings, you could see Casey driving out to a lot of areas near Lakes, wooded areas, etc... and I believe that she settled on Suburban Drive by accident after finding it too difficult to get rid of her in some of the areas she was driving around. I think it was a quick opportunity she had at that moment and just went for it.

I do not believe that Caylee was in the trunk on the 24th. The day Casey and George had their "gas can" confrontation. I believe the only reason we ever even heard about the gas can incident was because George had made a police report about it. I believe that he felt that LE would eventually confront him about it and want to take a look inside the shed... even though I believe they already did and may have seen this "unique" gas can that he had reported stolen. I think him telling LE about the gas can indicident was a way for him to look like the "good former cop." Yes, Casey stole his gas cans. Yes, there was a big deal about her not wanting him to go near the trunk... but it wasn't because a smell (he says there was no smell) or that something suspicious was in there (he says nothing suspicious was in the trunk), but simply because she had his gas cans in there. I do not even know if I believe that George got close enough to Casey's car on the 24th to smell the car or even look inside the trunk. I think it may have just been an effort to deceive LE and say... "but wait, it didn't smell on the 24th." I also believe that George was protecting himself just in case Casey had used his gas cans to destroy evidence... including Caylee's body. I know it crossed my mind. I think he wanted to make sure that LE knew that Casey was in possession of those gas can just in case something came up that proved that evidence had been burned or there might possibly be decomposition on his gas cans.

This is all just my opinion... of course!
I never understood WHY she would want to bury the baby in her own backyard . That would 1,000,000 % tie her to Caylee's death.

The same way that she could kill Caylee in the Anthony home. Use duct tape from the Anthony home. Use trash bags from the Anthony home. Use a laundry bag from the Anthony home. It was symbolic if you ask me! She hated Cindy. What better way to stick it to her but to make her live with the fact that not only had Caylee been murdered in her home, but her little body was buried in her back yard.

That or just pure laziness! I would guess that it was a little bit of both.
The same way that she could kill Caylee in the Anthony home. Use duct tape from the Anthony home. Use trash bags from the Anthony home. Use a laundry bag from the Anthony home. It was symbolic if you ask me! She hated Cindy. What better way to stick it to her but to make her live with the fact that not only had Caylee been murdered in her home, but her little body was buried in her back yard.

That or just pure laziness! I would guess that it was a little bit of both.

Agreed. She fits a sociopath to a "T". Lie to their own detriment and do things on a "moments notice"; do not plan. She may have looked up ways to kill and had this on her mind for some time; but on June 16th, imo, she did it in the afternoon and left her in the trunk, not even thinking about what the heat would do to the body and the odor that would come about as a result; waited about two days to get rid of the body; then left the car at Amscott (hoping someone would steal it, but overlooking and not thinking about the fact that Cindy and George pass it all the time) and the list goes on. Tells detectives she works at Universal, not thinking that they will check this and all the other lies. Total sociopath. And then continues to lie to the detective she is left with at Universal re her education.

Strangest disorder I have ever encountered.
We know Caylee was in the trunk for 2.6 days / forensics. My only thought about her body being somewhere else before suburban are the dog hits and serious searching by LE in the back yard.

Wherever she was murdered, I do wonder if very temporarily ( and it may have even been nothing more than a matter of hours) Casey had her somewhere like the playhouse before the trunk. Not sure why though, except if she needed to use the car for something first, like move some stuff over to Tony's. Really hard to get into the mind of a sociopath.
I never understood WHY she would want to bury the baby in her own backyard . That would 1,000,000 % tie her to Caylee's death.

I think she thought that would be the easiest and quickest way to get rid of the body. But then after she got the shovel and started to dig, she realized how hard it really is to dig a hole, especially one deep enough. And I don't think she was physically strong enough to do it. So, back to the car trunk until she got her next brilliant idea and threw her poor child in the vacant lot.

She is physically my size when I was 20 and I know I couldn't have done it then or now. It's hard to dig a deep hole and then smooth it over. Burying her in the backyard was an idea that got abandoned--it meant some actual physical strength and activity. Now, if you could dig a hole by dancing...
Not much gas to waste running around as she needed the gas to go to Tony's could be one reason she placed Caylee so close to home after the backyard digging did not work out. And secondly, this area is a dumping ground. So if KC were to pull up with her car and throw something in the woods people would be less likely to notice her because everyone dumps their large trash items there. jmo
BBM- ITA, Aedrys, I still can't get it out of my head that iirc they just happened to pour a big ol concrete slab in their backyard while Caylee was missing. I don't know if they "knew" at that point, but I certainly think if they didn't that it was still a calculated cover-up move. IMO, of course.

Personally, I don't think anyone but KC disposed of the body, and she watched so many movies and stupid tv shows that she thought "I'll just dig a hole in the backyard", then when that turned out to be hard (and she's lazy, she probably moved a whole inch of soil if that) and take too long to guarantee her parents weren't going to come in on her, had to come up with another plan. Sigh, now I've gotta go look at the ping maps again. :crazy:
You know, I always wondered why the anthonys went looking in their backyard. I always felt like they noticed something earlier that hit them when they found out everything. hmmm???
You know, I always wondered why the anthonys went looking in their backyard. I always felt like they noticed something earlier that hit them when they found out everything. hmmm???

My guess would be the smell. They may have remembered the smell in the backyard, either when KC had the body there while she was digging or if/when GA washed those gas cans that were from the trunk. It could have even been coming from the area where Caylee was left whenever the wind blew in their direction. Hard to think about it that way but it is possible. jmo
My guess would be the smell. They may have remembered the smell in the backyard, either when KC had the body there while she was digging or if/when GA washed those gas cans that were from the trunk. It could have even been coming from the area where Caylee was left whenever the wind blew in their direction. Hard to think about it that way but it is possible. jmo

Maybe their own dogs kept hitting on it and trying to roll on it. We know dogs love that. And maybe they got whiffs of it from their dogs coats? Even a slight scent would set both of them off, since they knew the smell.

I will never, ever believe George didn't smell anything on the 24th :banghead: I think he got a whiff of something but because Caylee wasn't really "missing" just yet, he either dismissed it without too much though or bought into one of Casey's ridiculous explanations. She could have told him it was Caylee's leftover lunch or those miraculous climbing dead squirrels or some other crap. George was trained not question her about anything. Maybe she was so panicked she just shoved his f-ing gas cans at him and took off. Either way, I'm convinced he smelled something and the recollection of it was enough to make him :puke: at OCSO on July 24th.

I recall someone (probably JWG or BJB or both) had a timeline theory that fit well with 2.6 days of decomp. If I can find it, I'll ETA the link.

Sorry about being off topic :innocent:

Thanks! You pegged my thoughts while I was posting what I posted, but I put that out there because of that very intevriew on July 24th-George was actually entertaining questions based on the premise that Caylee was dead. And he revealed A LOT. Of course, he could have kept that tidbit to himself, and probability dictates that he did, since the family has shown themselves to be liars. Had to put it out there, though, cause the state can only go on what has been testified to when they are putting their timeline together. Though I am sure they have scrapped a lot of the A's depo testimonials based on the fact that the A's have twisted just about everything...
Not much gas to waste running around as she needed the gas to go to Tony's could be one reason she placed Caylee so close to home after the backyard digging did not work out. And secondly, this area is a dumping ground. So if KC were to pull up with her car and throw something in the woods people would be less likely to notice her because everyone dumps their large trash items there. jmo

Something just hit me after reading your post LC. Is it possible that her first thought about disposing of Caylee was to bury her in her "dear Mother's" backyard in order for the blame for Caylee's murder to fall on Cindy? I don't know why I didn't think of this before. It's so simple. Could KC have thought...well, you wanted Caylee and I really hate you, so here's two birds with one stone. I get rid of the little snotnose, and you get the blame, Mother.

Bold is KC's thoughts, not mine.
Something just hit me after reading your post LC. Is it possible that her first thought about disposing of Caylee was to bury her in her "dear Mother's" backyard in order for the blame for Caylee's murder to fall on Cindy? I don't know why I didn't think of this before. It's so simple. Could KC have thought...well, you wanted Caylee and I really hate you, so here's two birds with one stone. I get rid of the little snotnose, and you get the blame, Mother.

Bold is KC's thoughts, not mine.

I think a lot of things crossed Casey's mind during the months leading up to Caylee's death and the 31 days after she finally went through with it. Casey had murder on her mind for quite a while before committing the final act. I believe she flip flopped between killing her parents, killing Caylee, or killing them all.

Unfortunately for Caylee, Casey made her decision on June 16th, 2008 and she was the chosen one... and I believe 100% it was because she wanted to hurt Cindy to the point where she would suffer for the rest of her life. Killing Cindy would not benefit Casey. She would get no pleasure from it. I think Casey could sit in a jail for the rest of her life and feel content with what she has done to Cindy. That is the reason I believe that Casey should be sentenced to death. I don't want her to be content.
I never understood WHY she would want to bury the baby in her own backyard . That would 1,000,000 % tie her to Caylee's death.

KC never thinks things through to the end, like stealing the money from Amy's checkbook. It's not as if Amy would never have noticed.
I believe (strongly) that Caylee's remains were in the same spot from June 2008, until they were found in December. First of all, the remains were scattered in their major groups across the area. In other words, the sections of the body (last to disarticulate) were essentially found in the same general area. Had complete disarticulation been present, at the time her remains were dumped, the animals would have scattered her remains with no "grouping" of the disarticulated parts. For example, ribs would be scattered in different places, instead of near the torso. Hope I explained this correctly.

The other thing that convinces me that Caylee was there since June of 2008 was Casey's response when the remains were found. She broke down when the news reports mentioned the area as being on Suburban Drive. This tells me that she knew they had found Caylee, because that's where she put her. Also, Casey showed no reaction when it was being reported that items were found related to Caylee, when LP did his search.

If the real killer placed her remains on Suburban (not that I believe this for a second), how did he have access to the canvas bag, trash bags and duct tape that just happen to have identical matches to the Anthony home ? If a family member moved her, why would they place her so close to the home and why would they keep the items Caylee was stored in, considering they have exact matches to these items in their home ?

One more thought..if Casey seriously considered placing Caylee in her parents back yard, I don't think it would be a stretch for her to put Caylee right down the street, from their home. For some reason she felt more comfortable with Suburban, probably because she was familiar with the area and the lack of foot traffic in those woods.
I believe Caylee was killed in the Anthony home on June 16th, 2008. I don't know if she killed Caylee in the early morning hours (because I am not sure that anyone saw Casey and Caylee that day) or after George left for work that day in the afternoon. All I can say for sure is that Caylee was deceased by the time Casey met up with Tony the evening of June 16, 2008.

I believe Caylee was doubled bagged in the trash bags and put into the trunk. I believe Caylee was removed from that trunk on June 18th, when she borrowed the shovel from her neighbor and backed her car into that garage. I believe Casey used the laundry bag simply to make it easier for her to get Caylee to the back yard. I believe Casey did try to bury Caylee in the Anthony's back yard. I believe it was proven to be too hard for her and back in Casey's trunk she went... inside the laundry bag now. I believe that Caylee was thrown out onto Suburban Drive somewhere on the 19th or the 20th of June. From the pings, you could see Casey driving out to a lot of areas near Lakes, wooded areas, etc... and I believe that she settled on Suburban Drive by accident after finding it too difficult to get rid of her in some of the areas she was driving around. I think it was a quick opportunity she had at that moment and just went for it.

I do not believe that Caylee was in the trunk on the 24th. The day Casey and George had their "gas can" confrontation. I believe the only reason we ever even heard about the gas can incident was because George had made a police report about it. I believe that he felt that LE would eventually confront him about it and want to take a look inside the shed... even though I believe they already did and may have seen this "unique" gas can that he had reported stolen. I think him telling LE about the gas can indicident was a way for him to look like the "good former cop." Yes, Casey stole his gas cans. Yes, there was a big deal about her not wanting him to go near the trunk... but it wasn't because a smell (he says there was no smell) or that something suspicious was in there (he says nothing suspicious was in the trunk), but simply because she had his gas cans in there. I do not even know if I believe that George got close enough to Casey's car on the 24th to smell the car or even look inside the trunk. I think it may have just been an effort to deceive LE and say... "but wait, it didn't smell on the 24th." I also believe that George was protecting himself just in case Casey had used his gas cans to destroy evidence... including Caylee's body. I know it crossed my mind. I think he wanted to make sure that LE knew that Casey was in possession of those gas can just in case something came up that proved that evidence had been burned or there might possibly be decomposition on his gas cans.

This is all just my opinion... of course!

So based on this, let me take a stab at trying to figure out why KC did not mention the smell until the 26th-First, you could say that KC smelled it well before the 26th and just did not mention it, but I believe she mentioned it as soon as she smelled it, in the event one of her friends got near or into her car. If she had smelled it on the 20th, I think she would have done the same thing because she would have immediately went into cover-up mode. Don't think it would have taken her 6 more days before mentioning it.
Then again, it could have started to smell by the 24th, because according to GA, KC did not want him anywhere near that trunk...
On the assumption she did not wait 6 more days....Perhaps, when she disposed of Caylee's body, one or both of Caylee's shoes came off and was in the car. Maybe one of her shoes caused the smell? Shoes would have been easily disposed of just about anywhere.
Just a beginner's thought, trying to determine what would cause the delay in the smell. Need to look up when TL helped her out with the gas (when she refused to let him fill her tank for her), because the tow yard people said the car smelled from without, and TL said he did not smell anything, so there was definately a build-up in the smell....
Keep on sleuthin', people!
I think a lot of things crossed Casey's mind during the months leading up to Caylee's death and the 31 days after she finally went through with it. Casey had murder on her mind for quite a while before committing the final act. I believe she flip flopped between killing her parents, killing Caylee, or killing them all.

Unfortunately for Caylee, Casey made her decision on June 16th, 2008 and she was the chosen one... and I believe 100% it was because she wanted to hurt Cindy to the point where she would suffer for the rest of her life. Killing Cindy would not benefit Casey. She would get no pleasure from it. I think Casey could sit in a jail for the rest of her life and feel content with what she has done to Cindy. That is the reason I believe that Casey should be sentenced to death. I don't want her to be content.

I've always thought Casey intended to murder her parents. The searches for household weapons and neck-breaking are pretty clear indicators (IMO) she was looking for a violent way to do away with Cindy and George. In her fantasy, Casey would go on to live la bella vita, playing the part of a devoted mother when, in reality, a neglected and abused little Caylee would spend the rest of her childhood in a car being dragged from party to party, bedroom to bedroom. Nothing would have changed for Caylee, she was simply a prop. Maybe, Casey chickened out. Maybe, Caylee got in the way first. Maybe, murdering Caylee was the ultimate revenge. Could be combination of reasons. UGH! She'll never talk and we'll never know.

Wherever Caylee was prior to being dumped in the woods, her body was under Casey's control. In the car? Casey's! car. In the backyard? Casey's! Unless they plan to implicate Cindy, George or Lee, they're going to have a very hard time convincing 12 sane men and women that SOD put Caylee in the woods while Casey was in jail. Yet I don't doubt the defense will try to suspicion on one or more family members.

I predict the defense experts will be tripping all over each other, contradicting their own and the other defense experts' testimony. Drs Q, X, Y and Z droning on and on about minutiae and the jury will be snoring.
Is there a thread or even a website that documents all of the evidence?

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