What a Terrible way to Die, So close to Home

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Grumpy Old Man..
Feb 16, 2010
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Father watches as bodies of wife, son pulled from icy river


OTTAWA — It was just before midnight down at the Fitzroy ferry dock when police divers hauled up Daron Graves’ brand new Dodge from the bottom of the Ottawa River.

His father, Dave Graves, stood at the dock as police used a heavy crane to lift the 2013 Dodge Dart from the river.

He’s gone over different theories in his head about how his wife and son met death just 100 feet from his property, where sometime between Thursday night and Friday morning, their car plunged into a stretch of open water on the Ottawa River.
wow. what a strange sounding man.

sad though.
Uhhhh. Who in the world starts singing and wildly clapping with joy upon hearing their wife and son have plunged to their death in an icy river???

And then talks of having a celebration with a bonfire.... The last comment makes it seem like his attitude about their deaths is like "Eh, life goes on. I'm looking forward to a party I've been planning so I'm going thru with it!"

This guy really needs to be looked into!!
Am I missing something? Something isn't right.
Uhhhh. Who in the world starts singing and clapping with joy upon hearing their wife and son have plunged to their death in an icy river???

Am I missing something? Something isn't right.

I think he is saying he realized the singing was a sign from his wife and son.

Odd, perhaps. But not necessarily wrong.
I'm sorry but something is not right with that man..seriously not right.
Uhhhh. Who in the world starts singing and wildly clapping with joy upon hearing their wife and son have plunged to their death in an icy river???

And then talks of having a celebration with a bonfire.... The last comment makes it seem like his attitude about their deaths is like "Eh, life goes on. I'm looking forward to a party I've been planning so I'm going thru with it!"

This guy really needs to be looked into!!
Am I missing something? Something isn't right.

Odd dude.
I wonder if, not saying it was, but wondering if alcohol could have been involved. Or a car malfunction?
It sounds like his religious beliefs are such that he can be glad they have moved on to a better place. I've known people like this. I imagine he cries his share of tears when he's alone...and the bonfire sounds like it's going to be one of those "celebration of life" gatherings.

It's not what I'd do, and I wouldn't feel very comfortable attending it, but it doesn't strike me as hinky-weird, only unusual.
Yeah, I think the guy appears odd to some of us because we would react way differently and some of the things he said, sorry, just sound spacey.

But I agree, I don't think he had anything to do with this.

Looking at the map, it looks like this is probably a terrible accident.
My hinky meter is sounding off but then I have read here years before I joined!
It sounds like his religious beliefs are such that he can be glad they have moved on to a better place. I've known people like this. I imagine he cries his share of tears when he's alone...and the bonfire sounds like it's going to be one of those "celebration of life" gatherings.

It's not what I'd do, and I wouldn't feel very comfortable attending it, but it doesn't strike me as hinky-weird, only unusual.

ITA. This quote from the article kind of confirms the religious aspect.

“I watched Daron come out of Donna’s womb and now I was watching as both Donna and Daron came out of another womb — Daron’s car. I was watching another birth not a death — a birth into the next step of the Ascension Journey,” he typed in a message to the Citizen.
It will be interesting to see if there was anything mechanically wrong with the car, or, if there was any damage to the exterior of the car.
I get what some are saying in that his religious beliefs are so that he knows they are in a glorious place. BUT. The thing that seems really strange to me is that when a person loses someone tragically and unexpectedly as this was the initial feeling is shock and grief. And to watch as your loved ones dead bodies are being pulled from the river is even more disturbing and certainly doesn't warrant singing and clapping.... WTF? JMO
Dog rescued from river 4 days earlier
On Tuesday, Graves reflected on a rescue the previous weekend on the river in front of their home, after Daron's dog Amira went through the ice.

"I called him up, I said, 'I need your help, we gotta get Amira out of the river,'" recalled Graves.

The father and son pushed an aluminum boat out onto the ice and clawed their way toward the dog.

"Amira was hanging on and we're talking to her, 'We're coming, we're coming, we're coming.'"

Finally, both reached the dog and Daron grabbed on to Amira.

"I looked at my son and I said, 'Daron, I can't tell you how proud I am of you," David Graves said.

Four days later, Daron and his mother fell through the same ice after the car they were in plunged off the end of Ferry Road and into the Ottawa River.

Investigators are examining Daron's car to see whether a mechanical malfunction may have contributed to the crash.
I get what some are saying in that his religious beliefs are so that he knows they are in a glorious place. BUT. The thing that seems really strange to me is that when a person loses someone tragically and unexpectedly as this was the initial feeling is shock and grief. And to watch as your loved ones dead bodies are being pulled from the river is even more disturbing and certainly doesn't warrant singing and clapping.... WTF? JMO

I can testify from personal experience that you just don't know what your reaction is going to be, and sometimes it can be very strange and bizarre. I was just lucky I didn't have reporters around to spread it all over the news.

There are some other things about this case that don't quite add up, but his reaction isn't really one of the things that makes me wonder.

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