what are your thoughts now? *re-re-poll*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

What happened to baby Lisa?

  • Mom did it

    Votes: 255 45.0%
  • Dad did it

    Votes: 6 1.1%
  • Mom and Dad did it

    Votes: 97 17.1%
  • SODDI (some other dude did it)

    Votes: 49 8.6%
  • I am up on that fence

    Votes: 86 15.2%
  • I have no clue

    Votes: 74 13.1%

  • Total voters
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Registered User
May 3, 2008
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I had seen some members ask for another poll. Have your thoughts changed? If so, why?

**remember no name calling and bashing or embellishing names of case players**
I want to be wrong so bad but am afraid both parents are involved.
Not sure which of the two hurt this child, but there's not a doubt in my mind that BOTH parents are covering it up.
mom definitely IMO

only reason i never choose mom and dad is cause i still can't work out JI, he creeps me out a little :waitasec:

Wheres the selection for "Mom and another accomplice?"
Same as the first 2 polls. No idea what happened to Lisa.
One parent is responsible for whatever happened to Lisa (I'm leaning towards accident), and the other parent is helping to cover-up.
Wheres the selection for "Mom and another accomplice?"

While it troubles me to say this, I think there should be a selection for one of the boys. It might be a stretch, but it's possible that one of the half-brothers is responsible, and parents are covering up for them. jmo
I chose: I have no clue.

Despite my personal feelings of DB and JI, I haven't ruled out a stranger abduction.

I know, I know. But I have no idea what's going on and I don't trust media snippets.
I have no clue and there is still something that I can't put my finger on that hasn't pushed me off the fence yet.
I still feel the mom is responsible. I dont think she meant to harm her but it happened. Either she dropped her or she rolled on her in bed. Because of her drinking she wont admit it. The father was proved to be working til what, 4am. so he wasnt the one to carry the baby. I'd like to see a clear picture of her brother. :seeya:
I'm on the fence. Maybe I rationalize too much. I'm still thinking it IS possible that it is someone with intimate knowledge of the family. I have seen a pic of the view of their house from another home's backyard, she could have been seen drinking and Lisa was taken for her own protection.

I think DB has been more heavily medicated and if you have ever taken any meds of that nature they tend to take emotion away and make you have irrational thoughts. DB may think LE are out to get her (even if innocent) and by allowing the boys to talk she may think they will twist their words or make them say things (even if not 100% true). She may feel that if the boys DNA is ruled out and LE says no mystery DNA she will be arrested and no one will be looking for a live Lisa. I have a feeling she is suicidal.

I'm sure she is keeping up with public opinion.

Before someone (or alot of someones) jumps on me, I am entitled to my opinion. MOO IMHO and all that. I'm not trying to force my thoughts on anyone. If I am wrong in this then I will retire from the board for I will be busy eating crow anyway.
Good morning, y'all. My name is Jane...Clueless Jane.
Fell off the fence after learning this am that the interview with the boys was canceled. I voted mom and dad, but I'm leaning toward mom did something and dad is helping to cover it up.
Voted no clue, can't place blame with so little to go on at this point. I think lawyers involved have muddied the water since I think they are now running the show, advising the parents what to say and not say, do and not do. Not that I absolve the parents of their actions, I just think once you involved lawyers, especially high profile lawyers who also want to make a name for themselves, it's not black and white anymore.
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