what are your thoughts now? *re-re-poll*

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DNA Solves

What happened to baby Lisa?

  • Mom did it

    Votes: 255 45.0%
  • Dad did it

    Votes: 6 1.1%
  • Mom and Dad did it

    Votes: 97 17.1%
  • SODDI (some other dude did it)

    Votes: 49 8.6%
  • I am up on that fence

    Votes: 86 15.2%
  • I have no clue

    Votes: 74 13.1%

  • Total voters
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My thoughts are still the same, on the fence.

Defense attorney presser didn't sway me. They're doing what all defense attorneys do.

Still leaning towards DB, but not convinced. The homeless, druggie did it scenario doesn't quite make sense to me, or MW. But not convinced that they didn't have anything to do with it.

But they can be convenient scapegoats, much easier to blame people like that than think a mother could have harmed their child, either accidently or intentionally.

Agreed, steely dan but to me even having an affair or whatever the mother may have been hiding instead of Lisa's disappearance... would that all not become insignificant compared to THAT whole huge fact of your heart, your daughter, missing?
Would you not blurt out everything else about yourself now because how would that even matter anymore... To me I would think I would.

Also, I would tell LE: Listen. I know logic dictates you consider me the first suspect. Tell me how we can work together and what ~I~ can do, what I NEED to do, to make you realize I am not and move on so we can find my child. I'll walk naked through a minefield. I will do 50 more lie detector tests. Hypnotize me. I will have 50 interviews by myself and without my husband present. I will explain to my boys: listen this is hard but we all have to help the police here to get our lisa back. Your parts are to go in also and answer their questions. Because they are not here to frighten us but to HELP us. So you go be big boys. And do this.

That is why I wonder about the mom. because it is how I'd be. I think. So it REALLY puzzles me to hear all her refusing any more cooperation. It really does.
Because life with out my baby, would be no life any longer.

Some divorces get really ugly. If she thought he'd turn on her if he found out and help the police railroad her that might keep her from talking. I'm just throwing out ideas because very little makes sense in this case.

As Judge Judy says; "If it doesn't make sense, it probably isn't true." However, if this is all hashed out and we find out what really happened I think there are going to be some things that don't make sense but are true. JMO
Before joining I thought sure the mom and dad were probably innocent and were just misunderstood.
Now, after reading and seeing even more, like them not being willing to do the interviews separately (why?!) and all the players we've been privy to finding out about I'm thinking more than likely it probably is the both of them. Even though it's been said that JI wasn't home and came home and found out and called 911, I just can't see him standing by DB if he wasn't a participant. Maybe she's told him the story of her childhood and he feels bad for her, and wants to protect her from more harm. I do know some people like that. I know stranger things have happened but...
All I can go on is what I have heard, what I have seen, and what I feel I'd do in the same situation. I have no doubt that I would move heaven and earth to get my child back. If that meant going in front of LE for more questioning separately then I'd say let's hurry up and get it done.
So for right now I think the parents have knowledge of what really happened with Baby Lisa and are either protecting themselves or someone else they care about. For the record I do not think the boys did any harm, intentionally or unintentionally, to Baby Lisa.


If you were asked on a polygraph if you had anything to do with your kids disappearance do you think that might cause you to fail that question? Just a curious question. If you think it might for you then maybe it would for DB.

The question she supposedly failed (according to her statement in the Megyn Kelly interview) is: "do I know where she's at?"
That's why, generally, if you present to the average physician with a rare disease, masquerading as a common one, you're screwed. An average physician will always play the paradigm, as will the average detective. In the course of his training, neither the physician nor the detective gets points for imagination. In the case of the detective, who starts his career "on the beat," it could very well be fatal.

And that's a system that works pretty well, unless you're one of the few.

Unless your doctor is House!
I think everybody looks guilty by now... statistically someone should be innocent.
Most definitely. If it doesn't fit the paradigm, the parents are always guilty by default. No need even for a trial.

Paradigm shift= can't see the forest for the trees, for some
I am of the group that thinks it is totally possible for an intruder to be part of this. If it is found out that nobody - SB or the kids or anybody else - saw Lisa that evening before JI went tto work, then I am comfortable saying that the parents could indeed have something to do with it. If they saw her that evening then I have to believe the intruder is possible theory at this time. Yes, we have a "'sources say' that SB says" she saw her but until somebody is willing to state who said this I am ignoring this particular reporter. At the same time we don't have anybody saying they didn't see her. I want a definitive yes she saw her or no she didn't.
My opinion changes all the time. I think it would be easier if there wasn't so much media spin on both sides. I am not sure the facts anymore because everything is so confusing. The stories keep changing, but because police haven't said much I am not sure whats changed, what was reported wrong because sources were wrong, and what is just the media trying to make headlines. I wish the police would release a fact sheet or something so we knew what was true and what wasn't.
As an innocent?

If I only got asked yes or no questions: yes. I would fail because I would feel that it was my negligence and I was responsible. CERTAINLY if I had been drinking.

However: I CANNOT imagine they do not allow for that factor. I imagine every parent would feel THAT guilt. So then there would have to be follow-up conrtrol questions built in, to sift that guilt out from the guilt of being truly culpable.

I cannot imagine, in this day and age, that that is not being done.
Would you notthink so? in something this crucial a matter?


They do allow for that factor. They do a baseline. If you tired, overwhelmed, anxious, scared (as all missing children's parents are), those same reactions will be part of the baseline. When you answer the target questions, a huge variation from the baseline indicates deception.

Many parents who are exhausted beyond belief PASS the poly. Since DB failed, they need to do more testing and much more interviewing to see what is going on. What does she do? She hires four different legal resources to get her out of the pickle. What do they do? They put a stop to further testing, interrogating, etc. Whose life is at stack here? Obviously DB is more concerned about her welfare than Lisa's.
I am of the group that thinks it is totally possible for an intruder to be part of this. If it is found out that nobody - SB or the kids or anybody else - saw Lisa that evening before JI went tto work, then I am comfortable saying that the parents could indeed have something to do with it. If they saw her that evening then I have to believe the intruder is possible theory at this time. Yes, we have a "'sources say' that SB says" she saw her but until somebody is willing to state who said this I am ignoring this particular reporter. At the same time we don't have anybody saying they didn't see her. I want a definitive yes she saw her or no she didn't.

There is no one saying they saw Lisa. We have somebody saying they saw an unclothed baby with two different men (there stories conflicted).

The way the woman described the man carrying a baby, it would appear that it was an infant. She said he had the baby's head against his chest. An alive or alert 30 lb child would not fit like that. This child was deceased or sleeping VERY soundly despite that fact it was practically naked and the weather was chilled at the time.

It is a fact that eye witnesses are lousy at describing perps. If this was indeed Lisa and it was a stranger, the perp has to be crazy and out of his mind to be walking around with a kidnapped or dead baby in his arms. Why isn't the witness (husband) talking about what he saw?
I am of the group that thinks it is totally possible for an intruder to be part of this. If it is found out that nobody - SB or the kids or anybody else - saw Lisa that evening before JI went tto work, then I am comfortable saying that the parents could indeed have something to do with it. If they saw her that evening then I have to believe the intruder is possible theory at this time. Yes, we have a "'sources say' that SB says" she saw her but until somebody is willing to state who said this I am ignoring this particular reporter. At the same time we don't have anybody saying they didn't see her. I want a definitive yes she saw her or no she didn't.

Anything is possible. She could have been abducted by aliens. It is possible that a psychotic got lucky and picked the right house in his quest to kill a baby. Yes, that is possible, not probable but it can be considered. It is also possible that he wasn't psychotic but wanted to have sex with a baby. Not probable but possible (it has happened). Other than that, I don't hold much consideration that it was another type of stranger/intruder.
I am of the group that thinks it is totally possible for an intruder to be part of this. If it is found out that nobody - SB or the kids or anybody else - saw Lisa that evening before JI went tto work, then I am comfortable saying that the parents could indeed have something to do with it. If they saw her that evening then I have to believe the intruder is possible theory at this time. Yes, we have a "'sources say' that SB says" she saw her but until somebody is willing to state who said this I am ignoring this particular reporter. At the same time we don't have anybody saying they didn't see her. I want a definitive yes she saw her or no she didn't.

I would dearly love to see an indepth interview with Samantha Brando.

I know there is a baby missing. I know it's very very heartbreaking sad and I really want a happy Show-Me Miracle.
Most definitely. If it doesn't fit the paradigm, the parents are always guilty by default. No need even for a trial.

Sarcasm noted, but no problem.

This is true...most of the time, it is a family member or somebody they know. There is hope though there will be no trial because nine times out of ten, there is no strange DNA at the scene the body is hid well or they got lucky and they walk. No need to worry.

OTOH, most innocent parents make sure they are cleared first. BTW, DB failed the poly...and hired a few attorneys to stop the bad Po Po from being mean to her any more.

I have considered other alternatives. It could be a family member but if it is, the parents are covering for them...so it comes back to them again.

.....as far as a stranger, I have stated very clearly many times how that is very unlikely, as far as I am concerned.
In da middle are there any beacons of any kind around the Irwin home?
All good questions. First off, I think it likely that the child was alive at the point of the latest sighting, given the description of the way the man was holding it. If the child had died, I doubt that person would have been walking around with it in full view; that would certainly be too risky for the circumstances. The most logical thing to do with a dead infant would be to simply ditch the body somewhere, or, if it simply had to be transported, conceal it in a bag or some other receptacle.

At that time of night, the child might simply have been overwhelmed by exhaustion. Infants are like that, as any parent knows; once they're konked out, they can sleep through just about anything.

My thought has always been that there was someplace nearby where the kidnapper could take the child. An abandoned house, perhaps? Or the house/apartment of an accomplice? I understand that Jersey was employed in looking after the property of nearby residents who were on vacation. Given his predilection for burglary, one has to suppose that he might have made himself at home, given leave to be on the property.

Very good post! If Jersey is involved, there should be DNA, fingerprints, of Lisa and him in the dwelling he took the baby. If this house was empty, I assume it was investigated. His DNA, fiber, fingerprints etc. should also be at the Irwin house.

As far as babies sleeping through anything, I call exception to being taken from a nice warm home with clothes on and being undressed to go out in the chill of night with a stranger, a real good assumption that she would wake up and be crying outside.
There is no one saying they saw Lisa. We have somebody saying they saw an unclothed baby with two different men (there stories conflicted).
FWIW There is a foxnews report that says " 'sources close to the investigation' say that SB says" that she saw the baby in her at 4:30and she appeared fine and her daughter saw her at 6:30.
I would dearly love to see an indepth interview with Samantha Brando.

I know there is a baby missing. I know it's very very heartbreaking sad and I really want a happy Show-Me Miracle.
Evidently she has been told either by LE or attorneys or both to not talk and she is sticking to it. Good girl!
FWIW There is a foxnews report that says " 'sources close to the investigation' say that SB says" that she saw the baby in her at 4:30and she appeared fine and her daughter saw her at 6:30.

Thank you. I almost forgot about that.

IIRC, the word I remember she used was "Apparently" not appeared. "Apparently" she was in her crib. I didn't read her four year old see her after that? Did any adult see her beside DB who hadn't checked on her after 6:40p What was Lisa doing? Was she sleeping? and if so, how do we know she was fine.

Since Samantha isn't talking, how did this information get out there. My money is on some criminal defense attorneys or associates working in the background.
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