What case really burns your butt?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Soooo many...
Trayvon Martin <I cant even talk about this one without feeling pure anger and rage>
Jodi Arias
Casey Anthony
Kyron Horman
Abby & Libby
Heather Elvis
Lenny Harris <community activist killed by someone he was trying to help>
I hate to be cliche, but I'm gonna be cliche and say every case I have covered on my blog to date. Baby Jane Doe of Opelika, the Boy in the Box murder, Lisa Dorrian, Leah Roberts, and Walter Fig Mitchell. (Blog is in my signature if anyone wants to read detailed posts on their cases, we'd appreciate the support)

With that being said another case springs to mind, the case of Jamie Bulger and his disgusting killers Venables and Thompson. What I still to this day fail to understand is why those two convicted (because they have been convicted) paedophiles are STILL allowed to have their identities hidden from the public. Yet, it was okay to blast their names across the globe when they were 10.

In the case of Mary Bell, she's remained on the right side of the law since her release, and although I am still uncomfortable knowing she is out there somewhere having murdered two innocent toddlers, I understand why her identity has remained a mystery.

I don't, however, see why Venables and Thompson are being protected after all this time, after the charges filed for CP, the convictions and yet we (being the UK Tax payers) are STILL forking out money for these two buffoons (not sure if you are allowed to cuss or I'd have chosen a better word, but we'll stick with buffoons for now).

I will never understand this either. Being from the local area, I cannot begin to explain the shockwave that erupted when this happened. I can't say that little boy's name without tears immediately springing to my eyes. Allegedly, both of them have previously been caught in the local area, against the conditions of their license. I still live where I grew up and the thought of those two being anywhere around here, without knowing who they are is horrifying. One of them has proven time and again that he remains a very clear and present danger to children, he should be locked up for the remainder of his life. There's some sympathy expressed for the other, the presumption that because he hasn't been in the news he has turned his life around...well I won't say any more about that.

There were a lot of excuses made for them at the time regarding their family lives and upbringing but I can assure you that there were hundreds, if not thousands of kids being brought up in the same circumstances in this area at that time. Only two of them committed such heinous acts.
Young Tiahleigh Palmer - vulnerable 12 yo foster child was sexually abused by adult “foster brother” then murdered by foster father to cover up the fact that the child Tiahleigh may be pregnant. The whole family knew. So disgusting. Poor child.
There is a couple. The one that sticks in my mind is Gabriel, I would actually probably commit a crime to go to jail to be with his mom. Yeah, she probably would not fare well. But, at least I would walk away knowing where he was. And I would immediately tell his father.
Delphi Murders
Reet Jurvetson AKA Jane Doe 59 (I am convinced it was Bruce Davis and Tex Watson) I can go deeper into the reasons in a later post
Black Dahlia still unsolved due to LAPD corruption (Convinced based on the evidence in several books, that the crime was committed by George Hill Hodel
Zodiac (DNA samples was supposedly submitted in 2018 and it was said could take a few months for results, still no updates 2 years later)
Neal Falls (How many more victims are out there?)
Highway of Tears (There are a disproportionately high number of Indigenous women on the list of victims)
First and foremost, the Delphi Murders of Abby and Libby. Heartbreaking. I don't understand, with what they do have, why it's still unsolved. My gut tells me that the person who did this, has done it before, and will do it again, if the opportunity presents itself.

Samuel Little. How? They had that man in jail more than once. (Try 27 times) and he literally got away with at least 36 confirmed murders, and potentially 90+ more? His victims were marginalized females, and that is why. It's a type of victim profiling that just gets me so pissed!
The horrific murder of 16-year-old Ben Eastman.

The victim and defendants were raised in Randle, WA -- a town of about 1700 people.

Ben was raped and murdered on the first day of summer break by his best childhood friend since age 5 along with the older brother after they lured him outside on the pretense of going camping to celebrate schools out for summer.

In the end, a total of 7 family members and their friends have been charged with Ben's death. It hurts more than it burns my arse.

This is what the HS principal had to say about Ben:

“You couldn’t help but like him. He was just a good kid,” Stamper said. “He was one of my former students, as were the other people involved, so it really hit home … He loved the outdoors and he had good friends out there. It’s gonna be rough; it’ll be awhile."
First and foremost, the Delphi Murders of Abby and Libby. Heartbreaking. I don't understand, with what they do have, why it's still unsolved. My gut tells me that the person who did this, has done it before, and will do it again, if the opportunity presents itself.

Samuel Little. How? They had that man in jail more than once. (Try 27 times) and he literally got away with at least 36 confirmed murders, and potentially 90+ more? His victims were marginalized females, and that is why. It's a type of victim profiling that just gets me so pissed!

This is where I often lose respect for the police AKA Fraternity brotherhood. In America, if you are black, brown, or poor or combination of those things, then you are screwed when it comes to solving a crime.
Kyron Horman, the case that triggered me to join this site. Aliayah Lunsford. Gabby Doolin. Lizzy Shelley. Jenise Wright. The Lyon sisters. Abby and Libby. Kaitlin Akens, the Hoggle kids, Kathy Beatty. JonBenet.

More than anything, I have a soft spot for the innocent kids who were brutalized by adults. And like everyone else here, my sense of justice is disturbed when some of these offenders seem to get away with it.
My apologies if this has been covered already, I am a newbie. I don't know, man, with so much basically murder *advertiser censored* on our screens from HBO to Discovery, some really excellent Ytube vloggers, and beyond, covering every murdering WTF dirtbag old and new often repeated in other guises from program to program, Fear Thy Neighbor, American Monster, Dateline, and keep going times one hundred, it's hard to keep up with as the Jewish faith so eloquently phrase one of extremely poor character such as these murderers: A " NEBBISH." Perfect, aint it? But every once in a while a case hoofs up that really gets under the skin that u can't get out of your head, for why, I don't know. I should, I am a former psychologist and I have covered that with colleagues in the past, to no avail, from newbie qualified to old dog, none of us had an answer, why? For me it was the two bastards who killed Cassie Jo Stoddart - that haunts me and I don't know why? Casey Marie Anthony burns my wife's *advertiser censored*, mention that name and she freaks out - she'd scratch her eyes out given half a chance. So, the crux of the matter: we watch literally hundreds of murder documentaries (murder *advertiser censored*) and we are meh to 99.9% of them - just the right amount of self righteous indignation to make ourselves feel good, to justify our voyeurism into the real life macabre. So why does everybody have a special pet murder case that can't be shaken. Y'all know what I'm talking about - that one case that rankles and itches.
Do not allow your wife to watch the first 48 with Marcia Clark. She will be very upset. The sate really missed the target with that case. The states computer forensic investigator missed a Firefox search done by Casey- George was at work- for - full proof suffocation. And the search history was deleted the 4 hours between the time the police took the initial report and the time Casey was arrested. Also how George Anthony physically was trying to get information from Casey and Cindy threw him out of the house for it. Because he - could not do that to Casey.
Jennifer Joyce Kesse. A beautiful young woman. 24 years old. Did everything right in her life. Had a wonderful, supportive family. Great friends--old and new. A "straight-A" student. Graduated from Central Florida University with a degree in finance. Landed a good job. Fell in love. Bought a new condo. Was so safety conscious she paid attention to who was walking behind her at the mall.

Spoke to her boyfriend on January 23, 2006 around 10 pm. Told him she was in bed. Then she vanished.

No sign of a struggle. Nothing. Just a poor quality video of an unknown person of interest parking her car a little more than a mile from her condo and walking away. Before high-noon on January 24, 2006.

How can this happen?

Oh, yeah. This case makes me feel the burn.
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