This still makes me sick that Caylee laid there so long without being discovered. How obvious it should have been to LE.,2933,398490,00.html
VAN SUSTEREN: Now, I know you won't reveal the details, but can you just tell me, has Casey told you what has happened to that child?
CINDY ANTHONY: Yes. In her way. And I can't reveal that.
VAN SUSTEREN: But in her way -- so that, I mean -- I know, George, that it was at least reported that you came out the other day and said that Casey said that Caylee was close, which is, you know, rather vague. Is that -- is that the kind of information that, Cindy, you have, or do you have, like, specific information that satisfies you?
GEORGE ANTHONY: She just feels that Caylee's close, she's still safe.
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