What Does The Crime Scene Tell Us About The Killer

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LE has stated the crime scene is the Anthony home. I haven't paid that much attention to the home, but what I have seen of it - it seems to be nice, comfortable and lots of wonderful things for Caylee. So, I am at a loss as to what it says about the killer. The home seems to be in direct conflict to what I think a killer would be. Possibly we may find out the crime scene was elsewhere and that might mean something to me -- but now I don't get anything from the home to match the killing of this child. :(

While I do agree with all your observations on the home, I would say that it does not necessarily show a conflict to me about the killer. Things do not equal love, nor show what was really going on inside that house.
Casey disposed of her daughter in the same place she disposed of the rest of her pets that died or became to inconvenient to take care of anymore.
The killer was a narcissist. Dumping a body so close to the road and believing no one would find it / you. That shows narcissism to me even if I knew nothing else about this case.
the "killer" felt confident that it couldn't possibly be traced back to them.
ie: lazy, not very bright, overly confident. big ego.
While I do agree with all your observations on the home, I would say that it does not necessarily show a conflict to me about the killer. Things do not equal love, nor show what was really going on inside that house.

I can only use what I can see and I can't see what was going on inside the house. Although there are stories and such that don't sound to nice.

If ghouls, bizarre pictures, books, voodoo dolls and such were decorating the home then yeah - dark side. I didn't see any of that.

A nice home with things representing love and affection can be a war zone inside - I know this.
The location of the body being so close to home is something the FBI said tends to happen when mothers kill their children.
My 17 yr old had some interesting thoughts about this subject -she's in phsycology in school - when we were talking abut the case, how and where Caylee was found and how Casey has acted - my daughter said that she uses the part of her brain that thinks only of herself (I forget the exact term she used), she goes on - there are two parts of your brain, one is self centered but one has empathy which counteracts the self centered part of the brain - Casey's problem, her brain developed in the self centered part and the other part has either underdeveloped or didn't develop at all

My daughter goes on - she tells me this is how sociopaths are born - aka Ted Bundy who was a classic sociopath, Scott Peterson, another classic sociopath and now we can add Casey Anthony - all of these people have something in common, parents who didn't let them mature on the empathy part of the brain, it was all about them, they were given everything, didn't have to work for anything, they had no or very little responsibility - whatever they started, they would stop when it got too hard

So I ask my daughter, were these people responsible for their actions? It sounds like they were stunted in their growth - my daughter goes on, yes they are responsible, they know right from wrong, those that only use the part of the self centered part of the brain, are considered selfish, not ones without able to reason right from wrong - it's the total need to only create the world for themselves, no one else matters

Soooo, after all that - what does the crime scene tell us? well we can break it down - Caylee was found with no clothes on (as we know so far) in a trash bag thrown in an area where teens hang out, get high and some bury their pets.....

It tells us that this person knows the area, remembers it as a place of youth, and they threw out a 'pet' - thats what Caylee was, a pet - UNTIL it got too difficult to control the situation AND it took some mode of responsibility to take care of her

We have to also remember, when Caylee was an infant, Casey didn't have a job, so whoever took care of Caylee was doing it for someone who was out playing, acting like a teen - so what if Casey just had a baby, it complicated her 'now' lifestyle

Long winded I know, sorry
The trash bag does it for me. I couldn't even bury a beloved pet in a trash bag. This child was shown no love or respect in the disposal of her remaind. The killer worried only about self. The remains were a inconvenience to be gotten out of the way as quickly as posible with the least possible trouble for the killer. I agree with Magic cat's lisr and am leaning towards Des sands point of view also
The remains recovery site/disposal site tells me lots of things about the killer, but the main one is that is exactly what was thought of Caylee - nothing. A bag of nothing.:mad:
Are you asking about the crime scene or the disposal site of this child's body??

Good question! The disposal site.

A body is found, at least partially encased in a plastic bag, in a wooded surburban area not far from where a child was reported missing. What does this particular crime scene tell us about the killer?
I think that she disposed of her in a place where she took her pets says exactly what other poster's are saying-she was nothing but a pet to her, to be disposed of accordingly. I think it also shows she is not bright, she is lazy, she had an oversized ego that allowed her to think she would get away with this.
:confused:I have NO degree in psych, so I feel so inadequate to accurately offer an opinion regarding the killer.

I see those occasional smiles, and "smirks," and I wonder WHO is in there ?
In ALL honesty, call an exorcist, pronto. :eek::eek:She obviously has some demons :furious:within to be able to perform such a heinous :eek:crime !

When I saw her in court the other day, I wanted to ask her if anyone was home in there ?:confused: A Mother who claims her daugher was "kidnapped," would not carry the heavy guilt a killer would have. So, WHY is she NOTT sobbing, uncontrollably ? I WOULD, and I would be in the deepest state of depression ever,:eek: and have no appetite for "special" snacks, cosmetics,
or anything else which were beyond natural existence ! :furious:
Toddler was disposed of in a similar way to how 15 year-old moms who hide their pregnancy and give birth in the school bathroom and then put the baby in the garbage. Not even thinking about how easy it will be for adults to find the baby and figure things out. I would say the killer was a (15 + 2 1/2 years) 17 1/2 year old teenager who went to that local school and wanted to kill the baby since birth.

Whatever mental illness that makes 15 year-olds kill their babies instead of just giving them to adoptive parents - that's what I think KC has.:confused:
My daughter goes on - she tells me this is how sociopaths are born - aka Ted Bundy who was a classic sociopath, Scott Peterson, another classic sociopath and now we can add Casey Anthony - all of these people have something in common, parents who didn't let them mature on the empathy part of the brain, it was all about them, they were given everything, didn't have to work for anything, they had no or very little responsibility - whatever they started, they would stop when it got too hard

i agree, but there are a great many socio/psychopaths who grew up in entirely opposite conditions and then again just as many who's upbringing was completely normal ... apart from the fact that their behaviour has a habit of driving their parents to distraction and thus causing tension and stress within the family, but as i said - they create this climate, the climate does not create them.
Interesting comment love.child - about her maturity. I do not believe that she has a mental illness but I do agree that she has been allowed to continue to function as a spoilt and irresponsible 15 year-old and now that she's finally been "caught out" reality and maturity are going to hit her hard!

LE has stated the crime scene is the Anthony home. I haven't paid that much attention to the home, but what I have seen of it - it seems to be nice, comfortable and lots of wonderful things for Caylee. So, I am at a loss as to what it says about the killer. The home seems to be in direct conflict to what I think a killer would be. Possibly we may find out the crime scene was elsewhere and that might mean something to me -- but now I don't get anything from the home to match the killing of this child. :(

While I do agree with all your observations on the home, I would say that it does not necessarily show a conflict to me about the killer. Things do not equal love, nor show what was really going on inside that house.

True dat, Indicat, plus we all know that the home itself was provided by grandparents Cindy and George - whom we do know loved Caylee.
Shows me she was killed elsewhere and the site was a dump site, not the murder scene. (Double bagging and duct tape on outside of bag) She was stored somewhere else first.

stored in a hot dark car trunk with bugs, flies and maggots.........with other garbage bag of pizza and food.........:furious:
True dat, Indicat, plus we all know that the home itself was provided by grandparents Cindy and George - whom we do know loved Caylee.

So what do we know about the grandparent's home that reflects on the killer?
So what do we know about the grandparent's home that reflects on the killer?

:waitasec: I guess, for me, it's the very fact that the home itself, which does appear to me to be warm, loving, clean, etc., as you mention, was provided by grandparents, whom we know loved Caylee.

I think it's the fact of what's "not" there that reflects so strongly on Casey, the killer: I'm not aware of Casey providing anything for Caylee. :(

So I'm not too surprised re: the lack of anything loving/conforting (that we're aware of) being found at the location where Caylee was found.
I think that KC got spooked (maybe by GA) and was in a hurry to dispose of Caylee's body. Although a familiar and comfortable place, not a whole lot of thought was put into her dumping Caylee where she did. I think that forensics will tell us she was hurried and not very careful.

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