What evidence does the prosecution have?

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782.04 Murder.—

2. When committed by a person engaged in the perpetration of, or in the attempt to perpetrate, any:

a. Trafficking offense prohibited by s. 893.135(1),

b. Arson,

c. Sexual battery,

d. Robbery,

e. Burglary,

f. Kidnapping,

g. Escape,

h. Aggravated child abuse,

i. Aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled adult,

j. Aircraft piracy,

k. Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a destructive device or bomb,

l. Carjacking,

m. Home-invasion robbery,

n. Aggravated stalking,

o. Murder of another human being,

p. Resisting an officer with violence to his or her person,

q. Felony that is an act of terrorism or is in furtherance of an act of terrorism; or

782.04 is the statute under murder
the (2) is the subsection...

I believe you are incorrect in how you are reading the charges and applying the statutes..


Here's my reason for asking.

After conversations with his son, AND having watched George's reenactment with SPD on February 27th, Robert Zimmerman said the following on the Sean Hannity show:

The entire described path of movement is 317 feet. According to the correct calculations of our newest member, it should take an average adult male 72 seconds to walk this distance. George started walking at [2:08] into the 911 call. His story to LE states that he was attacked by Trayvon at, what would have been, [2:08] + [1:12] = [3:20].

That is clearly not true.
George was still on the phone with the 911 dispatcher until [4:07] after the call began. Furthermore, to state the attack happened "where the sidewalks meet" when George's OWN ATTORNEY said the evidence suggested the body was located over half a football fields length away seems likely to show a jury the core of his defense is not true.

If the "When" and "Where" of a defense is viewed as untrue by a jury, alleged intrinsic details of "What" or "How" are likely to be non determining in their verdict.

So, if I am understanding this correctly, it would have taken TM 48 seconds to walk from where the altercation happened to his house. Running would logically cut that time in half, so it would take him 24 seconds to run home from where the altercation took place. How does that fit into the scenario? Very interesting.
I do believe you are wrong in the way you are reading his charges..he's charged with murder 2 aggravated circumstance is stalking...along with the weapons I posted above..

I believe that your reading it wrong. Under the murder 1 statute 782.04(1) if a person is charged with any of the felony's that are listed you don't have to show premeditation. That's not what he's charged with. Look at 782.04(2) not anything else. Look at the parenthesis and then the statute.


782.04 is the statute under murder
the (2) is the subsection...

I believe you are incorrect in how you are reading the charges and applying the statutes..

(b) In all cases under this section, the procedure set forth in s. 921.141 shall be followed in order to determine sentence of death or life imprisonment.
(2) The unlawful killing of a human being, when perpetrated by any act imminently dangerous to another and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual, is murder in the second degree and constitutes a felony of the first degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life or as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

That is the section 2 that I see here: http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/FileStores/Web/Statutes/FS09/Ch0782/Section_0782.04.HTM
782.02Justifiable use of deadly force.
782.03Excusable homicide.
782.035Abrogation of common-law rule of evidence known as “year-and-a-day rule”.
782.051Attempted felony murder.
782.065Murder; law enforcement officer.
782.07Manslaughter; aggravated manslaughter of an elderly person or disabled adult; aggravated manslaughter of a child; aggravated manslaughter of an officer, a firefighter, an emergency medical technician, or a paramedic.
782.071Vehicular homicide.
782.072Vessel homicide.
782.08Assisting self-murder.
782.081Commercial exploitation of self-murder.
782.09Killing of unborn quick child by injury to mother.
782.11Unnecessary killing to prevent unlawful act.
782.30Short title.
782.34Partial-birth abortion.
OK, Got it...thanks for unconfusing the charges..

So, is he charged with stalking?

No problem. I'm afraid not otherwise he would be charged with murder 1 and you would see the charge of stalking listed as 784.048. I've had to read these statutes over and over to make sure I understand some of it. It's not easy.
No problem. I'm afraid not otherwise he would be charged with murder 1 and you would see the charge of stalking listed as 784.048. I've had to read these statutes over and over to make sure I understand some of it. It's not easy.

I thank you for setting that straight for me..it is confusing but not more than the SYG statute is..:what:

Really too bad he's not charged with an aggravating circumstance but it is what it is..
So, if I am understanding this correctly, it would have taken TM 48 seconds to walk from where the altercation happened to his house. Running would logically cut that time in half, so it would take him 24 seconds to run home from where the altercation took place. How does that fit into the scenario? Very interesting.

If you had someone following you that you didn't know and had no idea why they were following you you might presume they were going to hurt you, rob you or maybe just kill you for no reason at all. Maybe Trayvon didn't run because he didn't want a bullet in his back!!

Trayvon was a young Man and Men are raised to be brave and strong and not be cowards. That's probably why Trayvon was asking why GZ was following him in the first place and when he didn't get an answer I'm sure he knew that GZ was up to no good. Even if Trayvon did throw the first punch (not saying he did) but if so I don't blame him one bit. He was scared for his life and why isn't Trayvon allowed the benefit of the doubt for applying the SYG law? Trayvon has the same rights as GZ to Stand His Ground!!!
I thank you for setting that straight for me..it is confusing but not more than the SYG statute is..:what:

Really too bad he's not charged with an aggravating circumstance but it is what it is..

Your welcome. And the fact that the state did not charge GZ with stalking tells me that their evidence may be weaker than some would hope.
You can state statutes all you want but it comes down to people and their feelings. They will go into a jury room with their head full of lawyer speak and it will be common sense that comes out. Common sense is that children are taught from two, three, four years old to watch out for strangers, to watch out for people following you. Common sense says that George Zimmerman was up to no good.

So your opinion is that none of those Jurors will believe that GZ was trying to protect his community, trying to prevent another of his neighbors from becoming a victim of burglary, or worse as in the case of the mother who was home during the break in with her child?

Look at the members here. Do you think a random selection of 12 of us could come to a unanimous decision??? Or is it your opinion that those of us who think GZ may have been acting in self defense just the lunatic fringe?
Your welcome. And the fact that the state did not charge GZ with stalking tells me that their evidence may be weaker than some would hope.

It can't be that weak if he's charged with 2nd degree.

If LE had done a proper investigation after the murder I'm sure they would have a ton of evidence but because they failed to even take pics of the scene, GZ's supposed injuries, etc etc... I'm sure a lot of evidence is gone.
So, if I am understanding this correctly, it would have taken TM 48 seconds to walk from where the altercation happened to his house. Running would logically cut that time in half, so it would take him 24 seconds to run home from where the altercation took place. How does that fit into the scenario? Very interesting.

V, I try to stay out of as much of the fray as much as I can. CLEARLY Trayvon had enough time to run home. The only difference would be whether that would or wouldn't play into a jury's concerns at deliberation.

I'm not intentionally trying to change anyone's words or statements. I'm not trying to come up with any EUREKA moment. I'm just trying to point out and illustrate what these various people have actually told us.

Personally, I can't imagine how a story could be laid out in detailed fashion as to George's path of movement that night that seems to conflict with what we all have heard in the 911 call.

I can't imagine how a murder suspect's father could say the attack, which justified his son's killing of TM, happened "where the sidewalks meet" while his son's own attorney VOLUNTEERS, in the Bond Hearing, the information that the body was found half a football field's distance away from those sidewalk's meeting point.

Maybe there's some kind of explanation for these irregularities, IDK, but it seems to me they should try and find one before being in front of a jury.
It can't be that weak if he's charged with 2nd degree.

If LE had done a proper investigation after the murder I'm sure they would have a ton of evidence but because they failed to even take pics of the scene, GZ's supposed injuries, etc etc... I'm sure a lot of evidence is gone.

I haven't seen the evidence so I can't say whether they do or do not have all of that. Just my thought.
It can't be that weak if he's charged with 2nd degree.

If LE had done a proper investigation after the murder I'm sure they would have a ton of evidence but because they failed to even take pics of the scene, GZ's supposed injuries, etc etc... I'm sure a lot of evidence is gone.

I didn't say that all of the states evidence is weak but after reading your post maybe it is. JMO.
Are the charges that GZ is charged with the least, (weakest) that could have been placed against him? Anyone know? tia
I put this Quote in the Timeline but maybe it should be here:
One has to question everything that GZ said and did. Just because he said Trayvon started to run, Trayvon was walking toward him, Trayvon had his hand in his wasteband, he (GZ) lost sight of Trayvon, he (GZ) started back to his truck, and Trayvon ambushed him where the sidewalks meet...doesn't mean that any of that actually happened.

GZ would have us believe that he and Trayvon somehow started fisticuffs at the crossing of the sidewalks and ended up three buildings down and 70 yards from Trayvon's backdoor. Did they log roll the distance or did Trayvon try to get home and GZ chased after him? Or did Trayvon make it all the way to his sliding glass door and find it locked? Did GZ confront him on his patio and Trayvon took off running away from the man with the gun?

Really, what makes more sense?

Knowing where Trayvon's phone was found is going to make all the difference in the world.
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