What evidence does the prosecution have?

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I don't know, but it was brought up in court. So I am curious.

It would have to be a record of text messages, not just phone numbers, which are surely redacted. IIRC, wasn't the question about a text message/email maybe?
A month and a half is really not long considering it's the FBI and how thorough they are.

No, it's not that long. But I wouldn't call it news that they are interviewing witnesses. It would be news if they weren't, imo.
You got to admit it is nice to know they really are interviewing witnesses in the gated community unlike the other investigations we have not heard a word about.

I'm not sure what other investigations your talking about. If you're talking about the SPD investigation of THIS shooting, I have no reason to believe they didn't interview witnesses. I wonder if the SP will include SPD docs in the documents they produce, or only the documents they generated after the case was turned over to them. I didn't notice anything that would indicate that one way or the other in the list I read, but I didn't read it carefully.
Trayvon's mother and father can testify he was staying in Sanford and that he was legitimately a resident that GZ had no business following, much less profiling him, stalking him and killing him for no reason. The father can testify about searching for him and learning of his death from the detective and what LE told him about how and where he died. The brother is his full brother, not the soon to be step-brother. I imagine he can be a character witness and maybe about some of the calls. Apparently, the prosecution believes that Mr. Owen has valuable information to testify to also.

This is not desperation, this is presenting all the information you have that proves GZ committed murder.


I don't see where it would be their business to state what business it is of someone else to be suspicious of someone else or follow them, regardless of whether it was their son or not. "Stalking" is unfounded based on the lack of a charge for it. "Killing for no reason," surely having your nose broken, head beaten into the cement and someone going for your gun is reason enough - remember, it's not your opinion, it's the judge and jury's opinion of the law and all that law states is that Mr. Zimmerman had to have feared for his life when he pulled the trigger. Regardless of whether or not you beat my head into the ground or break my nose, you go for my gun you're dead and I won't think twice of your race, who your parents are, who your brother is, etc.
It would have to be a record of text messages, not just phone numbers, which are surely redacted. IIRC, wasn't the question about a text message/email maybe?

I thought it was a text. I don't need to know people's phone #'s, but it must be interesting to have been brought up at the bond hearing.

I was just wondering that is all.
Trayvon's mother and father can testify he was staying in Sanford and that he was legitimately a resident that GZ had no business following, much less profiling him, stalking him and killing him for no reason. The father can testify about searching for him and learning of his death from the detective and what LE told him about how and where he died. The brother is his full brother, not the soon to be step-brother. I imagine he can be a character witness and maybe about some of the calls. Apparently, the prosecution believes that Mr. Owen has valuable information to testify to also.

This is not desperation, this is presenting all the information you have that proves GZ committed murder.


If his name is not on a lease agreement, he is not a "legitimate resident" of Twin Lakes. In fact, had GZ been a courtesy officer, and had he asked TM for his name, he'd have had to prove he lived there or was visiting. Those officers have access to resident records and his name would not have been there. He wouldn't have been listed on BG's lease either because he is not her child.

All that matters, as regards the bold, is they will not have proof that he is a resident, mainly because he wasn't.
I don't see where it would be their business to state what business it is of someone else to be suspicious of someone else or follow them, regardless of whether it was their son or not. "Stalking" is unfounded based on the lack of a charge for it. "Killing for no reason," surely having your nose broken, head beaten into the cement and someone going for your gun is reason enough - remember, it's not your opinion, it's the judge and jury's opinion of the law and all that law states is that Mr. Zimmerman had to have feared for his life when he pulled the trigger. Regardless of whether or not you beat my head into the ground or break my nose, you go for my gun you're dead and I won't think twice of your race, who your parents are, who your brother is, etc.

cueing up my broken record just to say it doesn't even have to be fear of death, just great bodily harm.
I'm not sure what other investigations your talking about. If you're talking about the SPD investigation of THIS shooting, I have no reason to believe they didn't interview witnesses. I wonder if the SP will include SPD docs in the documents they produce, or only the documents they generated after the case was turned over to them. I didn't notice anything that would indicate that one way or the other in the list I read, but I didn't read it carefully.

From Dr. Fessel's link above:

The document listed 18 Sanford police officers as primary witnesses, including lead Investigator Chris Serino. Corey's office also turned over five reports prepared by him, as well as written reports prepared by four other Sanford officers.
This appears to signal they have Martin's fingerprints on the gun or they don't have them or the gun was wiped. Where else might fingerprints be important in the case?


Five fire-rescue personnel are listed as witnesses. So are a fingerprints expert with Sanford police, and FDLE experts in the fields of firearms, DNA, trace evidence and fingerprints.

What evidence does the prosecution have?

It's always ok to suggest a new thread too.

Where this post lands is random!

It would have to be a record of text messages, not just phone numbers, which are surely redacted. IIRC, wasn't the question about a text message/email maybe?

IIRC, the question was about an e-mail that GZ had sent to somebody else about TM's dad. GZ just said he didn't know anything about the e-mail.
This appears to signal they have Martin's fingerprints on the gun or they don't have them or the gun was wiped. Where else might fingerprints be important in the case?


Five fire-rescue personnel are listed as witnesses. So are a fingerprints expert with Sanford police, and FDLE experts in the fields of firearms, DNA, trace evidence and fingerprints.


They might have GZ's fingerprints/DNA on Trayvon's hoodie that shows he was holding him from leaving, pushing him, or whatever action he took that started the fight. If he straddled TM and touched his back afterwards that would also show up.

GZ's fingerprints on the bullet/shell?
IIRC, the question was about an e-mail that GZ had sent to somebody else about TM's dad. GZ just said he didn't know anything about the e-mail.

Thank you, I thought it was a text. Sorry I have been watching the Tammi Smith trial and my brain is mush.
Dr. F, it could be one of the things you mentioned, but I think it's possible some of the people listed could be procedural/foundational type witnesses. Even though GZ admits he shot Trayvon, the state still has to prove that in court. So it could be as simple as their testifying that GZ was the registered owner of gun; his fingerprints were found on it; ballistics show the bullet was fired from that gun from a specific range; perhaps blowback DNA from TM was on it, etc.
They might have GZ's fingerprints/DNA on Trayvon's hoodie that shows he was holding him from leaving, pushing him, or whatever action he took that started the fight. If he straddled TM and touched his back afterwards that would also show up.

GZ's fingerprints on the bullet/shell?

Or GZ's prints on the ice tea, TM's phone. Anything he may have touched. I hope we get to see the evidence soon, but I doubt it.
They might have GZ's fingerprints/DNA on Trayvon's hoodie that shows he was holding him from leaving, pushing him, or whatever action he took that started the fight. If he straddled TM and touched his back afterwards that would also show up.

GZ's fingerprints on the bullet/shell?

Interesting. I hadn't even thought of that.
If you ask me, someone's trying desperately to get "evidence." What do Mr. Martin's parents have to add to the case? They weren't even in the same city. The brother didn't go outside even after the gunshot so he's not really a witness other to state what we already know, and I doubt anyone would disagree - Mr. Martin went to the store. The friends/family of Mr. Zimmerman are in the same boat. What do they have to add to it? A 2nd hand story? Maybe testifying that Mr. Zimmerman had injuries and went to the hospital but certainly the prosecution wouldn't call them for that... would they?

Maybe I'm missing something here, but after reviewing all of the known witnesses listed in that story I have to say the prosecution is looking pretty desperate to grasp at anything they can. Mr. Owen ... really?

IANAL but the rules of evidence are pretty strict. It isn't enough to just state vaguely that "everybody knows why Trayvon was in Sanford." The SA will use the family members to establish why Trayvon was where he was, that he belonged there, that he went to the 7/11 (when and why), etc. All these elements have to be established, even though they are all known to us.

I expect the SA will also use TM's mother, at least, to testify that the screams came from her son. To some jurors, a mother's word will be more convincing than any expert.

The family may also be used to testify as to TM's character, if the SA wants to show it is unlikely that TM "jumped" GZ in the dark.

In a different vein, GZ's friends may be used to demonstrate that GZ has told conflicting stories about the incident, thus indicting GZ's credibility. I think such stories would be exceptions to the hearsay rule.

Back to topic?

I am wondering what the club house tapes will show - I have to admit, I am anxious to see them. Normally they only show people coming into the gate and the immediate area of the clubhouse - and most are on a 36 hour loop, so hopefully they were pulled immediately. Again, I doubt it is a smoking gun since the only inconsistency Gilbreath pointed out was whether or not GZ moved off the sidewalk to shield his head.
They might have GZ's fingerprints/DNA on Trayvon's hoodie that shows he was holding him from leaving, pushing him, or whatever action he took that started the fight. If he straddled TM and touched his back afterwards that would also show up.

GZ's fingerprints on the bullet/shell?

I would imagine if anyone's prints are on the bullet casing, it would be GZ's. JMO
Dr. F, it could be one of the things you mentioned, but I think it's possible some of the people listed could be procedural/foundational type witnesses. Even though GZ admits he shot Trayvon, the state still has to prove that in court. So it could be as simple as their testifying that GZ was the registered owner of gun; his fingerprints were found on it; ballistics show the bullet was fired from that gun from a specific range; perhaps blowback DNA from TM was on it, etc.

The way it was worded it seems like they are having 2 separate fingerprint experts, one from Sanford and one from the FDLE. Makes me wonder if Corey found something that needed a different fingerprint expert on.
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