What facts point to Kaine's lack of involvement in Kyron's disappearance?

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Knowing about grieving through losing a child, I can only say this.....I really think KH is grieving harder than anyone can see it...he just can control some way ....I don't know how but God help him.....I think he was confronted in some way with knowledge of what TH has ?done, ?said, something that has cut him to his core........and the only way he could cope and deal with it was to get out as fast as he could and grab the minor child away to prevent something or someone hurting that child........the facts are in the details somewhere hidden from everyone except the court (judge) who saw enough to tell him this was a move that needed to be IMO. Today I pray for this poor family and Kyron....we have our independence but precious little Kyron has none today.
So he kills his son and railroads his wife into take the fall, and fools all of LE in the process, and all in order to finally get a divorce?


Isn't the most simple explanation that he actually has GUTS and common sense unseen in so many of these cases where the spouse or parents stand by the accused and deny deny deny when a child is missing or murdered? Maybe you're seeing a man who actually believes whatever the LE is telling him and truly does fear for his daughter's life, and THAT is why he hasn't been supportive since the beginning of this case, and finally left TH. Maybe there was stuff going on in the house that bothered him before Kyron went missing, like TH playing favorites, or TH being mean to Kryon over little things, you know? Maybe he saw signs that she was jealous of him being around ever since her "real" daughter was born.

Sorry, I never said he killed his son. I said the thought crossed my mind that he might want to railroad his wife to get her out of his life. JMO
IMO, my initial response to hearing about the divroce/RO was "he is brilliant." Either he was taking advantage of the situation by filing for a planned divorce and insuring himself custody or to cast suspicion on the SM. Then I had to ask why the need to cast suspicion on the SM except to deflect suspicioun from him.

It was the divorce filing that "raised" my eyebrows. There was no need to file for divorce at this time. By filing for divorce, he made it public. He could have filed for a RO which would have been sealed from the public due to the involvement of the minor child. With the media missing him moving out, they had no idea there were problems in that marriage until the divorce was filed. The divorce filing is what lead to the reasons for the RO. Without the divorce filing, the RO could have been spun as threats/harassment by an unknown. The media found out about that filing too quickly. In my experience, the only time the media finds out that quickly about a court filing is when they have been tipped off.

Until then I had never given him much thought.

Just my opinion.

I think he went ahead and filed for divorce in order to protect his own financial liability in the massive debt that is likely to be incurred in defense attorney fees. I'm not sure if OR is the same, but in NC, as soon as you file for legal seperation/divorce you are no longer liable for any debts your soon-to-be-ex incurs.
I think he went ahead and filed for divorce in order to protect his own financial liability in the massive debt that is likely to be incurred in defense attorney fees. I'm not sure if OR is the same, but in NC, as soon as you file for legal seperation/divorce you are no longer liable for any debts your soon-to-be-ex incurs.

Like the frosting on the divorce cake? :angel:
OBO stand for "on behalf of,"

I think you are talking about the Notice of Restraining Order. Those usually are published because the person cannot be personally served with the Notice. Many people try to avoid service thinking they can violate the order then claim they were not aware of it. The Court orders the Notice of Restraining Order to be published which then constitutes service,, ie notice to the person. Even if the person never sees the Notice, it prevents them from arguing they only violated the RO because they were unaware.

I know this is kinda O/T, but I have to say this is pretty dumb. Is everyone supposed to read the fine print in the newspaper every day to see if anyone has filed a RO against them? I'd be FAR LESS likely to be aware of a RO against me from the newspaper than I would a notice served to me in person.
My ex was a control freak and verbally abusive, and I can usually spot the victims a mile away. (As a matter of fact, that used to be part of my job in patient counseling prior to a procedure -- the observation and documentation of signs of possible abuse. For example: I always spoke TO the patient and she might look at husband/s.o before answering or HE would answer for her.)

Not knowing any more than I know now and seeing the way TH acted in public during the pressers took me back and made me wonder if that was how I looked or acted in public with ex. I knew that when we left wherever we were, I would be lectured the whole way home on every single thing HE thought I did wrong.

I do believe TH knows much more but is afraid to speak out. It's interesting to remember that her own bio-son moved out 6-7 months ago. I remember 16-17 yo as the beginning of the "tough" years with the boys; and possibly with a step-dad who might be a control freak and maybe verbally abusive, someone (?) felt it was best for him to live elsewhere (especially if he was trying to stick up for his bio-mom). Again, just tossing stuff around and MOO.

It has occurred to me that if TH felt that "home" was an unsafe/unhealthy environment for Kyron, she could have felt trapped - while she raised Kyron, he's not her child, and she would have had no legal means to get custody. She could have taken the child and handed him off to someone she trusted, planning to get custody of the baby and join him once the case went cold and attention died down.
Forgive me if I don't make too much sense of what I say here ... my son is very sick and my mind is completely focused on him.

That being said ... there is just something about this very thing ... the fact that Kaine left TH and took the baby too ... that makes something in my head ... think that he's trying to make her look guilty, or take the attention off himself onto her ... or something all together different, that my mind isn't zoning in on .. because of other stress from my son.

What do you all think? Does that make any sense at all? :waitasec:

Maybe he figures hes lost one child because of her and he doesnt want to risk losing another. I cant blame him for that...
"What hasn’t been made public is the fact that, a month after filing for divorce, Young sought a restraining order against Kaine Horman, Kyron’s dad. At the time, she had a 7-year-old son from a previous marriage. In court documents, Young said she feared Kaine Horman would 'remove our children from their residence.'”

"In 2003 Desiree and Kaine’s divorce is final. They share custody of Kyron who lives mostly with Desiree....

In 2004 Desiree moves to Canada for medical treatment. Terri, Desiree’s friend, offers to move in with Kaine to help care for Kyron, a toddler at the time. She brings her son James with her.

Just two months later Desiree returns from Canada with $30,000 in bills. She moves in with her parents in Medford and allegedly did not try to regain custody of Kyron. She did maintain a relationship with him."

"Tarver says Terri Moulton Horman sent [her son / Kyron's stepbrother] to Roseburg in March this year because his grades were slipping and he was acting out at home.
'He and Kaine on occasion butted heads, because James is hard-headed,' Tarver says.

"The father of missing Portland boy Kyron Horman filed for divorce, taken out a restraining order against his wife and moved out with their young daughter."
It has occurred to me that if TH felt that "home" was an unsafe/unhealthy environment for Kyron, she could have felt trapped - while she raised Kyron, he's not her child, and she would have had no legal means to get custody. She could have taken the child and handed him off to someone she trusted, planning to get custody of the baby and join him once the case went cold and attention died down.

If TH thought Kyron was in an unsafe environment, I think she would have talked to Kyron's mother and informed her of the problems, not kidnapped him.
"What hasn’t been made public is the fact that, a month after filing for divorce, Young sought a restraining order against Kaine Horman, Kyron’s dad. At the time, she had a 7-year-old son from a previous marriage. In court documents, Young said she feared Kaine Horman would 'remove our children from their residence.'”

"In 2003 Desiree and Kaine’s divorce is final. They share custody of Kyron who lives mostly with Desiree....

In 2004 Desiree moves to Canada for medical treatment. Terri, Desiree’s friend, offers to move in with Kaine to help care for Kyron, a toddler at the time. She brings her son James with her. Just two months later Desiree returns from Canada with $30,000 in bills. She moves in with her parents in Medford and allegedly did not try to regain custody of Kyron. She did maintain a relationship with him."

"Tarver says Terri Moulton Horman sent [her son / Kyron's stepbrother] to Roseburg in March this year because his grades were slipping and he was acting out at home.
'He and Kaine on occasion butted heads, because James is hard-headed,' Tarver says.

"The father of missing Portland boy Kyron Horman filed for divorce, taken out a restraining order against his wife and moved out with their young daughter."


In the Friday national news interviews, Desiree stated that she did not
know Terri before Kyron was born. They were not "friends" before they were introduced by Kaine.
If this has been touched on before, please forgive me since this Forum moves so quickly. As a newbie, I'm trying my best (and a holiday weekend on top of that).

The stiffness that I saw in pressers could be read so many different ways. Could KH have already retained his attorney prior to Kyron gone missing? TH wouldn't have even had to know. (I say this because I did this -- all said and done and one evening I presented him with all the paperwork and told him that now would be a good time for him to get his own attorney.)

Maybe the RO is boilerplate and "all of the boxes were checked" either to buy some time or cover all the bases (on the advice of his attorney or LE?). We really don't know for sure that CPS isn't involved. But I just can't buy the suicide thing since there were other people in the home (her father had arrived by then, right?).

Everyone is different in their reactions to situations. Someone mentioned (don't recall where in all these threads) his photos with Kyron -- big smiles, loving, and lots of pictures. I could show you photos of my granddaughter during "that" time; I had no clue (lives in a different state). Now that she's older, though, and spent 5 weeks with us last summer, I learned so much by NOT asking any questions and just listening.

JMO and all that. I just want Kyron home NOW or want to know that he is safe. This is just breaking my heart on so many levels: the actions of KH just don't feel right and Kyron's smile. His smile is real, you can see it in his eyes.

Maybe I watch too many crime shows, of all genera, but it wouldn't surprise me if the home has listening devices. Also, we got spoiled from all of the doc dumps in the CA case. While all this makes for interesting reading and discussion (and it is the law in FL), does it help the case?

As always, JMHO and musings.
IMHO I personally don't feel he thought that.I feel a man of character would not have went behind her back filling for divorce when she thought everything was ok.It's sounds very controlling to me.A power issue.I feel it was wrong.If he was so concerned about the welfare of his child why did he wait untill he filed divorce to say something.I personally and honestly have had enough of all this.What is everyone doing right now to find this little boy.Where is little Kyron?

Seriously unless any of us were there how do he know we waited until the files were filed before he said anything? We know there were 2 incidents Saturday and one reportedly were about child issues so in all likelihood this came up Saturday and NOT Monday after the papers were filed.

This man has a child missing. Probably dead. Its looking unfortunately like Terri is possibly involved one way or another. I think this man has a LOT of character for trying to save his baby from potential harm. I feel very very sorry for this man. He has probably lost his child for ever and I am sure he cant help thinking why did he ever bring this woman into Kyrons life. As someone else posted..he looks like a different man now to when he was in the pictures with Kyron..like his hearts been ripped out of him :(
Seriously unless any of us were there how do we know we waited until the files were filed before he said anything? We know there were 2 incidents Saturday and one reportedly were about child issues so in all likelihood this came up Saturday and NOT Monday after the papers were filed.

This man has a child missing. Probably dead. Its looking unfortunately like Terri is possibly involved one way or another. I think this man has a LOT of character for trying to save his baby from potential harm. I feel very very sorry for this man. He has probably lost his child for ever and I am sure he cant help thinking why did he ever bring this woman into Kyrons life. As someone else posted..he looks like a different man now to when he was in the pictures with Kyron..like his hearts been ripped out of him :(
I think he was very rude and direspectful to do that and file for divorce with out her knowing.As I said I'm tired of hearing about this whole thing.What are they doing to find little kyron.I won't discuss this any more.Lets move on please.It's ok to disagree.
If TH thought Kyron was in an unsafe environment, I think she would have talked to Kyron's mother and informed her of the problems, not kidnapped him.

What if she thought that the mother knew what was going on, and had done nothing about it?

I have no idea if this is true - just trying to keep an open mind, and find scenarios that could fit the facts as we know them.
Just came from the "Terri at the Gym" thread where I watched the gym visit video again. Both of them were at the gym and both of them dissed the reporter instead of getting word out there to keep looking for Kyron. Why didn't Dad speak up then, I wonder?
I totally agree,also,Kaine's demeanor from the beginning,actually both him and Terri took focus off Kyron and had everyone scratching thier heads.Desiree's demeanor on the other hand and Tony's statement was how you'd expect to see any parent's nightmare of having a missing child.But,actually at this point,unless they have anything new,I don't see the point of family pressers.Especially since Kaine's controlling the media's articles on what they report.LE's pressers with Kyron's photos out there is keeping this in the media.

I'm not posting some things I want to say,because I keep seeing this little smiley face with a finger swaying back and forth,no no no. :angel: :innocent:

With the utmost respect for all the sleuthers on this thread, I am not singling you out Winterrose( I just quoted yours because it was the last one I read and I'm tired) or anyone else.:blowkiss:

Speaking hypothetically,for my own self here, IF god forbid I ever had this horrendous situation with my child and after I could'nt make sense on how my spouse,last known person to have seen my child, I would definately have what I was thinking written all over my face! It turned this whole family into a perpetual living nightmare. Besides the fact in short order, I was learning the person I married and loved and entrusted might not be who I thought they were. I would have a hard time trying not to show in the public what I am now learning about my spouse from the facts given by LE (yes I know we know nothing much from LE and that's for a good reason, well I believe this because the alternative is LE is bs'ing us and that would hurt in future LE issues. Seriously,their job is to protect and serve ! That is JMHO on what I see when Kaine is in the PC's. Could any of us be expected to not be human and act as if everything was ok in public if god forbid our child went missing and it looks like the spouse was involved? Kaine must be devastated as are Desiree and Tony. I have never gotten that vibe or saw anything that equalled the actions of the other parents from Terri. That to me speaks volumes.


Bring Kyron home:praying::praying::praying::praying:
I think he was very rude and direspectful to do that and file for divorce with out her knowing.As I said I'm tired of hearing about this whole thing.What are they doing to find little kyron.I won't discuss this any more.Lets move on please.It's ok to disagree.

I think it was worse that whatever happened to Kyron was possibly because of Terris actions. And again..because she said she had no knowledge doesnt make it true. I am not sure she has a great grasp of reality but in any case her father admitted before she was served or the statement was read that there was problems..so she had to know something

But you know something i dont care what is rude and disrespectful to Terri Horman. I find it far far worse what has happened to Kyron..and at the moment all roads appear to be pointed to her.
:dance:this space intentionally left blank! LOL oops

Yes I know it is not blank! It's a conumdrum.
I think it was worse that whatever happened to Kyron was possibly because of Terris actions. And again..because she said she had no knowledge doesnt make it true. I am not sure she has a great grasp of reality but in any case her father admitted before she was served or the statement was read that there was problems..so she had to know something

But you know something i dont care what is rude and disrespectful to Terri Horman. I find it far far worse what has happened to Kyron..and at the moment all roads appear to be pointed to her.

Thank you for saying this also!
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