What Got/Keeps You Involved in Caylee's Case?

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I saw the very first article about Caylee missing. There were a couple very brief ones, then I think the next morning Cindy was on the news. She was so shifty-eyed and nervous and came across deceptive to me. And I thought, this precious baby girl doesn't have her mom, and she doesn't have her grandma - she doesn't have anybody! I was horrified. What worse betrayal could there be after not having your mom, to not have your grandma either. I had a compelling urge to look out for this sweet little girl.

Since nobody in her family has stepped up to stand up for Caylee, that's why I'm still here - I still have that compelling urge to look out for this sweet little girl.

Babies and children are defenseless. They need us. If no one close to them looks out for them and stands up for them, then it's up to other adults to do so.

BBM-You are so right. Conversly, Theresa Neves is the reason I want Haleigh to be found so desperately (no matter what condition she is in)-Because there is a grandma out there that loves her and wants to make it better for her-I want Ms. Neves to have that back.
Law is law but moral foundation transcends law-Whether you are religious or not, we either have God or legacy to leave this earth to, and CA's legacy as a loving grandmother is tarnished. I won't presume what God will make of her actions.
I have to admit...I got into this whole case from what I happened to come across while channel surfing on TV. Saw the CA smirk on Nancy Grace and I got hooked. I have approached all the information on WS...much like reading a good mystery novel. I have been fascinated and amazed at the antics of the whole A family. Cindy's behavior, imo, has put the proverbial nail in KC's coffin.

For some reason, today, maybe looking at the pix on the Dr. Lillian thread....I finally got emotionally involved. Instead of looking at all the facts of the case, I finally got focused on Caylee Marie and her last days. I am now overwhelmed. I am a mother. I look at the months, even years leading up to her demise and the facts of overwhelming guilt of her mother. I never realized how long Caylee suffered abuse. Poor sweet baby.

I am ashamed that I have followed this case like a "news story" and not because of care for this poor child. I finally get it. Its not the fascination of this diabolical, lying family that draws me anymore. It is motherly care for this poor baby who so suffered at the hands of her mother when no one else was looking, believing KC's lies. God only knows what Caylee endured during all the days when GA and CA thought KC was working and Caylee was at the imaginannys. More likely she was neglected, taunted, restrained, drugged. Again, overwhelmed with emotion as a mom.

I no longer care about Jose and his antics. No longer worried. The truth about what happened to this poor baby will come out, one way or another. This finally gives me peace.
Pattymarie, I hear you! This story is like a cheesy book that I can't put down. But when I go to the beach, every almost pre-school girl in a one-piece and a pony tail is Caylee. The girl down the street who started Kindergarten should be Caylee. The mother who killed her two boys then faked a Susan Smith really got to me..they say the 2 1/2 year old fought hard for his life. It made me think of Caylee...if she wasn't knocked out she probably fought for her life too. We'll never know, thanks to a tropical storm and a lazy Sheriff. Thanks for keeping me where the focus should be!
yes that who SHOULD really matter is caylee!!
seeing the pics of baby c w/ ca, ga= you KNEW that ca wasnt such a witch..w/ caylee..no matter how i feel about them, you cant deny the closeness and love that was shared between ca and caylee and vise versa. same w/ ga..thats what makes me sick that they havent thought about who its really about( caylee) =to step up and be HER ,caylee's voice, NOT covering up for ICA!
that is why i follow this, and pray that the truth WILL come out in the trial, and justice being served..
my own daughter is just a few months older than caylee( would be) =shes in kindergarten, i already got to play tooth fairy twice...the joy of seeing that $ bill on her face, when she realized the tooth fairy is real... ca, or ga never got to experience that joyfull milestone, not to mention preschool, potty training,ect... that too keeps me drawn to this.
caylee should be doing all this too!
I got into the case when I saw the infamous ICA perp walk in blue hoodie and heard that she never reported Caylee missing. CA did after 31 days.

I was intrigued by the antics at the first court hearing, the infamous call home from jail by ICA and, the A's.

When I saw Caylee I was hooked ... I wanted so much to believe that Caylee was still alive and abducted, I wanted so much for LP to locate her but ... based on what I had seen and heard I had pretty much decided that Caylee was deceased and ICA did it.

Caylee was such a cute kid, she had so much potential ... she would have broken a few hearts. She broke mine ... to see her on video and know she was gone already.

I adore kids. I love to watch personalities and mannerisms. I tend to follow more cases where a child is missing. Kids are so innocent and so fun, it breaks my heart to see them mistreated, abused or, murdered. Every child has the potential to be an invaluable member of society who shares their love, ideas, energy, viewpoint, etc.

I joined this case when it broke on day 31 and I am still here .... for Caylee.

The circus is a crazy sideshow but when all is said and done if the killer is jailed for LIFE then my job is done .... to be a voice seeking Justice for Caylee.

Caylee will never be forgotten ..... by me.
i too, followed this since day 1/ i remember first hearing it on nancy grace, and ca frantic voice, then icas calm/ cool demeanor..that struck a funny cord in me..( aside from obvious missing for 31 days)
ill be here until the end, until justice is served.but i too will never forget her
I just wanted her found, no matter what. I just could not sit here and NOT go search. I "had to, had to, had to" go look for her.

Now I follow to keep track of the legalities, Sunshine Law issues, possible appeal issues etc. It's easier to keep up with a long drawn out case than it is to catch up once I lose my place.
I had just returned from Arizona after meeting my grandaughter through marriage for the first time the day this story was reported on Nancy Grace.

My granddaughter in my profile/avatar picture is a month and 5 days older than Caylee. My granddaughter's bio mom is so similar to KC in many ways.

All I can say is that I was immediately connected to Caylee and I had hope and prayed that she was alive until I saw the police digging up the Anthony backyard and learned that the cadaver dogs hit. Now I pray for her justice and do whatever I can to try and help to the best of my abilities.
It was always about Caylee to me. Seeing her little sweet face in the pictures all over the news. Having a son about her age I lost many nights of sleep worrying for her.
I get tears in my eyes everytime I see Caylee's pics. This is all about Caylee. I'm here to make sure I see Caylee get Justice. No more Lies. No more family secrets. Let it all come to Light. Truth and Light would honor this beautiful little girl's life more than a tattoo.
I still cry over Caylee, and catch myself thinking that she's still alive then remember she isn't. This case just rips my heart out, but I'm not sure exactly why, probably a sum of parts. One thing I do understand is that I need to witness every single detail of this story every single step of the way until justice is served.

Also after the conviction and Caylee get's Legal Justice, I am very much looking forward to the Universal Justice that is coming Casey's way for what she did, and I intend to keep watch until that happens too.
Caylee matters more to total strangers than to her own flesh and blood. Why is it that I feel much more anger towards CA than I do KC?
What really matters is that precious Caylee get justice. Everything else is a sideshow with CA at the helm...

It's outrageous that her own grandparents will not speak up for this child who brought love, happiness and sunshine back to their unhappy home. I'm betting the silence there is now deafening...:furious:

The more CA pushes for ICA's MOTY award, the public push for the sociopath to go down for the death of her precious child. ICA did not have to do this, other options were available to her. This is depraved act of a depraved mind and I want justice for Caylee...

I too watched when this unfolded. CA's 911 call had my heart bleeding, I was in tears for days, hoping that maybe ICA did do an underground adoption. That is, until August, then the death smell from the car was shown to be a human decomp event took place there...then all bets were off. Then CA with her outrageous spins, I was so happy those 911 calls were logged in and recorded. That is when I saw the spinning of CA. Contrary words, hostilities for no one could understand why she's not following thru...we now know more of this family's dysfuctions, the enabling of ICA, the conspiracy theories, blaming innocent people...I pull harder for Justice for Caylee...this precious child will not ever be forgotten...I have her band sitting on my end table (Help find Caylee), it brings me closer to her...JMHO

Yes, strangers care more about Caylee then her own grandparents..but we now understand why and it will be the best to finally get to hear, Guilty as charged...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
It was ALWAYS about Caylee for me. Her precious little face grabbed my heart from day one. She had such personality and reminded me of my own daughter at her age. I couldn't help but become emotionally involved. I never followed a case like I did this one and still shed tears for her.

My feelings about her family are much different than most here, though.

Sweet little Caylee made an impact on so many in her short life and even after. That is one thing that can't be denied. :heart:
This case enrages me as much as all the other cases of abused and murdered children do. I follow it because the information is accessible, thanks to the Florida Sunshine Laws. I think all states should have Sunshine Laws. Other cases would be followed more intensely, which would help to push the issues of Child Welfare to the forefront of American news. Child abuse is an epidemic, especially with the rampant use of meth and crack in our country.
I'm a headline freak... every now and then I'll read the article :innocent: Way, way back in 2008, before the remains were found, foxnews had a headline about this case and I couldn't imagine a mother killing her daughter. When I read the article, it had "documents" attached and I began reading... it was like a Dean Kuntz novel unfolding before my eyes and I was hooked. I've been morbidly fascinated with Casey Anthony ever since. I've also learned a lot about this family and I've come to care very much about preserving Caylee's memory and that the murderer is brought to justice.

I think of this little child a lot.I also think of the other children.The horror of what kc did must be paid for.:furious: I cry for all of them. innocent babies in the hands of monsters.I want to be here when kc is found guilty.I want to see the look on her face when she finally realizes she is not going to the beach ever. Caylee is loved.
I already posted what got me into this case and what keeps me in this case. What I have to add is that my my grandson was Caylee's age when she was murdered. Now two years down the road, my two granddaughters are Caylee's age when she was murdered. I stay hooked because I am dumbfounded how anyone could hurt a child. Enjoying my precious ones as I do right now and since they were born, I think of Caylee each day. I think of many of the missing and murderd children. The faces of my little ones are as innocent and full of life and hope as those other children were. I would want the entire world to be fighting for my precious ones if someone harmed them. As so many posters have stated, Caylee's family are not there for her - so we have to be.
One day when I was deep in Websleuths mode a text message came in and my husband looked at the phone and said straight faced; "It's Casey Anthony, she says to get your own life..." :snooty: Of course I got even more annoyed with him when I couldn't keep from smiling/laughing. :slap:

I thought it ironic. He didn't know how much Casey text messaged or that she said people who follow the case had no lives.

Holy Snit batman! This post is so freeking funny I had to show it to my husband! Who also thinks I need to get my own life!
Yes, 31 days was alarming, but what captured me was how much Caylee looked like my own Granddaughter, the same age. It was uncanny. HOW could a Mother do that to their own Daughter, and how in the World could her Parents think it was okay? I would turn my sons in in a heartbeat,

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