What Got/Keeps You Involved in Caylee's Case?

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I am so sorry suzihawk. I cannot imagine the sort of strength it takes to accept the loss of a child. I pray I never have to. Thank you for sharing that with us. Hugs to you.
31 days

enough said

Ditto to the 31 days. I have to add that it becomes a worry when
all these Defense attorneys scramble to become party to her defense
just to gain public notoriety and the defendent sits back enjoying her
temporary celebrity status. They play their games now to create
smoke and mirrors and confusion; anything to divert attention to
the murder of beautiful little Caylee by her mother. IMO
God bless you, suzihawk. I can't even fathom what you've been through. :hug:
I have to say, this case to me just does not seem that surprising; there are lots of immature, selfish young women with small children who do horrifying things to them; I think Casey's wild tales of nannies and what-not made this case more intriguing at first...but now that IMO she clearly is responsible for whatever happened to the little girl and I feel she will get justice eventually, it is no longer much of a mystery...just a sad, sad story of another sociopathic parent taking the life of a child for their own selfish reasons...at least she is in jail and likely to spend her life in prison. I hope that Haleigh Cummings gets some justice...
What got me involved in this case was the fact that a mother did not report her child missing for over a month. The grandmother finally calling (which I think was a honest panicked call). Then the lies she told over and over to the police.

What keeps me involved in this case is that the evidence that we have seen of poor Caylee having duct tape over her mouth and nose. I want to see justice for this precious child. I don't understand how the grandparents can go on televison and change thier stories over and over again. First the card smelled like there was a dead body in the damn car and then it was rotting pizza in the Florida heat. This whole case is a circus. I don't think the granparents were involved in the murder of this sweet angel but I do think they were involved in the cover up after the fact. Trying to keep their daughter out of jail and possiblly the death penalty. I don't like how they have went on a cruise, talk shows, have a so called organization that helps find kids. I don't have information to support so this is my opinion but I think they paid for all of this with blood money. JMO as always.

I have a daughter and granddaughter about the same age and God forbid she did anything like this I would not cover up for her by givng the dogs toothbrush etc. I would give the police and anyone what they needed to find my granddaughter. Who would NOT give the police what they needed to find thier granddaughter except someone who already knew she was dead. Who would not go out with the searchers to try to find their granddaughter and would instead create lies saying someone had spotted her somewhere else just to try to change the focus of Law Enforcement? I would possibly help her get the best attorney that I could afford that would maybe keep her from being put to death.

All I can say is THANK GOODNESS for all of the Law Enforcemnt for thier continued work on this case. May justice come for America's precious Caylee.
The circus of attorneys
The audacity of the crime
The dysfunction of the "A" family
The invisa-nanny and the many inept KC stories
The dedication of so many people to see justice for Caylee
The very few here who see every event as reasons KC is innocent:innocent:
Suzihawk, as a mother I cannot begin to imagine the devastation of your loss. That's why it's so impossible for me to understand Casey Anthony and others of her ilk. My heart is with you.
First, 31 days! I couldn't believe my ears!

Second, the unbelievable dysfunction of poor Caylee's family!
31 days. KC never reported her child missing.

I sat stunned when I read that. And I actually said out loud, 'Is that a misprint?'

C'mon, I thought, it has to be. 31? Surely they mean 1.

Then I looked for more information and read KC's statements to LE.

No, not a misprint.

Her child had been allegedly kidnapped, and she didn't call LE. She didn't call anybody.

I listened to her jail house tapes, where she calls home asking for TL's number.

So chilling. Cold. No concern for her "kidnapped" child. While listening to her, I felt I might vomit.

What keeps me glued is the sweet day when that precious baby, Caylee gets justice and I get to see KC led away as they haul her to prison where she will spend the rest of her useless life, or get the needle.

I think: what if my baby was kidnapped by his nanny?

And I see myself falling apart, begging for help, giving LE anything and everything they needed to find my baby. Answering questions as honestly as I could - opening my life like a book for LE, if that's what they wanted from me.

This is what I see other loving mothers doing too.

KC is, imo, a killer who didn't deserve the little ray of sunshine she was entrusted with.
Since I live here and not far from the "A's" it was hard to believe something like this was happening in our area. I knew when I heard 31 days, it was so unbelievable.

It was plastered all over the media. You couldn't help not to watch, hoping beautiful Caylee would come home soon.

I, at first also thought it was a scam for money. Some of my reasons for that was the way KC presented herself in the phone calls, there was always a member of the family at Publix collecting donations and no searches were scheduled by the family. What was the donation money going to if there were no searches? I became very leery of this. Posters were plastered all over this side of town. I can't recall seeing many posters in other areas of Orlando, at least not as many as there were in this area. The other thing that sent a red flag up was CA stating on TV, that we, the public needed to get off our "A$$" and find her missing granddaughter. I think my jaw hit the ground on that one. Why, oh why was this family not looking for this precious child?

I remember going on the 2nd search when TES came to town. My entire family spent the w/e looking for Caylee. I remember being so far out in the woods and breaking down because I couldn't understand why all these people were there looking for this beautiful child while KC sat in A/C with not a care in the world and her family trying to put up roadblocks every step of the way. It was a very frustrating w/e, but we were there for Caylee.

Bottom line...I am here for Caylee. That's it. I'm not here for KC and her family. Caylee's voice needs to be heard. In time this fiasco will come full circle.

Thank you for letting me get this off my chest. It's been along time coming. I just pray justice will be served.
For me it was the 31 days as well, on the true crime blog I usually post at, as soon as we read about the 31 days, right after KC got arrested, we knew she had killed her. It was obvious from her demeanor and the lies she told the cops. I know people criticize sometimes for people who automatically assume guilt before trial, and tell us that we should not be so quick to believe the "media", but I don't care. Anyone with common sense, looking at her demeanor, listening to her phone calls to her home from jail (that was also the clincher that made me realize I could not believe this woman was for real), and reading the police reports themselves (not just the media) could see what was going on. Not all cases am I so quick to assume guilt, but this one is different. She couldn't act more guilty if she tried....

God bless you Suzihawk, my son is 9, and I often think of what would happen to me if something like that happened to him. I am so so sorry, I have tears in my eyes thinking about what you have been through. Nothing anyone says will change anything, but please know that if you ever need anyone to talk to, I am here (and Im willing to wager everyone else on this board feels the same).
When the story first broke, I was on a beach vacation . . . completely removed from mainstream reality. My whole world was narrowed down to the beach, the pool, reading my books on the patio, playing with my kids, and deciding where to head for dinner. I was only barely ambitious enough to wear makeup every now & then, and to run a comb through my hair when it was wet. Imagine what a suprise it was to come home to the news! I got the dumbfounded "where have you been living, in a cave?" looks from my friends.

What drew me in? For starters, it was not only local, but somewhat close. I worked with a neighbor and friend of the A family, and the missing posters went up in our break room immediately. The 31 days definately got me, and the sexy little saunter of KC wearing shackles & her little blue hoodie. The look on her face was so smug. As much as it horrified me to believe that a mother could do this to her child, there was absolutely NOTHING tortured or remorseful about this young woman. Nothing.

What keeps me in? Caylee. Caylee keeps me in. I think that I, and many/most of you out there will stand for Caylee. The prosecusion team will be her champions, and we will be her honor guard, in a sense. We will stand for her as long as it takes . . . until justice is served and her soul & her memory can be at peace. Caylee keeps me rooted.
Casey keeps me interested. I look at her and wonder...I wonder how she feels when she sees her family, now that she's said terrible things about all of them. I wonder does she realizes all the things in life she's gonna miss if this doesn't turn out her way (which I don't think it will). She won't ever love or be loved by a signficant other or shop for a wedding dress or have a dog. I wonder if she looks at AL, and the woman SA whose name escapes me now, the expert witness, Rapaport, LK-B and think, gee, could I have been like them--strong, educated, passionate, self-sufficient? I wonder if she's sorry. Yeah, wondering about Casey keeps me interested.
31 days

A mother telling ridiculous lies.

A media circus

Vultures attaching themselves to this case.

Strange family dynamics.

A beautiful child with huge soulful eyes, singing "You are my sunshine" was discarded like trash at the side of the road. Caylee deserves justice and I want to witness it when she receives it.
Her extraordinary lies at the beginning roped me in. The continued drama keeps it going. I think about her too and wonder if she realizes what she has done and why she did it. I wonder if Baez is spinning fanciful tales to her. I feel incredibly sorry for a beautiful 23 year old girl with her whole life ahead of her who will now most likely spend the rest of her life in prison because of her actions.

I did not realize when I launched this thread how powerful the responses would be. Reading over every page tonight was both exhilarating and exhausting.

There is so much power here.

The power of those who would have adopted Caylee without question.
The power of those who question whether what happened to Caylee happened at her mother's hands.
The power of those who have scientific knowledge that expands our understanding of this case.
The power of those who have personal experiences that shed light on this case.
The power of those who dig deep and compare visual samples and come up with sometimes painful and surprising answers.
The power of a group of disparate persons brought together in search of justice.

Thanks for this thread each and every one of you.
Thank you for opening it, ynot. :blowkiss:

It is a very cathartic thread for so many of us, I believe. One of my favorite threads ever.
Her extraordinary lies at the beginning roped me in. The continued drama keeps it going. I think about her too and wonder if she realizes what she has done and why she did it. I wonder if Baez is spinning fanciful tales to her. I feel incredibly sorry for a beautiful 23 year old girl with her whole life ahead of her who will now most likely spend the rest of her life in prison because of her actions.

I only feel bad for the murdered child, that had the misfortune of being born to her.
There are a lot of reasons why I stay involved with this case but I guess the bottom line is this little girl whose singing makes me cry...I am going to be here to see that justice is served for Caylee Marie.
Not much draws me into this case...Not anymore. I'm disgusted by the obvious miscarriage of justice here from beginning to end and am appauled that this whole fiasco has been allowed to go on as long as it has. I haven't "looked into" this case in several months and find myself here curiously looking to find out if ANYTHING has moved forward only to see that it's the same old bullchite as before. Florida should be outraged and rallying for changes to it's judicial rulings. This case and everything about it is deplorable! For crying out loud! A little girl has lost her life! Doesn't she deserve justice?

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