What happened to Brandon Lawson?

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What happened to Brandon Lawson?

  • BL Alive and in hiding.

    Votes: 16 5.2%
  • BL Succumbed to the desert elements.

    Votes: 57 18.5%
  • BL Dead at the hands of strangers.

    Votes: 139 45.1%
  • BL Overdose/or alcohol poisoning.

    Votes: 14 4.5%
  • BL Dead at the hands of someone he knew.

    Votes: 55 17.9%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 27 8.8%

  • Total voters
Wasn’t something super hinky politically too? Like maybe a newspaper or like a mayor being messy and doing sheisty things? I just remember that locals didn’t trust the people who were passing out info about that case? I could be making that up but even after all this time it’s a spooky case to me. The call is so eery but my gut says that he came up on something shady, illegal something, maybe even crooked cop stuff and he disappeared.
The Sheriff's wife published the newspaper, so all of the MSM news from that paper was considered biased by websleuthers....locals did not get involved particularly.
I have read everything I can find on this case and am still puzzled. One thing I feel for certain is that BL is deceased. He is more than likely on that land in the area somewhere. By now not much left for sure. A really good search needs to be done and bring some closure to this family one way or the other. I do also feel certain that BL would not have called 911 if not in dire trouble. He had a warrant from a grand jury indictment for Delivery of a controlled substance. He would have gone to jail for sure. So I feel he was very frightened if he called 911.
I've listened to so many different YT recordings of the 911 call but got a big shock when listening to a new one (for me) today. On this one, for the first time, I can clearly make out the words "state trooper". It's weird how no two of these recordings sound alike. I also heard that the recording released has been redacted because you can hear what happened to Brandon. I don't know if it's true but out of respect for him and his family, that is understandable. I feel so bad for him and his extended family; I keep coming back to this one to see if anything new has come up or can be found.
His cell phone last pinged 3 miles from his car and that area still hasn't been searched yet? The only excuse for that would be an uncooperative private property owner who refuses to let anyone on his land. I know local LE has been somewhat lax in their efforts but what about the Texas Rangers? Can't they get a court order or subpoena? So many say nothing would be left but surely scraps of clothing, a shoe, a bone...something.
Wow....this is so interesting Mz. This guy analyzes the psychological side of Brandon that no one else has done and I find what he says to be very likely. Thinking on these lines, I went back to my timeline and looked at it. Keeping what this guy has analyzed and talked about, this is what I can see happening:

We have heard rumors Ladessa was on social media throughout the day Brandon went missing looking for him. IIRC it was a rainy day, he was not working, one of the kids were sick and BL was no where to be found. Let's assume Brandon gets home finally around 11-11:30, an argument ensues. I can hear it! Where have you been, I need money, kids are sick.........what have you been up to?

11:54 BL calls his Dad in Crowley Tx (3 hrs and 45 minute drive from San Angelo) and leaves the house mad. His Dad tells him to go back home but he doesn't. He also doesn't take refuge at Kyle's house. Why? This fight is different at least to Brandon, because he is going home to cool off and think. Away from sick kids, away from Ladessa's complaining (not intending to offend Ladessa here), bills, money, possibly another relationship (rumored) etc. According to this analysis he had to get completely away to have some peace. I can understand this!
12:10 Kyle goes to the house to check on Ladessa.
12:25 or so Brandon calls Kyle to tell him he ran out of gas.
12:30 Kyle calls Ladessa to tell her Brandon ran out of gas. She says fine, come get the gas can and take him some gas. (I can also hear her saying serves the jerk since he took off on me...(again not intended to hurt anyone here, been there before). She also takes her phone at this point to the car to charge since apparently BL took the wall charger.
12:34, 12:36 and 12:48 Ladessa misses calls from BL because her phone is in the car. He does not leave a message.

What happens between 12:48 and 12:53 when BL makes the 911 call? (I will come back here in a minute!)

12:53 BL calls 911
12:58 Trucker calls 911 to report a motor vehicle with the tail end in the road.
Shortly after 1AM Deputy Neal arrives at Brandon's abandoned truck.
Kyle and his girlfriend arrive about the same time. Phone records indicate Kyle was on the phone with Brandon at this time. Also states phone reception is bad.
1:18 AM Kyle and Audrey (Kyle’s girlfriend) went to Brandon’s truck and called Brandon on the way to find his exact location. Kyle spoke with Brandon and states it sounded like Brandon was running through brush, and “scuffling around out in the brush.” He told Kyle to “just hurry up and get here” then he hung up. Audrey called Brandon and he stated, “Audg (her nickname) I’m ****ing bleeding.”
1:19 The last contact with Brandon Lawson’s phone was a text message at 1:19 am warning him about police sent from a phone belonging to Kyle Lawson’s girlfriend.

What happened between 12:48 when he tries to call Ladessa and 12:53 when Brandon calls 911?

That is just 5 minutes. What if these 2 guys BL talks about on the 911 call almost hit Brandon's truck with the tail end in the road and turn around and start a fight with Brandon. The podcast guy suggests they got in a road rage argument before he ran out of gas, which is a possibility, but I wonder since he did not indicate that to anyone before he ran out of gas if it might have happened as he sat waiting. Everything plays out just as the podcast guy (Ryan) suggests. One guy chases him, the other is driving down the highway, BL calls 911, first guy (or someone) shoots BL, first guy runs to car on highway, they see the trucker coming, Bl tries to get truckers attention but he's too far off the road. The 2 guys drive off till trucker leaves, come back and finish BL off (he can't live because he could identify them) and I think they take his body with them as they head one way or the other. I think they probably went down a dirt road or got off the highway somewhere and dumped his body. My gut tells me they headed back toward San Angelo because the deputy says he did not meet any other cars when he headed from Bronte to the abandoned vehicle.

I feel the trucker could have possibly seen the car, but had no clue it was involved. This guy takes into consideration all of the psychological aspects of what Brandon says and also what he doesn't say. It is as good as anything else we have talked about. I think his remains may be found by accident one of these days. It makes me sad to type that, but I truly feel he is no longer alive. Thanks MxOpinion8d for sharing that podcast. I almost didn't listen because he was getting some facts wrong. I find it interesting he states Ladessa was pregnant when she wasn't, but there was rumor BL had a girlfriend who was pregnant IIRC. (RUMOR)

Sorry this is so long! Lots of ideas coming out in my brain right now...:)

Just reading back a bit , regarding this part in bold from nannymo's post, and thought it interesting that if true would this not line up with what was posted on reddit a week or two ago? I don't have those posts pulled up at the moment but that's what I'm remembering.
I've listened to so many different YT recordings of the 911 call but got a big shock when listening to a new one (for me) today. On this one, for the first time, I can clearly make out the words "state trooper". It's weird how no two of these recordings sound alike. I also heard that the recording released has been redacted because you can hear what happened to Brandon. I don't know if it's true but out of respect for him and his family, that is understandable. I feel so bad for him and his extended family; I keep coming back to this one to see if anything new has come up or can be found.

Where did you listen to this one Stella? I’ve listened to the call so many times and usually hear “skyper”. Would be interested to see if this is one I haven’t heard before :)
Just reading back a bit , regarding this part in bold from nannymo's post, and thought it interesting that if true would this not line up with what was posted on reddit a week or two ago? I don't have those posts pulled up at the moment but that's what I'm remembering.

There was also a girl posting on BHBL facebook who states she saw the truck and was going to call 911. She was on the phone with her Mom at the time. She said she just found out she was pregnant so had her Mom call 911. She also stated she was CPR certified, but didn't see anyone around the truck so kept going and her Mom called 911. Not sure if what she stated on the BL facebook page was correct or not tho...
There was also a girl posting on BHBL facebook who states she saw the truck and was going to call 911. She was on the phone with her Mom at the time. She said she just found out she was pregnant so had her Mom call 911. She also stated she was CPR certified, but didn't see anyone around the truck so kept going and her Mom called 911. Not sure if what she stated on the BL facebook page was correct or not tho...

I'm just wondering, what does just finding out that she's pregnant have to do with her ability to call 911 herself? I understand not stopping, but can't make the 911 call??? Huh?
I remember reading that and didnt understand it then either. I dove down the rabbit hole on the reddit posts and have to say what a cluster that all is. I posted that maybe "she" the alleged other baby momma come over here and post, but I dont see that happening.
I see road rage incidents every day, every day. Add alcohol and anger, it happens all the time.

Last week while on vacation with my kids we witnessed the most scary, unbelievable case of road rage I could ever imagine. The irrational, over the top, angry driver didn't care who else he endangered, he was set on running the vehicle he thought wronged him (all cause got too close at toll booth) off the side of the road and down the embankment.
I think BL is deceased...I think at the hand of strangers is the most likely given what we know...but for sure, I think he's sadly deceased. I hope he is found so his family can lay him to rest properly...but even more, I hope I'm wrong!

I totally agree with you. After i read this article
The Bizarre Disappearance of Brandon Lawson • Morbidology

and listened to his 911 call this is what I think he was saying... what i gathered by that phone call... when his truck ran out of gas and he pulled over he was on the wrong side of the road, facing the way to Abilene. He came up on some guys in a field out by the woods (probably in the process of another crime) . He said he wanted the cops to report them, and they must have seen or heard that. Knowing whatever they did would/could land them in jail they tried to stop him from getting the cops involved. You can hear after the line goes silent, and the dispatcher repeatedly says hello, you can hear 2 distinct but muffled gun shots, probably from a pistol.

Its so hard to listen to knowing that something clearly awful happened minutes after that phone when silent.
I think he is most likely deceased. I don’t feel strongly about any certain direction though. The call is very hard to understand and doesn’t seem particularly logical. Before I listened to his brother’s interpretation of the call, I’d have said yes he was being chased by someone either he didn’t know or was acquainted with. But his brother seems to feel strongly that “staper” meant state trooper and also that Brandon was near enough to see him as the cop pulled up but told him to run from the cop. I can’t really make this reconcile with him previously being chased and shot or stabbed or attacked. Most of what I’m saying comes from an interview on Missing Maura Murray (or maybe their other podcast Crawlspace).
I totally agree with you. After i read this article
The Bizarre Disappearance of Brandon Lawson • Morbidology

and listened to his 911 call this is what I think he was saying... what i gathered by that phone call... when his truck ran out of gas and he pulled over he was on the wrong side of the road, facing the way to Abilene. He came up on some guys in a field out by the woods (probably in the process of another crime) . He said he wanted the cops to report them, and they must have seen or heard that. Knowing whatever they did would/could land them in jail they tried to stop him from getting the cops involved. You can hear after the line goes silent, and the dispatcher repeatedly says hello, you can hear 2 distinct but muffled gun shots, probably from a pistol.

Its so hard to listen to knowing that something clearly awful happened minutes after that phone when silent.

This article has some of its facts wrong. Someone didnt do basic fact checking. Smh!

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