What happened to Rebecca Zahau?

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What do you think happened to Rebecca Zahau?

  • It was a suicide.

    Votes: 31 13.1%
  • It was not a suicide.

    Votes: 50 21.2%
  • It was a hired hit.

    Votes: 22 9.3%
  • It was a murder committed by someone angry about Max's accident.

    Votes: 106 44.9%
  • I am unsure of what really happened (on the fence).

    Votes: 27 11.4%

  • Total voters
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Justice for Liz Barraza
Mar 20, 2005
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Please feel free to add your opinion. This is not an attack or met to offend anyone. This poll means nothing; it was generated out of curiosity. Thank you for voting.
"Please feel free to add your opinion. This is not an attack or met to offend anyone. This poll means nothing; it was generated out of curiosity. Thank you for voting."

It's difficult to believe that this woman, who seemed to care so very much about her appearance, would put herself on display in such a bizarre and disgraceful manner.

If she were a loving person, she'd not have created more terrible trauma for the man she loved. Suicide in this manner would seem to be a hateful/rageful act of revenge.

Both families are dealing with heartbreaking loss, and I feel for them.
I'm on the fence still. The more I read statements from Rebecca's family, and the more I read on this forum, however, I am leaning towards it being suicide. Well, leaning but not nearly enough to commit.
One thing i am certain of is that this was no suicide.
I do believe murder. Jmoo

If I take Rebecca's sister at her word about Rebecca and Max having a close special relationship like a bio mom and child then it convinces me no matter how Rebecca tried to pretend everything was ok ...........she was not. It also explains why Rebecca referred to Max as her child. Imo that is the way she saw Max. I have often wondered since Rebecca was married for a long time if she could have children of her own. If not, she could put all of her motherly love into the youngest child of the man she loved.

Since I am fortunate to have such special relationships with my husband's children.. now our children........I know how deep that love can be.

The loss of a loved one can trigger suicidal thoughts and she knew by then there was no hope of Max surviving.

I think she was already depressed about it and then the dreaded call came in and the outcome was just too much to take. She knew she had lost Max and her life with Jonah would never be quite the same. Her life immediately changed when Max fell......it changed for the worse when the call came in.

I really think at first she was in denial. That is why she went shopping with her sister before taking her to the airport. In the back of her mind she tried to convince herself that Max was going to survive.

But as she listened to the 12:50 am message she knew that was not going to happen no matter how much she, Jonah and Dina wanted it to.

Combine those traumatic circumstances with LE finding no one else's fingerprints or DNA on any of the items used nor any struggle on the balcony and no footprints but Rebecca's shows me there was no one there with Rebecca at the time she decided to do this.

RN had an IUD device (from the autopsy), suggesting RN at the very least believed she could have children of her own and tried to prevent that from happening. She was still a young woman therefore nothing to suggest she couldn't have decided to have children in the future.
I still am not sure .. the more I read in threads from everyone's perspectives the more I am unsure. One day I am convinced it is murder .. and the next I am convinced it is suicide. Hopefully we will all know, and all understand one day exactly what it was. Thanks to all for some very convincing comments in both directions.
As my past posts have represented since the beginning of this case I was a staunch believer of murder. I'm now believing it was suicide. Thanks for the poll, very interesting.
There was no struggle on the balcony because she was gagged and her hands and feet were tied.

She would still be able to move her feet even though they were loosely bound at the ankles and there was no signs that someone else was on the balcony with her.

MURDER, and it would take some very concrete evidence to change my mind. Certainly not texts from January or an erased message that may or may not be what the caller professed it to be. Also, the autopsy report and the inconsistencies of Rebecca's injuries, vs the report of what occurred, would have to be explained, and would have to make sense.

In other words, MURDER!
She would still be able to move her feet even though they were loosely bound at the ankles and there was no signs that someone else was on the balcony with her.


Someone would also have had to leave rope marks on the balcony, if someone had hopped there with rope around her ankles and rope trailing behind her, coming from her hands.
The thing that bothers me the most is her hair. It seems the noose and the t shirt were wrapped around the outside of her hair - is that so?
Someone would also have had to leave rope marks on the balcony, if someone had hopped there with rope around her ankles and rope trailing behind her, coming from her hands.

Well if anyone did that it had to be Rebecca since there is no evidence anyone else was even out on the balcony or in the guest room.

They certainly couldn't stand in the doorway leading onto the balcony and throw her that far where she would clear the railing.

The thing that bothers me the most is her hair. It seems the noose and the t shirt were wrapped around the outside of her hair - is that so?

Yes, that is true but why would her hair be on the outside of the noose and shirt? Wouldn't it get in her eyes and possibly block her vision if it was hanging down loose?

Yes, that is true but why would her hair be on the outside of the noose and shirt? Wouldn't it get in her eyes and possibly block her vision if it was hanging down loose?


Well she apparently didn't worry that a long rope hanging from her hands is going to get caught on something or trip her? But she was worried about her hair so she just pot a noose on the outside of it (which an instinct would presumably prevent in most people, suicidal or not).
Well she apparently didn't worry that a long rope hanging from her hands is going to get caught on something or trip her? But she was worried about her hair so she just pot a noose on the outside of it (which an instinct would presumably prevent in most people, suicidal or not).

I dont think she even thought about it one way or the other except it was a way to make sure she could see what she was doing. She just took the rope and put it over her head which bound her hair, imo.

How would the rope trip her if it was behind her or she was holding it up in her hand?

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