What is ICA Doing At Defense Table?

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What is ICA Doing at Defense Table?

  • Genuine Research in Aid of her Defense

    Votes: 15 3.6%
  • Posturing for the Benefit of the Cameras

    Votes: 254 61.5%
  • Reading Depositions Related to the Case

    Votes: 35 8.5%
  • None of the Above

    Votes: 109 26.4%

  • Total voters
I think it is wrong that they have her medicated everyday (anti-anxiety meds). It gives a false impression as to who she is to the jury.

Do we know for sure if KC is medicated? I would think if she is not we would be seeing her as a raging, rabid pit bull. No offense to pit bulls.
What is ICA Doing at Defense Table?

I can tell you that when she has her crying jags for herself she glances at the camera.
I can tell you that she acts totally different in front of the jury then she does without them being there.
I can also tell you what she is not doing that she should have done about 3 years ago and that is stop blaming other people whether made up or real for what she did.
Do we know for sure if KC is medicated? I would think if she is not we would be seeing her as a raging, rabid pit bull. No offense to pit bulls.

I don't think she's medicated. If she were I would think she would be on the sleepy side.
Since so many have asked on this thread, I went over to the Verified Lawyers thread and asked about the technology issue and ICA.

According to beachbumming, ICA is allowed to assist in her defense and to use electronic equipment in that pursuit. Beachbumming did not elaborate as to specific restrictions on usage of internet, etc. So it sounds as though there is nothing problematic in her doing what she's doing, though obviously the jury may or may not take issue with her apparent lack of attention to the proceedings.

Just FYI.
The next thing we know, ICA will be requesting permission to represent herself, just like Ted Bundy did.
The next thing we know, ICA will be requesting permission to represent herself, just like Ted Bundy did.

Oh gosh I said this the other day if she has a re-trial. LOL.
I had posted this in the sidebar thread. Hope it is OK to post here since it seems to fit on this thread better. I do not think that KC thinks she on trial. I believe she thinks the prosecution, the witnesses, the evidence and the experts are on trial and she is the jury.

I think you're entirely right. In her mind, the world exists for her benefit.
Whatever she is doing, it is important for her threadbare defense. Studies show that jurors do form impressions of defendants during the trial. In this case, I suspect that her combination of sternness with crying jags will be viewed harshly by members of the panel. This effect will be heightened, I think, by the defense turning this into a battle between generations. If Casey had been able to present herself as a member of a loving family, jurors would have been much more likely to think, for example, that Caylee had died accidentally and Casey just didn't know how to deal with it.
What is ICA Doing at Defense Table?

I can tell you that when she has her crying jags for herself she glances at the camera.
I can tell you that she acts totally different in front of the jury then she does without them being there.
I can also tell you what she is not doing that she should have done about 3 years ago and that is stop blaming other people whether made up or real for what she did.

I especially liked the first time she "broke down", leaned toward CM and he cuffed his mouth and told her something, I'm sure it was "Good Girl". I said, more fake crying!
I don't think she is medicated. I know the media started saying they "think" she may be. But I am not sure that they can do that. At this point it is rumor. I personally think that after 3 years of sitting in jail and only being out an hour a day, she is just plain tired.
I have seen her completely zonked, imo, especially during the jury selection. :eek:

The only time I noted a sedated look since the trial started was the day after her tantrum, I think she had something to get her through the rest of her mother's testimony. I wish they wouldn't, I don't think it's fair to the jurors-- she's present in the courtroom to be observed and those observations are taken into consideration when deciding her culpability. It's not a true representation when her reactions are masked. mo
Oh gosh I said this the other day if she has a re-trial. LOL.

I remember you saying that, wonders ! You said that ICA would represent herself if there is a re-trial like Bundy did ... :floorlaugh:

And I agree with you ...
I think it is wrong that they have her medicated everyday (anti-anxiety meds). It gives a false impression as to who she is to the jury.

Pattymarie-Is that a known fact? She doesn't look that medicated to me, just wondering
It is my opinion that Casey is medicated to the hilt with psych. meds.
There were anectodal reports that she was on tranks as needed from the beginning of her incarceration.

Of course, no one is made of stone, and sometimes the meds. aren't strong enough to keep her anger from bleeding out..
I may be wrong, and I am pretty sure I am in the minority in my opinion about this, but I think she has been under Psych. care the entire time she has been in jail.. There was mention of them sedating her and moving her to the medical part of the facility when Caylee's remains were found.. I'm sure she didn't stay in medical, but I do think she is heavily medicated. IMO, her whole facial structure seems to have changed since the first jail tapes with her family. I think it's the effects of the meds. She has a very flat affect.
Meaning, she doesn't show much emotion. MANY psychoactive drugs produce this effect.

IF she is medicated, I'm glad. I don't want her to have outbursts or emoting. Just let her sit there. It really doesn't matter one bit whether she is " involved and engaged" or not.
I don't think she is medicated either. Just void of any human emotion!
Posted a new poll, on is Casey medicated during trial?

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=139379"]Trial: Is Casey medicated? (Poll) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I think that Casey is kept distracted with notepads and pens. I also think that she takes it seriously and considers it to be her job. She may be medicated. Who knows.

One of the oddest moments today was when Jose strode over to the defense table to get the dog handler book. It looked like Casey was reading it, or determined that she would be the one to hand it to him. D. Simms reached over to take it, too. It was awkward and the two younger members of the team seemed to be looking on this exchange sort of uncomfortably. Baez sort of whisked it away from her hands.(My take).

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