What one thing made you sure of her guilt or innocence?

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Cami, I have a question that has nothing to do with this post, but want to ask you because you are so knowledgeable about his case and law in general. My question is what is the purpose of affidavits? I see several on the Darlie website and I wonder if they carry any weight with the courts at all, what is the purpose of them? Thank you
never mind all I had to do was Google
I think she is 100% guilty because science doesn't lie. All the forensic evidence points to no intruder. I personally think the sock in back is a total red herring and has no bearing whatsoever on the case.

As far as Darlie's bruises and wounds and those who doubt they were self-inflicted, do a simple Google search for Diane Downs. She shot herself in the arm, after killing one child and gravely injuring two others.

Diane, BTW, is also still in prison, right where she belongs as well.

What do you mean about the sock being a red herring? Do you think that it wasn’t the boys’ blood on the sock?
What do you mean about the sock being a red herring? Do you think that it wasn’t the boys’ blood on the sock?

I think she (or D) threw it out there to create diversion. So everyone wonders, "How did that bloody sock end up out there?"

ETA: Meaning the only bearing the sock has on the case is that it creates questions, doubt, etc. I don't think I am articulating this well.
I think she (or D) threw it out there to create diversion. So everyone wonders, "How did that bloody sock end up out there?"

ETA: Meaning the only bearing the sock has on the case is that it creates questions, doubt, etc. I don't think I am articulating this well.

When do you think she did it? Before she called police?
When do you think she did it? Before she called police?
Yep or when she was actually on the phone. Could be Darin, too, but I think he was too busy with CPR. I think she was panicked and didn't really plan it or think it through, just wanted to get that bloody sock out of there. Then she fit it into the story of an intruder.

I just don't believe there was anyone in that house that night but Darlie and Darin and the boys.
Yep or when she was actually on the phone. Could be Darin, too, but I think he was too busy with CPR. I think she was panicked and didn't really plan it or think it through, just wanted to get that bloody sock out of there. Then she fit it into the story of an intruder.

I just don't believe there was anyone in that house that night but Darlie and Darin and the boys.

I saw a show where the killer used a sock to hold the knife so their fingerprints wouldn't be on it. Remember, Darlie's skin cells were found to be on the inside of the sock. I believe she did just that, but then when she saw the drops of blood on the sock, she couldn't put it back in the laundry basket as she had planned, she had to get rid of it.
Well... the sock might be fine for avoiding fingerprints but keeping blood off of it with multiple stabbings would be impossible. Maybe she used it to pick up something else tho... and got some blood on it.
How could a child with massive, deep chest wounds who could not breathe without spitting, spewing blood, stand over his mother and say "Mommie, Mommie," as she claims? Those children were stabbed so hard that the knife went through their bodies, penetrated the carpet and scraped the concrete beneath it. When she said that, that's the moment I knew she was lying.
How could a child with massive, deep chest wounds who could not breathe without spitting, spewing blood, stand over his mother and say "Mommie, Mommie," as she claims? Those children were stabbed so hard that the knife went through their bodies, penetrated the carpet and scraped the concrete beneath it. When she said that, that's the moment I knew she was lying.
Exactly!! Her children were viciously attacked and she only has two cuts? There was strong emotion in the attack on those babies.
Exactly!! Her children were viciously attacked and she only has two cuts? There was strong emotion in the attack on those babies.
As in a extremely out of control rage attack. And just think how long it went on, she couldn’t stop after one son.

So more than just a momentary act of rage, it was absolute hate and vengeance, IMO. No other emotions , no feelings of love or sadness or grief to stop her. No “Oh my God, what am I doing, what have I done” ?! Instead she was cold as ice, as she got on the phone with 911 and told her lies, all while watching Damon suffer and die right in front of her.

Gives me cold chills every time I think about it.
As in a extremely out of control rage attack. And just think how long it went on, she couldn’t stop after one son.

So more than just a momentary act of rage, it was absolute hate and vengeance, IMO. No other emotions , no feelings of love or sadness or grief to stop her. No “Oh my God, what am I doing, what have I done” ?! Instead she was cold as ice, as she got on the phone with 911 and told her lies, all while watching Damon suffer and die right in front of her.

Gives me cold chills every time I think about it.
I agree the attack on the those little boys was filled with rage and was vengeful.
I have never been comfortable that Daren did not hear the slaughter. Those little boys had to be screaming and crying out, (I don't believe Darlie was quite during the murder either too much rage) yet he didn't hear anything until afterwards and that was a glass breaking?
Darlie slept through the attack and didn't wake until her son patted her on the shoulder and said mommy. She didn't wake when her throat and arm was cut, chases the killer, picks up the knife, calls 911, and the entire time she never screams for help.
According to Darlie and Daren this has to be quietest murder in history. Oh and let's not forget the intruder was also silent.
I agree the attack on the those little boys was filled with rage and was vengeful.
I have never been comfortable that Daren did not hear the slaughter. Those little boys had to be screaming and crying out, (I don't believe Darlie was quite during the murder either too much rage) yet he didn't hear anything until afterwards and that was a glass breaking?
Darlie slept through the attack and didn't wake until her son patted her on the shoulder and said mommy. She didn't wake when her throat and arm was cut, chases the killer, picks up the knife, calls 911, and the entire time she never screams for help.
According to Darlie and Daren this has to be quietest murder in history. Oh and let's not forget the intruder was also silent.
I agree... also this intruder out doesn't track any blood out of the house. 'Intruder Guy' doesn't rip the screen more when he goes back out. closes all of the doors behind him, including that crap gate. he also doesn't slam any of these doors. Making him not only quiet but also polite, absolute minimal damage to the house itself. replace the carpet in the living room, a bottle of bleach for the kitchen, and a new screen for the garage window.
I don't know that I would pinpoint just one thing, but the items that convinced me of her guilt are as follows:
1. The screen fibers found on the knife in the butcher block, demonstrating that the screen was cut by someone already inside the house.
2. The hesitation wounds on Darlie's neck, versus the vicious puncture wounds to the small children.
3. The cast-off blood on the back of her nightshirt, which has no other way to get there if she were lying on the couch when the boys were attacked.
4. Evidence of clean-up at the kitchen sink.
5. The improbability of an intruder butchering two helpless children before gently nicking the throat of the adult in the room.
6. Lack of motive for an intruder - jewelry was untouched, and you don't slice the throat of the woman if you are there for sexual assault.
7. Evidence that showed staging of the crime scene; such as the vacuum laid down on top of blood stains.
8. Darlie's own behavior after the murders wouldn't have convinced me by itself, but in concert with the aforementioned evidence, simply solidified my belief in her guilt.
You make some good points there! I agree with you that Darlie did it, but just to play devils advocate, there is in fairness a good amount of evidence countering these points.
1. The fibers found on the knife were only compounds that could have been made out of the same materials as some window screens. There was nothing to say that it couldn't have come from somewhere else, and it was never tied to the specific screen in the Routier home. When the knife was tested as well, few precautions were taken, and even investigators admitted that they didn't clean the surface in between testings, so after testing the screen, it is likely that there could have been transfer onto the knife.
2. Although there are stark differences in the way the boys were murdered and Darlie was "attacked" (and I use the word attacked with caution,) her neck wound was by no stretch superficial. The knife came two milometers away from slicing her artery, which would have killed her. In fact, the only thing that stopped this from occurring was a gold necklace that had to be surgically removed. There was also such a bad bruise going all the way up her arm, I have no idea how she would self inflict it. (I have attached some pictures below.)
3. In police interviews she said that she used the vacuum as a crutch, which makes sense since she lost a great deal of blood. She would have felt faint.

I actually never heard about the nightgown. Could you send me an article please? (Not trying to be condescending, I'm genuinely interested.)

In fairness though, the silly string was weird. I know supposedly before the party there was a graveside service with crying, but the silly string I just don't have an explanation before. It was weird.

You make some good points there! I agree with you that Darlie did it, but just to play devils advocate, there is in fairness a good amount of evidence countering these points.
1. The fibers found on the knife were only compounds that could have been made out of the same materials as some window screens. There was nothing to say that it couldn't have come from somewhere else, and it was never tied to the specific screen in the Routier home. When the knife was tested as well, few precautions were taken, and even investigators admitted that they didn't clean the surface in between testings, so after testing the screen, it is likely that there could have been transfer onto the knife.
2. Although there are stark differences in the way the boys were murdered and Darlie was "attacked" (and I use the word attacked with caution,) her neck wound was by no stretch superficial. The knife came two milometers away from slicing her artery, which would have killed her. In fact, the only thing that stopped this from occurring was a gold necklace that had to be surgically removed. There was also such a bad bruise going all the way up her arm, I have no idea how she would self inflict it. (I have attached some pictures below.)
3. In police interviews she said that she used the vacuum as a crutch, which makes sense since she lost a great deal of blood. She would have felt faint.

I actually never heard about the nightgown. Could you send me an article please? (Not trying to be condescending, I'm genuinely interested.)

In fairness though, the silly string was weird. I know supposedly before the party there was a graveside service with crying, but the silly string I just don't have an explanation before. It was weird.


Please read the transcripts of the trial and get the true facts. It gets tiresome having to repeat to people who watched a "documentary" the facts of the case, whereas if you are really interested you would do your own research.

I would have to come back to the knife fibers, however I do remember that the technicians were not in any way careless about their testing techniques. The metal fibers and particles found on the knife matched the fibers and particles found on the screen, and matched nothing else in the house. I can answer on your #2 point. Darlie wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. I have no doubt she never heard of a carotid artery, much less knew where it was located and that it was more of a surface artery. When she sliced her own neck she missed it, by the grace of God. The necklace was NOT embedded in her neck for Pete's sake. When the gauze dressing was removed from her neck, the chain fell off all on it's own. The surgeons basically cleaned up the wound. And applied steri strips. She didn't lose that much blood. She never received a blood transfusion, her blood pressure was never low from loss of volume, nor did she require vasopressors. The bruises were never noticed in the hospital by any of the nurses or doctors. As an RN for 44 years, I can tell you that they would have seen it and documented it. Every BP check, every blood draw, the bruises would be in their faces.

The silly string has nothing to do with guilt or innocence, but shows her state of mind. Put yourself in her position. Someone broke into her house and stabbed little 5 and 6 year old boys to death, and sliced her with a knife. Hubby thinks it's because she is so beautiful and has implants, and the intruder stalked her. We're not all alike, but I can tell you I would have been hiding in a closet so the intruder couldn't find me and finish the job. What does she do? Goes door to door, by herself, inviting neighbors to come to the cemetery where she plans to have a party. Calls the local news station to arrange a deal where she'll give an interview, they can film, and in exchange the station pays for her relatives to fly out from PA for the funeral. Wheeling and dealing while her babes are stone cold dead.

I don't know what you want to know about her night shirt, but it's all in the transcripts. Drops of blood from the boys were found on the back of the shirt, and testing proved it came from her raising the knife high to repeatedly stab them.

"Invisible Intruder" episode on Forensic Files is a show that included a lot of information, you can probably find it on YouTube.
Please read the transcripts of the trial and get the true facts. It gets tiresome having to repeat to people who watched a "documentary" the facts of the case, whereas if you are really interested you would do your own research.

I would have to come back to the knife fibers, however I do remember that the technicians were not in any way careless about their testing techniques. The metal fibers and particles found on the knife matched the fibers and particles found on the screen, and matched nothing else in the house. I can answer on your #2 point. Darlie wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. I have no doubt she never heard of a carotid artery, much less knew where it was located and that it was more of a surface artery. When she sliced her own neck she missed it, by the grace of God. The necklace was NOT embedded in her neck for Pete's sake. When the gauze dressing was removed from her neck, the chain fell off all on it's own. The surgeons basically cleaned up the wound. And applied steri strips. She didn't lose that much blood. She never received a blood transfusion, her blood pressure was never low from loss of volume, nor did she require vasopressors. The bruises were never noticed in the hospital by any of the nurses or doctors. As an RN for 44 years, I can tell you that they would have seen it and documented it. Every BP check, every blood draw, the bruises would be in their faces.

The silly string has nothing to do with guilt or innocence, but shows her state of mind. Put yourself in her position. Someone broke into her house and stabbed little 5 and 6 year old boys to death, and sliced her with a knife. Hubby thinks it's because she is so beautiful and has implants, and the intruder stalked her. We're not all alike, but I can tell you I would have been hiding in a closet so the intruder couldn't find me and finish the job. What does she do? Goes door to door, by herself, inviting neighbors to come to the cemetery where she plans to have a party. Calls the local news station to arrange a deal where she'll give an interview, they can film, and in exchange the station pays for her relatives to fly out from PA for the funeral. Wheeling and dealing while her babes are stone cold dead.

I don't know what you want to know about her night shirt, but it's all in the transcripts. Drops of blood from the boys were found on the back of the shirt, and testing proved it came from her raising the knife high to repeatedly stab them.

"Invisible Intruder" episode on Forensic Files is a show that included a lot of information, you can probably find it on YouTube.
I apologize if any of my information is incorrect, but to make things clear, I have read the transcripts, I am entirely familiar with the case, but I am not an expert. I have, as you said, done my own research. However, I am curious to see your sources and explore your interpretation of the case. Regarding the necklace, surgeons that cared for her stated that they had to remove it surgically. The only countering information I could find was on Facebook. Additionally, Darlie's bruises were noted, and there are verified photos available online. I'm also curious about the source of the fibers/window screen. Again, I am not an expert, but I don't see how it is forensically possible to connect compounds to a specific window screen in a specific house. Investigators admitted in interviews that mistakes were made.
Though I do not claim superior knowledge, I would like to emphasize that I have done considerable research on this case and only make these claims after reviewing them and my sources. I am by no means defending Darlie. The arguments used here came up in the case, and I find them worthy of note. The role of devil's advocate is an intriguing one, whether or not I believe it to be valid- and I do agree that she committed the murders. You don't have to repeat the true facts at me. As a highschooler, I get more than enough of that already.
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I apologize if any of my information is incorrect, but to make things clear, I have read the transcripts, I am entirely familiar with the case, but I am not an expert. I have, as you said, done my own research. However, I am curious to see your sources and explore your interpretation of the case. Regarding the necklace, surgeons that cared for her stated that they had to remove it surgically. The only countering information I could find was on Facebook. Additionally, Darlie's bruises were noted, and there are verified photos available online. I'm also curious about the source of the fibers/window screen. Again, I am not an expert, but I don't see how it is forensically possible to connect compounds to a specific window screen in a specific house. Investigators admitted in interviews that mistakes were made.
Though I do not claim superior knowledge, I would like to emphasize that I have done considerable research on this case and only make these claims after reviewing them and my sources. I am by no means defending Darlie. The arguments used here came up in the case, and I find them worthy of note. The role of devil's advocate is an intriguing one, whether or not I believe it to be valid- and I do agree that she committed the murders. You don't have to repeat the true facts at me. As a highschooler, I get more than enough of that already.
This is the transcript from the admitting resident and does counter what you said was the testimony from the physician.
I apologize if any of my information is incorrect, but to make things clear, I have read the transcripts, I am entirely familiar with the case, but I am not an expert. I have, as you said, done my own research. However, I am curious to see your sources and explore your interpretation of the case. Regarding the necklace, surgeons that cared for her stated that they had to remove it surgically. The only countering information I could find was on Facebook. Additionally, Darlie's bruises were noted, and there are verified photos available online. I'm also curious about the source of the fibers/window screen. Again, I am not an expert, but I don't see how it is forensically possible to connect compounds to a specific window screen in a specific house. Investigators admitted in interviews that mistakes were made.
Though I do not claim superior knowledge, I would like to emphasize that I have done considerable research on this case and only make these claims after reviewing them and my sources. I am by no means defending Darlie. The arguments used here came up in the case, and I find them worthy of note. The role of devil's advocate is an intriguing one, whether or not I believe it to be valid- and I do agree that she committed the murders. You don't have to repeat the true facts at me. As a highschooler, I get more than enough of that already.

You say you have read the transcripts and are entirely familiar with the case.

I just googled the transcript testimony of only 2 people, Dr Dillawn who was the surgical resident and Jody Fitts, the ER nurse. So simple to do and so informative. Fitts describes how the necklace fell off, it wasn't even clasped, when the tech removed the gauze from her neck. The necklace was not embedded in her wound and surgically removed as it was not mentioned in Dillawn's testimony. It had already fallen off. I don't know how you can read the transcript yet post the 'embedded necklace' drivel as truth. I am no expert on this case, just someone who wants to see justice carried out. You can find other answers to your questions in the transcripts as well.
That's exactly what I had believed previously. I had always thought that a woman suffering from PPD/PPP who murdered a child/children or otherwise experiencing some sort of mental meltdown would not try and hide their actions - like Andrea Yates for example. But recently while doing some research I learned that in some cases the woman did actually try and hide what they had done. It didn't stop psychiatrists and the courts from determining PPD/PPP as extenuating circumstances.

I confess I still don't quite understand that as it seems like someone experiencing a break with reality would believe they were acting in the best interests of their children and therefore would see not need to hide their act. But if there is a precedent in court then it seems to me it might have been a legitimate defense in Darlie's case. Again only MOO.
It's a major depression with psychotic features diagnosis. You can be depressed and in touch with reality. But when one is thinking that murder is an appropriate response to stressors, when there is no criminal history, it's a psychotic state. IMO
You say you have read the transcripts and are entirely familiar with the case.

I just googled the transcript testimony of only 2 people, Dr Dillawn who was the surgical resident and Jody Fitts, the ER nurse. So simple to do and so informative. Fitts describes how the necklace fell off, it wasn't even clasped, when the tech removed the gauze from her neck. The necklace was not embedded in her wound and surgically removed as it was not mentioned in Dillawn's testimony. It had already fallen off. I don't know how you can read the transcript yet post the 'embedded necklace' drivel as truth. I am no expert on this case, just someone who wants to see justice carried out. You can find other answers to your questions in the transcripts as well.
Yes, these are not the only two people involved in the medical care of Darlie Routier, and I also want to see justice carried out as we all do. But again, I am in high school, and you could certainly tell me I was wrong in a nicer way than you did. Have a nice day.

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