What questions are still unanswered?

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IIRC, there were a total of 3 phone calls to LE on 7/15.
1) Outside of closed police station.
2) To OCSO from home - calls 1 & 2 to report stolen vehicle & credit card fraud.
3) To OCSO again from home to report missing Caylee, smells like dead body in d@mn car.

Calls 1&2 were lower priority based on call logs. 1st responders came to A's house for stolen car & credit card usage. ICA put in cuffs in back of car.
Then CA informs them about missing Caylee. Yuri called in. ICA removed from cuffs. Confusion ensues. Caylee is KIDNAPPED. Search is on for MISSING Caylee. Car is non factor at this point. ICA lies to LE several times. Over the course of hours into 7/16, ICA is arrested and car is impounded.
Agree with previous poster...CA cleaned car. Odor not as obvious in closed door environment.
Priorities were continually adjusted by LE as more 'evidnce' became apparent.

Edit: I also have to add Simon Birch/tow guy's non-reporting of car odor has ticked me off from the get-go. WHY did he not report odor the day he smelled it/went to get VIN info?!
And, GA - when he picked up car?! ex-LE in denial & in fear of CA and ICA!

Just curious about something...when the first LE officers came, which door did the A's have them go into the house...the front door (where they wouldn't be walking by the car) or through the garage to the back door. They would've had time to think of this just as they all had June 9th (oops, mistake by us all) on their statements in different rooms....yea
My question is!!!!!

Anyone else but me think maybe Lee was the one that left Caylee in the woods?

I haven't seen anything to lead me to believe it was anybody but Casey,however ,with the Anthony's,who knows? What evidence leads you to believe that?
Just curious about something...when the first LE officers came, which door did the A's have them go into the house...the front door (where they wouldn't be walking by the car) or through the garage to the back door. They would've had time to think of this just as they all had June 9th (oops, mistake by us all) on their statements in different rooms....yea

The garage door was down so I would assume the officers went to the front door.
Right, Lee was lying about smelling that car because Cindy had already done the cleanup on it. Lee did not get to the house until after Cindy found Casey and was almost home.

In his initial handwritten police report he wrote that he came to the house in the morning. (gotta be wrong) but it would takes a long time and CA went to work before going off to find KC didn't she? :waitasec:
big oops if he messed up huh?

My sister Casey Anthony has been M.I.A. for weeks, I assumed with her daughter Caylee Marie Anthony. I came to the house this morning to see my mother and found Casey's vehicle in the garage and no sign of anyone. Casey and my mother showed up and both acted....
:waitasec: But he testified both the garage and the trunk of the car stunk big time? That was why they didn't stay in the garage - it smelled so bad.

Yes,he did and was chuckling when he described the smell as he and Casey were talking.
I would love to know what Lee is thinking right now.
In his initial handwritten police report he wrote that he came to the house in the morning. (gotta be wrong) but it would takes a long time and CA went to work before going off to find KC didn't she? :waitasec:
big oops if he messed up huh?

My sister Casey Anthony has been M.I.A. for weeks, I assumed with her daughter Caylee Marie Anthony. I came to the house this morning to see my mother and found Casey's vehicle in the garage and no sign of anyone. Casey and my mother showed up and both acted....

It's documented when the car left the towyard that day,so it was just a mistake on Lee's part.IMO.
My question is!!!!!

Anyone else but me think maybe Lee was the one that left Caylee in the woods?

Hi Eileen.
The thought that Lee hid the body has crossed my mind. KC and Lee were close. So many things have crossed my mind that are confusing. The words spoken "Lee knows what he has done" is the reason that the thought did cross my mind. First I thought the words might have been referring to Lee possibly crashing KC's computer when he retrieved it. I don't know what he may have done and most likely will never know.
What I can't imagine is Casey actually stopping along Suburban Drive and carrying the bag with Caylee's body into the wooded area. I know she must have done so, but how could she have dared, it seems to be a fairly busy road and I don't think she would have gone into the swamp/woods at night. What if a neighbor saw her car there or saw her walking with a large trash bag? What if an LEO had come by, and stopped her for littering? When is it supposed that she did this, and did she just pull over on that road and open that trunk up?

Also, I do agree that the responders to the 911 call should have been advised to check the car, since a smell had been reported. Everyone says they were looking for a live child, but really? Most people here think the 31 days is enough reason in itself to suspect Casey of murder...so here we have police coming to take a report about a mother who has not reported her child missing for a month, a horrible smell of death in the car, and no one even thinks, this child might be dead?
She took detectives to Universal claiming she worked there,continued to insist that she did after security showed no one by her name ,gave a fake name of her boss to the detectives and Universal security ,took them into a building that she claimed to work in and then calmly turned around and said"I don't really work here" .
Casey is used to getting away with her lies .The 60 seconds it might take to toss Caylee at a known dump site on a dead end street with only an empty school on it, would be no big deal for her.IMO
I just heard an interview with AF by Mike G. He asked her what happened to Caylee and she said that Casey didn't know anything after GA found Caylee in the pool and her father berrated her. AF said that after Caylee drowned Casey knew nothing and that there was probably more people involved in the aftermath.

Just nuts. jmo
My question is!!!!!

Anyone else but me think maybe Lee was the one that left Caylee in the woods?

For years I thought he was out of town. Some sites say he was there for the fight and others don't. The neighbors said IIRC that they did not see Caylee- doesn't mean she was not there. saw Casey leave alone fight.

I can't pin it down I think Lee did not go there 6/15
!!! yes cause he said the last time he saw caylee was on 6/5 CA 50th bday.
GA says KC not there when he got home Caylee asleep in Kc bed.
But yes I could see Le do it before KC.
could also explain how he pulled CA off KC
but there was no fight and he wasn't there.

KC was there the next am
I just heard an interview with AF by Mike G. He asked her what happened to Caylee and she said that Casey didn't know anything after GA found Caylee in the pool and her father berrated her. AF said that after Caylee drowned Casey knew nothing and that there was probably more people involved in the aftermath.

Just nuts. jmo

Well now they've continued the story outside of the courtroom. Does George have any recourse?
For years I thought he was out of town. Some sites say he was there for the fight and others don't. The neighbors said IIRC that they did not see Caylee- doesn't mean she was not there. saw Casey leave alone fight.

I can't pin it down I think Lee did not go there 6/15
!!! yes cause he said the last time he saw caylee was on 6/5 CA 50th bday.
GA says KC not there when he got home Caylee asleep in Kc bed.
But yes I could see Le do it before KC.
could also explain how he pulled CA off KC
but there was no fight and he wasn't there.

KC was there the next am

But the decomp was in Casey's car.
I just heard an interview with AF by Mike G. He asked her what happened to Caylee and she said that Casey didn't know anything after GA found Caylee in the pool and her father berrated her. AF said that after Caylee drowned Casey knew nothing and that there was probably more people involved in the aftermath.

Just nuts. jmo

After all we have learned about Casey throughout the trial and discovery, there is one thing that always leads me back to the truth that Casey and Casey alone murdered her daughter and covered it up.

The fact that Casey borrowed a shovel within days of the 16th is just proof positive to me - this on top of all the other evidence just leads to only one conclusion. Casey wasn't living at Hopespring and only stopped by there to steal food and pick up clothes. There is no way she was doing yard work while shoplifting from her parents. There is only one reason that Casey would need a shovel - her car was the only car there at that time. Casey borrowed the shovel and attempted to bury her daughter. MOO
I just heard an interview with AF by Mike G. He asked her what happened to Caylee and she said that Casey didn't know anything after GA found Caylee in the pool and her father berrated her. AF said that after Caylee drowned Casey knew nothing and that there was probably more people involved in the aftermath.

Just nuts. jmo

What BS. Who would stay in jail, face the possibility of a death sentence and not be screaming I didn't do it all alone. No theyvwaited 3 months before trial to bring this crap out. Un freaking believable!

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Awww . . . thanks for bringing up Natalie Wood. Every time I see Robert Wagner on those commercials he does, I am reminded of that whole suspicious scenario about her death. She was so beautiful!

Reportedly, Natalie Wood's parents immigrated to the U.S. from Russia. Her birth name was Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko. She left behind two children.

As you noted, Wood's death was suspicious or at least somewhat of an enigma, and in fact Natalie's sister Lana tried in 2010 to have her death investigation reopened by the LA county sheriff's office.

I don't know how this turned out, but it reminds me that IIRC, no one has ever been punished legally in criminal court for the deaths of Jon-Benet Ramsey, Nicole Brown-Simpson, Ronald Goldman, or Caylee Anthony. There will naturally be ongoing curiosity for the reasons behind this outcome.

:waitasec: :websleuther: :sigh: :candle:
It's documented when the car left the towyard that day,so it was just a mistake on Lee's part.IMO.

He'd probably been woken up from a nap, it's still day light outside,
I am wondering... the car would have had to be somewhat cleaned up prior to the tow yard for the paper towles with adipocere...
I think that is what the butter knife was used for. Scraping the trunk liner.
maybe it was a "small stain" I'm thinking the fetal outline and that would take awhile
Also I wondered if the patio they built around the 7/3 might have some trash buried under it before it was poured. 27 bags of cement!
pg 215http://www.examiner.com/crime-in-national/casey-anthony-case-read-transcript-of-george-anthony-s-prosecution-deposition-august-5
After all we have learned about Casey throughout the trial and discovery, there is one thing that always leads me back to the truth that Casey and Casey alone murdered her daughter and covered it up.

The fact that Casey borrowed a shovel within days of the 16th is just proof positive to me - this on top of all the other evidence just leads to only one conclusion. Casey wasn't living at Hopespring and only stopped by there to steal food and pick up clothes. There is no way she was doing yard work while shoplifting from her parents. There is only one reason that Casey would need a shovel - her car was the only car there at that time. Casey borrowed the shovel and attempted to bury her daughter. MOO

why oh why oh why wouldn't she just grab a shovel from the shed?? She knew the contents of the shed !! I actually think the shovel story is bullsheep and have never believed it. Why would you draw attention to yourself when you didn't have to? I just don't buy it.
Originally Posted by tennisgirlsc
After all we have learned about Casey throughout the trial and discovery, there is one thing that always leads me back to the truth that Casey and Casey alone murdered her daughter and covered it up.

The fact that Casey borrowed a shovel within days of the 16th is just proof positive to me - this on top of all the other evidence just leads to only one conclusion. Casey wasn't living at Hopespring and only stopped by there to steal food and pick up clothes. There is no way she was doing yard work while shoplifting from her parents. There is only one reason that Casey would need a shovel - her car was the only car there at that time. Casey borrowed the shovel and attempted to bury her daughter. MOO

why oh why oh why wouldn't she just grab a shovel from the shed?? She knew the contents of the shed !! I actually think the shovel story is bullsheep and have never believed it. Why would you draw attention to yourself when you didn't have to? I just don't buy it.

Because the shed was locked.
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