What questions are still unanswered?

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But the decomp was in Casey's car.

Casey didn't own the car. George and Cindy owned it. Lee use to drive it prior to it being given to Casey to drive. Ownership was always legally with George and Cindy. George and Cindy both had a set of keys and its quite possible so did Lee.
The garage door was down so I would assume the officers went to the front door.

Cindy and Lee's car's were parked in front of garage or Cindy and George's...
front was probably easier...
Actually I think it was two 911 calls The 1st at the station and they transferred the call. The 2nd time CA called was form home but actually was the 3rd call. (I think)
Hate to say this but we do not know how, where or when she died

I agree that this is all probably true, in the sense of total certainty, but I think the Scott Peterson trial also lacked these certain details. Maybe if the Scott Peterson jury had ruled on ICA, she would have been found guilty of homicide as well.

But as far as the "when" question, I think even JB said Caylee died sometime on June 16, 2008, and suggested a range of a few hours that day. That seems fairly specific to me as to the time of death.

The "how" and "where" aspects are hard to pin down in large part because of ICA's evasions and lies. She has been rewarded for these cover-up efforts.

:spinner: :runaway: :eek:uch:
I was reading a crime magazine and one of the articles was about the perfect crime. They said in this magazine that the perp always makes at least one mistake. I don't know what mistake ICA made, but I am wondering if there is a detective or someone out there that is still looking for that one mistake.

I hope there is. jmo
I was reading a crime magazine and one of the articles was about the perfect crime. They said in this magazine that the perp always makes at least one mistake. I don't know what mistake ICA made, but I am wondering if there is a detective or someone out there that is still looking for that one mistake.

I hope there is. jmo

She made many mistakes and so did the jury !
What BS. Who would stay in jail, face the possibility of a death sentence and not be screaming I didn't do it all alone. No they waited 3 months before trial to bring this crap out. Un freaking believable!

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Nothing she could do. She was in for Amy's check fraud and child endangerment. UNTIL they found the body then she could change the story but she wasn't getting out.- don't believe Caylee drowned myself.

*** Now I think GA put her in the black trash bags though. I didn't, til I read this from his deposition...maybe it's not significant but... :shocked2:


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I am still scratching my head wondering why anyone would google search "shovel" :waitasec:

Any ideas anyone?
Didn't stop her a week later when she needed gas - which is a far less important act then secretly acquiring a shovel would be.

Tony broke the lock when she stole the gas. With the dogs hitting in the back yard and the neighbor's testimony...it all works for me. I'm convinced she borrowed the shovel with one purpose in mind.
I am still scratching my head wondering why anyone would google search "shovel" :waitasec:

Any ideas anyone?

Well if a person wasn't used to using a shovel, and knew there was more than one type, they might have been searching for shovel to determine what kind of shovel was needed for the task at hand.
I want to know how long Caylee was in the pool before ICA found her.
I want to know what she was going to say during that flurry of phone calls she made after finding the body in the pool.

I also want to know when she planned on murdering her parents.

I also want to know why LE didn't look at the car - is it normal to not get all the information relayed in a 911 call?

and lastly - why didn't the jurors understand the instructions??

Astute questions here, and I focus on your first inquiry (in bold).

As I recall, JB gave a rather vague time frame for Calyee's pool death. Something like "maybe that morning, maybe that afternoon."

Why such a broad time frame? Sort of like ICA saying she had dropped Caylee off with Zanny "between 9 and 1."

Why would GA and ICA only have a broad (many hours long) time frame on this cataclysmic accident? If GA found Caylee in the pool at 2 PM, for example, why would Baez give such a broad time frame for her death.

Did both GA and ICA possibly not check on Caylee for five hours? Someone should be held to account for this. It speaks to culpable negligence.

:banghead: :thud: :banghead:
Why was Cindy allowed not to answer direct specific questions by LV or JB on the witness stand. If a question was not to Cindy's liking, she evaded, changed or deflected answering any question. Or went into grieving grand mother mode. Why pray tell did neither the prosecution or defense never ask the judge the make her answer any yes or no question she did not like???:waitasec:

Like any of us on the witness stand could ever chose which questions we chose to answer, or not.:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Nothing she could do. She was in for Amy's check fraud and child endangerment. UNTIL they found the body then she could change the story but she wasn't getting out.- don't believe Caylee drowned myself.

*** Now I think GA put her in the black trash bags though. I didn't, til I read this from his deposition...maybe it's not significant but... :shocked2:

That is interesting - I also questioned WHY he remembered what she was wearing that day at all. He didn't supposedly know that it was the last time he would see her so it is not frozen in time for him and a month later when he realizes that something had happened and that was the last time he saw her and he remembered? I don't remember what my daughter wore last week - but if I had found her dead - I would never forget what she was wearing. JMO
Casey and Casey alone is responsible for the death of her child. She had her in the trunk until the last moment and then she dumped her in the swamp. I do not know if the death was intentional or an accident. I truly believe only Casey know this and she will never tell. I believe that Cindy and George have tried to help Casey because they do not want to believe the worst, but involved in it no.

And if anyone believes the family was involved, you have bought into the Defense theory and that is why she is a free woman come Sunday. jmo
why oh why oh why wouldn't she just grab a shovel from the shed?? She knew the contents of the shed !! I actually think the shovel story is bullsheep and have never believed it. Why would you draw attention to yourself when you didn't have to? I just don't buy it.

The shed was LOCKED ... that was why TL had to break-in when ICA returned much later to steal the gas cans.

ICA was going to bury Caylee in the garden just like they buried the pets and discovered that it was too much like hard work and if the body was too close to the surface she'd be busted!

This is one of those little gems, like Caylee's doll left in the car seat.
The shed was LOCKED ... that was why TL had to break-in when ICA returned much later to steal the gas cans.

ICA was going to bury Caylee in the garden just like they buried the pets and discovered that it was too much like hard work and if the body was too close to the surface she'd be busted!

This is one of those little gems, like Caylee's doll left in the car seat.

Did I hear during the trial that most of the bones were found, but that there was one tooth missing? tia
Tony broke the lock when she stole the gas. With the dogs hitting in the back yard and the neighbor's testimony...it all works for me. I'm convinced she borrowed the shovel with one purpose in mind.

I think the dogs hit the backyard because Caylee's body was on the ground there...there was no disturbed earth that I recall.
I think the dogs hit the backyard because Caylee's body was on the ground there...there was no disturbed earth that I recall.

Yes, her body was placed there by Casey while she considered a back yard burial. I'm with JA, I think it was just too much work her her. She's not exactly known for having much of a work ethic. She didn't even live at Hopespring - she only went there to steal food. I honestly don't believe she borrowed a shovel to do any yard work and there is ample evidence that she DID borrow a shovel. MOO
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