What questions are still unanswered?

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Wasn't there supposed to be something about Home Depot?

I think it was Cindy.
July 5 2008
cindy anthony credit card records
show cindy charged $126.74 at Home Depot

the reno on the back yard?
they didn't tell LE the neighbors did.
i always morbidly wondered about the hot body contest, thank you for letting me know she didnt win!
i too always wondered why ga didnt call 911 right there at the tow yard...being former cop, the smell of death reeking out of the car, despite there not being a body in it, would been enough....unless ca was "shrieking" at him, let me find "beautiful" first...
and letting 31 days go by, i KNOW ica gave her excuses and excuses but i think after two weeks, id be like "ok enough space, i NEED to see caylee and KNOW she is ok!"
I think there's more to the Xanax stuff that people aren't talking about. She mentioned Zanny long before Caylee was missing...her friends have referenced it. It's also been made known that Cameron had access to Xanax, even if he never mentioned anything to TL about Casey asking for it.

When ICA mentioned in the jail letters about giving Caylee "anti-histamines or something" she was essentially admitting she drugged Caylee, and saying they were anti-histamines would make it seem more legitimate, as opposed to Xanax which you would never give a child.

But outside of Cameron knowing where to get it, and the curious name "Zanny" there's no evidence at all of Xanax, but I feel like it's a major part of this that will never be revealed.

Yes, they do.

Agree re the Xanax. My understanding is that this is a commonly used term among the younger generation. In fact, One of Tony's (Casey's boyfriend) friend's said that she didn't use the term zanny but did refer to the nanny. He said if she had used the term zanny they would have perked up and noticed and suspected xanax. Another of her friends noted that Caylee could sleep undisturbed right in the midst of a party or noisy social gathering. I would not at all be surprised if she gave her xanax regularly...
What is on Dr. Krop's neck? HLN Dr Drew show. He is one scarry looking son of a gun...wow. Casey snowed the doc over big time. Oh casey is just fine...seemed very normal to me...
I've asked myself that question a thousand times and I'm still scratching my head over that. If it was an accident why not just confess it was an accident?

Instead she put her life in the hands of a jury and faces a DP. That's not very smart.

Now the question is why did she decide to blame her dad and have him involved? Did he make her mad after she said he was a great father and grandfather. That is confusing. She is confusing.

Selling her dad out was Baez' strategy for sure. He found what he thought could be the weak link and he sleazily exploited it like the that he is.
Agree re the Xanax. My understanding is that this is a commonly used term among the younger generation. In fact, One of Tony's (Casey's boyfriend) friend's said that she didn't use the term zanny but did refer to the nanny. He said if she had used the term zanny they would have perked up and noticed and suspected xanax. Another of her friends noted that Caylee could sleep undisturbed right in the midst of a party or noisy social gathering. I would not at all be surprised if she gave her xanax regularly...

Here's another thing too that's odd
in the whole "Zanny" theory
GA's sister, the one with alleged mental "issues"
Her name is Sannie. (or nickname is)
1. As a former homicide investigator,George acknowledged he knew the smell of human decomp. Why did he not call 911 after he opened the trunk?

2.Why was George so forthcoming with investigators during those initial interviews. Especially his statements that he knew the smell was that of human decomp. He implicates his daughter during the interviews, then turns around and participates in the "my daughter is innocent" campaign.

No, I don't buy the DT story. Yet, these questions about George have been lingering in my mind for quite some time.

3. What is the real reason Casey held on to the body for so long? It certainly was not because of a lack of places to dispose of the body in Orlando,FL. She was just lazy. Nope, I don't buy that.

Hard to know why he didn't immediately call the police after first smelling the decomp, but I don't think it was anything sinister - as evidenced by the fact that he didn't withhold his observations later in interviews with the police. In fact, he was very adamant about what the smell was. When he later wavers and seems to be protecting his daughter a bit, although he never went to the lengths that Cindy did, with washing all the clothes and items in the car to lying on the stand for her, he likely at that point was in denial mode - denial that his daughter could do such a thing.
Here is my opinion...

I believe that Casey killed Caylee while in a fit of rage, after a fight with her mother, Cindy. An act of revenge, to 'get back at' Cindy.

During the initial questioning with the detectives, Sergeant John Allen
specifically asked her if it was an accident, he even mentioned drowning. Rather than go for this out, Casey decided to keep up the implausible, ridiculous lie about a kidnapping nanny that didn't exist.

At that point in time, Casey could not claim an accident, because to do so would mean she would have to lead them to Caylee's body.

By 'admitting' to an accident, she could have avoided extensive jail time (as it was she only ended up doing 3 years), and avoided death penalty charges. But, she would have had to let them know where Caylee's body was, so they could recover it.

Only one problem with allowing law enforcement to see Caylee's body, though.... there were three strips of duct tape over Caylee's face.

~And, if Caylee's body HAD been found earlier, something tells me they would have found her throat had been slit, with that steak knife that Cindy said she found and washed when they recovered the car. As horrific as the duct tape and chloroform were, I think that was the least of what Casey did to Caylee. I really think the duct tape was used so that nobody could hear Caylee scream.

Casey's rage would not have been quenched by merely putting duct tape on that defenseless two year old's mouth. I believe that Casey killed Caylee in a burst of extreme violence.

There was no way Casey would 'cop' to an accident. There is no way she would lead them to that body.
Her initial police report led them right to the body.
She did nothing but proclaim her innocence
bet her in her interview she doesn't say accident
She will finger someone.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 casey anthony
talks to eric edwards, scott bolin and dorothy rivera after being arrested; says "I have had interest in helping law enforcement from the beginning. Unfortunately my hands were literally tied and i was put in a position where someone's trying to trick a confession out of me and that's not going to happen." "I'm not running
I was reading a crime magazine and one of the articles was about the perfect crime. They said in this magazine that the perp always makes at least one mistake. I don't know what mistake ICA made, but I am wondering if there is a detective or someone out there that is still looking for that one mistake.

I hope there is. jmo

Are you kidding?! Letting the body decompose in your car was a HUGE mistake. That, coupled with evasiveness as evidenced by the lies (indicating guilt) and the partying, non-affected behavior (indicating motive - she was happy Caylee was gone) is really all you need to convict her.
Astute questions here, and I focus on your first inquiry (in bold).

As I recall, JB gave a rather vague time frame for Calyee's pool death. Something like "maybe that morning, maybe that afternoon."

Why such a broad time frame? Sort of like ICA saying she had dropped Caylee off with Zanny "between 9 and 1."

Why would GA and ICA only have a broad (many hours long) time frame on this cataclysmic accident? If GA found Caylee in the pool at 2 PM, for example, why would Baez give such a broad time frame for her death.

Did both GA and ICA possibly not check on Caylee for five hours? Someone should be held to account for this. It speaks to culpable negligence.

:banghead: :thud: :banghead:

This is where Baez showed what an amateur he really was. He babbled about how it was "in the morning or could have been the afternoon...actually it was in the morning". He was making it up as he went along, and then he realized...oops - I probably need to be specific here if I'm telling what really happened. Surprised that more of the talking heads on TV didn't pick up on that. I guess most of them are as lame as that jury.
This is where Baez showed what an amateur he really was. He babbled about how it was "in the morning or could have been the afternoon...actually it was in the morning". He was making it up as he went along, and then he realized...oops - I probably need to be specific here if I'm telling what really happened. Surprised that more of the talking heads on TV didn't pick up on that. I guess most of them are as lame as that jury.

I think he did this on purpose...to kind of blur it so he isn't really saying he knows exactly what happened or that Casey told him that...so he could later say it was presented as a theory...IMO he came off as "dense" on purpose and the state fell for it...
I think he did this on purpose...to kind of blur it so he isn't really saying he knows exactly what happened or that Casey told him that...so he could later say it was presented as a theory...IMO he came off as "dense" on purpose and the state fell for it...

Well, I wouldn't say the state fell for it...but the jury sure did. Amazing that not one of those people had the sense to see what was obvious. As Marcia Clark said..."if I were on that jury, the vote would have been 11 to 1...forever."
Well, I wouldn't say the state fell for it...but the jury sure did. Amazing that not one of those people had the sense to see what was obvious. As Marcia Clark said..."if I were on that jury, the vote would have been 11 to 1...forever."

Just my opinion, but I think the state disregarded Jose B. the whole time, assuming that the jury could not possibly take him seriously. That is always a mistake, IMO.
Just my opinion, but I think the state disregarded Jose B. the whole time, assuming that the jury could not possibly take him seriously. That is always a mistake, IMO.

Maybe so, but let's not validate the jury's decision by saying the state screwed up. I saw the interviews with the jury foreman and Jennifer Ford, and the things that came out of those two's mouth were mind boggling in their stupidity.
Maybe so, but let's not validate the jury's decision by saying the state screwed up. I saw the interviews with the jury foreman and Jennifer Ford, and the things that came out of those two's mouth were mind boggling in their stupidity.

I agree they said some really stupid things, but I also do not feel the state proved their case...just not for any of the reasons they came out with.
This is where Baez showed what an amateur he really was. He babbled about how it was "in the morning or could have been the afternoon...actually it was in the morning". He was making it up as he went along, and then he realized...oops - I probably need to be specific here if I'm telling what really happened. Surprised that more of the talking heads on TV didn't pick up on that. I guess most of them are as lame as that jury.

I agree, and maybe JB, during his opening, didn't know what evidence was floating around (cell pings, etc), that would contradict JB if he gave a precise time for when GA found Caylee.

So I imagine JB had to cover his posterior by giving a broad, meandering time frame. If JB had said:

(1) GA found Caylee that morning, JB would be contradicted by GA earlier saying he had seen ICA and Caylee leave between noon and 1 PM.

Or if JB had said:

(2) GA found Caylee that afternoon, that starts to bump up against GA leaving for work right after that.

Either way I think JB's story is bogus.

:boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:
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