What should Juan say in closing to knock it out of the park?

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Focus on premedidation, of course. "The burglary" weeks before of the same type of gun that killed Travis, the gas cans, the haircolor, the turning off the phone. Highlight the fact that she boldly lied to the jury while on the stand about the gas cans. I would also explain to the jury how this is nothing other than murder in the first degree. That the defendant can't change her defense now that her lies have been exposed in court. That the defendant NEVER testified to anything other than "self defense" during all her days on the stand.
I hope he brings up how quickly the murder occurred. My husband finally agreed that it was first degree when he understood the time frame. The last picture of Travis alive until the last of him dead and being dragged by Jodi. It had to be planned and the weapons available. My husband said,"Well..that's it." Worked in persuading hubby.
Two points I'd like to see emphasized:

Innocent people don't hide and/or destroy evidence that can prove their innocence.

Shame/Embarassment is not an excuse for lying nor a defense for murder.
Two points I'd like to see emphasized:

Innocent people don't hide and/or destroy evidence that can prove their innocence.

Shame/Embarassment is not an excuse for lying nor a defense for murder.

Wow, good point. I never really looked at it like that.
1. Forensic evidence suggests the killer brought a gun and a knife to a fistfight which would be premeditated murder. Although, by itself, that is possibly not proof beyond reasonable doubt.

2. Defendant's testimony regarding questions related to premeditation was not credible which erases lingering reasonable doubt. That's enough for me, but moo.
Travis did not own a gun!!! Jodi mentioned Travis did not have a gun during phone interview and in person interrogation with Detective Flores. There is NO reason she would lie about it at that time because she couldn't predict she's going to use it as her self-defense claim. If no gun, then her testimony about the killing is another big lie: Simple logic!
According to JA in testimony, she didn't know she was going to see TA until they talked on the phone on her way from Darryl's to Utah. She stated that TA 'guilted' her into stopping by on her way.

According to Darryl in testimony, JA called him TWICE on the phone before ever getting to his house about the gas cans. She said that she needed them to go to MESA ARIZONA - three times this was mentioned.

So, maybe Juan might ask how Darryl knew on June 3rd that she was on her way to see Travis when Jodi said she had no idea?

PREMEDITATION - just one of many examples.

Gee, the whole case reeks of premeditation.
Along with the obvious, I would like to see JM bring home the fact that JA had access to Travis' email accounts, his phone, etc., and so anything out of character in his written correspondence should be laid by the wayside, and not proof of Travis having typed any of it.

Show photos of Travis and with all due respect, ask if this dorky kid who was full of life and fun, the one who was always there for others looks like the beast JA tried to portray.

And then play the sound bite of JA saying, if she did this, she would beg for the death penalty. Then remind the jurors, even the worst of the worst are granted one last wish.
I want the last thing the jury hear from Juan is Travis' own voice about life or his dreams ... then for Juan to say 'but he never got to live out those dreams because he was murdered in cold blood by Jodi Arias'.
I would get four big poster boards and I would write out four words and these corresponding lists:

1) Stalking, 2) Premeditation, 3) Jodi's Remorse, and 4) Is Jodi likely to re-offend, (is she dangerous to the public)

1. Travis told her to stay away and she moved 272-miles to be closer to him.
2. Jodi was “clingy, smothering, and stalking.” (Travis’s Friend).
3. Jodi stalked previous boyfriends.
4. Text—“How evil you are you, worse thing that happened to me.” (Travis)
5. “Countless times you have prevented me the decency of privacy.” (Travis)
6. Arias snuck in house, laid on couch.
7. Arias hide in closet when he was gone or when he was on dates.
8. Arias peaked through windows while he was with another woman.
9. Arias showed up on dates and other social functions uninvited.
10. Arias showed up on doorstep and threatened to kill herself if he wouldn’t let her in.
11. Arias snuck in doggie door, and later hid behind Christmas Tree.
12. TA finally gave her a job cleaning his house, and slept in his bed without his permission.
13. Arias slashed his tires twice in two different locations so she had to be following him.
14. Arias slashed the tires of a girl friend of his.
15. She hacked into his emails.
16. She hacked in to his Face book.
17. She hacked into his ATM/Bank accounts.
18. She sent threatening e-mails to his friends, especially girl friends.
19. “We saw the evil look in her eye, we told Travis we don’t want her around our children and we don’t want her around here.” (Chris Hughes)
20. “I am extremely Fearful.” (Travis)
21. Turned her jealousy of a planned trip to Cancun into a Rage.
22. “Jodi was obsessed.” (Sky Hughes).
23. “Jodi was Clingy, like Fatal Attraction.” (Clancy)
24. Travis would question her, ‘Why you in the house, why are you here?’ (Zach Billing)
25. “She told me she snuck over to his house and looked in the window.” (Jodie’s father).
26. “She haunted him; every girl he met a girl she would text and send these crazy e-mails, saying you are a *advertiser censored*, and you shouldn’t be dating Travis.” Chris Hughes.
27. “She was obsessed with him and she didn’t want my brother to move with his life.” (Travis’s sister)
28. “In the end he was scared but he just couldn’t get her out of his life.” Chris Hughes.
29. “It takes an evil, evil person to do what she did.”
30. “My spying ex.” (Travis)
31. “Don’t be surprised if I end up dead.” (Travis)

Why was Travis Stalked?

“Anyone who knew him loved him. He went out of his way to help people, and to make sure they were taken care of. He was an amazing person.”

Why didn’t Travis call the Cops?

Read his journal, he thought if he could appeal to the goodness in people he could change anyone. To admit he couldn’t do that would be a failure on his part. He tried to motivate her but was manipulated by kinky sex (a form of power and control), and he was also perhaps he was afraid she would go to the Mormon church and tell them he was having sex. This is why she hooked up with Ryan Burns after they broke up, to stay around Travis. Also, fear doesn’t show up until later in the stalking process. Travis would also have to face the ridicule of perhaps his friends or police, and that could have damaged his business. Also conduct causes fear, although not always vocalized. For instance a woman who is abused could be planning an exit strategy can often still have sex with that person.



1. Faked Journal entries.
2. Broke into TA’s face book, sent messages to herself.
3. Hacked into his ATM, Bank Records, and E-mails.
4. Robbed Grandparents of 25-calibre GUN, $30 cash, and a stereo.
5. Dyed her hair a different color.
6. Drove 90-miles out of her way away from home town to get rental car.
7. Used rental car, specifically asked for not red, so she could presumably not see any stains/blood to clean.
8. Borrowed two gas cans, and bought a third.
9. Turned off cell phone so it wouldn’t ping off towers.
10. Turned her license plate upside down.
11. Brought gun and knife to crime scene.
12. Showed up at Travis’s house early in morning.
13. Locked Travis’s dog in a closet so he wouldn’t get in blood.
14. Waited until he was in vulnerable position in Shower and naked.
15. Arranged for date with Ryan Burns and was to arrive same night as murder.
16. Malice: “Intent to kill or harm.”
“Wrongfully causing the death of another human being, after rationally considering the TIMING---OR---METHOD of doing so in order to increase the likihood of success or to evade detection or apprehension.”

1. “He had it coming.”
2. Wanted make-up in jail and smiled for her mug shot, saying that’s what Travis would have wanted.
3. Showed more remorse on police video tape for dog she kicked (who then disappeared).
4. Made out/intimate relations with Ryan Burns immediately after killing.
5. “No Jury will Convict Me.”
6. Morbid curiosity of autopsy photos to help build her case.
7. “No reason to be sad, smile and say Cheese.”
8. Cried about what SHE would miss out on during police interrogation.
9. Frequent smiles and giggles during proceedings.
10. Lied about pedophilia after killing, and forged papers to kill him again.
11. Lied about domestic abuse after killing him thus killing him again.
12. Filed motion saying if convicted remorse would not be a factor in penalty and she would never apologize.
13. Said in police interrogation tape that TA’s murder was a temporary loss for his family and they would get over it.
14. Savage and brutality of killing—29-stab wounds, shot in head, near decapitation.
15. Sent twenty Iris’s to his Grandmother after she killed him.

DANGEROUS JODI (Likely to Re-Offend) Point-4
1. Frequent rage and physical violence toward mother.
2. Lied about Marijuana she was using on roof of house.
3. Attacked and kicked dog who ‘disappeared’ and never came back.
4. Kicked and broke walls and doors and smashed things.
5. “Her own actions scare people”
6. Stalked and used the men in her life prior to Travis.
7. Practiced Witchcraft in a prior relationship.
8. Gave Chris Hughes such an evil look that he told Travis not to bring her around anymore and he didn’t want her around his children.
9. Threatened TA’s female friends.
10. Broke in Travis’s email, Face-book, and ATM and sent messages to herself.
11. Broke into Travis’s house several times and was there uninvited at other times.
12. Stalked Travis at his house and on his dates.
13. Slashed all four tires of Travis’ car twice.
14. Slashed tires of a girl acquaintance of Travis once.
15. Travis friends called other friends out of fear of Jodi.
16. Peeped outside TA’s window when he was with someone else.
17. Broke into Grandparents house and stole gun, $30, and stereo.
18. Turned license played upside down to evade police.
19. Turned off cell phone, dyed hair, and borrowed gas cans to evade police.
20. Premeditated and planned attack on Travis.
21. Hide gun and knife from Travis for several hours.
22. She and NOT Travis, had a morbid curiosity of the “Psycho” movie and combined that with her own psychosis, personality disorder (black and white- no gray, go from loyalty to intense rage).
23. Stabbed Travis---29 times.
24. Cut a gaping hole in TA’s neck.
25. Shot TA in head.
26. Removed evidence—gun and knife from crime scene and destroyed/hide evidence.
27. Removed (Stole) car mats from rental car and did not return them.
28. Had a 9mm gun, 2-knives, and a box of ammo in her car when arrested.
29. Forged pedophile papers prior to trial.
30. Lied throughout interviews and trial, falsely claimed abuse.
31. Narcissist and above the Law.
32. Six disciplinary actions In Jail
A. Fight with cellmate
B. Disobey return to cell
C. 3-different violations for hiding pens
D. Hiding various creams.
E. Hiding various pictures.
33. Accused prosecutor of being threatening on the stand.
34. Broke pencils and gave other people the finger.
35. Tweeted derogatory statements to Nancy Grace and Prosecutor.
36. Borderline Personality Disorder: Past behavior=future behavior.

I agree with this totally. It needs to simple and to the point. I was just sat here thinking what the jurors are thinking and how they have interpreted the case and evidence given. I totally forget most of the time that maybe they aren't like us in this web sleuths community! It's easy for me to watch and follow this case, to refer to actual evidence documents to sort the bull*it from the truth, know who is lying to ask each other questions, and talk about whats happening. It must be very difficult for them, maybe this is the first time they have encountered and followed a true crime case. They have to go by what eveidence is given and try and determine what is true and what are lies after siting there for weeks on end. Even with so much crap from the defense, I am hoping they can see through all the rubbish and find her guilty. Anyway, rambling away, I was just saying it needs to be very to the point, like the post above. :)
Two points I'd like to see emphasized:

Innocent people don't hide and/or destroy evidence that can prove their innocence.

Shame/Embarassment is not an excuse for lying nor a defense for murder.

I thought that was such a perfect argument against Felon CaseY Anthony. But that jury didn't buy it. I still have a hard time understanding that.
I want the last thing the jury hear from Juan is Travis' own voice about life or his dreams ... then for Juan to say 'but he never got to live out those dreams because he was murdered in cold blood by Jodi Arias'.

Maybe JM should play Travis' video where he talks about the other time he had the gun pointed to his head.
Many trial attorneys will tell you that you need to tell a narrative in your closing arguments - a finely tuned story of how it all transpired if you will.

Given how important proving premeditation is to this case, I would like him to begin with the .25 cal handgun missing from JA's grandparent's house. Then follow that up with a chronological step-by-step emphasis on all the evidence that shows JA's planning and determination and deception. Some of which may have not registered with all the jurors as well as it should have.

I fully expect Juan to hit it out of the park and I will probably get a little emotional along the way as he reminds us all of what a terrible injustice this was against Travis and his wonderful and devoted family.
1.The gun is HUGE.

Gun stolen 2 days after the big fight and just happens to be the SAME sort used to murder Travis.

2.The road trip makes no sense. Car, her route and gas cans.

3.Cell phone turned off.

4.The murder itself.
I think the main thing that Juan Martinez needs to do in closing is clearly and simply define what premeditation means under the law. The facts are all in his favor. The definition of premeditation and reasonable doubt are key. As long as the jury is clear on those, they will return the correct verdict.
I would get four big poster boards and I would write out four words and these corresponding lists:

1) Stalking, 2) Premeditation, 3) Jodi's Remorse, and 4) Is Jodi likely to re-offend, (is she dangerous to the public)

1. Travis told her to stay away and she moved 272-miles to be closer to him.
2. Jodi was “clingy, smothering, and stalking.” (Travis’s Friend).
3. Jodi stalked previous boyfriends.
4. Text—“How evil you are you, worse thing that happened to me.” (Travis)
5. “Countless times you have prevented me the decency of privacy.” (Travis)
6. Arias snuck in house, laid on couch.
7. Arias hide in closet when he was gone or when he was on dates.
8. Arias peaked through windows while he was with another woman.
9. Arias showed up on dates and other social functions uninvited.
10. Arias showed up on doorstep and threatened to kill herself if he wouldn’t let her in.
11. Arias snuck in doggie door, and later hid behind Christmas Tree.
12. TA finally gave her a job cleaning his house, and slept in his bed without his permission.
13. Arias slashed his tires twice in two different locations so she had to be following him.
14. Arias slashed the tires of a girl friend of his.
15. She hacked into his emails.
16. She hacked in to his Face book.
17. She hacked into his ATM/Bank accounts.
18. She sent threatening e-mails to his friends, especially girl friends.
19. “We saw the evil look in her eye, we told Travis we don’t want her around our children and we don’t want her around here.” (Chris Hughes)
20. “I am extremely Fearful.” (Travis)
21. Turned her jealousy of a planned trip to Cancun into a Rage.
22. “Jodi was obsessed.” (Sky Hughes).
23. “Jodi was Clingy, like Fatal Attraction.” (Clancy)
24. Travis would question her, ‘Why you in the house, why are you here?’ (Zach Billing)
25. “She told me she snuck over to his house and looked in the window.” (Jodie’s father).
26. “She haunted him; every girl he met a girl she would text and send these crazy e-mails, saying you are a *advertiser censored*, and you shouldn’t be dating Travis.” Chris Hughes.
27. “She was obsessed with him and she didn’t want my brother to move with his life.” (Travis’s sister)
28. “In the end he was scared but he just couldn’t get her out of his life.” Chris Hughes.
29. “It takes an evil, evil person to do what she did.”
30. “My spying ex.” (Travis)
31. “Don’t be surprised if I end up dead.” (Travis)

Why was Travis Stalked?

“Anyone who knew him loved him. He went out of his way to help people, and to make sure they were taken care of. He was an amazing person.”

Why didn’t Travis call the Cops?

Read his journal, he thought if he could appeal to the goodness in people he could change anyone. To admit he couldn’t do that would be a failure on his part. He tried to motivate her but was manipulated by kinky sex (a form of power and control), and he was also perhaps he was afraid she would go to the Mormon church and tell them he was having sex. This is why she hooked up with Ryan Burns after they broke up, to stay around Travis. Also, fear doesn’t show up until later in the stalking process. Travis would also have to face the ridicule of perhaps his friends or police, and that could have damaged his business. Also conduct causes fear, although not always vocalized. For instance a woman who is abused could be planning an exit strategy can often still have sex with that person.



1. Faked Journal entries.
2. Broke into TA’s face book, sent messages to herself.
3. Hacked into his ATM, Bank Records, and E-mails.
4. Robbed Grandparents of 25-calibre GUN, $30 cash, and a stereo.
5. Dyed her hair a different color.
6. Drove 90-miles out of her way away from home town to get rental car.
7. Used rental car, specifically asked for not red, so she could presumably not see any stains/blood to clean.
8. Borrowed two gas cans, and bought a third.
9. Turned off cell phone so it wouldn’t ping off towers.
10. Turned her license plate upside down.
11. Brought gun and knife to crime scene.
12. Showed up at Travis’s house early in morning.
13. Locked Travis’s dog in a closet so he wouldn’t get in blood.
14. Waited until he was in vulnerable position in Shower and naked.
15. Arranged for date with Ryan Burns and was to arrive same night as murder.
16. Malice: “Intent to kill or harm.”
“Wrongfully causing the death of another human being, after rationally considering the TIMING---OR---METHOD of doing so in order to increase the likihood of success or to evade detection or apprehension.”

1. “He had it coming.”
2. Wanted make-up in jail and smiled for her mug shot, saying that’s what Travis would have wanted.
3. Showed more remorse on police video tape for dog she kicked (who then disappeared).
4. Made out/intimate relations with Ryan Burns immediately after killing.
5. “No Jury will Convict Me.”
6. Morbid curiosity of autopsy photos to help build her case.
7. “No reason to be sad, smile and say Cheese.”
8. Cried about what SHE would miss out on during police interrogation.
9. Frequent smiles and giggles during proceedings.
10. Lied about pedophilia after killing, and forged papers to kill him again.
11. Lied about domestic abuse after killing him thus killing him again.
12. Filed motion saying if convicted remorse would not be a factor in penalty and she would never apologize.
13. Said in police interrogation tape that TA’s murder was a temporary loss for his family and they would get over it.
14. Savage and brutality of killing—29-stab wounds, shot in head, near decapitation.
15. Sent twenty Iris’s to his Grandmother after she killed him.

DANGEROUS JODI (Likely to Re-Offend) Point-4
1. Frequent rage and physical violence toward mother.
2. Lied about Marijuana she was using on roof of house.
3. Attacked and kicked dog who ‘disappeared’ and never came back.
4. Kicked and broke walls and doors and smashed things.
5. “Her own actions scare people”
6. Stalked and used the men in her life prior to Travis.
7. Practiced Witchcraft in a prior relationship.
8. Gave Chris Hughes such an evil look that he told Travis not to bring her around anymore and he didn’t want her around his children.
9. Threatened TA’s female friends.
10. Broke in Travis’s email, Face-book, and ATM and sent messages to herself.
11. Broke into Travis’s house several times and was there uninvited at other times.
12. Stalked Travis at his house and on his dates.
13. Slashed all four tires of Travis’ car twice.
14. Slashed tires of a girl acquaintance of Travis once.
15. Travis friends called other friends out of fear of Jodi.
16. Peeped outside TA’s window when he was with someone else.
17. Broke into Grandparents house and stole gun, $30, and stereo.
18. Turned license played upside down to evade police.
19. Turned off cell phone, dyed hair, and borrowed gas cans to evade police.
20. Premeditated and planned attack on Travis.
21. Hide gun and knife from Travis for several hours.
22. She and NOT Travis, had a morbid curiosity of the “Psycho” movie and combined that with her own psychosis, personality disorder (black and white- no gray, go from loyalty to intense rage).
23. Stabbed Travis---29 times.
24. Cut a gaping hole in TA’s neck.
25. Shot TA in head.
26. Removed evidence—gun and knife from crime scene and destroyed/hide evidence.
27. Removed (Stole) car mats from rental car and did not return them.
28. Had a 9mm gun, 2-knives, and a box of ammo in her car when arrested.
29. Forged pedophile papers prior to trial.
30. Lied throughout interviews and trial, falsely claimed abuse.
31. Narcissist and above the Law.
32. Six disciplinary actions In Jail
A. Fight with cellmate
B. Disobey return to cell
C. 3-different violations for hiding pens
D. Hiding various creams.
E. Hiding various pictures.
33. Accused prosecutor of being threatening on the stand.
34. Broke pencils and gave other people the finger.
35. Tweeted derogatory statements to Nancy Grace and Prosecutor.
36. Borderline Personality Disorder: Past behavior=future behavior.

Wow. Great post. Thank you.
I just want Juan to use a map when describing her trip, gas, cell phone shut off. I think it would be very helpful to use a visual aid.

When I tracked her trip.., I was stunned.. It's super compelling visually.

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"The sociopath ... Worst thing that ever happened to him" Text. Travis's words should come toward the end and paired "with no jury will ever convict me , mark my words."

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He has to hammer home premeditation in order to get murder 1. It only takes 1 or 2 to waver & the jury may compromise with murder 2 or even manslaughter. He needs to emphasise the many indicators of premeditation which rule out reasonable doubt:
1/ Changed hair colour
2/ Switched off cell phone
3/ Insistance on inconspicuous car
4/ Travelling through the night
5/ Not telling anyone where she was going
6/ Gas cans
7/ Switched number plates
8/ Gun stolen from grandparents & unbelievable story about it being TA's
9/ Lack of remorse & shame for what she's done
Also focus on the cruelty aspect:
-TA fighting for his life, defensive wounds on hands
-Overkill, slit throat, gunshot to head
-Attacked him when defenceless in the shower
I believe JM will do a great job, I'm praying that the jury reach the correct verdict.
I just want Juan to use a map when describing her trip, gas, cell phone shut off. I think it would be very helpful to use a visual aid.

When I tracked her trip.., I was stunned.. It's super compelling visually.

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Yes. We need a map and a story!

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