What statements do you think will impact the jury the most?

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Casey: Just give me Tony's number, I'm not talking to anybody else!
Baez promised an "ah-ha" moment. My ah-ha moment was "84 times"
The comments by Dr.G were without a doubt the most damning and memorable, also the first phone call home from jail was unforgettable, the jurors will never forget how *itchy and cold ICA was to her family on that call.

BBM. The jury will likewise recall how incredibly ridiculous Dr. Spitz' testimony :rolleyes: was in contrast to that of Dr. Garavaglia. jmo
Chloroform levels never seen, shockingly high.

Caylee in bed with Ricardo and KC.

The Hot Body Contest.

The beautiful life.

eta: How well Caylee was cared for, and provided for, by her doting grandparents. KC had no real dilemmas about making it as a single mother.
This is such a good point. Did the defense not realize how many people--including expert witnesses and a cadaver dog--smelled that smell? Did they think they could discredit all of them?

I agree with another poster that perhaps the most baldly emotional aspect of the trial was Cindy sobbing on the stand as they played the 911 calls. I can't imagine the pain of not only having to relive the day your life fell apart, but having to do it on the witness stand with everyone's eyes on you. Wow, that was sad.

AND ICA was actually one of the people that stated the car smelled like a dead body... granted, a dead SQUIRREL body, but a dead body, nonetheless.
I hope I've posted in the correct thread. Please forgive me if I haven't.

I've linked an interesting read written from a lawyer watching the trial and writing about problems/issues that could impact the jury. Also, some very valid points.


All very good points, and those are things they could handle if they weren't so swamped. What are the other lawyers on her team doing? It's astonishing!
What statements do I think will impact the jury the most?

The "statements" presented by the jury's daily observation of Casey Anthony's visual image may very well have a lasting impact.


I know this, and other screen captures made by some of our members, speaks loudly to me.

That particular photo is very hard for me to even look at-- it is physically revolting. ICA's body language "statements" will do her in for sure.:maddening:
They haven't heard this yet, but when they do:

'Please don't take my sunshine away'

is going to impact them dreadfully. Just typing it has made me cry. That darling sunny little girl with her whole life in front of her, taken away.
I totally agree! I've watched the clip of her singing so many times (do you think they will play that video, for the Jury, at the close of trial?).

I also love it when she pulls the table cloth over her head & then pulls it down, just below her eyes, and her little eyes pop out.. so adorable. A healthy beautiful darling girl snuffed out.. for what?
Dr. Vass: The smell was so strong I had to take a step back. I've never smelt
it that strong before.

Yes - that was a very powerful statement coming from someone who has been conducting research on decomposing human remains @ both the UTC and Oak Ridge facilities.

Plus, I think Dr. Vass comes across as a likable fellow. I think the average person tends to give more credence to someone's opinions when they like them.
Caylee is & always will be alive in her loving grandmother's heart & she became alive again when Cindy spoke.

I agree that this was a powerful moment. I believe the jury, right there witnessing it up-close, couldn't fail to be somehow impacted by it.

The other persuasive testimony is that of Yuri, particularly the entire Universal scene. It is astonishing testimony, no matter if you believe the Defense's theory as outline in opening statements or if you believe things played out just as the Prosecution has said. I don't see how any jurist could avoid using the Universal scene during deliberations.
(Cindy) .... We don't know what your involvment is in this sweetheart.

(Casey)....What do you mean " you don't know what my involvement is...are you ******ing kidding ME?

(Cindy) Are you blaming me that you are in Jail? If you would have just told the truth from the beginning.....

(Cindy) Casey don't waste your calling time " YELLING at us " !

(Casey) stating that her daughter was just fine......her Parents were just trying to take her daughter from her.

(Casey) telling 911 operator " I haven't seen my Daughter in 31 days "...." I have been conducting my own investigation trying to find her myself....I know..... this was stupid!
(Cindy) .... We don't know what your involvment is in this sweetheart.

(Casey)....What do you mean " you don't know what my involvement is...are you ******ing kidding ME?

(Cindy) Are you blaming me that you are in Jail? If you would have just told the truth from the beginning.....

(Cindy) Casey don't waste your calling time " YELLING at us " !

(Casey) stating that her daughter was just fine......her Parents were just trying to take her daughter from her.

(Casey) telling 911 operator " I haven't seen my Daughter in 31 days "...." I have been conducting my own investigation trying to find her myself....I know..... this was stupid!

Casey: Nobody realizes, I'm a victim too.

Also ... ' I'm just as much a victim as anyone else.'

And ... " How do you think I feel. My entire life has been taken from me. You still have each other, but I have no one to comfort ME...."

[Note how she has gone on to try and DESTROY her parents relationship by accusing her father of rape and incest. ]
What everyone else said, plus a couple more.

"I've been here for a month today!"

"Everything has been taken from me. My whole life has been taken from me."
The weird little exchange with LA. I don't remember any specifics but the one where they were all, "can I trust you know who, the one you went to you know where with before you did you know what with you know whom" and "no way". To be fair, some of the weirdness was LA's doing but what the heck was all that about? Her daughter had drowned and she was playing spy games? Why would she need LA to mistrust anybody in particular, knowing that her daughter was decomposing safe in a trash dump?

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