- A fake note from a 'kidnapper/former nanny'. l'd be more sure of this if LE confiscates the computers belonging to friends of Casey. If there was a 'kidnapper's' note with Caylee's body composed on the A computers I think they would have already found it, and I don't think they did. Of course, it could have been hand-written.
In lieu of a 'kidnapper' note, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a handwritten note, poem, little saying, little picture.
- A new stuffed animal or doll from JC Penney. I've wracked my brain trying to think of what you can get at JCP for a baby that you can't get at Target. All I've been able to think of is better quality clothing, toys, and baby jewelry. This in turn led me to think that Casey saw something 'special', something especially cute, something Cindy especially liked, something Winnie the Pooh that you can't get at Target, and this item stuck in her mind.
- Miscellaneous items of Caylee's from the trunk of the car out of that collapsible bin full of clothing, maybe diapers, hair clips, whatever.
- A piece of trash from Tony's apartment. Could be very tiny, but something from his trash. That bag of trash from his apartment in the trunk bothers me. It bothers me that she put it in the trunk. It bothers me that there were maggots in it. This makes me think there was decomp or vomit transferred from Caylee's body to a piece of paper or something, which Casey threw away in Tony's trash can in the apartment, and then she realized either that it stunk or that it was evidence, and she took the whole contents of his trash bag and put it in the trunk. Not sure. This just bugs the heck out of me.
I think Casey's primary motive for murdering Caylee was as a giant, ultimate, mother-of-all "*advertiser censored** You!" to Cindy, so I would expect there to be one or more items accompanying Caylee's body that would particularly bother Cindy. This could be the special item from JCP. Some toy or dress or knickknack that Cindy particularly liked and had mentioned. Maybe part of a collection of items that Cindy had been getting for Caylee bit by bit. In any case, if there's nothing there that particularly upsets Cindy, I'll be very, very surprised.