What was found with the remains? THEORIES HERE

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I was thinking that they found white sand in the bag. the same that is in the sandbox at the house. Also, as far as paper goes, do you think there may have been some type of note in there? Maybe a prayer typed or something? As for the pesticides, I think before she removed the body, Casey sprayed the bag and inside the bag to kill them because they grossed her out. Also, was the tape placed around Caylees skull to stop any type of bleeding? I don't know.

*bolded by me* This is what I think also. The typed prayer is an interesting idea. If there were a note indicating that the remains were Caylee, it would make even more sense as to why LE was so certain that this was Caylee.
I think they found a paver with the bag. Immediately they would want to obtain another of the type of pavers that were at the home, they would also examine the backyard, playhouse and sandbox for any possible blood evidence. If they didn't find any blood outside then they would be looking inside for it.

Towels, a pillow and bedding are also good guesses. It isn't unusual for someone to wrap a body in a sheet before disposal. It could also be a knife in the same pattern as other knives in the home.

That is what I think they found that immediately linked back to the A home.

If they found the backberry that would be good. But it would only link to KC, not to the A home. After all KC was many places that she could have had the blackberry. Jewelry may have found, but would only match up with any jewelry/receipts that KC had, it wouldn't directly link to the A home. Duct tape is so generic that it wouldn't point to the home directly, thus would be something they might go for later but wouldn't be rushing to get.

Whatever it was I think it was something that they wanted to match it. Thus they secured processed the scene and at the same time knew which of KC's locations they wanted to search so they went for a search warrant.
I must have missed something. Where is a picture of the bag???
I'm thinking maybe there was a note with the remains. The note could have said anything - possibly even that the body was Caylee. KC couldn't have known how much media attention this case would get. She couldn't have known how "big" this whole thing would become, or even if she would get arrested. So it's possible that she included a note with the remains so that if/when they were found, the person would know they were Caylee's. Or, the note could have had something to do with the staged kidnapping. Maybe the note mentioned "Zanny"? Whatever the case, I strongly feel there was some sort of note. This would explain why LE removed a large bin of paper as well as the computers again (maybe the note was typed).


I have been thinking the same thing. The bin of paper, the pc's and Beary's "Absolutely!"
I had brought this up in another thread with no response, but I remember one of the very early reports, after the remains were found the reporter said the bag was kinda sitting on something that was duct taped around the bag(something like that) It was never mentioned again, and I couldn't find the video. I had the same thought as you that there possibly could have been something to weigh her down in water. A couple neighbours in that area said this area is a swamp that holds water until late fall.

Great minds think alike!

I've been just chewing on this since she was found. It helps me to try and figure out the details like this instead of trying to figure out KC.
I think there may be many things that tie the remains back to the house and Casey. CSI were in the house for 6 hours, right? And they took a lot of stuff. If the rumor that they cut drywall from the garage is true, that is very curious. :waitasec:
- A fake note from a 'kidnapper/former nanny'. l'd be more sure of this if LE confiscates the computers belonging to friends of Casey. If there was a 'kidnapper's' note with Caylee's body composed on the A computers I think they would have already found it, and I don't think they did. Of course, it could have been hand-written.

In lieu of a 'kidnapper' note, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a handwritten note, poem, little saying, little picture.

- A new stuffed animal or doll from JC Penney. I've wracked my brain trying to think of what you can get at JCP for a baby that you can't get at Target. All I've been able to think of is better quality clothing, toys, and baby jewelry. This in turn led me to think that Casey saw something 'special', something especially cute, something Cindy especially liked, something Winnie the Pooh that you can't get at Target, and this item stuck in her mind.

- Miscellaneous items of Caylee's from the trunk of the car out of that collapsible bin full of clothing, maybe diapers, hair clips, whatever.

- A piece of trash from Tony's apartment. Could be very tiny, but something from his trash. That bag of trash from his apartment in the trunk bothers me. It bothers me that she put it in the trunk. It bothers me that there were maggots in it. This makes me think there was decomp or vomit transferred from Caylee's body to a piece of paper or something, which Casey threw away in Tony's trash can in the apartment, and then she realized either that it stunk or that it was evidence, and she took the whole contents of his trash bag and put it in the trunk. Not sure. This just bugs the heck out of me.


I think Casey's primary motive for murdering Caylee was as a giant, ultimate, mother-of-all "*advertiser censored** You!" to Cindy, so I would expect there to be one or more items accompanying Caylee's body that would particularly bother Cindy. This could be the special item from JCP. Some toy or dress or knickknack that Cindy particularly liked and had mentioned. Maybe part of a collection of items that Cindy had been getting for Caylee bit by bit. In any case, if there's nothing there that particularly upsets Cindy, I'll be very, very surprised.
If they could tell by looking at the remains, perhaps they could tell it was a violent death and that there would be bloodspatter and the like at the crime scene. We all know how hard it is to completely remove blood. The A's house was the last KNOWN location of Caylee so they would have a reason to suspect that was the crime scene.

For some reason I always thought it took place somewhere away from the home, after they left. Maybe in the car, maybe in the park but somewhere away from the home.

But now I am guessing that I was wrong.
Faenorwyn, during summer there were questions about the prisoner's purchases from JC Penney. Did she buy a towel or other linen to replace something used in the disposal. So, your suggestion fits speculation from that time that was based on charge slips.
In the jail visit videos CA asks KC is someone had been in the home. I wonder if CA noticed something missing such as a blanket, throw or pillow. She may have told this to LE as "proof" of Zanni's existence. ( She came in and stole it, dontcha know). I would think this would be info. LE would want to keep quiet and so didn't release it with the document dumps. Once LE saw it with the remains, they knew they had Caylee and the Ant. home became a crime scene.
Faenorwyn, during summer there were questions about the prisoner's purchases from JC Penney. Did she buy a towel or other linen to replace something used in the disposal. So, your suggestion fits speculation from that time that was based on charge slips.

It would make sense to me, especially if it were a towel. My mom used to ONLY buy her towels from JC Penny because she liked the egyptian cotton towels and at the time, they were the only store that sold them. If the towel/blanket/whatever was a specific brand, KC could have easily googled the brand to see where to buy a replacement.
All those vaccums, were those purchased at JC Penney by Casey? Is this why the grandmother didn't want to show LE the receipts? LE has the Grandma on video saying, "there is nothing in them, I checked" *paraphrasing here.
I think it was the backpack that nobody could account for.. the white one right?
AHHHHHHH that's a great theory! I didn't even think of that. Yes TM said the body did NOT move and was in the same place and there was no denying that fact (not a direct quote, my paraphrasing).

Anyone remember that lovely brickpaver design they had in the backyard? I think Caylee had the pic of her in the orange swimsuit standing on them? Do I remember correctly that the A's had the brick pavers put in right before Caylee went missing?

If so, there could have been extra bricks left that KC used to put in the bag.... But could we imagine KC carrying the bag with the bricks over the fence, etc.? It would be a little heavy, right?

Didn't he also mention Caylee's body being kind of stuck under a palmetto?
They say that mothers who kill hide the body nearby and also put in pillows, other comforting items. I'm having a hard time reconciling what we have seen from KC's behavior to motherly.

Then again, from the videos and pictures we've seen, she must have at one point at least been motherly to some degree.

Maybe what she did to Caylee has traumatized her so much that she's incapable of showing any feeling. PTSD for example.

Not cutting her any slack, mind you. Just trying to wrap my mind around the whole thing. Esp since she prob pre-meditated it.

It seems like at some point she snapped from regular old spoiled and bratty KC to murderous KC.

I'm guessing it's a pillow or bedding. Or a shower curtain. Maybe the other cross. Again, that's coming off too motherly from what I can see from KC.
I'm betting various fibers on the duct tape.
I also have a very strong feeling that there is a cloth item, part of a set, towel, washcloth, sheet, pillowcase, something of that nature.
I think I saw part of a flowered sheet in one of the evidence bags that they took Thursday, so that miht be influencing my ideas.
In the jail visit videos CA asks KC is someone had been in the home. I wonder if CA noticed something missing such as a blanket, throw or pillow. She may have told this to LE as "proof" of Zanni's existence. ( She came in and stole it, dontcha know). I would think this would be info. LE would want to keep quiet and so didn't release it with the document dumps. Once LE saw it with the remains, they knew they had Caylee and the Ant. home became a crime scene.

I like this suggestion. That does make sense. I had wondered what brought on that question from CA about someone being in their home. Hmmmm!
Caylee's diaper or pull-up? Those things are like plastic water bottles...they stick around for a long time.
They say that mothers who kill hide the body nearby and also put in pillows, other comforting items. (snipped)

I'm guessing it's a pillow or bedding. Or a shower curtain. Maybe the other cross. Again, that's coming off too motherly from what I can see from KC.

I agree, she's too selfish to be motherly, but I think, maybe ...

the other cross?
a stuffed animal?

they said there were no clothes, but then they said clothes were found. Maybe some gloves or something of KC's. The clothes could be from any family member, not just Caylee.
I'm thinking maybe there was a note with the remains. The note could have said anything - possibly even that the body was Caylee. KC couldn't have known how much media attention this case would get. She couldn't have known how "big" this whole thing would become, or even if she would get arrested. So it's possible that she included a note with the remains so that if/when they were found, the person would know they were Caylee's. Or, the note could have had something to do with the staged kidnapping. Maybe the note mentioned "Zanny"? Whatever the case, I strongly feel there was some sort of note. This would explain why LE removed a large bin of paper as well as the computers again (maybe the note was typed).

If they took paper it makes me wonder if they also took the Ant's printer? Maybe KC tried to stage a kidnapping by covering Caylee's mouth with the duct tape and left a typed revenge note from "zannie" in the bag? They might be trying to match the paper found to paper in the Ant's house, also if the print/ink survived on the note then it could also be matched up to a certain printer. Hmmm....

I have been thinking the same thing. The bin of paper, the pc's and Beary's "Absolutely!"

- A fake note from a 'kidnapper/former nanny'. l'd be more sure of this if LE confiscates the computers belonging to friends of Casey. If there was a 'kidnapper's' note with Caylee's body composed on the A computers I think they would have already found it, and I don't think they did. Of course, it could have been hand-written.

In lieu of a 'kidnapper' note, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a handwritten note, poem, little saying, little picture.

*respectfully snipped*
I had not thought about that. Very good theory.
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