What will you do when this trial is OVER!?

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get some sleep, spend some time with family and focus on a local case that has been a long time coming.
I do hope and pray that each one of your hearts tugs toward another case, perhaps one or more that are long since cold. It means so much to the families when they Google and come here to see that we care. :rose:
I think I will learn to juggle

....and keep an eye out for Haleigh, Kyron, Trenton, and any other missing child.
It will never be over. Whether ICA gets the DP or LIFE there will be countless appeals, there will be annual interviews with an aging ICA who recounts YANS (yet another new story) and explains from her prison cell that this is something she would not do and did not do. We will hear how she was framed by absolutely everyone including her family ... That no-one loves her -- unlike Caylee -- and she does not have control. It is just sooo frushtrating and a waste ... A huge waste.
My son is getting married on July 2nd and am nervous that that may be around the time of the verdict and/or sentence. That is two Saturdays away!! I will have to get my trial time in somehow, family will be coming into town.

After the trial is over I will still follow what is on the news and news shows for a bit. WFTV is my local news so it will on there for awhile to come I am sure.

I will continue with life the way it used to be I suspect. I am interested in the Cummings case and a few others involving missing children.

Congratulations! LOL--had to laugh, this is how I am throughout this trial..there are things I have to attend and I wind up feeling very put out when it conflicts with the trial. I've nearly become reclusive, because I LOVE being in my house watching the trial! The heck with any fun lunch dates! lol..I agree with the Time article, that most of the engagement in trial watching now is the ability to watch and "confer" online with others.

My poor "real" neglected friends will be glad when it is over. I remember being out of town with my husband when the OJ Simpson verdict came in. I stayed in a hotel room on a sunny day just to hear it. Well, of course, I was so DEPRESSED. I didn't have anyone to talk to about it. I felt awful because I felt like I really knew the victims. At least if anything terrible like that happened now, I know I could come here and say "whaaaa???" and there would be other people saying the same thing.
That article says she began lying after Caylee was born - :maddening:
It was long before Caylee, remember she lied about graduation, All the family was going to the graduation only to find out Casy had not finished.
They say you can good in everything and I have to say that I have with this case. Had it not been for this case I never would've stumbled onto web-sleuths and been able to lead a friend here when a family member of theirs came up missing.

While I mostly post on the Caylee threads, I do go to others to read up, especially ones from TN. I hope after the trial is over I will be able to contribute in some of those.
My family has asked me not to get involved again with a case like this one.....I told them that when Haleigh Cummings and Natalee Holloway are found...I am done.....until another one.....
Because ICA chose to do what she did I found you guys at WS. I am so very thankful for you guys.

I have learned a great deal about alot of things. You can call me George if you want.

My mind has opened up so very much since I first heard and saw Casey on CNN. I will never view degraded, abused, discarded children the same again since this has happened. I vow to make a difference.

I hope to regularly send the inmate updates of my life with my two kids because I chose not to murder and discard them. Not a hard choice for me, whatsoever.

I will keep on visiting here and praying that we never ever have to encounter another Caylee Marie tragedy. In the meantime, I will be one of the newest, greenest Child Advocates Canada has encountered.

Thanks, guys. You are insightful, powerful, intelligent and empowering. YOU ROCK!
The conclusion of the trial will allow posters to get involved in other cases on WS. There are a lot of cases here that definitely wouldn't be as time consuming as this case. I think that trials are the most hectic part of a case because they take hours every day, and there is always something new to discuss. It will be years before there will be another high profile trial.
I think I will learn to juggle

....and keep an eye out for Haleigh, Kyron, Trenton, and any other missing child.

I hope to never have the need to type....

<MOD SNIP> again!!!!

I will spend more time outside with my dog, planting things, watching the birds at the feeders outside my windows, and spend more time NOT at the computer, waiting for hand of fate to deliver justice for the savaged innocents taken by the desires of soul-less monsters.


snipped for space;

a little O/T but a little while back my kids asked if I would take them to the water park, I was like yeah when the weather warms up... both of them looked at like I was crazy :waitasec: and my son says mom it's been over 95 degrees for 4 days now! :floorlaugh: We're going to the waterpark this week ;)
I will spend the time that I have spent here lately back in the other areas of Websleuths that I did before the trial started.

Usually the missing but not forgotten area, cold cases and a couple of others.
I will be buying all the books on this case and look forward to the Elizabeth Johnson trial.
She's another Sociopath, except I think she is much worse than Casey.

She will never tell what she did with her son Gabriel, Just like Casey refuses to say what she did to Caylee. They are cut from the same cloth. (But EJ is worse).
Like many of you I am going to clean my house, prune my shrubs, do alittle cooking, bathe the dog and wash out the car. So many things I have pushed back waiting for this trial.

Right now, I don't think I can take on another trial. It is too hard emotionally. I will continue to come on the boards and follow trials but not like I did with this one.

But, one thing I am looking forward to doing....I am going to follow JBP court cases. Since I live pretty close to Orlando I thought I might drop in on some of his trials. I would enjoy watching him at work, first hand. I'm not talking about big trials (I can't stand in line waiting on a seat), but smaller ones, or even hearings, I would like to see him work. I have such tremendous respect for him and watching this case has taught me alot about the court system. It goes without saying that this forum has taught me alot, as well.

You know what might be nice....for those of us that do live in Central FL, maybe we could meet somewhere when this is over and have a drink, say a toast, say a prayer and give each other strength to do what we all need to do next. This has been an emotional three years and I feel like we have all been in it together. Just a thought.

I guess I will have to reconnect with friends that I have been too busy to see...they think it's due to work reasons....they would think I was nuts to know its because I'm addicted to this case. Some friends know my little secret and they call to get updates.

You all are a great group of people. I feel blessed to be a part of this forum. Thank you for the help, advice, info and friendships. I feel like I have friends all over the world!

Port Orange, FL
(I hope my question is appropriate for the main page, but whatever the mods decide is fine with me, of course).

It's Sunday and I am hopelessly hooked on the trial and looking forward to tomorrow so I can get up at 5:30 am (west coast) and get back to Casey Anthony trial watching. I haven't gotten up early for anything in years!

I watched the OJ Simpson trial in 1995. I was ailing in those days and self employed so I was able to recline in a lovely leather recliner to watch nearly the entire thing. When the verdict came in I was stunned. I swore off trials all together and I never watched another trial after that (until now).

I happened onto Websleuths long after Casey was arrested. I saw one jailhouse visit tape (the one where she got mad) and I was immediately HOOKED. I had to go backward to try to catch up (and everyone at WS helped me tons).

I love this trial! All my friends and family know it. They always ask me, what will you do when this trial is over? I know when the trial is over I will MISS IT! I believe I can say with a certain authority, however, I won't watch another. I just doubt seriously that there will be anything remotely this interesting come up. Well, perhaps I would watch Casey Anthony's appeal trial, but I'm uncertain. For me, I will probably go back to doing all the things I did before the trial.

What about you? Are you a seasoned trial watcher who will watch other trials for sure, or is this a one shot deal for you?

There's other cases I'm following. The one I'm looking forward to is the trial of Drew Peterson, the former policeman who is accused of murdering his third wife.

It was only when Peterson's 4th wife suddenly disappeared (never been found) on October 28, 2007, that LE began re-investigating the death of his 3rd wife, Kathleen Savio in 2004. At the time of her death they were just a week or two away from a court date on the final property settlement in their divorce. Kathleen was found deceased in her bathtub and her death ruled accidental. In November 2007 Kathleens body was exhumed, a second autopsy done, and her death was declared a homicide. Drew Peterson was arrested in 2009, and his trial has been on hold for more than a year while the Illinois appellate court decides on what hearsay evidence can be admitted at trial.
Last week I caught a late night replay of Paradise Lost about the West Memphis 3. It intrigued me and made me look here for more info, which I was glad to find. As I was about to delve into the case I decided to wait. I want to watch the trial live and not have a preconceived notion of guilt or innocence. So I will be waiting on that one to start and playing juror.
Break out the giant tub-o-popcorn, cause John Morgan (I heart John Morgan) is gonna make JA look mild. Pure, unbridled exposure of what kind of person KC really is.

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