What would Caylee want?

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Jul 28, 2008
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We all want justice for Caylee. We all say stuff like "justice is coming Caylee," but what would Caylee want her Mother's punishment to be? What about punishment for her grandma, grandpa and uncle? After all, she loved all four unconditionally.

Just wondering your what other's thoughts are...
At this point, I don't think it matters......
She was too young to make this kind of decision, imo. Little kids just know love.
She was too young to make this kind of decision, imo. Little kids just know love.

Depending on your religious beliefs, Caylee could or could not have a preference. For example, if you are a Christian, then Caylee is in heaven and could very well be aware of what's going on here.
Justice is for the living on earth, IMO. It is important for us and the victim's loved ones (usually) that there be justice. We also need it, as a society, to deter others from committing heinous acts.

I think the dead, if they were innocent or good while on earth, are beyond feelings of recrimination or revenge or punishment. Caylee still feels love for the people she loved when she was alive. And whether casey is punished or not is likely completely beyond what's important to her at this point.

But I do think that the dead value the truth. They want the world to know what happened to them. They want their loved ones to know the truth. Caylee cannot comprehend why her mother murdered her. And part of having the truth revealed is being able to ask the questions they could not ask when living, "Why did you kill me, Mommy? Why?" And it gives the voiceless dead a voice they otherwise could not have.

Caylee cannot tell us what her mother did to her. She cannot talk about her final moments - of the confusion, the fear, the panic at not being able to breathe, the horror that her "mommy" was not helping her. But a jury verdict can tell us for her. I do think that's important to angels like Caylee whose voices have been prematurely and horrifically silenced.
Caylee has been released from her earthly bonds. At this point I believe whatever happens to her mother is of little consequence to her. I believe God is providing the shelter and comfort she needs.
This feels like a very important question to me too.

I can't really put myself in Caylee's place, I no longer am able to think or feel like a tiny child. I imagine, though, that she loved her mother and her grandparents helplessly and without a lot of reservation.

If Caylee continued to exist in some way (I am not a Christian, and am on the fence about existance beyond death of the body), I imagine it would trouble her to know that her mother may be sentenced to death, or that any bad thing at all may happen to her mother or grandparents.

Children don't hold grudges (that comes later). It's well heard anecdote that crying, screaming children are ripped from the arms of their abusive parents. They know no different, all that matters is they are being separated from their parent. From the perspective of an INFANT, which Caylee Marie still was (developmentally), I guess she loved her mother unconditionally. Right down to the act of murder.

This is pretty soft in the head logic, I agree. But just in case, I want what Caylee would want, and I doubt Caylee, in whatever "form" she's in, would want her mother put to death. I'm almost embarrassed to admit it, but this goes through my head.
Caylee was too young to understand punishment like that.

The only things Caylee would want at this point is to go swimming with her grandparents, to go visit Papa at the nursing home, to play with the 2 puppies, to sing and dance to Barney again, to color in her coloring books, to play dress up in her Princess Belle dress....
I believe she was way too young to have wanted anything. This horrible situation was beyond her understanding. There's no way to know how she might have developed her intellect or what her views might be, imo.
Caylee has what she wants. She looks on all those here at WS who have fought for her rights; she looks on the prosecutors and LE, the medical examiner, the scientists and everyone else who spoke on her behalf, and she knows that she mattered!

Caylee smiles and she will continue to smile through eternity, regardless of the verdict.
Caylee has been released from her earthly bonds. At this point I believe whatever happens to her mother is of little consequence to her. I believe God is providing the shelter and comfort she needs.

I would like to believe that justice on earth for Caylee will somehow help her heal (in whichever form she exists now) but I basically agree with what you've said.
We all want justice for Caylee. We all say stuff like "justice is coming Caylee," but what would Caylee want her Mother's punishment to be? What about punishment for her grandma, grandpa and uncle? After all, she loved all four unconditionally.

Just wondering your what other's thoughts are...

She would want to be alive.
What a thought provoking question, thank you for putting this up. I agree with the sentiment of some other posters, children are innocent, and they have no need for and no concept of things like retribution and legal accountability. And isn't that the beauty of children? I can think of nothing better than the squeal of pure joy a child will let out when they discover something new and exciting. That sound of innocence and unadulterated happiness is infectious because it reminds that we too were once like that. The degree of anger, outrage and frustration that this trial seem to be evoking in a lot of us aren't normally found in a child's world. Yes, they feel such things, but then the next new thing comes along and those feelings are gone. It's only as we age that we begin to forgot how to let go and just revel in the moment. Perhaps that's why the phrase "Justice for Caylee" bothers me so much. I understand the sentiment and I know that people use it with the absolute best of intentions, but I'm bothered because that word, justice, has no real meaning to a child. Look at how much time some of us have spent delving into the bizarre and twisted world that is Casey Anthony. I can't not do it, because I feel the truth is so important, the truth of this little girl's life and her tragic death deserve to brought to light, and Casey must be held accountable, but there are days when I get of this board or get done watching the trial that I am so drained and I almost feel tainted by being exposed to such depravity. Is this the way a child would want anyone to feel? I'm reminded of one the days shortly after that I found out that my father was diagnosed with the horrible debilitating disease that is Parkinson's. I was shaken to the core, and my best friend was doing her best to console me. Her daughter, who I love as though she were my own, was almost 3 at the time and when she saw me crying, she ran out of the room and came back with her most prized possession, her "Woobie". She carefully spread it on my lap, sat beside me, running her tiny hand up and down my arm and told me "don't be sad, it'll be okay, you can have woobie, he'll make you feel better". At 3, she knew instinctively that seeing the people you love happy is worth more than the object you hold most dear. That is love in one of it's most pure forms. Sorry, I know I'm rambling (I'm also now crying big, snotty tears, no dry Kleenex for me) but my point is that ultimately, I think true justice for Caylee will be found when this is over, and we all remember to take the extra time to get down on our knees and let the children in our lives remind us how to just revel in that of moment of pure joy. It will also be found when people are inspired by her short life to reach out and help the children who are in danger of having that innocence snatched away from them too soon.

Sorry so long, and I really hope I didn't offend anyone, I just had to get that out there. I can't imagine what what those of you who have been following this for three years must be feeling, and I admire your determination and dedication to ensure that Caylee will not be forgotten.
Justice is for the living on earth, IMO. It is important for us and the victim's loved ones (usually) that there be justice. We also need it, as a society, to deter others from committing heinous acts.

I think the dead, if they were innocent or good while on earth, are beyond feelings of recrimination or revenge or punishment. Caylee still feels love for the people she loved when she was alive. And whether casey is punished or not is likely completely beyond what's important to her at this point.

But I do think that the dead value the truth. They want the world to know what happened to them. They want their loved ones to know the truth. Caylee cannot comprehend why her mother murdered her. And part of having the truth revealed is being able to ask the questions they could not ask when living, "Why did you kill me, Mommy? Why?" And it gives the voiceless dead a voice they otherwise could not have.

Caylee cannot tell us what her mother did to her. She cannot talk about her final moments - of the confusion, the fear, the panic at not being able to breathe, the horror that her "mommy" was not helping her. But a jury verdict can tell us for her. I do think that's important to angels like Caylee whose voices have been prematurely and horrifically silenced.

This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
What would Caylee want ? The truth .............
Forgiveness for her mother for not watching her better.
Children do not process consequences well at that age.

What Caylee would want is to snuggle up to Grammy and JoJo tonight and watch fireworks and play with sparklers. She would want her Mommy to play with her and give her attention. The thing about a young child's unconditional love for their parents is that it knows no boundaries. If Caylee had lived, and been on the brink of death, and knew deep down her mother was the one responsible, she would still love her mother and would not want any harm to come to her.

That's why, as a society we have advocates and prosecutors and law enforcement to stand up for children's rights. If it were left up to children to decide the fate of their parents, 99% of them would rather nothing happen to their parents, as they still love them...that's their parents. I think it makes society feel better as a whole to know that justice will be served in Caylee's honor so that Caylee did not die in vain and nothing be done about it. Any one of us would have put ourselves in that baby's shoes that day and taken the death in her place so that she might live today, but since we cannot do that, we can hope and pray that there will be "Justice for Caylee" and that the monster responsible for the loss of that precious life will be punished.
What would Caylee want ? The truth .............

That's correct mysticrose. Truth and trust equals "love". Casey doesn't know a thing about that. She was fond of Caylee but she didn't "love" her. If she did, she would have told the truth.
As punishment, I believe Caylee would want her mother to learn how to tell the truth. Caylee and I both know how painful that would be!

*Exits thread and slams door on the way out*

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